I Got Your Back- Teflon & Tatiana’s Love Story

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I Got Your Back- Teflon & Tatiana’s Love Story Page 9

by Shvonne Latrice

  “I feel you.”

  As soon as those words left his mouth, we heard Gloria and Amanda arguing. Mack and I rushed back inside to see them hella close to throwing hands.

  “I don’t know why you care who Brevin is fucking!” Amanda hollered.

  “You’re a fucking hoe! But let me show you why I care!” Gloria started towards Amanda but I put Amanda behind me.

  “Mack, get yo’ girl and bounce. Take care of that meeting shit too and don’t bring her along.”

  I knew it had to be an ego bruiser to see his bitch fighting over me. I mean she didn’t come out of her mouth and say why she was mad, but it was obvious she wasn’t fucking with the idea of me laying up with Amanda. She had her damn nerve though.

  “Chill, Amanda, ignore her ass,” I barked after closing and locking the door behind Gloria and Mack.

  “Why does she care who you fuck? Are you fucking your homeboy’s girl?”

  “My business is mine and yours is yours. Don’t worry about who I’m fucking when I’m here with you. All you need to be doing is cherishing the fucking time we have together.”

  “I know. I just get jealous easily.”

  “Well don’t, that’s not your place at the moment. I have a fiancée, remember?” She nodded her head slowly before looking off. “Straight up Amanda, if Tatiana wasn’t around, I’d be about you.” I lied like a muthafucka!

  I pressed my lips against hers, which usually I would never do. The only reason I was buttering her up like this was because I wanted her to let me stay here for a bit. I knew it was unlikely that she’d kick me out, because she was desperate for my time, but I wasn’t in the mood for any surprises.

  I planned to lay low for as long as I needed though, maybe a week, so why not get some good pussy and home cooked meals without the commitment while doing so.



  Two weeks later…

  I really didn’t even know why I was so sad about Russell cheating on me. I think I was more upset that it was with my sister, someone who was supposed to have my fucking back. And with all the shit she talked about him you’d think she’d be the last person on earth in his bed, but I guess she was just trying to make me leave him alone.

  I will admit that it worked a little bit because at times she would be able to get in my head. Sometimes after talking with her, I would tell myself that as soon as I saw him I would sit him down and tell him it was over. I was never able to once he and I came face to face though.

  I blew out hot air as I slipped my blazer over my back. This shit combined with Brevin killing his and Tatiana’s baby was too much for me. She was so sad and depressed every time I went to visit her in the hospital. I swear I wanted to whoop his ass, but he was nowhere to be found right now. What a perfect time to disappear right? Just when your fiancée needs you the most. Surprisingly, that dude Teflon had been with her everyday like he was her nigga and that was his baby. Even though he wasn’t the father and he wasn’t Brevin, I think both Tatiana and I found a sense of relief in the fact that he was with her a lot.

  We both needed just to move the fuck on though, because it was long overdue. Russell and Brevin weren’t shit and were never gonna be shit.

  I heard someone knocking at my door like they were the police, so after sliding my feet into my shoes, I rushed over. It must have been my mom, because she was the only one who would be popping up at this time. Paige wouldn’t dare and neither would Russell and since Tatiana was in the hospital recovering still, my mom was the only option.

  Looking through the peephole, my face immediately twisted up at the sight of this asshole. Yanking my door open, I slapped the shit out of him before either of us could say a word.

  Nodding his head with his tongue in his cheek, Russell rubbed the area that I’d slapped. I wanted to go upside his fucking head again, but then I thought… for what? I didn’t want this nigga whatsoever. Why should I get all sweaty and tired whooping his ass? I just needed to take my ass to work, because now that Tatiana had been out of commission for the past two weeks, my workload seemed to quadruple.

  “I deserve that,” he finally said, slipping his hands into the pocket of his hoodie.

  “Obviously. What the fuck are you doing at my door?”

  “I came to get my stuff; why else would I be here? I mean I was gonna apologize and shit, but you putting ya hands on me changed my mind.”

  “Well as far as you picking up your shit, I gave it Goodwill. They gave me a nice amount of money for the shit too. Maybe if you get there fast enough, they’ll be able to sell it back to you.”

  The fire in his eyes was enough to light a furnace for a full Christmas season. I didn’t care though, because most of the shit he had I bought, so it was my right to get the money for it. Paige made more than enough money to replenish his damn wardrobe though, so he’d better hop to it and see if he could get his shit back for a price, or hit her up for her card.

  “This is exactly why I went for your damn sister and stopped fucking with you!” He barged into my spot, shoulder checking me with his big ass.

  “Nah nigga, you need to get the fuck out!” I shouted loudly, hoping a neighbor or some shit would hear me and call the police, because I damn sure didn’t have the strength to put him out.

  He walked up to me, slammed the door, and then rushed me into the wall. I’d never been scared of Russell before, but right now I was frightened as hell. I mean he was a bitch ass nigga, but he didn’t look like one at all. He was tall, muscular, and had dark scary eyes. You wouldn’t know he was a mark ass bitch until you got to know him.

  “Move Russell,” I spoke in a calmer tone, hoping to ease the tension between us.

  “Either you get my shit from Goodwill, or give me the money they gave you,” he gritted, barely allowing his rows of teeth to separate from one another as he spoke.

  “Fuck you—“

  He choked me up the wall and shook me like a rag doll as his face twisted up even more.

  “I’m tired of yo’ fucking mouth, Jadynn! This is exactly why I cheated on you! You talk too fucking much and you ain’t about shit! All you do is work, hang out with Tatiana, and talk shit! You gon’ stop treating me like a bitch!” He gripped my neck.

  “Russ— Russell,” I managed to say before he tightened his grip.

  “Say sorry.”

  “No,” I whispered.


  He let my neck go and backhanded me like some whore. Flying to the floor, I burned my knee once it scraped against the carpet. Blood dripped from my nose onto the floor as I gripped my knee hoping to ease the pain. Before I could do or say anything, he slapped my again, making me fly onto my back. Climbing on top of me, he reached under my skirt and ripped my panties.

  “You gon’ respect me,” he growled, forcing my legs apart.

  “Russell, no! Stop!” I tried to fight him but he was using all the strength he had to pin me down. Two of my wrists fit into his one hand as he pushed his sweats down to reveal his dick. “Stop! Please Russell! I’m sorry!” I cried, hoping he’d accept my apology. “Ah!” I screamed once he entered me.

  “Look at you now. You ain’t so bad are you?” He grinned evilly as he pumped in out of me.

  “Ow!” I yelled when he bit down on my lip, drawing blood.

  He ripped my blouse with his free hand and rubbed all over the exposed areas of my skin as he humped me like a rabid dog.

  “Mmm,” he grumbled as he released a warm substance into my body. The rape was a quick five minutes, but it seemed like it’d lasted forever.

  He finally caught his breath and slid out of me. Wiping the spit from his mouth with the back of his hand, he stood to his feet and looked around the room. He spotted my purse and put his dick away before walking over to it. I laid there in shock, crying because I couldn’t believe how my life had changed in only a matter of weeks.

  “Thanks.” He chuckled, counting the little bit of cash he’d removed from my wallet. “For
the money and the pussy. I hate everything about you but that pussy was always good.”

  After grabbing a bottled water from the fridge, he left my condo.

  I just laid there, sobbing and sore, wondering what I ever did to deserve some shit like this.



  A couple weeks later…

  “Teflon this is way too nice,” Tatiana sighed as we entered the hotel room I booked for us.

  She was finally out of the hospital and feeling a little better I assume. That nigga Brevin hadn’t come to see her once and I was hoping he did. She’d been in the damn hospital for three and a half weeks and he didn’t show up at all. He didn’t even send flowers. I wanted him to show up, not because he needed to, but because I wanted to finish giving him that ass whooping he’d earned.

  That shit that he did to her had me hot and the fact that she lost her baby had me feeling some type of way too because I knew it was the second time. The kid wasn’t mine, but for some reason I felt like he and I had some sort of connection. Yeah, we found out it was boy. I shook my head as I set her bag down.

  We’d been by the house to pack her some things because I told her she wasn’t staying with that nigga anymore. I could see in her eyes that she wanted to see him and it bothered me. Why did that shit bother me? I really didn’t know. I guess it was because I wanted her and knowing she wanted him, even though he didn’t deserve her made me sick to my fucking stomach.

  I had bitches I had to block because they wouldn’t leave me alone, yet here I was yearning for a woman who barely showed any interest in me. I mean we flirted and I knew she liked me, but I wasn’t sure if she thought about me daily like I did her. I hadn’t even been back in Cleveland that long and she had me feeling like this. I hadn’t even felt this way about Kayla, a woman I spent years with.

  “It’s not too much. It’s a nice spot. You hungry? We can order room service.”

  “No, I’d just like to lie down.”

  She stood in the middle of the room, admiring it still. She was so beautiful, captivating almost. Her small frame was sexy despite the fact that she didn’t have the assets I typically went for and her skin looked so supple. Her eyes were regular brown, but they were more beautiful to me than other people’s. She had her short curly hair hanging down, and her full lips poked out a little, as she removed her tights. I watched with my mouth partially open and just like that my dick was hard from seeing her smooth legs.

  “Baby,” I walked over to her and kneeled down just as she sat on the bed. She let me stay near her and I took that chance to get a glance between her legs. I know, she’d just miscarried and it should have been the last thing I was thinking about but I couldn’t help it. I’d been fantasizing about smashing her for the longest. “What can I do to cheer your pretty ass up?” I smirked, rubbing my hands up and down the sides of her small thighs.

  Everything about her was small besides her big brown eyes and big lips, but it still turned me on. And I was a nigga who loved coke bottle shaped bitches all day and wouldn’t even look your way if them titties were little.

  “I’m okay, Tef. I promise,” she smiled, brightening up the room almost. Reaching up under the big t-shirt she had on, I touched her stomach, which was still bulging a bit, but not nearly as much as it was before obviously. “The doctor says it’ll go away in no time. My body is getting back to normal…” She placed her hand on top of mine.

  “I was wondering what the fuck was going on.” We laughed in unison, but her smile quickly faded and a tear traveled down her cheek.

  “How long are we gonna be here?”

  “Just until I move into that apartment.”

  “The one by the water? You already put in an offer?”

  “Yeah, Merce and I scored two spots in the building. I did everything while you were in the hospital, and I get the keys in a couple of days after filling out some paperwork.”

  “I can’t move with you, Teflon.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because, I… I don’t want you to get the wrong idea.” She stood up.

  “What wrong idea?”

  “That I’m gonna leave Brevin and that you and I are gonna be in some kind of relationship or that you’re gonna be sleeping with me.”


  “Don’t act like that’s not what you wanted.”

  I took my shirt off because I was about to shower as I let what she was saying to me sink in. I had to chuckle even.

  “Yeah it was what I wanted when I thought you were something other than what the fuck I’m seeing now. That nigga whooped yo’ ass and killed your fucking child, yet you still wanna be with him?” I frowned. More tears spilled down her cheeks, but she just quickly wiped them like it meant nothing.

  “It’s not that simple. He and I are getting married and I’ve been with him for a long time, Teflon! You can’t just come into my life and disrupt things! And I can’t just drop everything with him because he and I have a problem!”

  “Noted.” I headed towards the bathroom.

  Tatiana was someone that I wanted, but I couldn’t stand a weak bitch. If she wanted to stick with that nigga while he cheated on her, whooped her ass, and killed every baby that they conceived that was fine with me. Shit… I plopped down on the closed toilet top and exhaled sharply at my thoughts. I was lying like fuck. There was no way I was gonna just turn my back on her situation. Why did I feel so invested when I didn’t know her from a can of paint? My body ached at the thought of letting her go and leaving her with that nigga. She had a nigga thinking that she was my soul mate or some shit. It’s almost like I was brought back here to Ohio to meet her.

  Shaking my head, I stood up and turned the shower on. As the warm water poured down over me, I tried to get Tatiana out of my mind. I needed to sever any attachment I had to her right now, so that over time it would only get easier being away from her.

  I cut the water off and wrapped a towel around myself before exiting the bathroom. The lights were off and she was in the bed sleep. I slipped some new boxers on, before sitting down and pulling my burner phone out.

  Merce: I finally found this nigga. It’s been three weeks and some change. The streets have been dry and every damn thing.

  I’d given up on looking for Brevin, because honestly Tatiana was the only thing on my mind. I knew the streets were drying up because he wasn’t working, but again, baby girl had consumed my mind and I didn’t really care about that shit either.

  Me: Word where?

  Merce: Some bitch’s crib that think she’s his shorty. Crazy.

  Merce: How is Tatiana?

  Me: Better. Got out today, but I’m ready to drop her ass of at his crib.

  Merce: Nah.

  Me: Yeah, she wants to be near him so I’m gonna let her.

  Me: I can’t work for homie no more, Merce.

  Merce: Me either. If I had enough ammo I would have taken care of him.

  Me: Man… It’s time to find a new hustle though.

  Merce: Yup.

  I removed the SIM card from the phone and set it on the computer desk in the room. I then got up to check and see if there were some covers in the closet that I could use to lie down in that fucking chair. I didn’t even wanna be next to her right now.

  “Tef,” her sweet voice whispered, waking my dick up.

  “Sup,” I responded without looking her way, continuing to sift through the bullshit in the closet. I knew nothing was in there by this time, but still.

  “What are you looking for?”

  “I’m looking for a blanket.”

  “Why? You can sleep in the bed.” She sighed.

  I paused, inhaling, before I closed the closet door and walked over. Peeling the covers back, I climbed into the bed, and turned my back to her. I couldn’t look at her pretty ass or she would reel me back in.

  “Look tomorrow I will take you home. Merce found your nigga at…” I decided not to finish because for some odd ass fucking reason I didn�
�t want her knowing that while she was laid up in the hospital, her nigga was up under another bitch.

  “Okay,” she said so lowly, that I almost couldn’t make it out. I could hear the sadness in her voice, which was surprising considering the fact that her ass wanted to go home.

  I fluffed my pillow and laid down, ignoring her sad demeanor. I couldn’t do this shit with her. She had me acting out of character in less than a damn month, and what was it for? So she could use me to satisfy her emotional needs. My face frowned although my eyes were closed, proving that I wouldn’t sleep easily tonight.

  After a few minutes I heard a little bit of movement and then felt her soft hands on my back, rubbing the big ass cross tattooed on it. She then put her soft ass lips against me and that easily I was rock solid below the waist. Turning to face her, I realized she’d taken her big t-shirt off, and she didn’t have any underwear on.

  Almost as if it were a reflex, I crushed my lips against hers while climbing on top of her and getting in between her legs. Her lips were like silk pillows or soft cotton. I couldn’t get enough of sucking them and biting them as I groped her small frame. A nigga felt like he’d never been intimate with a woman before. I think because I’d been dreaming about this shit for the longest.

  After kissing her so hard that her lips turned red and letting my tongue dance with hers for an eternity it seemed, I trailed my kisses to her neck. Her skin was so soft under me like pound cake.

  “Can you do this?” I questioned. I didn’t know anyone who had miscarried so I wasn’t sure when she could have sex.

  “Yeah, the nurse said it was fine. The bleeding has stopped and stuff.” She nodded, rubbing her little hands up and down my big bicep. “It was almost a month ago Teflon, it’s fine.”


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