Book Read Free


Page 1

by Sam Crescent


  Sam Crescent

  Sam Snow



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19


  About the Authors

  With no family to help celebrate the holiday season, Delaney threw herself into her work, knowing that falling behind would do nothing but give the upper hand to a man she loathed.

  And desired.

  Ivan was wealthy, arrogant, had been born with a silver spoon shoved right in his … mouth.

  Delaney was the opposite.

  She’d had to work for everything she’d accomplished in life. So, it was almost laughable that they were both up for the same promotion.

  She might despise Ivan and everything he stood for, but she also wanted him, and that had her hating herself even more.

  When a snowstorm trapped them alone in the office all night, Delaney tried her best to keep her distance and restrain herself from throwing caution to the wind and giving herself to Ivan in every way that counted.

  He was a businessman that brought the meaning of cocky to a whole other level.

  And she found that frustrating as much as she did arousing.

  There was only one way to stay warm when there was a city-wide blackout, and that included them crossing the no-fraternization policy and shedding those layers.

  But it was clear Ivan wasn't going to let her have just one night.

  He wanted one thing.

  Delaney as his.

  Chapter 1

  Drip. Drip. Drip.

  That steady sound that could’ve lulled Delaney to sleep, she was so tired.

  Drip. Drip. Drip.

  The sound of her lifeline as of late.

  She leaned against the wall and watched the coffee drip into the ceramic mug. It was chipped and old, a little goofy and certainly didn’t match her business persona, but she loved it too much to care what anyone thought. The coffee machine in the breakroom had a small light above the mug. She hadn’t bothered turning on the overhead light, so the only illumination was from that coffee machine light and the glow coming from the hallway behind her.

  Here she was, working late once again because some asshole was trying to go up against her for a promotion that she rightfully deserved.

  She lifted her hand and rubbed her eyes, exhaustion settling in. This was another sixteen-hour day, the fourth one in a row, and although she didn’t have to stay this long, work this hard, she wasn’t about to let the promotion go to Ivan Redken.

  She narrowed her eyes at the coffee maker, as if that was the sole reason she was pissed. But just thinking about that man’s name, the air of arrogance that surrounded him, the fact this was a competition to him, pissed her off. Maybe if he was a decent guy, not so cocky, not so cold, Delaney might not have given two shits about this promotion.

  No, that was a lie. She did care about moving up in the company, and the fact that Ivan was going up against her for this promotion made the stakes even higher.

  Ivan. Fucking. Redken.

  As much as she hated that name, hated the man himself, she also couldn’t deny the way her heart started beating a little bit harder, or the fact she felt her nipples get stiff beneath her silk blouse. Just thinking about him gave her dual sensations, anger but arousal, hatred but pleasure. How could a man she loathed so much have this much control over her body and desires?

  She pushed away from the wall and picked up the cup. The warmth could be felt through the ceramic, the smell of coffee like ambrosia in this moment. It was eight in the evening, three hours after everyone else had left.

  Delaney headed back to her office, the majority of the lights off in the building. Holiday decorations could be seen sporadically, reds and greens, tinsel and holly hanging from the walls and doorways. With Christmas just around the corner, everyone was in the holiday spirit—everyone but her.

  Her office was on the eleventh floor of the Howard Estes building downtown. With six offices on the floor, a handful of cubicles, a boardroom, breakroom, and two separate bathrooms, it was one of the larger office spaces in the building.

  It was also one of the most prestigious marketing firms in the city. And Delaney had been here for three years, worked her way up from the bottom, and deserved the fucking promotion more than Ivan Redken.

  But he had connections, came from money. He was gorgeous and intelligent, ambitious and driven. And he was also a man. Sexist as the world could be, Delaney knew she had a good shot at this promotion. And she was going to work her ass off, show the company and her employers that she deserved this just as much as Ivan, maybe even more.

  Once she was in her office, she sat behind her desk and opened up the app that would give her the local radio. Listening to the news helped her focus, as crazy as that might sound.

  It’s really coming down now, folks. Forecast predicts five inches of snow before ten tonight. Reports show highways and backroads are already being covered, and the snow shows no sign of letting up anytime soon. Be careful out there as it’s dangerously slick, with black ice and accidents being reported. Be safe.

  She turned in her seat and looked out the window behind her desk, fat droplets of snow coming down as hard as if it were raining. She stood and leaned against the glass, looking down at the city below. Traffic was bumper-to-bumper, not unusual downtown, but already she could see police cars and ambulances because of accidents.

  It was like people didn’t know how to drive in this weather, like this didn’t happen every single year.

  And even though she had enough to think about, worry about, what was on her mind was one thing. One person.

  Ivan Redken.

  She was still here, working her ass off to get that promotion, the same as Ivan.

  And God did that turn him on to know she was so driven in this.

  Delaney, a stubborn, ambitious, gorgeous woman who put all others in this company to shame with her dedication to going after what she wanted.

  He’d seen her walk past his office, a coffee mug in hand, her focus on the Christmas decorations. Ivan had checked her out, unashamedly. From the top of her gorgeous auburn hair down to the loose, but still showcasing her curves, silk blouse, then further still to the black pinstripe pencil skirt that showed off her apple-shaped ass.


  Even now as he thought about it, his cock jerked behind his fly.

  Fuck, he wanted her, and the fact they were going up against each other for this promotion turned him on even more.

  The way she looked at him with disgust and disdain couldn’t mask the desire he saw in her eyes when she glanced at him. She hated that about herself, and Ivan fucking loved it.

  And she’d be his, because when he wanted something he went after it and nothing was getting in his way.

  Chapter 2

  Glancing out of the window, Delaney groaned. It had only been an hour and the streets were covered in a layer of white.

  Sipping at her coffee, she looked across the room, past all the desks, and sure enough, Ivan was still fucking there. Why couldn’t that man leave? Why did he have to be here? He had all the wealth and prestige a rich person could have. Why did he have to poach from her?

  She was so pissed off.

  This was her promotion.

  She worked her ass off.

  “Is it still snowing?” he asked.

  Ignoring him, she stared out of the window, watching as visibility started to decline.

  “Shit, that’s not good.”

  “Why don’t you go home then?”

  “You’re acting like a child. Very mature, Delaney.”

  She bit her tongue. Right now, feeling mature was the furthest thing from her mind. She finished off her coffee and shook her head.

  “It’s no good. I’m going to have to go home,” she said more to herself.

  “Me too. It’s looking way too fierce out there.”

  “Why didn’t you go home before it got this bad?” she asked and lifted a brow.

  “You think I’m going to fall for that?” he asked.

  She shook her head, not wanting to get into this with him. He was annoying her. She wasn’t in the mood, not today.

  Taking her cup back to the staff room, she washed it out, grabbed her bag and jacket, and headed to the elevator. Reaching out to the button, she saw it wasn’t lit. She pressed it anyway, but the elevator wasn’t responsive at all.

  “Just my luck.”

  Taking the stairs, she headed toward the main doors.

  She got to the front and saw the snow had already covered a great deal. In fact, visibility was almost nonexistent with the snowfall and wind.


  She tried pushing the door open again, and after a second it popped open. A blast of frigid air slammed into her, taking her breath away. But she couldn’t open it more than a few inches, not with the ice already forming on it, and the inches of snow starting to pile up on the ground.

  “We can’t get out,” Ivan said.

  She spun to see him leaning against the reception desk.

  He held his phone up.

  “We have no cell service either. I got a message two hours ago. The boss man warned me to head out.”

  “Why did he message you?” she asked.

  “Out of all of that your only concern is that he messaged me?” He shook his head. “Have you even checked your phone?”

  She pulled her cell out of her bag and of course she had no reception either.

  “I’ve got nothing,” she said almost dejectedly.

  “And we’re stuck here.”

  “No. We can’t be stuck here,” she said. Going to the door, she placed her hand against the glass, feeling the frigid temperature through it.

  She pulled her hand away at how cold it was.


  “See, cold and stuck.”

  “This isn’t acceptable. I need to go home.”

  He snorted. “Your chance to go home has gone. I suggest we wait until the storm passes and they can clear things out.”

  “I’m not spending the night stuck here with you.”

  “It’s not like you have a choice.”

  Ignoring him, she walked right past him, going to the stairwell.

  She’d find some way to get the hell out of here.

  Watching her ass sway as she passed made Ivan’s cock stiff. Not that it was hard to do. Whenever he saw Delaney, experienced her attitude, he found himself easily turned on. Rather than wait for her to realize they were stuck here together, he followed her.

  She went straight to their floor, to the phone.

  “It’s got a dial tone.”

  “Perfect,” he said sarcastically.

  She called an emergency service and of course, he heard their response. There was nothing they could do. Their only advice was to stay in the warmth and don’t try driving. The moment the snow stopped and the trucks got everything clear enough, it would be safe.

  They were locked in together.

  She put the phone back into its cradle.


  She walked over to the window.

  He watched her.

  She always seemed so collected. So ready to strike.

  She reached out and touched the glass, her expression so vulnerable, fragile even.

  “Okay, so we can’t leave this building.”

  “That we can’t,” he said.

  “We’ve got to think logically now.”

  “I figured you would.”

  “Would you please stop joking about this? It’s not funny.”

  “I’m not joking. Just waiting for you to realize a few facts.”

  “What few facts?” she asked.

  “It’s freezing outside.”


  “The building is set to lower the heating by midnight and will only turn it up at six in the morning. Got to love an energy efficient building.”

  He saw her face go pale as she looked out of the window once more.

  “It’s close to nine now. We’ve got a couple of hours to get food and find some blankets before it gets cold.”

  “You’re joking. This can’t be happening.” She sounded incredulous.

  “You didn’t know?” he asked. “It was the way to cut the costs of the building. If no one is here why have it fully heated?”

  “Because of this. Ugh, this is not my night.”

  “At least you’re not alone. You’ve got me.”

  She glared at him. “I don’t consider that a good thing.”

  He chuckled. “Believe me. I know. At least we can work together. I mean, I know you’re always a lot slower than me but don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.”

  She brushed past him. “I don’t need a man to take care of me and I certainly don’t need you.”

  He watched her go.

  If she thought for a second he was going to let her get away, she was mistaken.

  He’d seen the warning text the moment it came in. He was aware of the danger they were in but he knew together they’d survive. He wondered how long they were going to remain trapped inside their office building.

  Chapter 3

  Delaney figured if she was stuck at work then she would do just that … work. She had a fresh cup of coffee sitting beside her on her desk, her computer booted up, and reports on the screen. She kept herself busy as she listened to holiday music, something she normally didn’t care about, but that might help in getting her in the holiday spirit. It might cheer up her sour mood.

  Unlikely, but whatever.

  She was tired, had already been here longer than she wanted to be, and it appeared she wouldn’t be leaving anytime soon.

  In the last hour the snow had started coming down even faster and harder. It was beautiful outside, but there was no way she’d be getting home tonight, not until the roads and sidewalks were cleared off, and they came and de-iced the front door enough to open it.

  And the fact the heat lowered at midnight was just the cherry on top of the shitty sundae.

  Leaning back and resting her head on the chair, she closed her eyes. She could fall asleep like this; just forget the fact she was locked in with Ivan. And as much as she hated that, she also kind of loved it.

  After they let their manager know the situation once again on the landline, since their cells were shit at the moment, Delaney had checked out hotels within walking distance, even if it would have been hard as hell to get out the front door. There were none that had vacancies, and if they did they were far out of her price range.

  She wasn’t about to spend—nor could she afford—five hundred a night at some ritzy hotel, even if the heat all but kicked off at midnight.

  Hell, it couldn’t be that bad.

  She did have a change of clothes in her desk drawer, something she always kept in case of coffee spills or any other wardrobe malfunctions. But a pair of dress slacks, another silk blouse, and some pumps certainly wouldn’t keep her warm.

  A knock on her door had her opening her eyes and looking at Ivan. Instantly her eyes narrowed and annoyance set in. He leaned against the doorframe, two blankets in hand. The smirk he gave her was satisfied, and of course arrogant.

  “Found these in the utility closet.” He held up the blank
ets. “Figure it will keep us warm enough.”

  She was tempted to ask him why he didn’t shell out the money for a hotel room, or at the very least call someone to get the door fully opened and the sidewalk cleared off. It wasn’t like he didn’t have the funds. She had to assume he was staying here because of her, because he was trying to prove a point.

  “You know, I could set us up at the Ritz Hampton and get us a room?”

  It was like he read her mind, his smirk still in place, slowly growing into a full-on grin. She didn’t bother telling him, or at the very least reminding him, that it would be nearly impossible to leave the building let alone walk to the hotel.

  But it seemed as if he were messing with her if the smirk on his face was anything to go by.

  Damn him. That just pissed her off even more.

  Call her stubborn, but she’d rather freeze to death than take him up on his offer, especially since he was grinning at her like he knew she would have agreed under any other circumstances.

  “Great offer, but I’m actually going to have to pass. Although you’re more than welcome to leave. Surely it’s not too far a walk for you to the Ritz Hampton, and I’m sure you can wade through the inches of snow already piling up out there.” She lifted a brow now and smirked.

  He didn’t speak for long moments, but then pushed off the door frame and stepped inside. He set the blankets on the seat in front of her desk and curled his hands around the edge of the leather backing.

  “It’s okay. I wouldn’t think about leaving you here alone. Besides, I can use this opportunity to catch up on paperwork.” He stared at her for long moments. Then he had the audacity to wink at her before turning and leaving.

  Delaney gritted her teeth, so infuriated with this man that she could scream.


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