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Fallen University: Year Two: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance

Page 14

by Callie Rose

  Kingston shrugged and pushed the button. None of us were very hopeful that we would reach Dru—we’d called dozens of times and we seemed to keep missing him, even though we’d been leaving messages asking him to be there at a specific time.

  “It’s one of two things,” I said as Kingston listened to the phone ring. “Either he’s deliberately avoiding us, or time really does work differently here. I’m not just talking about the days being longer or shorter or whatever. It might not be possible to sync with earth time.”

  Or the stupid dive bar he loves so much has the most unreliable bartenders in existence.

  Kingston frowned at me thoughtfully, then held up a finger as someone answered on the other end of the line.

  “Hi, this is Kingst—yeah, it’s me again. Calling for—what? He is?! Yes! Please.”

  My jaw dropped. I couldn’t believe we were actually about to make contact with the human plane of existence. With home.

  Fucking finally.

  “Put it on speaker,” Jayce hissed.

  Kingston pulled the phone away from his ear and tapped a button. The normal, earthly sounds of a busy bar trickled out of the phone, and I was suddenly desperately homesick.

  “Hello?” a male voice asked, louder and clearer than the sounds in the background.

  “Dru! It’s Kingston. From Fallen University.”

  “And Piper, and the rest of our crew,” I added.

  There was a long pause on the other end. Then, Dru’s shaky voice came again. “You’re… alive?”

  “As far as I can tell,” Kingston said wryly.

  “Where are you?”

  “The underworld.” I leaned closer to the phone, raising my voice a little. “That Owen kid sent us here somehow. We need your help to figure out how to get back.”

  “How are you making this call?”

  Kingston sighed. “I have an enchanted phone.”

  Another long pause. “That is a very serious violation of the rules, Kingston.”

  “I’m aware.”

  “I’ll have to report it to the other Custodians and—”

  “Wait. Hold on,” Kingston snapped. “Are you seriously trying to tell me that I’m going to be banished to the underworld for having a phone? Because, newsflash, I’m already here. So is our entire goddamn school. Yeah, I have some contraband, but damn it, man, focus!”

  A short pause. I could hear Dru suck in several unsteady breaths and blow them out before he spoke again.

  “Right. Sorry. Okay, so you say you’re in the underworld. The—the whole school, you said?”

  “Every brick of it.” Kingston shook his head bitterly. “And everyone in it.”

  Dru’s voice sounded less dazed, clearer and sharper. “Tell me everything.”

  The guys and I filled him in on all of it. How Owen had somehow untethered the school from the earthly plane by moving things around in a hidden room in the lowest level of the castle, how whatever had been in there was nothing but dust now, and how the wards were failing, students were starting to lose their shit, and Toland seemed to have no idea what to do about any of it.

  “And we were attacked last week by a whole horde of monsters,” Jayce added. “Someone knows we’re here, or if they don’t, they probably will soon. We don’t have much time.”

  “If we don’t get this school back to earth, the whole Custodian program dies,” Kai said roughly. “You willing to be the last of your kind?”

  “There’s no need to be dramatic.” Dru sounded mildly reproachful, but he didn’t hesitate long before adding, “I’ll have to do some digging. Since I can’t call you back, you’ll have to call me.”

  “Do you have a direct number? We’ve been trying to reach you at Sticky Mick’s for weeks. It’s not exactly convenient to guess when you might be in a thirsty mood.”

  This pause was longer than all of the others, and if it hadn’t been for the noise still filtering in from the background, I would have assumed he’d hung up. Eventually, I heard him sigh.

  “You can’t tell anyone I gave you this number. It’s top secret.”


  He rattled off eleven digits and had us repeat them back to him twice. Kai wrote them down, rolling his eyes. Work smarter, not harder seemed to be his motto.

  “Call me tomorrow at this time,” Dru said.

  “We will,” I said quickly, wondering whether it actually would be the right time, given the crazy way that days seemed to pass here. “And when we do, let us know how close we came to getting it right.”


  I shook my head. “Time’s screwy here, and I haven’t figured out how yet.”

  “Crap.” Dru tsked through his teeth. “I forgot about inter-planar disturbances. Well, do the best you can. It shouldn’t be off by too much, and I’ll try to keep my phone on at all times, just in case.”

  Kingston shrugged. “All right, man. We’ll talk to you tomorrow. Or whenever.”

  Dru hung up, and I tucked my knees under my chin and hugged my legs, glancing at the men around me.

  Ugh. It’s gonna be a long twenty-four hours.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Patience had never been one of my virtues, and unsurprisingly, being turned into a supernatural being hadn’t changed that.

  As Hannah slept peacefully in her bed on her side of the room, I lay awake in mine, staring up at the ceiling long after the blazing sun had gone down outside the cave.

  Dru had told us to call back in twenty-four hours, but he might as well have told us to call him in twenty-four years, as far as I was concerned. I was certain that by the time we made the call tomorrow, I’d be sporting a long white beard, Rip Van Winkle-style.


  I entertained myself for a few minutes by shifting my appearance slightly to give myself a white, flowing beard. Everything else stayed the same, including my dark chocolate hair, and I wound strands of my hair around strands of my beard, making a black and white twist.

  A soft knock at the door made me jump, and my whole body instantly went on alert. Had Dru somehow managed to call us back? Had he gotten in touch already? Or was something else wrong?

  I threw the covers back and leapt out of bed, darting quietly to the door on bare feet and yanking it open.

  Jayce stood on the other side, his hand still raised. When he caught sight of me, he made a little choked noise in his throat, and his eyebrows flew up to his hairline. Then he doubled over, laughing as quietly as he could—which wasn’t very quiet at all.

  Not wanting him to wake Hannah, I stepped out into the hall and shut the door just as he drew himself upright, mirth still dancing in his light blue eyes.

  “Uh… nice beard you’ve got there.” He chortled again. “Trying out a new look?”

  Oh, fuck.

  In my haste to get to the door, I hadn’t remembered to shift back. The beard I’d given myself hung down past my boobs, almost to my belly button, and several strands of it were still wound around my own hair.

  The flush that warmed my cheeks was hidden by the white beard—at least, until I gathered my focus and shifted back to my normal appearance, banishing the facial hair.

  “Wait, don’t—” Jayce held out a hand, then made a face as my shift completed. “Aw, too bad. I kinda liked it.”

  I leveled a deadpan stare at him. “You did not.”

  His grin was infectious. “Okay, maybe not. But lucky for you, I happen to think you look hot as fuck no matter what form you’re in. So live your life loud and proud, I say. I’ll be into you no matter what.”

  “Thanks, but I think I’ll skip the beard.” I rolled my eyes, although my heart warmed at the sweet sentiment behind his words. “I only had that thing for a couple minutes, and I could already tell it would be damn itchy.”

  “That’s why I never wear one.”

  He scratched his jaw, where a light five o’clock shadow lay. I had a sudden vivid flash of what his stubble felt like against the softest parts of
my body, and my flush deepened for a whole new reason.

  Then I frowned. “What are you doing here? It’s late, isn’t it?”

  I hadn’t glanced at the clock recently, but I’d been awake for a good hour or two after Hannah had fallen asleep.

  Jayce nodded. “Yeah, it is. But I couldn’t sleep. I’m too fucking amped up. I thought maybe you would be too. Were you?”

  “God, yes.”

  My voice was a plaintive whine, and the hellhound grinned, flashing his white teeth.

  “Kinda figured that might be the case. Come with me.”

  He jerked his chin down the hall, and I fell into step beside him without even questioning where we were going. I trusted him, and besides, anything was better than lying in bed burning holes into the ceiling with my stare.

  He led me down several corridors, and after the third turn, I realized where he was taking me. When we reached the door to his dorm room, I whispered, “What about Giorgio?”

  Jayce’s roommate was a werewolf who looked like he’d been an Italian mobster before he’d been turned. He was literal and deliberate, a hilarious contrast to Jayce’s off-the-cuff, exuberant personality. And I assumed that, like Hannah, he was fast asleep.

  “Umm…” Jayce grinned as he pushed open the door, ushering me inside. The room was empty. “I may have convinced him to do a little late-night studying in the library.”

  He shut the door behind us, and I arched a brow, leaning against the heavy wood. “Convinced? Or bribed?”

  The gorgeous grin on his face widened. “Well, let’s just say I can be pretty damn convincing when I want to be.”

  “Don’t I know it.”

  My voice dropped a little, and I grabbed a fistful of Jayce’s shirt, tugging him toward me until his lips settled on mine. Twin feelings of comfort and arousal flooded me, and I kept my tight grip on his shirt as I kissed him hungrily. Whatever he had offered Giorgio to clear out of their room for a while, it was well worth it.

  Jayce responded to my kiss eagerly, slipping his leg between mine as he pinned me against the door with his larger frame. My hand was trapped between us, but I ran the other one up and down his back, sliding over the firm curve of his ass as our kiss deepened.

  “I thought… if we’re both not sleeping… there are better ways to pass the time,” he explained breathlessly in the moments when our lips broke apart.

  “I like the way you think.”

  Finally wrenching my hand free, I wrapped my arms around his neck, rising up on my tiptoes and pressing away from the door to get as close to him as possible. He gave a satisfied hum, meeting every stroke of my tongue with one of his own. Our hands moved quickly, shedding clothes even as our lips stayed locked in a fierce kiss, and when we were finally naked, Jayce kicked aside the pile of our clothes. Then he gripped my hips and spun me around so fast I gave a little yelp of surprise.

  The cool wood of the door was a shock after the hot skin of Jayce’s chest, and my nipples hardened against the smooth surface as I drew in a gasping breath. Jayce pinned me with his larger body again, wedging his cock between my ass cheeks as his chest pressed against my back. His lips trailed a line of fire over my shoulder, making my whole body undulate against the door, so desperate for relief that I was about to start humping the wrong kind of wood.

  “You like that?” he murmured.


  My response was somewhere between a hum and a whimper, and he chuckled against my skin. “I fucking love how responsive you are, Piper. I’ve never been with anyone quite like you.” His palms found the globes of my ass cheeks, and he gave a hard squeeze. “Bend over. Put your hands on the door.”

  A gush of wetness soaked my pussy at his words, and when he backed away from me, giving me room to move, I took several steps back from the door and hinged at the waist, bending myself into a perfect L-shape as I placed my palms on the wooden surface.

  “Fuck,” Jayce muttered, sounding a little tortured already. “You look so damn good like that.”

  His hands came back to my ass, and I felt movement behind me but couldn’t tell quite what he was doing. Just as I turned my head to look back over my shoulder, Jayce buried his face in my pussy from behind.

  I let out a strangled noise of pleasure, my fingers scrabbling at the door as I almost lost my balance and pitched forward. The hellhound had licked my pussy plenty of times, but he’d never gone in from this angle before, and something about the feel of it, of having his tongue lap through my folds while his hands kneaded and massaged the flesh of my ass with an almost bruising grip, made my pussy walls clench tight with desperate need.

  “God, yes, Pipes. You’re so fucking sweet.”

  His words were muffled, and he barely got them out before he was back to torturing me with his tongue again.

  “Fuck! Jayce!”

  I was sure my fingernails would leave marks on the wood, the way I was scratching at it like a cat in heat. With one more flick of his unreasonably talented tongue, I came hard—and as the pleasure roared through me, tensing and relaxing all my muscles, Jayce slipped one thick finger into my ass.

  I came again, the second orgasm rising up before the first had even finished.

  My knees almost buckled, but Jayce secured his free hand around my waist, surging to his feet and holding me up as his finger worked in and out of my puckered hole.

  “You like that?”

  “Yes,” I panted, twisting and writhing as I tried to—well, I wasn’t even sure what anymore. I didn’t know if I was trying to escape the intense sensations or chase more of them, but my entire body seemed to buzz with an electric sort of high.

  “Good. Because I’m gonna claim that sexy ass tonight, Piper. I told you I would. Are you ready for that?”

  I nodded weakly, rocking back on my heels as I tried to take more of his finger inside myself.

  He groaned in appreciation, sliding it in a little deeper before withdrawing it, leaving me empty and unsatisfied. He dropped his head to bite down on my right ass cheek, and as the shock of pain made me yelp, he chuckled.

  I lost his touch for a minute as he crossed the room and then came back, and when I felt the smooth, cool glide of something wet dripping between my ass cheeks, I held my breath, clamping my bottom lip between my teeth.

  Two fingers followed the lube down, spreading my cheeks to work circles around the tight ring of muscles, spreading the lube before dipping briefly inside. Anticipation was making it hard for me to relax, and Jayce draped his body over mine, trailing soft kisses over my shoulders and down my spine. “Let me in, baby. Relax for me. Touch yourself and focus on how good it feels. I promise I’ll make you feel good.”

  His words were like an aphrodisiac, that same incredible blend of soothing and arousing. I dragged one hand away from the door, sliding it down my body until my fingers found the hard nub of my clit. It was still sensitive from my earlier orgasm, but that only made me hungry for more—the succubus magic inside me was like a sponge for pleasure, soaking it up and never becoming too full.

  Jayce’s fingers pressed deeper into my ass, and I pushed back against him, groaning in pleasure as I worked toward another orgasm. The foreign sensation made everything feel heightened, and as he slid another knuckle-deep inside me, stretching and relaxing the muscles, I felt an overwhelming urge to feel more of him.

  I wanted his cock. I wanted his heart and mind and body.

  I wanted every single part of this beautiful, sunny man.

  And I wanted to give him something of myself too. A part of myself no one had ever had before.

  “Jayce!” I gasped, bumping my hips against him faster, urging him on. “I’m ready. I need you—please!”

  “Fucking hell, Pipes. You drive me insane.”

  His voice was a rasp as he slid his fingers out of me. That feeling of emptiness returned, but I didn’t mind it this time, because I knew it was only the precursor to something amazing. My fingers kept moving over my clit as I felt the bro
ad head of Jayce’s cock squeeze into me. It was bigger than his fingers, but the slight sting of pain only enhanced the pleasure. I rocked back against him, inviting him in deeper, and he groaned, grabbing my hips—to steady me or himself, I wasn’t sure.

  I could feel his muscles shaking, his entire body tensing up from the effort of taking this slow. After a few more gentle thrusts, I felt his pelvis press against my ass cheeks as he sank in to the hilt.

  The feel of him flush against me, of his cock so deep inside me, of my fingers still moving in quick, sharp circles pushed me over the edge. I dropped my head, groaning out my release as Jayce grunted behind me.

  “Fuck, Piper. I can feel that. I have to move, are you ready?”

  “Yes! Yes, please!”

  He didn’t need any more encouragement. Maybe he could hear the desperation in my voice, or maybe he just felt the same thing in his own soul, but he grasped my hips as he slowly withdrew and then thrust back in. He repeated the motion again and again, moving gently at first—but as my whimpers and moans egged him on, he picked up the pace, finally abandoning his efforts to hold back and fucking me in earnest as the tension I could feel gathering in him drew tighter.

  His hips hit the flesh of my ass with a resounding smack with each thrust, and our panting breaths filled the room. When I tilted my head back to look, I saw a sheen of perspiration covering his forehead and a trickle of sweat working its way down his temple. His usually cheerful face looked serious and determined as he bit his lip, concentration etched on his brow.

  As he began to thrust even harder, I abandoned my clit, bracing both hands on the door to keep us both from toppling over. I was so far gone that my clit throbbed even without my fingers dancing over it. I didn’t need to touch myself anymore. An orgasm was building inside me, and it would take an act of God to stop it.

  When Jayce stuttered to a stop, cursing loudly and grinding his hips against my ass, his cock pulsing inside me, I followed right after him. We did almost fall as my hands slipped off the door, but Jayce wrapped his arms around me, holding me up as we stumbled forward to press against the wood, his cock still buried in my ass.


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