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Damaged Amazon

Page 17

by Kim Pritekel

  “Identified?” Andrew asked, reaching down absently to take Jill’s hand in his own. Nora wasn’t sure if he did that for his comfort or for hers.

  “Yes. Miss Schaeffer’s unconscious body was found by a worker in a landfill in Cheyenne, Wyoming.”

  Nora felt the blood drain from her face and a hand on her shoulder. Without looking, she reached up and felt Sarah’s warm fingers curl around her own.

  “Jesus,” LJ whispered.

  “Her condition was grim,” the doctor continued. “There was tremendous damage done to the left front of her skull and the swelling of the brain was substantial. She’s been put into a medically induced coma to get the swelling down and allow the brain a bit of relief from day-to-day functions.”

  “Is she going to survive, Doctor?” Nora heard someone ask in a voice she didn’t recognize. It took a moment for her to realize it had been her own emotion-filled question.

  “Well, we’re working on that. Her body sustained a great deal of trauma due to what appears to be a brutal assault, as well as exposure. The landfill workers don’t believe she’d been there for any longer than a couple days, but due to open wounds on her hands and arms, all of which are likely defensive wounds against her attacker, bacteria was allowed to breed. Understand this when you see her, folks.”

  “We were barely able to get a fingerprint from her, guys,” Sarah added softly. “We honestly thought we were going to be reduced to a DNA match.”

  Nora nodded, that horrible day at her father’s house briefly flashing before her eyes. “Can we see her?” she asked the doctor.

  “I’ll let you go in two at a time,” the doctor said, meeting each person’s gaze in the room. “But, you’ll only be allowed to stay for a few minutes, and I’ll require each of you to put on protective clothing that we’ll provide. Shannon can’t take another infection.” He slapped his hands on his thighs before pushing to his feet. “Okay, thanks, folks.”

  Left alone with her family and Sarah, Nora blew out a heavy breath, unable to process what they’d been told.


  The three siblings and Andrew were guided back behind ICU doors, Nora and LJ outfitted in loose-fitting suits covering their clothes and masks to cover their faces and noses. They were led to Shannon’s room as Jill and Andrew were outfitted.

  The room was quiet, save for the soft beeping of the various machinery connected to the still form lying in the center of the bed. The blinds covering the one window were partially open, leaving the room a bit dim with eerie green glows from the machine readouts.

  Nora moved over to the bed, almost holding her breath at what she saw. Shannon was barely recognizable. Her face was a giant bruise, features distorted, and eyes tightly closed. Her head was a cotton swab of bandaging as were both her hands.

  “My God,” LJ said, words muffled behind his mask. “This is unreal.”

  “At least she’s alive,” Nora responded, reaching out a gloved hand and gently touching what she presumed was one of Shannon’s legs, a long bump in the blanket that covered her body.

  “How are we going to tell Bella?” LJ asked, stepping behind his sister and placing his hands on her shoulders.

  Nora shook her head slowly, unable to take her eyes off her little sister and the mother of a very sad little girl. “I don’t know.”


  Later that night, Nora sat in Bella’s bed, the girl long asleep after the story Nora had read to her. Now, Nora sat with her back against the headboard and her fingers absently running through Bella’s hair. She stared off into space, her mind somersaulting over what she’d seen that day in the ICU, looking down at her little sister. Her emotions ran from relief to worry to profound sadness to a sense of being lost and alone.

  She turned to her niece and slowly, oh so slowly, moved off the bed. Once free from the girl’s grasp, she leaned down and left a soft kiss on the side of her head. “I love you, little one,” she whispered, making sure Bella was covered and comfortable.

  As she headed down the staircase, she heard her phone ringing downstairs. Hurrying to where it lay on the coffee table, she saw that it was Sarah’s number. “Hey.”

  “Hey,” Sarah said. “Wondered if you wanted some company.”

  “Yeah, sure,” Nora said, with a gentle smile. “Come on over.”

  “Well, uh, I’m standing at the kitchen door.”

  Confused, Nora walked into the kitchen and, sure enough, Sarah stood there with a sheepish grin on her face and waved, her phone still held to her ear. With a short laugh, Nora ended the call and set the phone on the kitchen table before unlocking the door and letting Sarah inside.

  “Hey,” Sarah said. “I saw the upstairs lights on so didn’t want to chance ringing the doorbell and maybe waking Bella.”

  “Good call,” Nora said, closing the door behind Sarah, a frigid chill in the night. “Literally.” Nora watched as Sarah shrugged out of her jacket, dressed in the same casual outfit she’d worn earlier that day at the hospital. “Want some coffee?” She took Sarah’s coat and hung it on the coat tree in the living room near the front door to the house.

  “No,” Sarah said, plopping down on the couch, a hand coming up to rest on her forehead.

  Nora joined her, somehow liking that Sarah not only felt comfortable enough to show up but instantly made herself at home. The irony was, normally Nora hated when company didn’t call first.

  “What a day,” Sarah said, her voice strained.

  “You sound tired.”

  “I am.” Sarah eyed her and continued. “It was a busy day, and I wasn’t expecting the news about Shannon.”

  “You don’t look like you were working today.” Nora glanced down at the jeans and simple V-neck lightweight sweater she wore. “You usually look like a fashion plate when you are.”

  Sarah grinned. “Nope.” She studied her for a moment and added, “I had to move Leslie out today.”

  Nora’s heart beat a little faster. “Oh?” she said, attempting to sound casual. “Is that a good thing?”

  “It’s a very good thing. We had a plan all worked out. Her dad and some cousins and friends were supposed to come over and move her stuff, but we got into a fight last night.” She closed her eyes and ran her hand through her hair. “What’s new?” she muttered. “Anyway, they all disappeared, and I had to call some buddies over to get her stuff out.”

  “I’m sorry,” Nora said quietly. “Moving sucks even under the best of circumstances. Trust me, I know. After moving all over this planet …” Nora met Sarah’s long gaze. “What?”

  “Are you here to stay?” Sarah asked, her tone flat.

  Nora nodded. “Yeah. My wanderlust is completely gone.” She looked away. “Eighteen years was long enough. Besides,” she added lamely, “I’ve come to realize exactly how much I wasn’t there for the people in my life”—she spared a glance at Sarah—“for those I loved.”

  “We all make choices, Nora,” Sarah said gently. “So, were you glad to see Shannon today?” Obviously she was changing the subject.

  “It was surreal, I won’t lie. I’m so worried she won’t make it through this. From what Dr. Fredericks said and how she looked, my God.”

  Sarah nodded. “Yeah, I know.” She readjusted her body, so she was tucked into the corner of the couch, partially facing Nora. She rested her elbow on the back of the couch and her cheek against her fist. “You know, this case has gotten so much deeper and more complicated now. From a missing person’s case to an arson case to a homicide case, all spread over three counties and two states.”

  “Homicide?” Nora asked, confused.

  Sarah nodded. “Yeah. Probably shouldn’t tell you this but, in Shannon’s apartment after the fire, they found a body.”

  “Oh God,” Nora gasped, lifting a hand to her mouth. “Who?” she whispered, afraid to hear the answer.

  “The neighbor.”

  Nora sat up straighter. “Penny Garcia?”

  Sarah nodded sagely. “Yes.�

  Flopping back against the couch, Nora let out a sigh. “God, this is getting crazy, Sarah. What on earth is all this about?”

  “We don’t know. Much of our case will be handed over to other units now, including the Feds.” Sarah studied her for a moment, looking for all the world like that very world was resting on her shoulders. “Wanna watch a movie or something?”

  Nora wasn’t sure she’d heard her right initially but then nodded with a smile. “Yeah, I’d love that,” she said with a relieved chuckle. “A movie would be great.” She pushed up from the couch and went over to her entertainment cabinet, sitting crossed-legged in front of it. She opened the compartments where her DVDs were stowed and glared at Sarah over her shoulder. “If you make fun of me for digging out a DVD instead of Netflix or something, I’m going to remind you that you’re older than I am.”

  Sarah giggled, popping up from the couch and plopping down next to her. “What’cha got?”


  Nora’s eyes blinked open several times, confused as she found herself on the couch, a movie playing on the screen. She also felt a weight on top of her. It took her a moment to realize that Ghostbusters II was almost over, barely remembering the two decided to put the second movie in. It took another moment to realize that the weight upon her was Sarah.

  Sarah’s head rested on her shoulder, their bodies somehow managing to both be on the couch. She smiled, looking into that exquisite face. Bringing up a hand, she ran her fingers through long, dark hair.

  “So beautiful,” she whispered, noting the way the dancing lights from the TV screen played in the dark across Sarah’s features. After a moment, those incredible dark eyes opened, unfocused and looking around. At last, they landed on Nora. “Hey. We both fell asleep.”

  “I guess,” Sarah said, staying where she was for a minute. Nora wondered if she was about to fall back to sleep. Eventually and with a loud yawn, Sarah pushed off of Nora and sat up. Her yawn continued as she stretched her back out, arms over her head, and breasts pushing against the thin material of her sweater.

  Nora forced herself to look away. She yawned herself then pushed to her feet. “God, what time is it?”

  “Late p.m.,” Sarah said, finding her way to her own feet. She let out another yawn before glancing at Nora. “That was fun.”

  Nora returned the smile. “Yes. I’m so glad you came over.”

  “I have to go. Damn, so tired.”

  “Come on, you,” Nora said, walking over to Sarah and taking her hand to lead her toward the kitchen door, grabbing her jacket on the way. “Are you okay to drive? I can take the couch.”

  “Nah.” Sarah yawned, “I’m okay.”

  Sarah shrugged into her jacket as they stood at the kitchen door. Nora looked at her and with a small smile pulled her into a hug.

  “Thank you,” she said softly.

  “For what?” Sarah asked, responding to the hug.

  “Yes.” Nora let out a small laugh. She smiled when she heard Sarah’s soft chuckle against her neck. “For being so good at what you do, for your dedication to this case. Your kindness,” she finished softly.

  “Quite a journey,” Sarah said.

  “Isn’t that the truth?” Nora pulled back enough to look into Sarah’s face. Yes, there was a stunning, sophisticated woman standing before her who, in truth, she didn’t know anymore. But, in her eyes, she saw the woman she’d known—the one she’d loved and wanted all these years.

  Nora had no idea how it began but the next thing she knew she was pressed up against the fridge, Sarah’s kiss hot, wet, and demanding. She responded, her fingers clenched in Sarah’s hair, holding them together as a war waged, first in Nora’s mouth then in Sarah’s, their bodies pressed together, shoving the heavy fridge against the wall.

  She was lost, floating above the farm, above her own reasoning, which came crashing down as Sarah pushed away, breathing heavily.

  “God.” Sarah panted, a trembling hand coming up to comb through her hair. “I’m sorry. God.”

  It took a moment, but finally Nora was back on planet earth and felt the coolness of the Sub-Zero against her back. She blinked several times then focused on Sarah, who seemed to refuse to meet her gaze.

  “I need to go,” Sarah whispered, sparing a glance at Nora. “I can’t do this again, I’m sorry.”

  With that, she was gone.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Pueblo, Colorado – 1995

  Nora stood at the counter washing her dinner dishes. She’d made a meatloaf, sure to make enough for Sarah to take some to work with her. She knew her roommate didn’t eat near enough, and for the difficult and stressful job she had—let alone the crappy overnight hours—a good dinner was key.

  She could hear said roommate getting ready for her shift. The shower had turned off ten minutes before, and Sarah’s footsteps echoed in the area of the house where the bedrooms she and Daniel used were. The sound of drawers opening and closing combined with Sarah’s music, which lightly streamed through the house.

  In the two weeks since that crazy game—Pumpkin Pick, Nora thought they’d called it—with Sarah’s friends, she and Sarah had become more friendly. They still didn’t exactly hang out, per se but they’d watched a couple movies together or at least joined each other when one of them was already watching a movie. One thing she had noticed, however, was that Sarah was spending more and more of her days off at the house. When she wasn’t either at work or…someplace else, she spent her time at the house. This, however, was pretty much the exact opposite of Daniel. When he was at the house, he seemed moody and not all that friendly. Nora wasn’t sad about this, as she had gotten tired of his constant flirting with her, but something had changed in him. Nora smiled to herself as she hand washed the glass she had in her hands and wondered if he’d finally gotten himself a girlfriend.

  “Shit, I’m running late,” Sarah said, rushing into the kitchen.

  Nora glanced over her shoulder and promptly dropped the glass she’d been washing, causing a soapy splash to her face. “Blech,” she spat, using her shirt sleeve to wipe her face.

  Sarah wore her perfectly pressed uniform pants and shined black shoes, but she wore only an emerald-green satin bra on top. It was bad enough Nora had to live with the memory of their play during the game, but to have to see Sarah’s glorious body, which she obviously liked to show, was pure torture.

  Nora used all her willpower to refocus on washing dishes. “I so wish Mr. Perkins would get the friggin’ dishwasher fixed,” she said conversationally. She gasped when, out of nowhere, she felt a body pressed up against her back and two arms reach around her, a travel mug in one of the hands.

  “Me, too,” Sarah said in Nora’s ear.

  “Uh”—Nora swallowed hard—“want me to wash that for ya?”

  “Nope, I got it,” Sarah said sweetly, pressing their bodies all the closer as she took the wash rag from Nora’s hand and began to wash her travel mug. “I forgot to do this when I came home this morning,” she said, unwittingly sending a shiver down Nora’s spine.

  Nora couldn’t breathe as her eyes slid closed. She knew Sarah’s bra-clad breasts were pressed against her back, with so little material between them. The intimate little cocoon Sarah had created was leaving her dizzy and incredibly turned on.

  “I, uh,” she began, desperately trying to find a distraction from what she was feeling so as not to make a total ass of herself and do something stupid like orgasm against the cabinet. “I made you a lunch,” she managed. “Meatloaf, scalloped potatoes, and uh”—she swallowed—“carrots.”

  “That is so sweet.” Sarah tossed the travel mug and its lid into the rinse water. “Thanks, doll,” she said against Nora’s ear, leaving a lingering kiss on her cheek.

  It was only once Sarah moved away, casually rinsing her cup and drying it, that Nora was able to take a full breath. Her heart was pounding, her palms were sweating, though she had no idea how that was possible while they were dunked in wa
ter. The pulsing between her legs was so bad she was ready to take care of it herself. She watched as Sarah grabbed the plastic container from the fridge with her lunch in it and placed it on the kitchen table next to her dried cup; then she hurried from the room.

  “Jesus,” she murmured, buckling her knees so she wouldn’t collapse onto the floor. She took several deep breaths and turned on the cold water, splashing her face to cool off. She managed to finish the last of the dishes when Sarah reentered the room, her uniform shirt buttoned as she tucked it into the waistband of her slacks.

  “Before I forget to tell you,” Sarah said, fastening the pants and buckling her black leather belt, “I’m working a double so don’t worry when I don’t come home in the morning. I should be home sometime around four thirty or so tomorrow evening.”

  “Oh, man,” Nora said, concerned. “That is a seriously long day, Sarah. Is that safe?”

  “Eh, I’ll be okay.” She grabbed her travel mug and raised it with a grin. “Lots and lots of refills.” Putting the mug down, she finished with her uniform and squared her shoulders. “Look okay?”

  Nora nodded with a smile. “You look amazing. I’d let you rescue me,” she added, blushing immediately at her comment.

  “Oh, yeah?” Sarah raised a brow. “Count on it,” she said, her voice nearly a purr.


  The next evening, Nora sat on her bed, the phone to her ear. “You guys are like friggin’ rabbits!” she laughed. “Good Lord, three times a day? Planning to have like, twenty kids?” She laughed at what the response was on the other end of the line. “Wait, hang on, Jill, yeah?” she called out after the soft knock on her closed bedroom door.

  Sarah poked her head in. “Hey. Oh, sorry, didn’t realize you were on the phone.” She began to retreat.


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