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Rocket (Hell's Handlers MC Book 5)

Page 25

by Lilly Atlas

  Chloe rolled her eyes then stuck her tongue out at her brother in a move that seemed second nature.

  While this was entertaining and Chloe was obviously trying to distract herself from the shittiness of the situation with her sibling antics, it was time to get down to business. “Grab what you need, babe,” he said right before he gave her a quick hard kiss.

  She grabbed him before he drew fully back. “I’m terrified for you,” she whispered.

  Rocket pressed his lips to her ear. He wouldn’t make her promises he couldn’t keep, such as coming back in one piece or without an extra black mark on his soul. But he could give her what he knew without a doubt. “It is worth it,” he whispered. “You’re worth it. You’re the only thing that is.”


  IT WAS CLEAR by the unhappy Honeys milling about and the mess of bottles strewn all over the clubhouse that Rocket’s call for emergency church had interrupted the MC in full-on party mode.

  After squaring away Chloe’s plan to return home with him, Rocket spent a solid twenty minutes convincing Scott he’d be better off remaining at her house. Chloe had gone off to grab what she needed to set up the guest room for her brother. Scott was pissed and out for blood, but there wasn’t a damn thing the man could do short of going AWOL, and Uncle Sam didn’t take kindly to deserters. Copper never would have let him sit in on church, so there wasn’t any point in him tagging along. After some yelling and choice phrases, Scott finally agreed with the caveat he’d murder Rocket with a big fucking smile on his face should something happen to his baby sister.

  Once that problem had been solved, Rocket placed a call to his prez. Despite Copper’s ranting threats, Rocket hadn’t given up the details over the phone. What he had to say was an in-person conversation and one for the entire club. After much bargaining, Copper agreed to call an immediate emergency church. Only problem, some of the guys were getting an early start that Friday night which meant barely dressed club girls were hanging all around and many of his brothers were well on their way to being blitzed before the sun had even set.

  He and Chloe stepped into the clubhouse just as Copper’s thunderous voice rang out. “Get your asses in the chapel.”

  “Think the girls are in the kitchen,” Rocket said to Chloe.

  “Seriously? You’re not expecting me to cook or something while we’re here, are you?”

  With a chuckle, he kissed her lips once. “Of course not. We’ll grab something on the way home. Cop said they were in there sucking down wine like water.”

  She was trying, Rocket had to give her that, but her brightness and perky smile were too cheery to be believable. “Okay. See you after your meeting.” She kissed him this time, grabbing the flaps of his cut and fusing her mouth to his. Her sassy tongue swirled around his then was gone before he had a chance to lock her against him. “Don’t be long,” she whispered. “I need you tonight.”

  He groaned. Not only was he going to be the last one to walk into church, he’d be doing it with an obvious hard-on. Though the way the club girls were dressed, the majority of his brothers were probably at full chub by now.

  He waited until she disappeared into the kitchen before joining the rest of the club in church. All eyes zeroed in on him the moment he opened the door. Being the center of attention was getting old real fast. Time to end this shit once and for all.

  Mav was the first to speak. “What the hell is going on, brother?” he asked, which sparked a barrage of questions his way.

  “All right, rein it in,” Copper yelled when the noise grew too loud to discern what any one man was saying.

  Rocket curled his fists. “Can you all shut the fuck up?” he yelled over the rumble of his brothers’ curiosity.

  The room fell deathly quiet. Completely unused to any kind of outburst from him, he had the attention of each of his brothers. “Esposito has Lefty,” he said.

  The silence lasted for exactly two point four seconds before mayhem erupted. Each of his brothers shouted questions, insults for Lefty, and general exclamations of disbelief.

  Rocket’s gaze met Copper’s. The president blinked at him, clearly as caught off guard as the rest of them. With a jerk of his head, he shook off the stupor and banged his giant palm on the tabletop. “Shut the fuck up,” he roared. “Explain yourself, Rocket.”

  He sighed. What he wouldn’t give to have someone else tell the story. “Took Chloe home to grab some of her shit. Her brother was waiting there, freaked out as fuck because he couldn’t get a hold of her. When I showed up, he flipped even more, came barreling out of the house guns blazing. Literally.”

  “Shit,” Jigsaw muttered. “You good?”

  Rocket waved away the concern. “Yeah, it’s all good. Turned out Chloe had told her family an ex attacked her, and her brother thought I was that fucker.”

  Mav snorted. “Musta been a few tense moments.”

  “You have no idea. Thought the guy was gonna fill my skull with lead a few times. He’s a Green Beret.” Respect for Chloe’s brother shot through the roof. More than a few of his brothers had served and each knew what was required to be a special forces soldier of Scott’s caliber.

  “How’s Esposito fit into all this?”

  “Getting there.” Rocket rubbed the back of his neck. He was starting to feel twitchy without Chloe nearby. Even though she was perfectly safe and happy getting tipsy with her girlfriends, he preferred to keep her in sight. “I was distracted.” He shook his head. “Off my fucking game after explaining shit to Scott. Esposito waltzed right the fuck into the house like he’d been invited for a beer.”

  “Guy’s got cojones,” Zach said. “I’ll give him that.” He leaned back in his chair, arms crossed, and feet propped on the table. As usual, his hair looked like a freaking Ken doll.

  Rocket grunted. “He said he was there to ask me one more time about this bullshit mission.” With a shake of his head, he stared at his palms resting on the table. “Knew the second he asked, he had something for me. Something that would keep me from telling him to fuck off.”

  “Lefty,” Jigsaw said.


  “Goddamn,” Copper muttered. “How’d he get ’im?”

  “No fucking clue. Don’t give a shit, either. Esposito has friends in high and very low places. Anyway, he had a video of Lefty so I know he’s not lying.”

  “Would he lie?” Zach asked.

  “He’d do anything to get what he wants.”

  Nodding, Zach looked at Copper then back at Rocket. “Guessing you agreed to the mission.”


  Copper blew out a breath. “Fuck.”

  “How’s Chloe?” Mav asked, his customary snark absent.

  “Freaked but hanging in. She’s tough as shit, but I know this is killing her. She feels responsible. Knows the hard-on I have for Lefty is because of what he did to her.” No one spoke for a moment. With those four sentences, Rocket had shown more of his insides to his brothers than he had since he joined the club. Surprisingly, it wasn’t as torturous as he’d thought. More spikes under his nails than skinning flesh.

  “She ain’t the only reason,” Screw added. He was a newly patched member of the club. One who’d been working closely with Zach, learning the role of enforcer. Took a hot minute for Rocket to warm up to him. For the first six months he prospected, he was nothing but a screwball, hence his name. But at some point, a switch had flipped, and he was proving to be a reliable and loyal brother. “Lefty is a scum sucking bottom feeder who’s hurt God knows how many women. Women…shit, he’s hurt girls. We’d be gunning for him even if it weren’t for her.”

  A few of his brothers grunted their agreement.

  Sure, but Rocket wouldn’t be jumping into bed with Esposito if it weren’t for Chloe. He knew it and so did she. His task for the night would be to show her just how damn worth it she was.

  “When are you bugging out?” Copper asked.

  “Tomorrow. Ass crack of dawn.” />
  “All right,” the prez said with a nod. “You need us at any point, you get in contact.”

  As each of his brothers nodded their agreement, some of the dread left Rocket. It was damn good to have his family at his back. “Might be doing that, Cop.”

  “Whatever you need, Rocket. Now, get out of here. Be with your woman. And when it’s time to collect, Lefty comes to me. You hear me?”

  “Yeah, Cop. I got you.” He stood, nodded to all his brothers before heading for the door.

  “Rock?” Copper called before he’d gotten halfway to the exit.

  He turned.

  “Your woman will be safe while you’re gone. We’ll look out for her real close. Both us and the ol’ ladies.”

  His gaze met Copper’s and a wealth of understanding flowed between the two men. Rocket might not have voiced his feelings for Chloe, but, without a second thought, he was marching into hell for a chance at the asshole who’d harmed her.

  If he could ease just a fraction of her pain, he’d sell his soul to the highest bidder.

  Of course, she didn’t want him to do it. She was selfless, not once thinking about revenge or justice for what happened to her. Only worrying over what this assignment would do to him.

  The woman was perfection. Gorgeous, kind, selfless, loving. It was no wonder he…


  It was no wonder he loved her.

  Well goddammit.

  Copper got it. He’d protect her as he’d protect his own woman.

  And that was the one and only reason Rocket would be able to leave her behind.

  “SO HOW MUCH trouble am I going to be in for blabbing all that to you ladies?” Chloe asked after sucking back the last of her wine. More than half a glass in three point two minutes. Had to be some kind of record. Unfortunately, the tension relief she’d hoped to achieve wasn’t happening. Instead, she sat at one end of the long banquet table surrounded by Toni, Shell, Steph, and Izzy. Mamma V was rummaging through the walk-in pantry for something to sop up the alcohol.

  “We won’t say a word,” Shell said, waving her wine glass around like it wasn’t about to slosh all over the table. Apparently, they’d already downed a glass or four by the time she and Rocket showed up.

  Izzy snorted a second before stuffing a dinosaur-sized bite of powdered donut in her mouth. “What?” she said with white tinged lips and a full mouth as all the girls turned to stare at her. “I’m hungry.”

  Chloe couldn’t put words to how much she appreciated how hard they were trying to keep the mood upbeat and distract her from what was to come, but she could see the worry in their eyes despite their smiles and attempts at normalcy.

  “Excuse me, hungry hippo,” Shell said. “I can totally be trusted to keep my mouth shut.”

  After taking a minute to swallow the sugary goodness, Izzy rolled her eyes. “Sure you can, from us. We all know Copper tells you shit we couldn’t pry outta you with the jaws of life.” She took a long drink from the laughably large glass of milk in front of her. Setting the glass down she shuddered. “Fuck, milk is disgusting. Freakin’ Jig,” she muttered. “Anyway,” she said as the rest of the girls snickered, “All it’ll take is one smoldering look from that giant who warms your bed and one, ‘Shell if you don’t tell me what you know, I’ll take you over my knee,’ in that sexy Irish brogue, and you’ll be spilling your guts all over the place,” Izzy said with a pointed look for Shell.

  “Wouldn’t be so sure about that,” Shell mumbled as she buried her face in her wine glass.

  “What was that?” Izzy asked.

  Chloe blinked, volleying her head between the players as she tried to keep up with the byplay. Despite her sky-high stress level, they’d managed to wring a smile from her with their banter.

  “I believe she was saying something to the effect of not being deterred by the threat of Copper’s hand on her ass,” Steph broke in.

  Mamma V dropped a giant bowl of tortilla chips and a smaller one filled with salsa on the table. “Best I could do, ladies. Looks like I’m going grocery shopping tomorrow. Dammed if one of these fool men would do it themselves.”

  Chloe opened her mouth to thank the surprisingly maternal older woman just as Izzy said, “Shit, Shell, I had no idea.” Her lips curled in a snarky grin. “Bet you’re gonna dangle this over his head to get a spanking on purpose, aren’t you?”

  Shell turned cherry red.

  “I would,” Steph said without looking up from her position of refilling her glass. When she’d finished giving herself a generous portion, she held it out to Chloe who shook her head no. Logan was leaving tomorrow for a mission she knew nothing about. A mission that could be dangerous to both his physical and mental health. They had the night to spend with each other. There were a few things she wanted to say to him and needed a clear head to do so.

  “I’m good, thanks,” she said, unable to keep the strain out of her voice.

  Steph squeezed her hand.

  “Guys,” Toni said, snatching up the wine bottle. “They already know Chloe’s gonna tell us everything.” She shrugged, watching the red liquid fill her glass. “We’re sisters. It’s what we do.”

  “Here, here,” Steph said, raising her glass. The rest of the women did the same. “You too Clo,” she said, gesturing to Chloe’s empty glass resting on the table. “You’re one of us, babe. And we’re gonna get you through this shit.”

  The moment Logan agreed to Esposito’s terms, Chloe’s stomach had twisted into a hot ball of tension. She felt it still, burning its way through the lining of her gut. Her entire body vibrated like a pressure cooker, rattling around as the force of the steam grew to threatening levels. If someone didn’t open the valve soon, the seal was going to burst, only instead of boiling steam and water spewing every which way, it’d be a messy explosion of her emotions.

  “Thanks, you guys,” she said, not even trying to hide the choked quality of her voice. The women clinked their glasses together just as the door to the kitchen opened and the men invaded their female bonding.

  “Guess it’s too much to hope you ladies don’t already know exactly what’s going on,” Zach said as he moved directly toward Toni.

  “See,” she said, tipping her head back to accept a kiss most would have found too hot for mixed company. Not this group.

  “You know,” Maverick started as he literally lifted Steph straight out of her seat. He plopped his own ass down in it then drew his woman onto his lap. “Every time—”

  With a roll of her eyes, Steph said, “We do know, Mav. Every time you walk in a room where we are, you get a little flare of hope that we’ll all be naked and rolling around on the table, moaning, and getting each other off. Then you have to face the crushing sting of disappointment when time after time it doesn’t happen.”

  Chloe’s eyes widened just as the warmth of Logan’s hands landed on her shoulders. She blinked. Not a single person in the room seemed stunned by Steph’s outburst.

  “Well…” Mav said before nipping at her jaw. His hands freely roamed over her, not even pretending to avoid her breasts.

  Steph shuddered, her eyes darkening as she glanced back at him.

  “Well, what?” Izzy asked. Jig sidled up behind her, in much the same position as Logan was with Chloe. Copper just crooked a finger at Shell who rose and went to him immediately. He lifted her to the counter where she rested her head on his large deltoid.

  “Well if you ladies all know what I want, why the hell won’t you give it to me?” Mav whined. “You’re supposed to support my dreams, Steph.” He mock growled and she giggled.

  The room erupted in laughter and a few raunchy yet encouraging comments from the men.

  Above her, Logan remained silent much as she did. Maverick’s in-your-face sexuality and humor were a little out of her realm of experience. As time went on, she’d probably find him as hilarious as the others, but for now, most of what came out of his mouth stunned her to silence.

  Logan’s thumbs stroked
along her collar bones. The gentle touch soothed her in a way nothing else could have. It also drove up her need to be alone with him. She zoned out a little, the hypnotic repetition of him stroking her skin lulling her. Next thing she knew, warm breath was tickling her ear. “Let’s roll. I need time with you before I gotta leave.”


  They said a quick good bye to the group who seemed to completely understand their need to be with only each other. The walk to Logan’s bike was made in silence. Chloe felt as though a weight was dangling from her heart, dragging her entire body down as she moved. Never chatty, Logan was even quieter than usual, but he held tight to her hand. The silence was just him processing the day’s events, and the physical contact was his way of making sure she knew he wasn’t neglecting her. Just working things out in his head.

  When they reached his motorcycle, Chloe climbed on behind him after donning her helmet. The temp had dropped, so she snuggled closer to his back than usual. Oh, who was she kidding? She needed full-body contact. Skin on skin would have been better, but she’d take what she could get, so she held him tight, pressing her torso, thighs, breasts, and even helmet against him. He seemed to need her just as bad, frequently taking a hand off his handlebars to stroke it alone her jean-covered thigh.

  The ride to his home passed in a blur of worst-case scenario thoughts bombarding her. By the time they arrived, Chloe was a mess of nerves. She needed him. Needed some kind of assurance he’d come back to her, in one piece—both his body and his mind. But he wouldn’t give it to her. Because he wouldn’t know for certain, and one thing Logan would never do was bullshit her with false promises and platitudes.

  “Come on, baby,” he said.

  Chloe started. Logan stood next to the bike, arm extended. Shit, she’d really been lost in her own head if she hadn’t even realized he’d climbed off the bike. With a heavy sigh, she removed the helmet and joined him, sliding her palm against his. Immediately, strong fingers close around hers, holding her in an unbreakable yet gentle grip.


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