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Mountain Dreams (Mountain Man Curvy Romance Bundles Book 1)

Page 8

by Sara Hazel

  The next thing I hear is my attacker’s shriek. I open my eyes to see that he’s been lifted off the ground by a very large bearded man. The bearded man is well over six feet tall and covered in muscle. That’s all I can make out in the dim glow of my attacker’s flashlight.

  “I’ve killed a few men like you in my life and I won’t hesitate to kill you,” the mystery man replies. “Trust me. If you value your life you will get away from this cabin, climb down this mountain, and never come back.”

  “Ok, ok. Just put me down and I promise I’ll leave. I was just hiking when I found the place and thought it was abandoned.”

  “Grab your shit from the cabin and get out of here. I’ll take the girl with me and I expect you to be long gone within the next few hours. If I ever see you again, you’re going to be crawling down the mountain in pieces.”

  “Understood,” my attacker whimpers.

  The large man sets him down. I get up and run to my car. I throw the door open and lock myself inside. I’m shivering as I fumble with the keys. I manage to get them into the ignition. I turn the key and scream when the car refuses to start. I turn my light on, and watch my attacker run inside the cabin as the other man watches him. I try the car again. It still won’t start. What the hell is happening to me? I’m glad it seems like the big man has taken care of my squatter problem, but to be honest—I’m not sure I want to stick around. The big guy scares me almost as much as my attacker.

  I turn the key one more time, and the car still refuses to start. My life is a mess. I’m probably going to die on this mountain. This is not how I planned my mini vacation to go. Didn’t I have enough stress already? I guess not…

  I sit in my car and cry for what seems like an hour at least. I don’t want to go back outside, and I haven’t even looked up to see what’s going on out there. It doesn’t seem worth it at this point. I’m growing colder by the second, and I know I’ll have to come out, eventually.

  Finally, there’s a small knock on my window and I turn to see the big guy standing there.

  “You can come out now,” he says. “That guy is gonna be gone by morning, and he’s never coming back, Ms. Riordan.”

  I’m impressed that he knows my name. As often as I’ve come to my cabin, I have never seen this guy once. I’m pretty sure I would remember someone as massive as him.

  “I think I’m fine in here,” I shout back.

  He knocks again on the window—a little harder this time.

  “Honey, no one’s gonna hurt you now. Not me. Let me get you inside my cabin and all warmed up.”

  I’m not sure how I feel about him calling me “honey”, but he seems friendly enough, I suppose. And he did save me. I can’t sit in my car forever.

  I make the decision to go ahead and trust him. I unlock my car. He takes a step away from it to give me space to get out.

  I lock my car and walk over to my bag that’s still lying by the door of the cabin.

  “Is he still in there?” I ask the big man.

  “Yeah, he’s packing his shit up and he’ll be gone by morning. I figured you can stay with me tonight and give this guy time to clear out of your place. I don’t think he’ll do anything to it. He’s all talk, really. I know his kind. They make threats and never follow through.”

  I grab my bag and turn back towards the big guy. My only choice is to sleep in my car or go with him. If I sleep in my car then the squatter is liable to come out and harass me again. I don’t ever want to see him again. My heart pounds like crazy just thinking about him. But I can go with this man? I don’t get the vibe that he’s going to hurt me, but a girl can never really know for sure these days. Either way, it feels like I’m out of luck.

  “Maybe I should just walk back down the mountain,” I say.

  “That’s not a good plan, honey,” he replies. “It’s cold out and you’ll be walking for hours. You could get hurt or worse. Just come with me. My cabin’s just a little farther away. I’ve been watching your family’s property for twenty years now. I guess I didn’t do a good enough job and didn’t notice this asshole taking over the place.”

  “It’s not your fault, I’m sure. And twenty years…wow.”

  “I know your mother. I made a promise to her to watch the place. Can’t help but feel like I let her down.”

  This eases my mind and makes me trust him more. He knew my mom. She never said anything about him. I wonder why. But my options are limited, and he’s making himself sound like a better option every second.

  “Ok, I’ll come with you,” I say as I grab my bag. He starts walking and I follow close behind him.

  After about fifteen minutes of walking we enter a small clearing where his cabin resides. It’s a bit bigger than my family cabin, but not much. The ceilings are higher. I’m sure that is to accommodate his massive height. He opens the door and ushers me inside. I still feel a little weird about this. He’s got a bright oil lamp burning and when he closes the door, I turn around to get my first good look at him.

  I let out a loud gasp, and my mouth drops open. He just shakes his head and laughs.

  “Am I that scary looking, honey?” He asks.

  My reaction to his looks is not born of fear, but of lust. He’s the manliest guy I’ve ever seen. Those muscles seem even bigger in the light. He’s got on jeans that show off a large bulge in the groin area. I’m sure I can imagine what’s causing that…

  His flannel shirt has the sleeves cut off, and his arms are covered in tattoos. The cabin and the man have a pleasant musky scent. My eyes make my way up his body to lock on his ocean blue eyes. His dark tousled hair has streaks of grey, but it’s still hard for me to guess his age.

  “Damn, you’re beautiful,” he says. My eyes fall to his mouth and I fixate there for a moment. His beard is a bit neater than I’d figure it would be for a guy who lives on a mountain. I can imagine pressing my mouth to his and feeling his beard scratch against my face.

  I shake my head. I’ve got to get thoughts like this out of my mind. I should go to sleep.

  I take a seat in a large wooden rocking chair. He must have made this thing himself. The rocking motion soothes me, and I instantly start to feel better despite the rough night.

  He gets the fire going. The crackle makes me feel even better. After a while he hands me a steaming mug.

  “Hot chocolate for you, sweetheart. I figured you could use it.” It’s like this man and the universe can read my mind. I sip the mug and let the delicious liquid carry me into more peace than I should probably have in this moment.

  “What’s your name?” I ask him.

  “Edgar. Edgar Talos,” he says.

  “You really knew my mother?”

  “Your mother is a wonderful woman. I spend many nights just talking to her when she comes up here without you. But when I know you’re around, I just leave you alone. I guess I didn’t want to frighten you. I can have that effect on people. I even told her not to tell you about me. She thought that was a little strange but went along with it for my sake.”

  My heart flips over. I don’t know if I should tell him about my mom’s passing. If they were that good of friends, then he deserves to know.

  “My mom died six months ago, Edgar. I’m so sorry to have to tell you that.”

  Edgar’s voice gets low and I can hear the sadness in it. “I was wondering why Cat hadn’t been here in a while. Your mother was a wonderful woman and I know she loved you something fierce. She used to tell me all about you and show me your pictures. She used to tell me not to get any funny ideas.” He chuckles at that last part.

  “Oh, no one gets any funny ideas about me, anyway. Not any decent guys at least.”

  Edgar looks me over and grins. “Why would you say a thing like that? You’re an absolute beauty. I used to tell your mom that you were the prettiest girl in the world. That’s why she told me not to get any ideas.”

  “Yeah, that sounds like her.”

  I rock slowly and take another sip of my hot

  “Well, let me make the bed for you, Jessa. I promise I’ll stay in the living area here.”

  “It’s ok. I can’t really sleep yet. My heart is racing. I still can’t believe that guy moved into my cabin. It’s the only thing my mother had to give me aside from some jewelry and a bit of money.”

  “You hungry? I think I got a bit of rabbit left.”

  “Um, that’s ok. I brought some food for the weekend in my bag here and I’ve got a fully loaded cooler in my trunk. No rabbit for me.”

  “If you change your mind, just let me know. All that prepackaged food isn’t good for ya. I’ve stayed away from it for twenty years and now I look like this.”

  He laughs, and I laugh with him. Edgar makes me feel at ease and safe. But I know if he wanted to, he could crush me easily. There’s a hint of danger behind that safety, and I can’t help but feel a slight thrill as a result. There must really be something wrong with me.

  “Twenty years, huh?”

  “Yep. Twenty years I have been living up here. I gave up the race and came here to get in tune with nature.”

  “I’d say you were successful.”

  “It’s beautiful up here, and I love the quiet. But I would love to have someone to share it with someday,” he says.

  “Oh, do you think some woman is just gonna wander up here on the mountain and marry you one of these days?” I take another sip of my hot chocolate and watch closely for his reaction.

  “I’m a believer that things happen for a reason, and yeah—I know my mountain bride is coming someday.”

  His voice is unwaveringly confident when he says this. I start to believe that his mountain bride is going to find him too. I really hope she does.

  And then the thought enters my mind. It’s so crazy, but I wonder for just a moment if I could be Edgar’s long-awaited girl…



  I can hardly take my eyes off this girl. Her red hair, green eyes, and flushed cheeks give her a fiery air of innocence that I find irresistible. And then there are her curves. Her thick and inviting body, and large breasts give me an instant erection. I haven’t gone soft since she walked into the room, and it’s starting to become hard to deal with. I may have to sneak off outside later and let a little tension off, if ya know what I mean…

  She’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever laid eyes on. Yeah, I’ve seen Jessa’s pictures over the years, even as recently as last year. But the pictures didn’t do full justice to her. In person, Jessa makes me think uncontrollable lustful thoughts. But I’ve also got a drive to protect her, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do for as long as she’s here. But I’m a little worried, because who will protect her from me? I haven’t had sex in twenty years. I’ve been living celibate on this mountain, and it’s been a good life. But I was waiting for something—no, someone. And I can’t help but think that Jessa is the one I was waiting for. It’s like a light turned on in my brain and my inner voice is shouting that she’s the one. I have no doubt that this is true. Now I have to find a way to convince Jessa.

  But she’s young—-too young for me, right? I search my memory for my last conversation with Cat and try to remember how old she told me her daughter was. Nineteen? Twenty something? Could a young woman like this really go for a forty-five-year-old guy like me? Would she be willing to stay on this mountain with me forever?

  All these thoughts are spinning through my head. It’s wild, really. I’ve been calm and in control of my every thought for these last twenty years. But Jessa wanders into my life and for once I feel like I may have found my one true weakness and Jessa is it. Just sitting here with her makes my chest feel warm. The warmth spreads through the rest of my body, and then right down to my raging hard cock. I must make this girl mine.

  “Sorry, Cat,” I think to myself. I know I told Jessa’s mother that I wouldn’t get any ideas about her daughter, but it’s impossible. Not when Jessa is such pure womanly perfection.

  “Do you ever come down this mountain, Edgar?” Jessa asks. “I mean, don’t you get lonely up here for so long? I love it here, but I don’t think I could stay forever. Even though I’m not the biggest people person in the world, I still feel like being around them from time to time. And don’t you think you’d find your girl faster if you went into the city?”

  “I thought we’ve been through this, honey. My girl will be coming to this mountain. No doubt about that one.”

  “Your unshakable belief is inspiring to me. No wonder my mom liked you.”

  I take a seat in the chair beside hers. My second chair hasn’t been used since Cat was last here.

  “And what about you, baby girl? You got a boyfriend?”

  “Boyfriend? Definitely not. I just broke up with an abusive jerk.”

  “I’m glad you got away from him. You deserve the best,” I reply. I fill with rage at the thought of someone harming Jessa. The guy who attacked her earlier is lucky to be alive. If he ever comes back, he may not be so lucky. I take a deep breath and calm myself. It’s hard to do that though when you feel like busting someone’s jaw, but years of meditation have helped me get a hold of my temper.

  “You’re sweet,” she says. We lock eyes for a few moments. Jessa sets her mug down and rests her arm on the armrest. “I wish I could have the faith in me that you seem to have.” She lets out a sad sigh.

  “I’m not gonna let you leave this mountain until at least some of that faith has rubbed off on you, Jessa. I owe it to your mama.”

  I rest my large rough hand on top of her small soft one. She seems startled for a moment.

  “Edgar…we shouldn’t, right?”

  But she doesn’t pull her hand away. She’s been through a lot, and I don’t want to add more stress for her. But I can’t help myself. Everything about her is amazing. She’s beautiful, well spoken, and makes damn fine company. If I have my way, she won’t be leaving this mountain.

  “Maybe I’m getting some of those funny ideas I promised your mom I wouldn’t have.”

  “It’s ok. I think I’m having some of those same ideas.”

  I let go of her hand and stand up. “Would you like a blanket, honey?”

  “No, I’m okay,” she whispers.

  “I’m getting this feeling, honey. I can’t shake it. I think we need to try something.”

  “What’s that?” she asks quietly.

  She gets up and finally takes her jacket off. She’s got a tight sweater on that really accentuates those perfect breasts. Her curvy body fills my mind with lustful thoughts.

  I must bend down quite a way to get my face near hers, but I do it. She doesn’t pull away. Her breathing gets heavier though.

  “I’m gonna kiss you now, Jessa. If that’s okay with you.”

  “Yeah, I think that would be…”

  And before she can finish, I press my lips to hers. Our mouths open and tongues slide in easy and soft. It’s a tender kiss, but it soon builds in passion. I only take my lips off hers for a few moments to give her a chance to catch her breath. During that time, I kiss her cheeks and then her neck. She moans softly and reaches out for my hand. I take hers in mine and our fingers entwine. Yeah, her hand is so soft and warm now. My cock throbs as I think of sinking it into her. I should stop myself for her sake. But this feels perfect—too perfect. One kiss is all it takes to give me the unshakeable belief that Jessa is undeniably my girl.



  What is this?

  This kiss.

  It’s not just a kiss.

  It’s more like a statement. It says he desires me. It says nothing was going to stop him from getting this kiss. It says I’m his girl now and there’s no turning back.

  This kiss is changing my world in seconds. His rough tongue grows more eager in his exploration of my mouth. His hand slides under my shirt and he grips my side tight. I feel like this is going to go farther than just a kiss soon. Should I pull myself back from him or allow him to draw me in close
r? For now, I let Edgar’s tongue work its way across mine. I allow myself to grow wet between my legs and feel my juices sliding down my thigh as I subconsciously rub them together. I would not have sex with my ex-boyfriend, and that’s why he broke up with me. But now something different is happening and I can’t stop it. Nor do I want to.

  Edgar’s free hand slides up the other side of my shirt. It feels so good having a strong masculine man grasp my body like this. I don’t even feel self-conscious about it as I usually do. It just feels natural and comforting.

  I’m deeply attracted to this man, obviously. But I’m also a little afraid. I came up to this mountain to relax though, and that’s what I’m going to allow to happen.

  Edgar lifts his lips from mine and removes his hands from my body. He steps back and takes a good look at me with those intense eyes.

  I look up at him and giggle. I just can’t help it. I feel soft, and feminine, and free. I’ve had such a rough night, but he’s making it all better.

  “What are you looking at?” I ask.

  “You, silly. Of course, I’m looking at you. You are so damn beautiful it hurts, girl. And I can’t be blamed for what I’m about to do.”

  “It’s ok. I want you to do it,” I whisper.

  Edgar takes my hand and leads me to the bedroom. There’s no door on the bedroom, but he’s clearly separated the two spaces. It’s a pretty talented cabin design when you realize that he built the place with his bare hands. It’s more complex than my grandfather’s.

  The bed is a platform with a homemade mattress on top. I push my hand into the mattress, and it sinks down deep.

  “It’s a feather mattress. I made it myself, and it’s very comfortable. You’ll see.”

  I go to lie down on it, but Edgar pulls me back up right away. He grips the base of my shirt and I lift my hands into the air for him to make it easy for him to remove it. Everything is gentle, soft, and done with utmost care.

  My shirt is folded carefully, and he lays it on a chair. Then this big man gets down on his knees before me and unzips my jeans. He peels my boots off my feet and then slides my jeans off my legs. The whole process seems to take some time and I’m shivering as he does it—not because of any cold, but because the anticipation is building in my body. What is this going to feel like? Will I enjoy it? Should I be doing this?


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