Book Read Free


Page 16

by Sophia Gray

“The clubhouse?”

  “No, my place,” I insisted. “I’ve got an apartment downtown. I just prefer to stay at HQ,” I said with a laugh.[LC7]

  “Is there anything else you’re not telling me, Saw?” She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. She laughed and shook her head.

  “Honestly? Probably,” I admitted. “But come on. It’s got two bedrooms so Micah here will have a place to sleep. But let’s get out of here and let the authorities handle everything,” I insisted.

  “Where are we going?” she asked again.

  “Follow me,” I told her.

  “But I want to stay home,” Micah begged.

  “Hey, little man, there’s not much of a place to stay here anymore is there?” I asked him.

  He shook his head and looked like he was going to cry again.

  “I know it sucks, dude, but I’ve got a pretty sweet pad where you and your mom can crash as long as you want. You like video games?”

  His eyes lit up, but then he looked back at the house. “My games.”

  “What’s your favorite system?” I asked him.

  “We only had an Xbox 360,” Lilah said.

  “Micah, seriously? You’ll be fine at my place, man. You and I will have to play some games, okay?”

  He nodded again.

  “Alright, but let’s go ahead and get over there first. Come on, let’s get in the car.” I walked him back to the car and helped him in. “I’ll see you over there.” I looked at Lilah. “Follow me.”

  She nodded and wiped her eyes again with the back of her hand. It killed me to see her eyes red and puffy from crying, but I had to be strong for her and for Micah. There would be time for comforting them once we got out of the way of law enforcement. If we were there when they showed up, there were going to be questions about how I knew where to find Troy and who tied him up, stuff like that. I didn’t want to be bothered with all of that, and I didn’t want Lilah or Micah to be exposed to the details of what happened in the cabin. They didn’t need to know everything, just that he was out of the way.

  We pulled into the parking deck next to my apartment building. One of the reasons I preferred staying at the clubhouse instead of at home was because I lived in one of the older buildings in town. They weren’t the nicest apartments, though they were definitely cozy.

  Lilah parked next to me, and I could see already that Micah had passed out on the short car ride. I got off the bike and handed her my keys with the apartment key separate from the rest, so she knew which one it was. Then, I opened the back door and grabbed Micah, picking him up over my shoulder.

  “You got him?” Lilah asked me, putting a hand on my arm.

  I smirked. “Yeah, I got him. He’s good,” I assured her. “Just get the door for me if you don’t mind.”

  Lilah got the door leading in from the parking deck, and we took the elevator up to the top floor. I directed to her to my door while I carried Micah behind her. He rested his head on my shoulder and put his arms around me. It warmed my heart to be accepted by her boy the way I had been so quickly, and I looked forward to being a part of his life.

  Once we were inside, I walked him to the spare bedroom and lay him down. Lilah came in behind me. I stepped back and took my keys from her.

  “I’ll let you handle the rest,” I told her.

  She smiled and laughed silently as she got him ready for bed. She pulled the covers back after she’d pulled off his socks and shoes, leaving him in his jeans and shirt. I had expected her to get him out of his daytime clothes for bed, but she explained why she didn’t when she walked out of the room with me.

  “He’s really modest. He’d freak out in the morning if he woke up here in just his underwear,” she said.

  “Ah, I get it. I guess we need to get him some new pajamas tomorrow,” I told her.

  She put a hand on the back of my head while I was talking and pulled me to her, locking her lips onto mine. It turned me on that she was being the aggressor. She ran her other hand down between my legs and stroked me through my jeans.

  “Where’s your room?” she panted out as she pulled her face back from mine.

  “I’ll guide you,” I said, pressing my lips against hers again. I put a hand behind her back and pressed myself against her, pushing her toward my bedroom door.

  She held onto my kutte, pulling me to her as she walked backward, into my room. I pushed her back against the bed, and she let herself fall back onto it. I closed my bedroom door and locked it – the first time I’d had to do that at home since I’d moved out on my own.

  I shrugged off my kutte and kicked off my boots. I pulled off my shirt and dropped my jeans to the floor as I walked over to her. She pulled her clothes off on the bed and spread her legs to welcome me.

  I climbed onto the bed and kissed her stomach. She ran her hands through my hair and guided me slowly up her body. I placed one hand next to her on the bed and touched her lightly with a finger between her legs. I spread the delicate folds of flesh apart and slid my finger between her wet lips.

  She arched her back as my lips moved up between her breasts and my finger entered her tight, smooth center. She sucked her breath in sharply as I slid my finger along her G-spot. Her body quaked beneath me.

  I pressed my lips to her soft, pink nipple and flicked the tip of it with my tongue, hardening it into a little peak before sucking on it. She gripped me by my hair and pulled me against her chest, forcing herself deeper into my mouth. I sucked her harder, deeper into my mouth.

  “Oh, God, yes, Cole,” she cried out.

  I kissed up from her nipple to her collarbone. Then, I kissed her neck. My finger slid out of her and ran up along the ridge of her clitoris, flicking it a couple of times, gently, sending her into convulsions beneath me. She moaned and buried my face into her neck and shoulder as she rolled her hips towards me.

  Her lips rubbed against the tip of my head, and I gripped myself, pulling my hand away from her sex. I pushed all the way in to the base of my shaft, and she wrapped her legs around my hips holding me close to her. I moved slowly, taking measured strokes, checking her body for cues.

  It wasn’t just about me this time. I wasn’t just trying to get my rocks off with a hot little redhead with porcelain white skin and puffy pink nipples at the ends of her perfect, perky tits. I was making love to a woman I wanted to claim for my own. I wanted to feel her reach her climax before I even got close to mine.

  With each stroke, I felt her getting closer. She moaned underneath me and held onto my shoulders with her soft touch. She tightened around my shaft as I drove it into her, trembling beneath me as I pulled out.

  As I felt myself growing closer, I started pumping myself into her faster, harder. She responded in kind, rolling her hips against me with each thrust, taking me deeper. I felt her growing wetter around me. She closed her legs on me, squeezing me as I entered her and pulled back.

  “I’m going to come, Cole,” she panted out. “God, yes. Yes!”

  She dug her fingers into my arms, holding on for dear life as I sent her over the edge. She shook beneath me as she whimpered, closing her eyes tight and biting her lower lip while her orgasm roared through her body.

  I couldn’t contain myself any longer. I erupted inside her.

  “Fuck,” I cried out as I filled her with my seed. I couldn’t stop. I had already come inside her. I pumped myself into her, emptying myself completely.

  She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me down to kiss her. Our lips met, and I tasted her desire on her tongue. Her thighs quivered. Her muscles tightened around me. I began to slow down as the last few drops emptied into her.

  I rolled over next to her and pulled her into my arms, holding her against my chest.

  “I love you,” she said breathlessly, her body barely coming down from her ecstasy.

  “I love you, too,” I told her, kissing her forehead.

  We lay like that, in silence, for a long time, listening to each other’s breathing, to our h
earts pounding out the same rhythm in our chests.

  After a few minutes, I laughed. “I guess I should unlock the door, huh?”

  “Yeah, probably,” she agreed.

  And just like that, the moment was over. We were both up and getting dressed.

  I unlocked the door and walked up the hallway from my room to check on Micah. It was instinct kicking in. I peeked into the room where he was sleeping. He hadn’t moved and was sleeping soundly. I didn’t disturb him. I walked back to my room and climbed into bed with Lilah.

  She didn’t say anything about my checking on her son. She rolled over toward me and slid an arm around my waist, resting her head on my chest. She fell asleep with a smile on her face. I couldn’t have thought of a better way to spend the night than with her lying across me and her son sleeping across the hall.

  They were both safe, and that was all that really mattered.



  “You’re never going to guess what happened today,” Micah said as he got in the car outside the clubhouse. I let him hang out there after school when I was at work, and I’d swing by to pick him up on the way home. I never thought in a million years I’d be letting him hang out with a bunch of bikers on the wilder side of life, but they were taking such great care of my kid, I couldn’t imagine doing it any other way.

  He was doing better in school. He seemed happier overall, and he treated people with more respect than he did before. He finally had positive male role models. His father certainly hadn’t been one.

  “What happened?” I asked.

  “I beat Q-Ball today, Mom,” he said, and I could hear in his tone that it was a huge, momentous occasion for him. “He didn’t even let me win.”

  Now, I wasn’t exactly sure how I felt about him playing pool so well that he was able to beat Q-Ball. I had to hope that the pool shark had gone easy on him and had given him the win. Regardless, it was a real win for him.

  “Way to go, kiddo,” I congratulated him. “That’s pretty awesome.”

  “Thanks.” He grabbed the front of his little kid-sized biker vest and adjusted it. He had his name on it – Micah the Kid – but, of course, no official MC colors. The guys named him an honorary member shortly after I started bringing him by the clubhouse almost every day.

  “Did you get your homework done before you played against Q today?” I asked him.

  “Of course,” he said. He beamed with pride. Suddenly, it sounded like everything else in the world was a piece of cake.

  All I could do was laugh as I drove him home to the apartment we’d been sharing with Cole for the last few months. My boy was too adorable with all his biker gear and his newfound confidence in life. The guys were good to him, and they were good for him, too.

  “When’s Saw going to be home?” he asked.

  “You can call him Cole,” I reminded him.

  “No way. I’m an honorary junior member. I have to call him Saw.” He was totally serious, too, but it was fine because it was that seriousness that made him take other things seriously.

  “As soon as he’s done tonight,” I replied.

  “Man, I hope he gets home before I go to bed. I want to tell him my news. If he doesn’t make it before bed, don’t tell him, okay?”

  “Got it.”

  “Right on.”

  “Did you eat tonight?” I asked him as we got out of the car and started toward the building.

  “No, they had pizza again, so I figured I’d eat at home.”

  “Whoa, you turned down pizza?” I asked, laughing, as I unlocked the door for us to go in.

  “We have it all the time, Mom.”

  “I guess it does get old after a while. How about spaghetti tonight?” It was quick and easy, and it made a lot.

  “Perfect. Can I play video games while you cook?”

  “No, you need to shower.”

  He whined and complained about how other kids in his class took showers in the morning instead of at night, reminding me again that no matter how serious he was about his MC participation, he was still very much a kid. I eventually got him into the shower so I could start dinner, threatening to send him to bed hungry if he didn’t let me cook.

  Cole made it home in time to eat with us. He walked in the door right as we were sitting down with our food. Perfect timing.

  “Hey, Kid,” he called out as he closed the door behind him.

  “Saw,” Micah shouted. If he hadn’t been eating, he would have jumped up from the table to run over and give Cole a big hug.

  Cole kissed me on the cheek as he walked into the kitchen to wash up and get his food. We weren’t shy about light affection in front him. I figured it was healthy for him to understand that we were together. The three of us were a family, and the MC, of course, was our extended family.

  I watched the two of them play and joke at the table. They were like two kids, but when Cole switched into adult mode, it was amazing how much Micah respected him. Micah told him about winning at pool, and Cole was amazed. He even bragged to me about how much skill it took to beat Q-Ball.

  When dinner was over, the two of them went into Micah’s room to read a story. Cole had completely converted the room into a boy’s room. From the bedsheets to the posters and furniture, everything in there was tailored to Micah’s tastes.

  He had really gone out of his way to accommodate us while we stayed with him. It felt permanent, even though we hadn’t discussed it. Troy was in jail, and I had sole custody of Micah, so my old life was gone. All I had was the life I’d been living since Troy tried to take everything from me.

  “Man, he’s a good kid, you know that?” Cole said, coming out of Micah’s room after story time. He said the same thing almost every night.

  “Yeah, he’s pretty awesome,” I told him. “But he’s got a lot of great role models to help with that, so I don’t know.”

  He took me in his arms on the couch in the living room and kissed me. Our lips lingered together for a moment. I put my hand up to his face and ran my fingers along the stubble from where he hadn’t shaved in a few days.

  “So, I want to talk to you about something,” he said after our lips parted.


  “You and Micah have been staying here for a while, and it’s been pretty nice, hasn’t it?” he asked, but he continued before I could answer. “I think it’s been pretty nice. It’s been good having the two of you here. It finally feels more like a home, you know? I don’t mind staying here now. In fact, I look forward to coming home from work every day.”

  “Yeah, it’s pretty good,” I said, taking the first opening I could to speak. “It’s done a lot of good for Micah. You and the rest of the MC have provided him with a lot of great experiences, and you’ve helped him grow up a lot.”

  “Well, I’ve been thinking,” he said, pausing again.

  “Yeah?” I scooted back from him. I felt like something big was coming.

  He slid off the couch onto one knee on the floor, taking my hand with him.

  “Lilah Romero, you are the answer to so many of my hopes and dreams. I can’t begin to tell you how long I waited for you to come along. You and your son, Micah, have brought so much joy and purpose to my life. I’m not drifting aimlessly anymore. I have a reason now, beyond the MC.”

  I put a hand up to my face. I felt tears starting to well up in my eyes. I knew where his speech was going already. I knew what he was going to ask me, and I had to keep myself from blurting out my answer prematurely.

  “Lilah Romero, will you marry me?”

  “Oh God, yes! Yes, yes, yes!” I shouted, throwing my arms around his neck.

  While I squeezed his neck, I felt his arms moving. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the ring box. He opened it as I sat back from the embrace, and I saw the diamond ring inside. I had no idea how he could have afforded that ring, but I knew I didn’t want any idea.

  He pulled it out and slid it onto my finger. It fit, and I held it up
so we both could see how beautiful it was. I fanned myself as tears started to flow down my face.

  “So, it’s official?” I asked him, starting to laugh through my tears. “I’m going to be your old lady? Finally?”

  He laughed hard and pulled me into another embrace, kissing me deeply and passionately. Every time he touched me with his lips, it sent thrills throughout my body. I couldn’t help myself. I wanted him immediately.

  “I love you, Lilah,” he said as we parted. “And I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to welcome you and your son into my life permanently, and that includes being part of the Steel Devils. We are all your family.”


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