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Out of Time the Grand Quest

Page 33

by Christopher Douglass

  “I can send out some scouts if that will help. I can’t make many, still, it is better than nothing right?”

  Maria felt a smile pulling at her lips, causing Isabelle to smile back tentatively. “That would be a big help. I’m useless right now, so any edge we can give ourselves we should.”

  Isabelle closed her eyes, holding her palms open at her sides. Water glistened on her palms, solidifying into ice. The ice came together into a flat disk, the disk grew thin spindly appendages before scuttling down her leg and off into the night ahead of them. Two more ice spider creatures grew from her magic to get lost in the darkness. A fourth one also appeared, but this one climbed her shirt to settle in front of her left eye like a monocle.

  “Only about ten foot effective range, but better than nothing. What my eye-spies see, I see.”

  “I’m counting on you Isabelle.”

  Maria started walking once more, trusting in Isabelle’s magic to warn of danger. Jasmine lengthened her stride, falling into step next to Maria as she turned a corner.

  “For the record, You aren’t useless. I’ve been meaning to say this for a while, but I’m sorry about the way I’ve treated you. I know a simple sorry isn’t near enough to change anything. It doesn’t alter all the times I name called or played pranks on you. But I am glad that you are here with us. I don’t think I could have handled things half as well as you have. I was a mess when we came here and ’Belle wasn’t with me. But you held me together, even though you probably hated my guts for what I had done.”

  “You’re right. Sorry isn’t near enough.”

  Maria took another few steps in silence, rounding the side of another building. When she looked back she saw Nimli talking to the little girl who giggled at whatever was said. Isabelle brought up the rear, flickers of light flashing over her ice creature. The anger that normally resided in her chest when she thought of the injustices done to her wasn’t as strong. It was still there, but it didn’t make her want to have them feel the way she felt. Perhaps it was because Kimi’s Other power had resided inside her for so long. She did know it had something to do with the time she had spent on quest with them at least.

  “But it’s a start that I’ll accept.”


  The word was barely a whisper, but it carried a wide array of emotions. Not the least of which was gratitude. No other words were spoken, though Maria didn’t feel any more were needed. After everything she had been through recently, holding grudges against these two seemed petty in comparison.

  “Wait! Ten feet ahead of us, there is a group of soldiers.”

  “Are they waiting for us?”

  “I don’t think so, they are watching the horizon to the east with weapons drawn. Maybe a showdown of some sort?”

  “Can we slip past?”

  “No, they have men filling every opening that I can see, and a few with bows on the rooftops.”

  “How many can you count?”

  “Fifty? Maybe sixty? I can’t be sure in the dim light.”

  “Too much to hope your magic can take them all out? Or at least open us safe passage?”

  “Not that many. I’d be peppered with arrows before I took down enough. My ice spells are mostly mid to close range.”

  “I can make an opening for us-- I think.”

  Maria turned to Jasmine with surprise. As far as she knew, Jasmine was a support type mediator, her power used more for stitching up wounds than making them. Jasmine blushed and looked away as she continued talking.

  “I need to get kind of close to one of the soldiers though. At least throwing distance. Then you will need to protect me since I won’t be able to move. Of course, we could just wait for them to go away on their own.”

  Maria looked down at the staff in her hand, the wood rot had advanced up the base even farther, more splinters having fallen off without her noticing.

  “I don’t think we have time. If you say you can open a path for us, I’ll trust you. And I will do everything in my power to keep you safe.”

  Jasmine took the lead with a single nod of her head while Maria fell back to guard Joan. Jasmine surveyed the group from around a corner pointing skyward after a minute. Isabelle understood her partner, creating an ice ladder for their group to climb. Jasmine scrambled onto the roof, Maria right behind. As fast as she was, Maria was surprised at the speed Jasmine showed. By the time her head crested the rooftop, Jasmine had her hand over an archers mouth and was pulling him out of sight on their side of the roof. When she pulled her hand away from the side of his head, Maria saw strands of her thread connecting the two. It looked like the string had drilled right into the brain.

  As the distance between her hand and the side of the archers face increased, more thread spewed out of Jasmine’s pores to create an odd, misshapen egg sack that sat on his flesh. Thin lines split from the sack to enter the mans ear and the side of his eye. Jasmine was already working on creating more of these eggs, setting two of them to the side as she studied the lay of the land.

  “The human brain is nothing but glorified pulses of electricity. The nano machines that inhabit every mediator feeds off these pulses. As a mediator grows, those machines learn the unique signature of the person they are implanted inside. That is how our power works, we envision it and the machines interpret our mental desires and make it a reality. While limited to whatever area of expertise we focus on, sometimes, it is all in how you envision it.”

  She placed a slightly larger egg against the side of her own head, flinching only slightly as the tendrils slipped inside her skin like parasites.

  “My area of expertise is healing and sewing. I can’t close up a wound unless I know how the body goes together. And the machines can’t enact my mental commands unless they are directly linked to my brain, hence the strands being attached to me, directly accessing my brain. I can’t directly harm anyone with my power though. But these little beauties are like amplifiers, allowing me to hijack someone else’s brain and send out the pulses as if they were my own. Of course, it only works at short range, and I’m basically a vegetable, that’s why I don’t use it often. Plus, it is one for the few times I feel pain from my own power. I’m counting on you.”

  “I’ll protect you, love.”

  “I know ’Belle, that’s why I chose you. Activate.”

  Jasmine’s eyes rolled up in her head and her body went limp. Isabelle caught her with shackles of ice before she could slid down the roof. At the same time the archer got to his feet, his movements slightly jerky and slow. Pulling an arrow from his quiver he looked over at Maria.

  “There is always a delay too. Between when I tell the body to do something and when it actually executes the command. Shame I can’t access memories this way. Just be ready to move.”

  Jasmine the archer placed one of her eggs along the tip of the arrow, pulling back on the bow as she aimed at the group below. The twang of the string being released broke the silence. The cry of pain said she had found a mark. Once more she attached an egg to an arrow, tendrils of the egg wrapping around the wood to hold on. The second one hit another archer who also cried out and fell on his rooftop. By the time the third arrow was knocked, a shaft struck her in the arm. She gave a hiss off pain but drew back on the string. She released her projectile just as a second arrow slid through her right eye. The body dropped lifeless and Jasmine let out a gasp as her eyes opened wide.

  “I always hate the dying part. Activate number two.”

  Again her body went limp and the night went silent. A silence broken by the ringing of steel being pulled from a sheath. Cries of pain filled the night as angry shouts and yet more swords being drawn were heard. Metal struck metal, the sounds of men dying almost drowning it out. Again Jasmine gasped, her nosed starting to bleed.

  “Activate number three.”

  The archer across the way rose up, the arrow through his throat showing he was clearly dead. His movements were even more jerky and sluggish than the first one. Yet unde
r Jasmine’s directive he opened fire upon the battle royal that was happening below. More arrows peppered the corpse, yet this time she didn’t fall down. It took a swordsman climbing onto the roof behind her and cutting off her head to stop her.

  Isabelle clamped her hand over Jasmine’s mouth as she returned to her body, muffling the screams of pain trying to escape. Her nose bleed had gotten worse, prompting Maria to wipe it up, lest she choke on her own blood. Maria peeked over the edge of the roof and down at the fighting, trying to assess the damage so far done. The group was well and truly at each others throats. Blades met blades, and men were punching each other in between chaotic yelling. They never noticed the group of warriors coming out of the east. It wasn’t until these Emishi warriors pulled out weapons and started attacking the back ranks that they realized the real enemy was upon them. What followed was a slaughter as men from both sides dropped left and right. After only a few minutes, Maria saw an opening they could use, ducking back out of sight to let the two know.

  She found Jasmine being rocked by Isabelle, crying into her shirt. When she opened her mouth to ask what was wrong, Isabelle spoke in a whisper.

  “She gets like this every time she uses this part of her ability. Even if the person she hijacks doesn’t die. She is a healer. She uses her ability to help people who are hurt. She doesn’t mind hurting and killing people by regular means such as sword and arrow, but hurting and killing with her power sickens her. Yet she knows that sometimes there is no other way.”

  “Can she move? There is an opening, but I don’t know how long it will stay open.”

  Jasmine wiped her eyes, giving Maria a nod as she sniffed. “I can move now, and cry later. Lead the way.”

  Maria scrambled down the ladder, helping Joan to the ground as she climbed down. Once everyone was back on land, Maria dashed for the opening she had seen. An opening a few feet from the fighting that had cleared when the brawl had moved of its own volition. Isabelle helped Jasmine, who was still unsteady on her feet, but they made good time.

  When they came to the street Maria wanted, they were met by a band of men running up with drawn swords. Reinforcements for one side or the other no doubt. Maria knew their party couldn’t take these men, there were at least twenty or thirty. And they couldn’t hide either, they had been seen. Maria looked around for an alternate escape, or even a place more defensible. Unfortunately nothing appeared to her eyes. A lance of ice flew over her shoulder, hitting one of the oncoming solders in the throat. At first Maria thought it was a hasty move, then she got a good look at their eyes. They were out for blood, and were in the mood to kill anything in their way.

  The lead warrior raised his sword as he ran, giving Maria an evil grin that said he would enjoy killing her. Maria clutched Kimi’s staff tightly willing it to give her just a little power. To help her protect everyone for one second longer.

  Maria’s fingers tingled. She felt magic coursing through her veins, filling her up until she thought she would burst. Not willing to waste this blessing she thrust the knobby head towards the rushing mob, sending out the magic in one uncontrolled blast. White light erupted, turning night to day. A light that engulfed the mob down to the last man. When the light faded, all that was left were piles of ashes and bits of boiled leather.

  Just as quickly as it had come, the magic drained out of her again. The top of the staff cracked but didn’t break. Maria ran once more, the others close behind. When they rounded the corner, the world flickered and the yells of an angry mob was heard behind them. Silently Maria thanked Kimi for lending them her aid again.

  Maria’s stomach grumbled as if to second that silent thanks.

  Chapter 29: A Berserker’s True Face

  Vletch watched the raging inferno that used to be a temple to some spirit. A temple where he had died tragically and heroically for the rebel cause along with a half dozen other men. He had taken out one of General Tamuramaro’s captain’s just as he had been told, so there was no more need for him to stick around. He could finally meet up with Frank at his safe house and see Amy again.

  Vletch pulled the hood up over his head to hide his features, letting the coarse linen cape fall around his body as it would. Turning his back on the blaze, he headed off into the night. The moon in the sky said it was almost midnight, which felt somehow fitting.

  When the sound of creaking leather wafted from behind, Vletch slipped into a side ally. A group of at least forty or fifty Emishi passed by just as he faded into the shadows. He couldn’t tell if they were rebel Emishi or not, but it didn’t matter. He was done being involved with them. Their fights were not his fights anymore. Giving the group a few more minutes head start, he left his hiding spot and headed west after them.

  The sounds of battle met his ears from ahead, causing him to slip between two buildings. Using a pile of crates nearby, Vletch hoisted himself onto the rooftop. It wasn’t hard to jump from roof to roof in this section of town, the buildings were relatively close, unlike the north and south sides. Just as he came upon a full blown war between the rebel Emishi and the non-rebel ones, a bright flash of white light lit the road across from his position. The light left him half-blinded, even after shielding his eyes on reflex.

  He thought he saw a few shadowy figures running off through the light after it faded, but Vletch couldn’t be certain. The light had left spots dancing inside his vision, making him see lots of shadows floating everywhere. Loud cries emanated from the same street, seconds before a large group of the Generals men burst forth to join the fray. A three way war ensued making its way ever closer to Vletch’s position.

  Avoiding the chaos and heading down the street the imperials had come out of was his best bet. It was far enough away from the fighting, in the general direction he needed to go, and would be less likely to have more soldiers. Dropping to the ground behind the building, Vletch used the structures as a barrier between him and the mass of bodies killing each other.

  Behind one building Vletch found a large puddle of water that turned the dirt to mud. He found this odd, seeing as it hadn’t rained at all the whole time he had been here, nor was any place else remotely wet. Shrugging off this strange occurrence, he continued on his way, avoiding any further contact with soldiers of any type. Another ten minutes of sneaking brought him to the front door of the building Frank used as a safe house. Giving the three knock, two tap signal, he waited, his eyes seeking out anything suspicious nearby. Frank slid the door open a crack, pulling it the rest of the way when he saw who it was.

  Vletch stepped inside, seeing the place was already filled by the other groups. He didn’t have long to survey the room though before Amy stormed over to stand in front of him, a glare marking her features.

  “You took your damn time getting here didn’t you? Your brain get addled from the thin air up there?”

  Vletch’s face split in a grin that stretched from ear to ear. Before she had a chance to react, Vletch lifted her up and planted a kiss on her lips. “I missed you too my delicate flower.”

  Amy went bright red, slapping him across the face. It was a light tap, so he knew she wasn’t angry. “Don’t kiss me without warning like that you brute. We aren’t even married yet!”

  Vletch pressed his lips against hers once more as he held her close. “Then let us change that once this is over. Being away from you for so long has been hell. I realized I don’t want it to happen again if I can help it.”

  Amy’s face went even redder, reminding Vletch of a tomato. “Idiot. I won’t say yes unless I get a gold ring with a tinatite stone.”

  “Of course. Only the rarest of stones is worthy of the rarest of women.”

  “And don’t you forget it you stupid gorilla.”

  Amy smiled, giving him a quick peck before shoving herself out of his arms to drop back to the ground. He saw Frank raise his eyebrows and the girls all trying to suppress grins. The only one who wasn’t sharing in the mirth of the group was an old woman sitting on the bed next to Maria. Vl
etch took a step back when he realized it was Kimberly he was looking at, not some old woman.

  “You said it was bad, but I didn’t think it was this bad! ”

  Frank clapped him on the shoulder. “Honestly neither did I. She degraded rapidly since last I saw her.”

  Vletch moved over to Kimi’s side, kneeling so he wouldn’t loom over her frail frame. She looked terrified, as if she wasn’t quite sure who he was. Not too surprising, seeing as she had only seen him for a few moments before entering the Echo and then only talked to him across the time barrier.

  “Glad to finally meet you formally Kimi. Thanks for all the help you’ve given me and taking care of Amy.”

  “As if I needed someone to take care of me you mutant ape.”

  Vletch ignored Amy’s comment, intent on the girl in front of him. The way she looked at him made him uncomfortable. Something was wrong, he felt it all the way to his bones.

  “Sorry, who exactly are you?”

  It was Bree, who sat down next to Kimi and put her hand on the girls knee, that answered. “She doesn’t remember any of us. She knows her name but that’s about it. She doesn’t-- she doesn’t even feel our bond anymore. I can barely feel it either. She thinks we are lying when we talk about magic and she is afraid when we show it to her.”

  “Her Other power?”

  “She can’t access them at all. Thinks we are crazy for saying she has special powers. She even seems to be afraid of books.”

  “How do you know that?”

  Bree reached under the pile of covers to pull out a white bound tome. When Kimi saw it she screamed, scrambling across the floor into a corner to get away. She didn’t stop screaming until Bree hid the item once more. Even then she covered her head with her hands, curling into a ball to weep. Kimi wouldn’t let Bree come near her when she tried to calm the girl down. Surprisingly, it was Maria who held her, whispering comforts into Kimi’s ear.


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