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Resisting Romeo (Steamy Weekends Book 3)

Page 15

by Melanie Shawn

  His low voice washed over me like a warm bath. “Jules, the past is gone. There’s nothing we can do to get it back, no matter how much that kills me. But, baby, we still have the future. And I’ll be damned if I’m going to throw that away the same way I have in the past. What about you? What do you want?”

  I stood very still for a moment, breathing hard, processing his words. I felt suspended in limbo. My body wanted to go one way, my brain another. My heart urged me on in one direction, and logic in another. I felt like I was being torn apart by warring impulses and I didn’t know what to do about it…

  Until I did. All of a sudden, total peace and clarity washed over me, and all of the chaotic static in my mind faded out to calm silence.

  There was only one word left after everything else faded away, and it flashed in my consciousness like a neon light.


  So I did. I leaned forward the fraction of an inch needed to press myself against Romeo’s hard body and crushed my lips to his.

  God, every time I kissed him it felt like the first time. My body lit up like a pinball machine when his lips touched mine. It was like magic.

  A primal growl rumbled in his chest as he swept me up off my feet. I gasped. He handled me like I weighed nothing. I loved it—it made me feel safe and secure, like nothing in the world could hurt me because Romeo’s strong arms were protecting me, always.

  Not gonna lie—it also turned me the hell on. When his strong fingers dug into my flesh, it was like an “on” switch that lit a fire low in my belly.

  He took a few steps forward until my back was pressed up against the wall, then tugged at my skirt, grabbed my ass, and boosted me up further on his body. Instinctively, I wrapped my legs firmly around his waist and my arms around his neck.

  It felt good to be hanging onto him for dear life. It felt right.

  We kissed deeply and passionately, our tongues pressing against each other in a primitive dance. My hips moved against him, grinding in slow circles, mimicking the rhythm of our tongues. I could feel his steel-hard shaft pressing against the zipper of his jeans and I rocked my hips to press my core harder against it.

  He drew back just long enough to groan, “Holy shit, Jules. I can feel how hot and wet you are. You make me so fucking hard.” Then he claimed my mouth with his again.

  He wasn’t wrong, I was very hot and very wet.

  There were so many things about Romeo that turned me on, his hands topped the list, but his voice was special. For so many years, that was all I’d had of him, besides my memories. Listening to interviews, snippets on entertainment news. I’d let the sound of his deep voice wash over me, and it kept our connection alive in my heart in some small way.

  So hearing that voice in real life again, but now filled with desire for me, was an almost overwhelming experience.

  “I want you so much. Now. Forever,” I murmured against his lips.

  He set me back down on my feet and placed his hands on my waist, pulled me back a few inches and spun me around so that I was facing away from him. I’d told him last night that I loved when he took me from behind. It was quickly becoming my favorite position.

  My hands flew up and my palms slapped firmly against the wall with a loud thwack. The sharp sound startled me, sending a jolt running down the length of my body as Romeo tugged my skirt up and his fingers began trailing up my bare legs. I closed my eyes as I concentrated on the sensation of his touch brushing against my inner thighs. In two more seconds, they were going to hit my panties—and, more to the point, what was under my panties.

  This time, my weak knees really did give out on me, but as always, Romeo’s strong hands were there to catch me and hold me up. I was starting to get used to the idea that I could truly relax and trust that he would be my safety net. It was scary, but also thrilling to accept that. But I knew it was what I wanted.

  He pushed the fabric of my underwear aside and ran his fingers up and down my wet seam, teasing me mercilessly before finally pushing two fingers inside me. The sensations his intrusion sent rocketing through me almost knocked me right off my feet. I cried out, a raw sound that was ripped straight from my chest.

  “These are getting in my way,” he growled, before pulling my panties down over my hips and legs, leaving them pooled around my ankles where I could easily step out of them and kick them to the side.

  I was bare and exposed. I felt the air against my skin and it brought a fresh rush of heat in my belly.

  My legs shook as his mouth trailed kisses up the length of my thighs, following the path his fingertips had taken over my sensitive skin. My fingers curled, trying to grasp onto something and steady myself, but there was nothing to hold onto, just a flat wall.

  It didn’t matter. It only added to the shaky thrill that consumed me.

  When his mouth finally made it to the apex between my legs and I felt his tongue lick the arousal from my sex, I couldn’t stop myself from crying out. The sound tore from me—but again, it didn’t matter. I don’t even know if I would’ve stopped it if I could. There was a part of me that liked hearing myself scream with abandon. Sure, it was primal and vulnerable, but that was what made it so real.

  He used his hands and his tongue in unison to lick me, suck me, and touch me.

  “Oh, God,” I gasped, and then gave a breathless little laugh, giddy with bliss. “Your mouth feels so good. Your fingers…feel…so…good.”

  He continued feasting on me. One hand holding me upright while the other played my body like an instrument he’d mastered. And I happily surrendered to him. There was something about Romeo, something about the way he touched me. I was powerless against his force and it made me want more. I was insatiable when it came to him.

  The more his fingers moved in and out of me, the more he licked and sucked me, the more I found myself aching to feel his body inside me. I wanted to be truly penetrated, deep and hard. That was the connection I longed to create, and the sensation I longed to feel.

  “I need you,” I moaned, and his finger flicked over my clit and his tongue dipped into my opening. I gasped. It did feel good, after all. It just wasn’t what I ultimately craved. “I need….”

  He stopped, and I felt his hot breath fan my wet sex. “Yeah, baby,” he breathed. “What do you need? Tell me.”

  I looked over my shoulder, down at his bright blue eyes staring up at me through dark lashes. “I need you inside me.”



  Thank god.

  I didn’t know how much longer I would’ve been able to hold out before I thrust myself into Jules anyway, but hearing those words come out of her sweet little mouth put me over the edge. Not to mention the desperation on her face when she’d said it. It was obvious when looking into her eyes, at her expression, that she needed it. Needed me.

  Well, I definitely wasn’t going to make her wait.

  I stood and quickly kicked off my shoes and undressed. Clothes flew in the air and dropped to the ground. I took myself in my hand and started to position myself at her opening, but not before appreciating the thing of beauty that she was.

  Her legs were spread apart, waiting for me, her delicate pink folds glistening with the slick juices that showed me just how turned on she was. The erotic sight sent a charge jolting straight to my cock.

  Fuck. She was so beautiful. Every part of her, and all the time. But right now, in this state of half dress and visible arousal, she was the most gorgeous woman in the damn world.

  I slid my free hand over her hip as I stepped between her legs and began to run the tip of my cock up and down her seam. Leaning forward, I growled against her ear. “Are you ready for me, baby?”

  She gasped. “Yes. Please. Now. And I want it hard.”

  Damn. It wasn’t just her words that shot straight to my cock, although they were hot as hell. It was that her voice seemed to hold the same level of arousal-inspired rasp that mine did.

  I would never get tired of noticing the mill
ion little ways her body responded to mine. Never.

  As I pushed inside of her, her tight walls clenched around my thick, steel-hard shaft. I continued to press, gripping her waist as beads of sweat broke out on the back of my neck. Once I’d buried myself to the hilt, I stilled, waiting there for just a moment to enjoy the sensation of being totally surrounded by her. When I was embedded inside her like this, it was easy to believe that the rest of the world didn’t exist. There was only us. Me and Jules. Not time, not the future, or the past. Just us in that moment.

  It had quickly become the only thing I lived for, and that didn’t concern me at all. It felt like for the first time in a long time that I’d actually been sane.

  When my muscles began to tremble with need, I pulled back slowly and then slammed into her again with all the force I could muster.

  Damn, pushing myself into her with every bit of power I could had, was absolutely the biggest freaking rush I’d ever experienced. And, unlike what happened with artificial chemical rushes, it didn’t diminish over time. It was just as powerful now as it had been the first time I’d done it, and it was infinitely more powerful than it had been in my imagination before it had actually happened.

  My fingers dug into her velvet flesh as I pulled her hips back toward me while I pounded into them again and again.

  Fuck. I felt myself getting closer and closer to coming, and I didn’t want that to happen yet. Every time I was inside her, it never felt like it was going to go on long enough, for the simple reason that “forever” just wasn’t on the table.

  But in this instance, I did feel like, even if it couldn’t last forever, I knew it could last at least a bit longer if I switched things up.

  With a force of willpower that surprised even me, I pulled out of her and took a step back. I spun her around and swept her up into my arms, carrying her as quickly as possible to the couch in the room off the entry.

  She was biting her bottom lip, and maybe it was my highly-aroused state, but that was the sexiest fucking thing I’d ever seen in my entire life. God, just the way her perfect, even, white teeth pressed into her plump bottom lip was enough to put me over the edge.

  Oh, hell yeah. I needed to get back inside her, and it needed to be now.

  As soon as we reached the couch, I lay down, pulling her on top of me as I went. She gave a sharp, surprised laugh but melted right into my arms as soon as we were settled into the cushions.

  I kissed her deeply and let my hands wander over the parts of her warm, soft skin that were exposed, and inched my way below the pieces of clothing that covered the parts that weren’t.

  With little effort, I tugged her gorgeous legs apart so that she was straddling me. My breathing was shallow, my heart pushing blood through my veins at breakneck speed.

  “Lift up,” I spoke against her lips.

  She did as I asked and I slid a hand between us and grasped my dick. She broke our kiss and watched as I maneuvered myself at her entrance. I watched her face as she watched where our bodies were intimately aligned. When my engorged tip pressed her folds apart, she put her hands on my shoulders and closed her eyes, and lowered herself down onto me inch by inch, her beautiful face intensely focused.

  Seeing Jules explore her sexual side this weekend had been the greatest honor of my life. Every first, every new position, she approached with the same intensity and focus that she did a project she was working on. It was fucking adorable and hot.

  I saw flashes of pleasure cross her features and each one gave me my own small flash of pleasure. Making her feel good made me feel good.

  Her hips moved back and forth in a rolling motion, slowly at first, but quickly picking up speed. Still, her eyes didn’t open. She maintained the expression of fierce concentration, and damn, it was such a turn on.

  I lifted my hands to her breasts. At first, I just cupped them in my palms over her clothes, holding them as they swayed and bounced with the movement of her body. Very quickly, though, that just wasn’t enough for me. I needed them to be naked, and bare for me.

  Careful not to do anything that would interrupt the movement of her hips as she rode me, I unbuttoned her blouse and spread the two halves of the silky shirt apart.

  I used my thumbs to flick her hard nipples through the thin, lacy fabric of her bra. And, yeah, that was great, but still not enough.

  I pushed both her blouse and bra straps back over her shoulders and down her torso until they were pooled around her waist, and then leaned forward and took one of her stiff nipples in my mouth, flicking it with my tongue as she continued to move rhythmically on my lap.

  That was all it took for her to explode in my arms. Every muscle in her body clenched as an orgasm overtook her.

  In an awesome chain reaction of pleasure, her climax triggered mine, and before I knew it, I was holding her in my arms as tremors rocked both of us, her face buried in my neck and mine buried in her soft, fragrant hair.

  Telling Jules how I felt had terrified me for years. I was sure that it would be the end of something. But I’d been wrong. It was the start of the rest of my life.



  I sat and tapped my foot in Liam’s office, waiting for our daily meeting to start. Normally, the meeting was held first thing in the morning, but today it was happening at five p.m.

  I’d been at the resort for twelve hours. When I woke up at four a.m. next to Romeo, I’d panicked. It was so different than waking up with him at the villa. That had been like a vacation. Him being in my bed at my home was real life. I didn’t know what that reality was going to play out as and I was scared to find out.

  So, I’d done the mature thing and faced my fears. I’d gently prodded him until his eyes fluttered open and told him that we needed to talk. I’d told him my concerns about a long-distance relationship and I’d explained that I’d never had a serious boyfriend and I was terrified that I was going to mess this up.

  Oh, no, wait…I didn’t do any of that. Nope. I slid out of bed ninja-style and quiet as a church mouse, got ready and slipped out of the house before he woke up. He’d messaged me several times during the day and I’d only responded with GIFs or emojis. Real mature.

  I’d just wanted to throw myself into work in order to get a sense of control back and I’d done just that. That was made even easier since Liam had been MIA all day and all inquiries and decisions had to go through me. I hadn’t had a moment’s peace, which was just fine with me.

  He’d texted early postponing the meeting and that was the last I heard from him. I wondered if it had anything to do with CiCi, the woman I’d caught him in a lip lock with.

  She must be someone special. I’d worked closely with Liam for years now. As his executive assistant, I was privy to information that most people weren’t. In all the time I’d known him, he’d kept his personal life just that, personal. I was sure that he must have dated here and there, but I’d never seen any evidence of it.

  The entire resort was buzzing about love being in the air. The staff was sure that there was something in the water at the resort that was causing everyone to fall in love this weekend.

  There’d been the wedding, of course, but there’d also been a conference on intimacy with Dr. Vanessa Cupid, a relationship expert. It looked like she might be utilizing some of her expertise because the romantic scene I’d helped Cooper set up had been for her benefit.

  And then there was Liam and CiCi. I wasn’t the only one who’d spied them with my little eye. Apparently, he’d spent several nights at the hotel. Which in and of itself, was not out of the ordinary. What was out of the ordinary, was that he’d been seen going in and coming out of CiCi’s room.

  This place was like a high school. There was gossip and not much got past anyone. I was sure that tongues were wagging about my weekend at the villa with Romeo Whitehall, although, I doubted anyone knew for sure anything romantic had gone on since all of our indiscretions had been in private.

  “Hey.” Liam en
tered the room wearing a broad smile. “Sorry to keep you waiting.”

  “No worries.” I tapped on the screen to pull up the invoice that I needed to discuss with him. “There is an issue with—”

  “Before we get started,” Liam interrupted. “I have something to tell you.”

  I looked up from my iPad and watched as he sat down at his desk in front of me. The last time he’d told me he had something to tell me, he’d decided he wanted to buy this property and build the resort from the ground up.

  Was that what he was doing? That would mean relocating, which technically was a part of the job. A part I’d never minded before, but I loved Oasis. In the short time we’d been here, it had become my home.

  “I’m going to be making trips to Illinois.” He rested his forearms on his desk. “Frequently, I hope.”

  “Okay.” So we were relocating. I ignored the disappointment niggling at me and waited for him to tell me the specs on the property he was planning on investing in.

  “The woman that you saw me with—”

  “CiCi,” I offered.

  “Yes, CiCi. She lives in a suburb of Chicago with her twin sons.”

  “She has twins?”

  “Yes. They’re twelve.”

  Wow. I would’ve never guessed that she was old enough to have kids that age. She looked like she was in her early twenties.

  “I want to be upfront with you,” his tone was somber.

  I braced myself. I’d assumed that this was about a possible new property, but what if he was getting out of the game completely? He’d already changed careers once before, from NFL quarterback to real estate mogul. What if he was going to do that again? What if I was about to be out of a job?

  I started flipping through a mental Rolodex to see who I could contact when the meeting was over.

  “If things go how I want them to, I’m going to be out of town a lot. That means two things. First, I’ll need to be much more involved with my schedule. And second, I’m going to need you to take on a much bigger role with the company. When I’m not here, you’ll have to be me. Your salary will obviously reflect your new role.”


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