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Page 6

by Cassidy London

  The day turned to night without as much as a glimpse of her. She was probably long gone anyway. I retired back to my room, ordered room service and went to bed. It was the longest day of my life.

  I awoke the next day feeling the weight of regret still firmly planted on my shoulders. But there was nothing left to do about it. After packing up my room, I checked out and hopped in a cab to the airport. I needed to get back on track. Time to focus on work.

  Getting there early both to brief myself as well as my flight crew was crucial. Flying a CEO like Mr. Leahy was no easy task. The man has stipulations and special requests that changed on the hour. And, we had to be prepared for anything and everything he could throw at us. Not to mention that I had to fly the jet as if it was the easiest thing in the world. God help me if there was turbulence. Leahy hated that shit and blamed me as if I’d created it myself. Yeah, I needed to focus on my job. I hadn’t gotten to be one of the youngest Captains by spending my time pining away after women.


  The airport was crazy. I was thankful for the crew check points and I quickly made my way through customs in half the time the passengers would. Mentally going through my flight plan over and over had helped to calm my nerves. I’d also been thinking about Sophia. I was confident she’d be professional and discreet in public. She always had been up till now, so I saw no reason why today would be any different. After all, it was her job on the line too. She wouldn’t risk exposing our indiscretions. Truth was that it would probably hurt her to be exposed professionally, much more than it would me. Pilots were still an old boys club to a certain extent; we made allowances for one another that didn’t exactly extend to the flight crew. Not that we tolerated abuse or harassment. We certainly weren’t assholes about it, but it was what it was. I couldn’t deny that I didn’t enjoy the perks of it.

  As I was making my way towards the gate, when a hand slapped me on the back. It was my Co-Captain, Ryder Marin.

  “Tris! Man! Where the hell where you during this layover?” He began.

  “I didn’t see you anywhere. Thought you’d join the guys and I over at the bar last night. I tried to text you, but your phone was off. You must have been living it up with the locals huh.” He elbowed me in the side with a knowing look.

  Ryder was a nice guy and a great co-worker, but I was not about let loose about the last forty-eight hours.

  “Yeah.” I mumbled. “Something like that. Anyway, now it’s time to work. I’ll have to catch up with you another time,” I answered curtly, as I strode off.

  “Yeah sure man.” I heard Ryder’s voice trailing behind me as I opened the doors to our crew’s private flight deck. This was where we all met up a few hours before takeoff. I spied a blonde head poking out from the back corner, but made no effort to acknowledge her further.

  “Hey everyone, hope you all took advantage of the extra time we had on this layover to rest up.” I glanced up and her eyes met mine. I kept scanning the faces of my crew trying hard to ignore the cold icy stares she was throwing my way. I continued reviewing the plan and the minutes went by as they always did. I was settling into my routine when I noticed that we were one flight member short.

  “Where’s Lydia?” I asked without looking up as I continued to sift through my papers. I knew very well that Sophia was the only one who could answer that question. Lydia was her roommate and close friend. But regardless, there was no way I was falling back into those murderous eyes.

  “She was reassigned for the return flight Sir,” Sophia spoke. Her tone nothing but pure business. My head snapped up to meet Sophia’s eyes. A million questions ran through my head. But Sophia just raised her hands in surrender and shook her head.

  It was possible. After all, Air Freedom often moved crew members around at the last minute.

  Just as I was absorbing the information a familiar voice came through the room. “Umm… is this Mr. Leahy’s flight to San Francisco?”

  The door had swung open and there, was the last woman I’d ever thought I’d see again standing in the doorway. Her flight attendant uniform hugging her body in all the right places. Her long black locks tied in a ponytail and swirling down to her waist. I felt my entire being come to life in an instant. I wanted to run to her and pick her up and take her to a quiet place to explain everything. But all I could do was stare. For a second, she didn’t see me, her wide eyes searched our group.

  Then I heard Ryder’s voice call out and confirm her question. As he did, her eyes settled down on me. I watched them widen in surprise and for a millisecond; I could have sworn that I saw warmth flicker through them. But maybe I had imagined it because a cold hard stare was all that was there when I looked back again. Turning my head to see Sophia’s reaction, there she was standing smugly with her Cheshire Cat smile plastered across her Botox’d face. She might as well have announced to everyone that this was going to be her best day ever. Bitch. I wondered how this was going to play out.

  Chapter 14

  Adriana Acosta

  Haneda Airport–Tokyo

  I wanted to die. No joke, I wanted the world to open up and swallow me whole. This trip was going from bad to worse. I had received the call at the last minute. Our commercial flight was cancelled. Mechanical failure or issues, whatever I had barely been listening when we received the call. It was rare that things like this happened, but the girls and I had each been reassigned to a different flight home. Tanya had already left, Krista was flying out the next day, but I had been given a huge opportunity. I was reassigned to a private jet, even though I’d never flown private before. I had been thinking about applying for this, but to have it happen accidently was insanely good fortune. Except that now it wasn’t. Because he was here. And so was she.

  A twelve-hour flight aboard a private jet with not one– but the two people who had just made my layover absolute hell. How the fuck was I supposed to remain professional when all my emotions were bubbling just underneath the surface? I took a deep breath to calm myself. Focusing on the job I was here to do was the only way I can get through this. I wasn’t going to be a baby about it. Besides, it wasn’t like I or they, could even acknowledge it. If anyone breathed a word we’d all lose our jobs. I wasn’t going to risk it. No guy was worth the job I loved.

  Carefully pushing all my feelings back down inside, I met Tristan’s eyes. His eyes seemed to flicker with something; although perhaps it was nothing more than recognition and concern for his own job. I gave him back my most professional hard stare, letting him know that I would treat this flight as I would any other.

  I could feel that bitch’s eyes on me though. Like she wanted to cut right through me with her hatred. I turned my gaze to hers, and gave her a full-on smile like she was my best fucking friend. No one was going to make me feel uncomfortable. I hadn’t done anything wrong. I just had to keep repeating it like a mantra my head. I owned this opportunity and I was going to fucking take it. No matter what they threw at me.


  The next three hours were spent learning the ropes of flying on a private jet. Unlike commercial flights, which I had flown up until now, there was actually way more work to be done. Only the mysterious Mr. Leahy, whom I was told to address only as Sir, and his personal assistant Victoria would be boarding the jet. Still, taking care of his needs versus the needs of a few hundred aboard a Boeing 747 was clearly on a different playing field.

  From polishing the silverware that his Royal fancy-pants would eat from, to making sure that his favourite sheets had been used to make the bed, were all typical duties. It was like being a flight attendant and a maid. A little weird, but nothing I couldn’t get used to.


  I was to work side by side with Sophia and another girl, Rachel. At least there were three of us. That made it a little easier. Rachel was a sweet girl, and she seemed to thankfully have no clue about any of the underlying drama between Sophia, Tristano and I.

  After the last of his commands had been reviewed, Captain Ricci
got up and headed for the door. He would be boarding first, and getting everything ready for takeoff while we readied the cabin area.

  I allowed myself to look up at him as he crossed the room. It was a mistake. His presence affected me despite all my good intentions. His slicked back hair, his aura of pure masculinity; it was the way his presence took up the entire room. And his scent. Dear God he smelled so good. Everything about him affected me mentally and physically. My heart pumped too fast, my knees felt shaky as he came closer. I tried to swallow this mass of confusion but the more I tried, the less I felt I was succeeding.

  I was going to have to turn and make way in the other direction. There was no way I could stand there as he passed right next to me. I glanced around, everyone was dispersing and heading off to their tasks. Even Sophia had left. I was literally the last person standing there, and he was going too… I held my breath as he approached. It was too late to move. I’d for sure make it awkward and bump into him. So instead I had no choice but to make the best of it. I smiled and tried to look right at him. His stunning jawline was hard set and unmoving. I attempted to catch his eye and looked up as he got closer. But… there was nothing. He didn’t turn his eyes to meet mine like I thought he would. Instead he kept his gaze down and only a gruff voice escaped quietly from him. “Have a good flight.”

  I sucked in air like I was drowning. Gulping back tears that I couldn’t even understand. What the hell was I waiting for anyway? I was the one who had come in cold and professional, hadn’t I? Maybe he didn’t even know that I had been transferred. Or maybe he did? I didn’t have a clue. This man was getting harder and harder to read with every passing moment.

  Okay Adriana, I told myself. It’s time to put your big girl panties on and do your job. Whether he knows you from before, or only from the other night, is no longer relevant. Whether he was looking for a one-night stand or a threesome– is also irrelevant. In fact, the only thing that matters now is your job and making sure that you never allow Tristano Ricci to affect you again.

  Chapter 15

  Tristano Ricci

  Private Jet–Tokyo to San Francisco

  I pushed past her when all I wanted to do was slam her up against the wall and taste her in my mouth one more time. This was so crazy. How the hell was she on my jet after the craziness that had played out between us? I needed to have a word with Sophia and see if she somehow had anything to do with it. Not that she had all that much influence, but still, I didn’t trust her. Especially not around Adriana. I knew Adriana hadn’t flown private before, and that meant that she was in for some new experiences. It would be just like Sophia to put her in a situation just to watch her fail for her own nasty pleasure.

  I couldn’t let my feelings show; I had to time this right. Unfortunately, I was running out of time. We were set to takeoff in less than an hour and there was no way I’d get a chance to talk to her before that. Maybe later in flight when Ryder could take over, I’d get my chance.

  Her presence was affecting my concentration. It was concerning yet something about it was also comforting. I was thrilled she was here. After all, I had wanted nothing more but to see her and explain everything. Just not like this. It was never supposed to be like this. Strangely, I found I was saying that a lot lately. My conflicted feelings were fucking with my head, and I was becoming distracted too easily. Even worse, I felt like everyone could see it.

  “Captain Ricci? Captain? Tristan? The sound of my name snapped me out of my self-induced stupor and back to reality.

  “Sorry Ryder,” I mumbled. “Didn’t mean to ignore you.”

  “You okay today? You seem out of sorts,” he pressed.

  “No really I’m fine, I’m having issues with this layover that’s all.” I paused. I needed to get shit off my chest, but this wasn’t the time or the place.

  “Paging Captain Ricci,” a voice came through dispatch. “Mr. Leahy is ready to board now.”

  “Send him through thank you.” My life was going to have to be put on hold for the next twelve hours.


  “Attention Crew. Can I have everyone assembled on the platform please?” I called out to my team. “Our passengers will be boarding in just a few minutes.”

  I glanced at Ryder who was still staring at me questionably.

  “Later,” I mumbled. And he nodded the same.

  We made our way to the platform as the team lined up to greet Mr. Leahy. He was a stickler for pretentious shit like this. He thought it essential that we all line up to greet him like he was the fucking king or something. Flying these private jets was much more lucrative than commercial flights, but I hated the ass-kissing that came with it.

  The girls were to be lined up in the main cabin, each holding some perk essential that Leahy had previously requested. Sophia was first with a tumbler of Jack Daniel’s. Rachel came next with a glass of wine for Victoria, and finally the third girl– typically Lydia with today’s copy of the NY Times. But today, it was Adriana. She stood stoically as if this was a completely normal day on the job for her. I wondered what exactly was going on in that beautiful head of hers. I’d never been good at deciphering women’s thoughts, unless it was between the sheets. That was the one and only area I seemed to excel in when it came to the opposite sex. In that moment, I couldn’t help but compare Sophia to Adriana. The blonde bombshell with big pouty lips and an ass and tits to match. Although I had always been attracted to Sophia, as she stood next to Adriana, she paled in comparison. Made me wonder what I had ever seen in her in the first place.

  Where Sophia seemed like a trussed-up Barbie doll, Adriana glowed with class and elegance. She had a natural sexiness that was effortless. Shiny hair, large round doe-like eyes and a petite frame that had all the womanly curves a man could want; but in a perfectly proportioned package. Her beauty was breathtaking and it made Sophia look like a streetwalker. I actually felt embarrassed that Adriana now knew I had been with Sophia.

  For fuck’s sake Tris! I scolded myself. This is ridiculous. Fucking buck up and be a professional.

  I turned and walked down to take my spot at the foot of the stairs. I could see Mr. Leahy and Victoria in the distance. Him in his typical black power suit and red tie. His bald head shining in the sun. Victoria trotted dutifully next to him in four-inch heels. Her pencil skirt that made her legs seem practically tied together, and her ass, stuck out further than normal. It was amazing that she could keep up with him at that speed without falling flat on her face, poor girl.

  “Ricci,” was the curt greeting I received, and a swift nod as he climbed the stairs. Vic and I made eye contact, she gave me a grateful smile as I offered her my arm to climb the stairs.

  “Have a good flight Sir,” I called to him as he turned the corner to enter the cabin.

  I had a little over twelve hours to formulate a plan and decide what I was going to say to Adriana when we landed in San Francisco.

  Chapter 16

  Adriana Acosta

  Private Jet–Tokyo to San Francisco

  My heart felt like it was beating outside of my body. It seemed so loud that I was sure everyone could hear it. My blood was thumping rhythmically in my head, in my neck, literally all the way down to my toes. This was a great job opportunity and I didn’t want to screw it up because of a stupid guy. However, having him so close to me was so distracting.

  Plus, I needed to be excellent despite how uncomfortable it was to have Sophia looking over my shoulder all the time and giving me patronizing sweet-as-pie smiles. This guy, Leahy had a reputation for being an ass, but he also had a reputation for making sure his flight crew received bonuses higher than anyone else in the business. This was an opportunity that I just couldn’t throw away.

  I ran hands down my skirt and smoothed out the wrinkles that weren’t even there. It was a nervous habit when I didn’t know what to do with my hands.

  “Stand up tall and look straight ahead,” said Rachel through clenched teeth. “Hold the newspaper out for him a
nd stop fidgeting.”

  “Sorry and thanks.” I clenched a smile back to her and got into position.

  “I don’t know how you got here, but if you want this job then you need to play by his rules,” Rachel reminded me.

  “The only rules in this cabin are the ones that I set,” Sophia responded coldly. “I’m the senior flight attendant and I know what he likes. Do exactly as I say and it will be a great flight. Can you do that Adriana?”

  Her tone hadn’t changed, but the way she said my name had. It dripped from her mouth with a rolling of the “R”. As if she was trying to imitate how Tristan had said my name last night. A sick feeling overtook my stomach. I knew she was going to make the next twelve hours brutal for me and yet somehow, I was going to have to suck it up.

  I resolved to not let stupid Sophia get to me. But honestly, I was kind of scared of her. She had every advantage and she knew it. My only resource was to try and keep Rachel on my side and Tristano Ricci out of my head.


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