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The Dating Itinerary

Page 10

by Brooke Williams

  “Thinking about Pete?” Josie called from the corner.

  “Huh, what? Pete? Oh yeah, Pete.” Penny was scattered, and she knew it.

  “I thought you looked happy when you came in the day after you met with him, but now? I don’t know. You’re positively glowing.”


  “Well, I’ll let you get back to that.” Josie disappeared as fast as she’d come in.

  Penny was glad for the reprieve. She examined the paper pile on her desk. It wasn’t getting any more orderly. Nor was her mind. What had Geo been thinking when he did what he…almost did? And why hadn’t she been able to stop thinking about it since?

  The article would be out tomorrow, and the day after, Penny and Geo would have to come face to face yet again on TV. How awkward was that meeting going to be?


  Getting Tender with Tinder

  By Geo Monais

  It’s hard to say that Tinder is the place to find love today, but for many people, it’s definitely the place to start. Tinder is an outlet that can allow people to hide behind their pictures and profiles and avoid life experiences, at least at first.

  If you use Tinder, you know what’s it like to swipe left and right on pictures, judging people based on your initial reaction. They say a picture’s worth a thousand words, but in this case, all it’s worth is a swipe one direction or another. How did you feel when you heard you had a match…or two…or more? Did your heart start beating in your chest? Did you feel your excitement rise? It’s a rush to feel desired, even if things are based off of one picture alone.

  I understand why so many people are on Tinder. That rush is real. And dates can certainly be found. I found one myself, and things went well. I can’t say it’s love, but the evening wasn’t a waste of time, either. To me, Tinder took out the middleman, in a way. It’s a real time saver, too. You don’t have to troll the bars, look around at coffee shops, and check out ring fingers at the store. You have the singles you might want right in front of you, ripe for the picking.

  But one thing Tinder doesn’t do is make matches easy. Sure, you might find a mutual attraction in a simple manner, and that’s a good first step. After that, you have to communicate, and there’s nothing about Tinder that makes that any easier than normal. Once you are ready to meet someone, that’s also hard. In essence, you’re meeting a complete stranger who has certain expectations and hopes about you—as you do on them. Either you have things in common or you don’t. Either you get along well or you don’t. Tinder can’t help you there.

  If you have trouble approaching women to start a conversation in the first place, Tinder is a good place to start. But it’s not going to get you past the initial meeting and onto dates two and three. That, my friend, is on you. Tinder is a stepping stone, and with any luck, you can get past that stone and onto the boulder where you may find love. It might not be likely, but it’s not out of the question, either.


  George ran his fingers over the print of the newspaper. His words—his and Penny’s—stared back at him in black and white. He knew he was good at what he did, but there was something extra about this article. Something unspoken with an undertone of sensitivity that he just didn’t have a grasp on alone.

  His phone rang in his pocket, and he tossed the paper aside, fumbling the device into his hand. He had to admit, he hoped to hear from Penny before the TV showcase. They needed to clear the air—again—and figure things out before they appeared together.

  “You back in New York, now?” Geo tried not to let the disappointment in his voice ring through as he saw his agent’s name on the phone before pressing the button to answer.

  “Back where I belong. Where we both belong.”

  Geo rolled his eyes. “How did things go in your meeting with the new author you were scouting?”

  “Brilliant. She’s a real hoot. Writes rom com and is a beauty. The men are going to love her, and the women are going to want to be her. I signed her immediately. But enough about me…Geo, my man. Let’s talk about you. You’ve done it again! Wherever you’re getting your material, it’s working for you.” His agent was in full rage mode, and it was all directed at Geo. He wasn’t sure he could handle this today, right before he was supposed to meet Penny at the studio for their TV appearance.

  He listened, removing the phone from his ear slightly, as Michael continued to praise him. All he wanted to do was interrupt the man and tell him it wasn’t all about him. Penny had a huge hand in making the piece what it ended up being. Just as big a hand as he’d had in her piece. It was their joint effort that made both shine the way they did. And he really wanted to call his agent out about his underhanded tactics.

  “I tell ya, just a few more like this, man, and you’re syndicated gold, you hear?”

  Smathers finally took a breath and paused to allow Geo to answer. “I hear.” His statement was simple because he couldn’t say what he really wanted to say. Now wasn’t the time to show his nerves to the man who was counting on him for so much. Berating him for his way of going about things wouldn’t help the situation Geo was in now.

  “Now get yourself to that TV studio and knock ‘em dead. Or break a leg. Or whatever it is you’re supposed to do.”

  “Okay, will do.” Geo hung up before his agent had finished. There would be a time and a place to tell Smathers what he really thought of him. While he didn’t like where he had gotten The Dating List…or The Dating Itinerary, as it was originally called, the fact that it was leading him to a huge career was undeniable, and he couldn’t say he wasn’t thankful for it…for Maggie’s sake, if nothing else. When he gave her the gift of funding, it would more than make up for the past. Wouldn’t it?

  Geo checked his email and typed out a quick reply to Maggie about meeting for lunch. As much as he loved seeing his nephew, it would be nice to catch up, just the two of them.


  Two hours later, Geo stood in the TV studio, watching a camera operator pin the mic to his lapel once again. He had already spotted Penny, who was doing much of the same halfway across the studio. Her scoop-neck shirt showed off more of her creamy skin than he was used to seeing. There was no necklace to distract him from her pale coloring or the bright copper thatch of hair atop her head. He couldn’t help but stare at her from across the studio, especially when she talked. When her lips curled into a smile as she thanked the person helping with her mic, Geo remembered how they looked when he had been just inches away from them.

  She looked up quickly and caught his eye, a nervous smile appearing on her face. Geo raised a hand and winked. He had to get into his persona as Geo Monais, eligible bachelor. All he really wanted to do was be in a room alone with her, writing together, as they did best.

  The camera operator showed him to the same seat he’d occupied last time, and Penny sat stiffly beside him. “The host will be over during the break in about three minutes.”

  The pair nodded, and Geo cleared his throat. Penny shifted in her seat.

  “I—” Both spoke at once and then shared a laugh. “Go ahead.” Geo motioned to Penny.

  “I just wanted to let you know the editors loved the article. They said the magazine had gotten good feedback.”

  “That’s great.” George didn’t really want to talk shop, but at least it was something. “My agent called this morning and said the piece was having a good effect as well.”

  “Congratulations.” Penny’s eyes shifted around the room. All Geo wanted to do was catch them, so they could exchange a real look. He knew he would be able to tell more of what she was thinking if she’d just look at him.

  “Penny, I—”

  “Welcome back, you two.” Alicia Hammond ambled over and sat kitty corner to the guests. “We’ll go live in sixty seconds.”

  Penny finally glanced at Geo and gave him a small smile. He winked at her again, hopin
g he could convey something with the gesture. She turned away to face the host just as the camera lights went red and the producer counted down from five.

  “Welcome back, St. Louis. We’re in for another treat today as Penny Coyne and Geo Monais join us. Let me remind you, Penny is a writer for St. Louis Happenings while Geo works for a variety of outlets, but both are pursuing what we’re now calling ‘The Dating Itinerary.’ Last week, it was Speed Dating. This week, Tinder. Tell us about your experiences.”

  “Well.” Penny glanced at Geo, who sat back in his chair. There wasn’t a competitive nature between them this time. He’d get his turn. “I’ve never messed with dating technology, so I really had no idea what I was doing, but I was able to figure it out pretty fast, and I have to admit, I found it addicting. I was swiping left and right when I really should have been doing other things.”

  “What did you think, Geo?”

  “I never had an account before, either, but I was pretty positive about how things operated. I was surprised at how fast the matches started rolling in.” Geo heard the swagger in his voice.

  “That’s not all that surprising to me,” Alicia commented, a flirty smile spreading across her face. “In case you haven’t noticed, you’re not hard on the eyes, Geo. Am I right, Penny?”

  Penny glanced furtively at Geo and then back at the host. “He’s okay, I guess.” He could hear the nerves in her forced laugh.

  “Did either of you make any connections?”

  “Funny story.” Geo took over the conversation before Penny could. “We actually ended up on dates in the same restaurant.”

  “The two of you?” The host frowned in surprise and moved to the edge of her seat.

  “Yes.” George leaned forward. “Penny was already there when I arrived with my date.”

  “And how were things going for you, Penny?”

  Penny’s face reddened. Geo hadn’t meant to put her on the hot seat—had he? Not this week, at least. Last week, he may have.

  “Actually, I was on a double date, but my date never showed.”

  Geo’s respect for her rose. It took some guts to admit that on live TV. She had avoided the fact in her article, but she was owning up to it at that moment. Now he had to worry about what she would say regarding his agent’s debacle.

  “I suppose that’s how Tinder works, more misses than hits, right?” Penny continued. “But seeing Geo with his date inspired me.”

  “How so?” Alicia asked.

  “Well, the very next day, I had a date with a man who I met at the speed dating event.”

  “Ah, success from that event yet, huh?”

  Penny smiled, and Geo shifted in his seat. He didn’t want to hear about Pete and his soft kiss again. Not after how he had almost connected with Penny in her kitchen.

  “Did you have any trouble with your date, Geo?”

  Geo came back to the present. “She showed up, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  “Of course she did.” The host smiled. “And what can we expect to see next week in St. Louis Happenings and all of Geo’s many outlets?”

  “Uh, we’re headed to a matchmaker,” Geo supplied.

  “Ah, taking it from modern to old school. Well, thanks very much to both of you for being here today, and we hope you’ll have even more to report next time. Good luck in love and please, bring us some juicy details again next week, okay?”

  Geo blinked. If only the host knew the details they were holding back. His agent’s theft…the almost kiss between the two of them…they were, indeed, juicy.


  Penny removed the microphone and handed it to the studio employee. She was hoping to make a clean getaway before Geo could catch up.

  “Penny, wait up.”

  His voice called quietly from behind her. With the others milling around, it would look weird if she continued and attempted to ignore him. She turned and waited, resuming her walk down the hall when he was next to her.

  “That went well,” Geo said as he shoved his hands into his pockets, keeping pace with her quick steps.

  “Better than last week.”

  Geo was trying to get her to look at him and keep up with her while not running into anyone or anything as they walked. When they reached the exit, he still hadn’t had any luck, so he caught her arm and turned her toward him before she could take off through the back door.

  “Would you stop for a minute?” he asked, sounding more forceful than he intended.

  “What do you want, Geo?”

  It felt like she was staring a hole into his forehead, but not looking at his eyes. He lowered his head to catch her gaze. “I guess I don’t know.”

  “That’s what I thought.” Penny turned away again.

  “Hold up.” Geo stepped in her path.

  Penny glared at him. “Calling me out on TV wasn’t enough for you? You knew I left my date-that-didn’t-show out of the article on purpose, but you had to bring it up with the whole city watching?”

  Geo bit his lip. Her anger made sense now. “I didn’t mean to. It just slipped out.” He reached out and placed his hands gently on her shoulders. “It was an accident, promise.” He felt her shoulders slump as some of the tension from her body released beneath his touch.

  “It was a dirty trick. You made me out like an undateable.”

  “An undateable? Did you just make up a word?”

  Penny shrugged his hands off her shoulders. “So what if I did?”

  He held his hands up in defeat. “You’re entitled. Just make sure you use that in your next article. Let’s get it coined in your honor.”

  “Did you just say ‘coined’?”

  “That I did.” Geo smiled. Having a name like Penny Coyne had to make her more sensitive to anything monetary.

  Geo waited a beat and then took a step toward her, placing his hand on her elbow as he did. “Can we still work together? I’m sorry for saying the wrong thing, but we work well together, and I’m not ready to give that up—for both our sakes.”

  Penny squinted at him. Geo squeezed her elbow, trying to keep the feel of her in his arms out of his mind and simply be satisfied with the feel of skin beneath his fingers in that one area.

  “We do work well together,” she admitted. “When’s your matchmaker appointment?”

  “Tomorrow. You?” Geo dropped his hand in relief. She was coming around.

  “Same.” Penny fiddled with the hem of her shirt. “If you show up as my blind date…”

  “Wouldn’t that be something?”

  “It’d be something, that’s for sure.” She chuckled as Geo felt the tension in his shoulders relax. The real Penny was coming out, now.

  “Then we’d know for sure.” Sometimes Geo spoke without thinking, and he knew this was one of those times as soon as the sentence was out of his mouth. And, as he predicted, Penny called him on it.

  “We’d know what for sure?” She frowned.

  Geo shrugged. How to put into words what he was feeling? He didn’t want to push it with her. He’d already done that. But he didn’t want to back down, either. What was his motto? When in doubt, go for it and let the chips fall where they may. “We’d know we were a match.”

  “Didn’t Tinder already tell us that?” Penny chucked a small fist against his biceps. “Ow, work out much?”

  He caught her hand in midair and placed a finger beneath her chin, raising her eyes to his.

  She was trying to lighten the air between them, but he wasn’t ready to let go of the moment he’d just created. She stared up at him, waiting for a reply, but his mouth was dry and all he wanted to do was back her against the wall and finish what he started in the kitchen. Penny parted her lips ever so slightly, and Geo’s eyes were drawn to her mouth.

  He slowly closed the space between them, as if he moved too fast, he might sca
re her away. “We’re live in five!” a voice called on the set behind them.

  Penny jerked away, a startled expression on her face.

  The moment was broken, and there were too many people around as it was. Geo moved back into their conversation seamlessly, though his heart was beating hard in his chest. “Did Tinder really match us, though, or should I call your sister instead?”

  Penny opened the back door, threw her head back, and laughed too loudly. “You’re not her type.”

  “Then why did she swipe right?”

  Penny rolled her eyes, her voice now a whisper after she received a shush from a nearby producer. “Good point. Well, whatever. I’m not handing her over to the likes of you.”

  Geo followed Penny outside. “Ah, so you want to keep me all to yourself, huh?”

  Penny opened her car door and put one foot into the vehicle. “In your dreams, Geo Monais.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Geo sat across from his sister in the busy pizza joint she’d chosen for their lunch. “Don’t you eat enough pizza with Eliot?” he asked as she took her third slice.

  “Yeah, but he only likes pepperoni. He never lets me get taco pizza.” She took a big bite and made a satisfying crunch sound.

  “What’s on tap for the girls this week?” Geo asked. He was always anxious to hear what she was going for and with the women at Her Heart.

  “It’s really sad, actually. I only have space for ten women right now, and I had to turn down this mom with five kids today. It breaks my heart, but what can I do?”

  “Any news on leasing the building next door?”

  “The owner won’t budge on the deal. He says if I can’t prove income, he can’t move forward. What do they think I am, a car dealership? It’s a charity!”

  “They should at least give you a chance.”


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