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The Dating Itinerary

Page 19

by Brooke Williams

  Penny turned to Geo, and they both made a face and laughed. “Guess we aren’t invited back next week,” she said, squeezing his fingers.

  “Did you want to go back?” Geo turned and pressed his shoulder against her side. He wanted to be as close to her as he could.

  “Um, no, but the dark was nice.”

  “Yeah, nice.” That wasn’t how Geo would describe it.

  “You know, we really better get to work on that article—while Dark Dating is fresh in our minds.”

  Geo gave Penny a sidelong glance as they started to walk away from the building. “Are you saying…”

  “We usually work at my place. Why don’t you come over?” She turned to face him when they reached her car.

  Geo didn’t stop moving toward her until her back was against the car and he was pressed against her. “It’s not too late?” he asked in a low voice.

  “I don’t want to miss the deadline,” she breathed, biting his lower lip gently between her teeth.

  “That would be the worst.” He claimed her mouth with his own and picked up right where they left off in the pod.

  The parking lot light above them flickered and turned off. Geo put an inch of space between them. “Looks like we’re in the dark again.”

  “Could be worse.” Penny edged around him and unlocked her car. “I’ll get my laptop fired up.”

  “You do that.” Geo watched her drive away and jogged to his car. He wasn’t sure what was going on between them, but he was eager not to waste another second wondering.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Penny raced into her place, grabbed her laptop from the kitchen counter, and pressed the ON button. Once it was on the coffee table, she rushed to the bathroom and ran her fingers through her hair. She and Geo had been in each other’s faces for a good stint already, but brushing her teeth wouldn’t hurt.

  She added some fresh lip gloss and headed back out to the living room just as the knock sounded on the front door.

  She opened the door and parted her lips to greet Geo, but he rushed into the room and placed both hands around her waist, pulling her to him. She didn’t complain and instead removed his leather jacket one arm at a time. Once it was on the floor by the door, he kicked the door shut behind him and moved her into the room.

  Penny led him step by step to the couch without leaving his embrace or breaking their kiss. When she sat, she felt the bulk of the remote beneath her. She giggled against his lips and tossed it onto the coffee table beside them.

  The computer whirred, and Geo jerked his head in its direction. He scooted back slightly and narrowed his eyes. “So…you really do want to work?”

  Penny glanced at the computer then back at Geo. “Only if you want to.”

  “Well, deadlines and all.”

  Penny nodded.

  “It’s your house. Your rules.”

  Penny hesitated less than a second and closed the laptop with her foot. “It can wait.” She thrust her hand into the back of Geo’s hair and pulled him down on the couch with her.


  It was hard for Penny to hold in her excitement when she reached the office the next morning, albeit late. She and Geo had really connected, and the whole dating itinerary thing had really worked, even if it wasn’t in the manner anyone would have predicted. After hours of deep conversation inter-mixed with some serious make-out sessions, they’d even managed to brainstorm on their articles a bit.

  There had been no work the night before, and Penny had to pull something together—and fast. Predictably, Josie from marketing appeared just as Penny was organizing her thoughts.

  “How was Dark Dating? Whoa, you look…ravishing!”

  “Thanks.” Penny rushed on so Josie couldn’t ask any more questions. “It was interesting, feeling men’s faces and trying to work on their features.”

  “I take it this dating path worked for you?”

  “Why do you say that?” Penny tried to bury her head in the papers on her desk and not meet Josie’s eyes.

  “I can see it from a mile away. You’re beaming.” Josie held up a hand. “But don’t tell me about it. I want to see it for myself, along with the rest of the city.”

  “What do you mean?” Penny asked.

  “The TV show called. Since tomorrow is your last appearance, they want you to bring a date. Maybe someone from last night?”

  Penny blushed even brighter as she thought about how last night had actually ended—with her pulling Geo down to the couch. And how this morning had begun—with a cup of coffee and a lingering kiss before they parted ways.

  “A date, huh?”

  Josie nodded. “I can’t wait.” She tapped on the doorframe and disappeared.

  “A date,” Penny said to herself. If it weren’t for Geo, she’d be at a loss. She and Pete had decided to be friends. No way was she taking soup-beard man. Ken had a girlfriend. Jack was her cousin. And the list went on. But Geo? Perhaps this would be the perfect opportunity for them to come out as a couple.


  “Oh, and you’re supposed to bring a date to the studios tomorrow, you know, your TV appearance?”

  “A date?” Geo had just told his agent how well Dark Dating went, though he hadn’t gotten into the gritty details.

  “Yeah, you know, to show your success from all the different things you’ve tried. You could call just about any of those women again, right?”

  Geo was starting to wonder how much his agent was willing to show of the real George. Would the public appreciate him for his true personality?

  “Actually, I have someone else in mind.”

  “Someone other than the dates you’ve had? You probably better choose one of the women you’ve seen. It would make more sense.”

  “I have an interest in someone, but none of those women. I think I’ll just go alone and see how things turn out.”

  “You’re kidding. Man, you can’t do that!”

  “I’ve found someone, Michael. Isn’t that what this is all about?”

  “You’ve got to at least tell me who she is.”

  “It’s Penny.” Geo lowered his voice, not because he was ashamed, but more because when he spoke about her, he felt softer, somehow.

  “The chick from St. Louis Happenings? No way. I didn’t see that coming. That can’t happen!”

  “What are you talking about, Smathers? Why would they care?” George was pacing behind his couch, trying to get through to his agent.

  “They want Geo, don’t you get it? You can’t look like a buttoned-up guy in love with some girl you’ve known for years. It’s just not going to fly. Plus, you’ll be moving to New York in a few weeks if they offer you the contract.”

  “So what are you saying?”

  “You have a decision to make. You’re gold for this job, but as Geo Monais. Anything less is going to take your career down in flames. You can’t have both.”

  George was speechless. He had created Geo for a reason, and it had worked. But now? The alter ego’s usefulness had run out. He wanted this job so he could help his sister—as badly as he could breathe—but he also wanted Penny.

  “Watch me.” Geo didn’t care what his agent said. He was heading to the studio alone. With his blessing or without it.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Geo had heard the expression of butterflies floating in the stomach, and that’s exactly what he felt. As he opened the studio door, he surveyed the parking lot. He’d hoped to see Penny before the taping to solidify what was going on between them even further.

  As he strode down the dimly lit hall that led to the studio, he nodded at an assistant he recognized. Turning the corner, he almost ran into someone he never expected to see in that setting.

  “Sasha? What are you doing here?” Geo blinked rapidly.

  “What do you mean? Your agent
called and told me to meet you.” The woman gazed up at him with innocent eyes.

  Geo took her by the elbow and led her into the shadows. He was going to have a talk with Michael Smathers later, but right now, he had to deal with the situation his agent has placed him in.

  “I’m sorry, but there was a misunderstanding. You have to go. Please.”

  Sasha tilted her head in confusion. “He said you had to have a date to this TV taping thing…”

  She wasn’t wrong; he was supposed to. But it wouldn’t be right to use Sasha just to get a job. And it certainly wasn’t fair to Penny, especially not now that he understood how he felt about her.

  “No, no. I’m sorry you came all the way out here, Sasha. I don’t have time to explain now, but I promise I’ll give you a call later and tell you everything, okay?”

  Geo heard his name being called on set and turned toward the lights. The stage assistant was hurrying him forward, but he had enough time to glance behind him and see that Sasha, though a bit bewildered, was following.

  No. No. No!


  Penny glanced nervously around the studio. Where was Geo? The assistant threaded the microphone onto her as she wrung her hands. “Ready?” he asked. She nodded, but she didn’t feel ready in the least. She followed him to the set and sat in her regular chair, noticing there were two additional chairs on the stage, probably for their dates.

  Alicia Hammond rushed over as the commercials ran. “Where’s Geo?”

  Penny opened her mouth to tell her she didn’t know.

  “He’s here,” someone off set called. Moments later, the assistant guided Geo to the set. And behind him trailed a woman beyond gorgeous.

  Penny’s jaw dropped as she shifted uncomfortably in her chair. The woman was everything she wasn’t—long, flowing blonde hair, tight aqua blue dress, legs for days…and days.

  “Live in five!”

  “And welcome back, St. Louis.” Alicia smiled into the camera with the red light as Penny stared at Geo and the gorgeous wonder sitting next to her. She could feel him trying to capture her gaze, but she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. What if this whole thing had been a set up?

  “Today, we have Penny Coyne and Geo Monais joining us for a final time to wrap up their Dating Itinerary series. We asked that they bring dates to show some of their success from the various paths they have taken. Geo, let’s start with you, since you brought someone with you. Tell us about this lovely woman.”

  Geo cleared his throat. “This is Sasha. We met through the matchmaker a few weeks back. We haven’t been in touch since.”

  Penny’s blood boiled as Geo gave her what looked like a pleading look, but she wouldn’t meet his eyes. She wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction

  “And, Penny, how did things go for you? There wasn’t anyone you wanted to invite along?” Alicia asked.

  “There was.” Penny spoke through her teeth, trying to sound as normal as possible. “But the dating scene is really hard. It’s difficult to figure out someone’s true character in so little time. I met someone I thought would be a good match for the show.” Penny paused for full impact and then turned and spoke directly to Geo. “But he turned out to be a real jerk.” She thought she saw surprise in his eyes, but there was no way she was going to let him know how much she was actually hurting. For him to show up with a date after what happened between them, well, it was a real Geo move. She should have known better than to let down her guard with a man like him.

  “I’ve definitely kissed my fair share of frogs.” Alicia laughed. “We’re all anxious to read your details on Dark Dating. Any final advice to the singles out there?”

  Penny was incredulous as Alicia looked to her. “Go with your gut.” She turned to the camera to speak to the viewers as well. “First impressions mean a lot. Once a jerk, always a jerk. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.”

  Geo sat silently with his mouth half open.

  Finally. Penny had rendered him speechless. Served him right.

  “Thanks again to both of you for taking us on this incredible journey. We hope you’ll stay in touch. And next, weather and traffic.” Alicia smiled into the camera until the commercials began. “Thanks, guys, see you around.” She stood and rushed back to the other side of the set.

  Sasha stood and threw her hair over her shoulder. Penny felt frozen to her chair as Sasha kissed Geo on the cheek, then left the bright set behind her.

  Geo stood with his back to Penny as she slowly rose. When he turned, his face was as red as her hair.

  “Penny, I—”

  She held up a hand. “All’s fair in love and the dating itinerary, right?” She shifted her weight so she could sidestep around him.

  “Wait.” He grabbed her arm and spun her around. “Let me explain.”

  Penny crossed her arms over her chest and looked up into his eyes, seeing him as if for the first time. “Explain? Oh, I think it’s perfectly clear, Geo.” She spit his name in a low voice so others wouldn’t overhear. “You get what you want from all the women you date, and then you’re done with them. Bingo bango.”

  “You don’t understand.”

  “Oh, I understand perfectly,” Penny spat. “It’s pretty safe to say you’re a top-notch liar, Geo. Lonely? That was a great line. And it worked, too, right?” She turned and stormed off the set, pulling her mic from her skirt as she strode away.

  This time, Geo didn’t try and stop her.


  After Geo called Sasha, apologizing profusely and explaining to her how he hadn’t intended to bring a date because he had fallen for Penny, he had a moment to himself in his car to settle. What had just happened? Penny had called him a jerk, a top-notch liar, and other choice things. Was that really what she thought of him? After everything they had shared? She hadn’t even given him a chance to explain.

  It devastated him that this woman, who should have been so much in his life, should have been everything, thought so little of him. Sure, they’d had their tiffs in the past, but that was then. Apparently, she wasn’t as over it as he thought.

  Geo punched a few buttons on his phone, taking his frustration out on the screen. Smathers was going to hear exactly what Geo thought of his little plan. He was angry with Penny, furious at his agent, but also disappointed at the way his image was now following him, unable to be shaken, even as he was trying to do better.


  Penny called her sisters over for an emergency gab session. Bowling night wasn’t for a few more days, and she needed triage immediately.

  “What gives, Penny?” Q asked. “This isn’t like you.”

  The sisters gathered on the couch and surrounding chair and sat with Penny, whose eyes were red-rimmed.

  “I let things get away from me,” she said. “I fell. Hard.”

  Nic gave her a knowing nod. She’d been the one who had pointed out that Penny had feelings for Geo in the first place.

  Penny filled them in on the details, starting from their joint efforts and ending with Dark Dating and what followed. She watched as Dime’s eyes darkened with the last details. She knew they’d seen the show that morning.

  “And then you went on the show without a date, assuming Geo would as well,” Q filled in.

  Penny nodded.

  “Which he didn’t,” Di pointed out.

  “And now you have to write the last article,” Nic supplied.

  “What do I say?” Penny sniffled. “I got played? Again?”

  “Get out your laptop,” Q demanded.

  “What? Why?”

  “Just do it.”

  Penny did as ordered and felt her sisters’ support rally around her. This was why she didn’t mess with men. They left her feeling like a sack of shame. All she really needed was her family. Her sisters and her career. That was the end of it. But wha
t was she going to do now? The Dating Itinerary was coming to an end, and she still didn’t have a man to show for it. There was no happy ending for her—and no cover story for the magazine.

  It took the rest of the night and into the wee morning hours, but with Nickel, Dime, and Quarter by her side, Penny came up with a Dark Dating article to wrap up The Dating Itinerary—and blow Geo Monais out of the water.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Maggie entered Geo’s apartment and started pummeling his arm with her small fists. Eliot trailed behind her, and when he saw the action, he jumped right in and joined his mom’s example.

  “What in the world—” Geo held up his hands in defense and tried to push his sister away with one arm as he gathered Eliot under the other arm and carried him over to the couch, dumping him soundly on his side.

  “You did a bad thing,” Eliot chimed from his position below them.

  “Very bad,” his sister agreed.

  “Eliot, get out your trucks.” Geo watched as his nephew rolled from the couch and crawled over to the bin of toys. He jerked his head toward the nearby kitchen, and his sister followed him there.

  “What gives, Mags?” he asked, rubbing his arm where her tiny fists had made contact one too many times.

  “I saw the look on Penny’s face when she noticed your ‘date.’ What the heck, Geo?”

  Geo opened the fridge and tried to hide his face inside. He’d seen it, too. He’d been ready to explain everything to her. He hadn’t wanted Sasha to come. He hadn’t even invited her. The last thing he’d wanted to do was hurt Penny, but when she assumed the worst about him…it had been a lot to take in. Penny jumped to the worst possible conclusion, which made him feel like she didn’t know him at all, and she certainly didn’t trust him.

  Once he’d given his agent a piece of his mind and heard countless promises that the man would never go around him like that again, he calmed enough to hear that the offer had come through. He was New York bound. His sister’s charity was going to have its bankroll through his new salary. And he’d have to leave Penny behind either way, so perhaps it was for the best that she wanted to push him off a cliff.


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