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DEEP CUT (Men of the Woods Book 2)

Page 9

by Dani Wyatt

  “What if she calls me names like my dad did? What if she tells me she’s disgusted with me? I don’t want to go through all that again.”

  “She’s your mom. She loves you. That’s what moms do.”

  “Dads are supposed to, too,” I remind her.

  She sighs. “Answer it, you’ll see.”

  I grunt, but I know she’s right. I can’t avoid my mom forever. If she wants to shout and scream at me, I’ll just have to accept it. I press the green button, steeling my nerves, then cautiously start talking. “Hi, Mom.”

  “Hey sweetheart, are you all right? You sound like you’ve been crying.”

  “I’ve…” I hesitate, then decide the truth is a better way to cover reality than a lie. “I was in a bit of a car accident, but I’m all right.”

  “I know, Melody, your father called me. I’m not very pleased with him driving in that condition, but that’s not why I’m calling. He told me about you and Cain.”

  Part of me wants to curl up into a little ball and hide. I know what’s coming. The same as my dad. Name calling. Disowning me. Only in his case he also said I had to get it from my mother, because I sure as hell didn’t get it from him.

  “Does he make you happy?”

  I hesitate. Did she just ask what I think she just asked? It didn’t sound like an accusation at all…

  “Are you still there, Melody?”

  “Yes. Sorry. I mean, yes. Yes, he does make me happy.” I feel like I’m stumbling over the words. Saying them makes me think of Cain and everything he means to me. “I love him,” I say, surprising myself at telling her that.

  “I’m glad.” Her voice is light, it doesn’t sound like it was a struggle to say that at all. “I know I might not be the best role model, Melody, but if there’s one thing I know about it’s following my heart. No matter how much the world might judge you for it, you have to do what’s right for you, sweetheart. You only have one life and you have to live it your way. Otherwise, you’ll only have regrets.”

  The tears are starting in my eyes again, but this time they’re happy tears. I can’t believe my mom just gave me her blessing.

  “I love you, Mom.”

  “I love you too, sweetheart. Really I do. It won’t be long before I’m settled, and then I can come over there to see you or you can come here to see me. I didn’t want to leave you, you have to believe that. I was lost. I made some of my own bad decisions. Your dad loves you too. I’m sure he said some hurtful things to you, but he was angry and drunk.”

  Suddenly, there’s a banging on the front door, and Ginger jumps up from the table, wiping away tears. “I’ll get it.”

  “I’ll talk to your father and bring him around, Melody.” My mom’s voice sounds calm and reasonable.

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  I glance over at the door as Ginger pulls it open, and there is Cain. When he sees me, he doesn’t say a word, he just rushes over and pulls me up from the table into his arms.

  “My mom’s on the phone,” I tell him, waving the device under his nose. “I was trying to have a conversation with her.”

  “Sorry, baby, but I missed you. I had to have you in my arms.”

  I roll my eyes, but the grin on my face says it all. Pressing the phone against my ear, I bat at Cain’s arms, trying to get him to release me, but I’m completely ineffective against his strength. “Sorry, Mom.”

  “Is that Cain? Put me on speaker so I can talk to you both.”

  I press the speaker button and the phone clicks into the room.

  “Hey, Marietta, it’s been a long time.”

  “Hey yourself, Cain. I assume there’s a smile on my daughter’s lips right now. I’m glad about that. And I know it’s you that’s put it there. I know it’s not necessary, but for what it’s worth the two of you have my blessing. I’ve invited Melody to come out here when I’m settled properly, and I’d love for you to come with her. Or I’ll come there, I don’t really care which one. I need to see her though.”

  Cain smiles as he leans in and kisses my lips deeply. It feels like it lasts forever, but when he breaks that grin is still spread over his face. “You’re always welcome here, you know that.”

  “Thank you. I’m going to speak to Phillip when he’s sobered up. I’m not pleased with him right now, but I’ll get over it just like the both of you should. He’s asked me to arrange bail, but I can’t. But I don’t want the father of my child rotting in a cell when he could be enjoying a few months of freedom before the case goes to court. Can I ask you to bail him out?”

  “I already offered to bail him out. He turned me down.”

  My mom makes a frustrated noise, then sighs. “Expect a call from him in the morning then. He won’t want to stay in there any longer than he has to. Melody, sweetheart, don’t worry, I’ll talk him around. Take care of my daughter, Cain, she means the world to me.”

  “I will.”

  “Love you, Mom.”

  “Love you too, sweetheart. Speak soon.”

  With that, Cain thanks Ginger for taking care of me, then carries me out to the truck as we wind through town and the dirt roads back to our sanctuary in the woods, where he strips me under the moon, bends me over the woodpile and does what he does best.

  Makes me feel like his precious, dirty little girl.

  Safe. Loved. Fucked. And beautiful.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “I’m ready to post bail, but I want to speak to Phillip first.”

  I stare down the lawyer, who looks fed up of being here already and just wants this done with. Melody is back at the cabin, waiting to hear from me about her dad. I know it’s going to be a tense day, but there are things that need to happen and I’m not taking my brother anywhere unless he agrees to them.

  “He said to tell you he’s sorry. I don’t think he wants to see you though. He’ll be going home and I’ve advised him not to do too much today. There’s a good chance the investigators are going to want to speak to him again.”

  “And I’ll be there to support him. So will his daughter. But I’m not handing over this cash until I’ve had a word with him. Otherwise he stays right where he is.”

  The lawyer sighs. “Fine. Wait here please, I’ll go speak to him.”

  A few minutes later he returns with a frown on his face, but he shrugs his shoulders. “He says he’ll speak to you if you promise not to get violent again. I don’t know if I want to get involved, especially not for free, but I’d advise you not to do anything that might land you in the cell next door to his.”

  “Brothers fight sometimes,” I mutter as I follow him through the doors and head down toward the cells.

  When we get there, he turns my way. “I won’t come in with you, I’m sure you want this to be private. But I’m right here. When you’re done, if you’re paying his bail I’ll take you to the desk and walk you through it. If not—”

  “I’ll pay the bail. Thanks.”

  I turn away from him and head into the cell, and Phillip barely looks up at me. Anyone could tell that he’s sobered up since last night. His face looks gray and there’s a resignation in the way he’s sitting. Things are starting to dawn on him, and he doesn’t like what that means.

  “I’m sorry about the things I said about Melody. I was out of line.”

  I nod, still not feeling particularly charitable. “Yes, you were.”

  “I said I’m sorry.”

  Something about the way he looks, so dejected and beaten, makes me feel a pang of sympathy. He may have been an asshole last night, but he’s still my brother and that means more than any disagreement we might have. “Okay, apology accepted. How are you doing?”

  “Not good, Cain, I gotta tell you. I assume you heard what they’re investigating me for?”

  I nod and take a seat beside him. “Are you guilty?”

  He laughs. “That’s the thing, I am and I’m not. I knew what was going on with those guys and I looked the other way. I wanted to be ear
ning my own money. Marietta always had the head for business and investments, her wealth might have been inherited but she knew how to make it work for her. Me? All I knew was how to spend. That’s why she left, you know?” He shakes his head. “Melody doesn’t even know. She thinks it was all her mom’s fault and I let her believe it because I didn’t want to lose her, and then last night I came this close.” He holds up his thumb and forefinger, showing a small amount, and there are tears brimming in his eyes.

  Despite everything, my walls crumble. I think about the brother he used to be when we were small, always so happy, so carefree. No wonder he was never any good with money, he never really cared about it. That was our parents’ legacy, more than the estate and the bank accounts. It was their obsession with making money, gathering wealth. Phillip was never that person until they wore him down. Me? I got out. I went and did something that made me happy. He gave up his childhood sweetheart and married rich. And that’s no reflection on Marietta. As rich goes, she’s as down to earth as they come. But he never really loved her. He loved Cynthia, the daughter of a couple of local shopkeepers, who Mom and Dad would never have approved of.

  I put an arm over his shoulder. “So what? You just looked the other way? Can they prosecute you for that?”

  “Apparently they can. They’re looking at an accessory charge. I’m going to plead guilty, it’s the right thing to do. I’m fed up of fighting it. I just want to have a night at home first, you know? Gather my thoughts. Then I’ll come down here and tell the investigators everything.”

  “How long are you looking at?”

  “My lawyer says three years. I’ll be out in eighteen months if I keep out of trouble. And I intend to.”

  I take a breath and nod. “Is he the best lawyer you can get?”

  Phillip coughs a laugh. “He’s the only one I can afford. I’m flat broke.”

  “I’ll get you a better one. Maybe we can get that sentence reduced.”

  He meets my eyes. “Thanks, Cain. Look, I’m sorry for what I said. About you, about Melody. I’m just a father looking out for his daughter, you know?”

  “I’ll treat her right. She is everything to me. Everything.”

  “And if I’m going away, she’ll need someone to look after her, you know what I’m saying?”

  We stand together and we may not look alike, but we’re brothers through and through. “I’ll take good care of her, man.”

  “Yeah, I’m going to need more than your word. If things are as they are, you’re going to need to make this right, make sure you’re bound to each other for good. Do you know what I’m saying?”

  I grin as I reach into my jacket pocket and pull out the little box I picked up at the jewelers yesterday for him to see.

  “I’m already way ahead of the game, bro.”

  “Thanks Dad. We’ll see you tomorrow.” Melody clicks off the call and sets the phone down on the end table.

  Phillip spent the day with the attorney I hired. Cynthia is with him now back at the estate and I paid for the plumbers to get in there and fix whatever needed fixing. Melody will be with me here from now on and after the initial shock of our relationship, everyone has calmed the fuck down and realized this is the real deal. For me and for her. So they can either get with the program or not, but none of that will change us.

  We are solid. We are magic. And there’s nothing in this world that will take her from me.

  “You good?” I ask, pushing a stray strand of her hair behind her ear with my forefinger.

  She nods. “Yeah. I’m good. He said he was sorry. Said he loved me. Said he understood. Said he wants me happy.”

  “And are you?”

  She smiles that smile that brings light to my soul.

  “Yep. I mean, I thought I knew what happy was before you. Before us. But this is so different. It’s like happy on steroids. Happy on crack.”

  I smile back and take a deep breath. She’s sitting cross-legged on the sofa, wearing one of my white t-shirts that swallows her up. There’s a low fire is burning in the stone fireplace and the room is lit only by the flames and some candles.

  Her face glows, and every day I can’t believe she is more beautiful than the last.

  “Well, I think we can find a new level of happy.” I reach into my back pocket, shift off the sofa and to my knees in front of her. “You’re going to marry me, Melody. We’re getting our happily ever after, starting right now. Be my wife. The mother of my children. My everything, Angel. Be my everything forever.”

  I pull her hand up and flip open the box with my thumb as her eyes sparkle and her other hand reaches out to touch the side of my face. It still baffles me that such a precious thing such as she is could love a backwoods beast like me. She is silk to my burlap, and yet we are one another’s most perfect compliment.

  “Daddy.” The single word sets off an explosion inside of me. The possessive purpose she has given me rises to new heights when she nods, and I take the ring out and slip it onto her finger.

  “What did you wish for when we went to the tree earlier?”

  “Forever?” She whispers, and I nod back.

  “Forever, baby. That’s what I will wish for everyday from now on. Our own kind of perfect forever.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  Epilogue One

  Nine months later

  “Don’t stop.”

  “Eventually…” I pant. “I have to stop.”

  “No!” Melody’s voice cracks. “Not until I go into labor! I want this baby out of me! Give me another orgasm, Daddy. Please…”

  It’s not that I don’t want to die fucking my wife.

  If I had to choose a way to go, that’s it.

  It’s just too soon. We have too many more years ahead of us. But if she keeps me on her like she has the last week, I may not make it.

  I grab her ass with one hand and reach around her hips with the other, getting my fingers on her clit and circling it while my cock bottoms out on her cervix.

  “Yes.” Her voice is high and the walls of her cunt are clamping down. “Daddy, don’t stop—” Her moan interrupts her begging and I ramp things up a notch.

  She’s on her knees on the sofa, with me behind her. It’s one of the only positions she finds comfortable at this stage of her pregnancy. The way my cock is ramming her cervix, I’m afraid this baby will be delivered right here.

  She rocks her hips back into my thrusts and I watch her incredible tits swaying with our motion. They are two cup sizes bigger and already full of sweet milk, which I drain from her several times a day.

  She kids me I’m going to arm wrestle the baby for the milk, but from the way her body has already taken to this whole motherhood thing, I’m pretty sure she’s going to have enough for us both.

  Her body gushes and she cries out, soaking my cock and balls and using language not fit for our baby to hear.

  I work her clit harder, knowing I can tumble her over into another orgasm before she’s done with this one with the right pinch and flick of my fingers.

  “Good girl.” I lean over and set my teeth into her shoulder, then release when she goes off again. “That pussy of yours is ready for me to plant the next baby in there, isn’t it? Sucking at my cock, ready to drain me—”

  “Let me have this baby first, will you, before you start that!” She’s half giggling and half serious. Her small body has taken the last month hard, carrying the baby low and making her run for the bathroom every three minutes.

  I’m dragging a third orgasm from her when suddenly she goes completely still. The mid-scream silences and her head, which was hanging down as her hands clung to the back of the sofa, is up like a gazelle sniffing the breeze for a predator.

  “Did you feel that?” She swings her head around to look at me and I freeze when I see her eyes.

  “Uhhh, yeah.” Her pussy is pulsing. Not like I’ve ever felt before.

  “I think you did it, Daddy!” She breaks into a smile and b
lows air out from between her lips to try to move the hair that is stuck to her face. “I think I’m having a contraction!”

  “I think you are definitely having a contraction.” I look down and see her entire belly tighten. The sight pushes me past my edge and without another thrust I groan and spurt cum inside her clamped-down pussy.

  “Oh Daddy, yes.” She smiles back at me as I grit my teeth and come so hard I have to steady myself holding onto her hips. “That’s so hot.”

  “Fuck.” I curse and let the pleasure rock through me. “I’m fucking a baby out of you and putting one in you.”

  She giggles. “Not quite sure that’s how it works, but go ahead and try.”

  We’ve fucked in every inch of this cabin and are still as ravenous for each other as we were the first time. Probably more.

  The more we’ve gotten to know each other, the more we are sure we were meant to be.

  And, don’t even get me started on her being pregnant. From the moment we found out, which was only about two weeks after our first time together, I about lost my fucking mind.

  With each month as her body grew, so did my desire. If there was such a thing as death by fucking, we’d be dead.

  I barely got any work done the first few months. I even fucked her in the girl’s bathroom at school. Thank Christ we didn’t get caught. When I thought about it later, if some underage girl had walked in and caught us, we’d both have been arrested and probably on the sexual offender register for the rest of our lives.

  “Daddy, it’s really happening. And fast.” She gasps and I slip out of her.

  “You okay, baby?” I lean down, my hand on her back, and help her sit down as her hands go to her belly and her eyes go wide.

  “Yes, but wow.” She takes a long, deep breath, focusing on the window that looks out front. “I think maybe you did too good a job.” Her face contorts. “It’s hurting. Like a lot…a lot!”

  “Okay, Angel, I’m going to get you some clothes. Just breathe.”

  “I am breathing.” She snaps and I stifle my chuckle, knowing under that sweet exterior my babygirl has a temper sometimes.


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