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The Big Book of Classic Fantasy

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by The Big Book of Classic Fantasy (retail) (epub)

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  Gautier, Theophile: “The Nest of Nightingales” by Theophile Gautier. Originally published in French as “Le Nid de rossignols” in 1833.

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  Gogol, Nikolai: “The Nose” by Nikolai Gogol. Originally published in Russian as “Hoc” in Sovremennik (The Contemporary) in 1836.

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  Grahame, Kenneth: “The Reluctant Dragon” by Kenneth Grahame. Excerpt from Dream Days, originally published by The Bodley Head in 1898.

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  Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm: “Hans-My-Hedgehog” by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. Originally published in German in Kinder- und Hausmärchen, volume 2 (no. 22) in 1815.

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  Grin, Aleksandr: “Ratcatcher” by Aleksandr Grin. Translation copyright © 2018 by Ekaterina Sedia. Originally published in Russian in Rossiya 3 (12) in 1924. This new translation published by permission of the translator.

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  Grin, Aleksandr: “Talkative Domovoi” by Aleksandr Grin. Translation copyright © 2018 by Ekaterina Sedia. Originally published in Russian in 1923. This new translation published by permission of the translator.

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  Hawthorne, Nathaniel: “Feathertop” by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Originally published in the International Magazine in 1852.

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  Hesse, Hermann: “Strange News from Another Star” by Hermann Hesse. Originally published in German as “Merkwürdige Nachricht von einem anderen Stern” in Märchen in 1915.

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  Hodgson, William Hope: “The Last Redoubt” by William Hope Hodgson. Excerpt from The Night Land, originally published by Eveleigh Nash in 1912.

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  Hoffmann, E. T. A.: “The Story of the Hard Nut” by E. T. A. Hoffmann. Originally published in German in Kinder-Mährchen (Children’s Stories) by In der Realschulbuchhandlung in 1816.

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  Howard, Robert E.: “The Shadow Kingdom” by Robert E. Howard. Originally published in Weird Tales (August 1929).

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  Hurston, Zora Neale: “Uncle Monday” by Zora Neale Hurston. Originally published in Negro: An Anthology by Wishart & Co. in 1934.

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  Irving, Washington: “Rip Van Winkle” by Washington Irving. Originally published in The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon by C. S. Van Winkle in 1819.

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  Johnson, E. Pauline: “The Legend of the Ice Babies” by E. Pauline Johnson, as told to her by Mary Agnes Capilano (Luxwelut) of Squamish. Originally published in Mother’s Magazine (November 1911).

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  Kafka, Franz: “The Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka. Translation copyright © 2003 by Ian Johnston. Originally published in German as Die Verwandlung by Kurt Wolff Verlag in 1915. Reprinted by permission of the translator.

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  Kahanovich, Pinkhus (Der Nister): “At the Border” by Der Nister (pseudonym of Pinkhus Kahanovich). Translation copyright © 2018 by Joseph Tomaras. Originally published in Yiddish in Gedakht in 1922. Published by permission of the translator.

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  Kivi, Aleksis: “The Legend of the Pale Maiden” by Aleksis Kivi (pseudonym of Aleksis Stenvall). Translation copyright © 2003 by David Hackston. Excerpt from Seitsemän veliestä (Seven Brothers), originally published in 1870. Reprinted by permission of the translator.

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  Laughead, William B.: “The Marvelous Exploits of Paul Bunyan” by William B. Laughead. Originally published by The Red River Lumber Company in 1922.

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  Lee, Vernon (Violet Paget): “Prince Alberic and the Snake Lady” by Vernon Lee (pseudonym of Violet Paget). Originally published in the Yellow Book, volume 10, in 1895.

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  Leiber, Fritz: “The Jewels in the Forest” by Fritz Leiber. Copyright © 1939 by the Estate of Fritz Leiber. Originally published in Unknown (August 1939). Reprinted by permission of the author’s estate.

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  León, María Teresa: “Rose-Cold, Moon Skater” by María Teresa León. Translation copyright © 2018 by Marian and James Womack. Originally published in Spanish as “Rosa-Fria, patinadora de la luna” by Espasa-Calpe in 1934. Published by permission of the translators.

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  Lindsay, David: “Joiwind” by David Lindsay. Excerpt from A Voyage to Arcturus, originally published by Methuen & Co. Ltd. in 1920.

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  MacDonald, George: “The Magic Mirror” by George MacDonald. Excerpt from Phantastes: A Faerie Romance for Men and Women, originally published by Smith, Elder & Co. in 1858.

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  Machen, Arthur: “The White People” by Arthur Machen. Originally published in Horlock’s Magazine in 1904.

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  Melville, Herman: “The Tartarus of Maids” by Herman Melville. Originally published in Harper’s Magazine in 1855.

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  Merritt, A.: “Through the Dragon Glass” by A. Merritt. Originally published in All-Story Weekly (November 14, 1917).

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  Meyrink, Gustav: “Blamol” by Gustav Meyrink. Translation copyright © 2018 by Gio Clairval. Originally published in Orchideen by Albert Langen in 1905. This new translation published by permission of the translator.

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  Nabokov, Vladimir: “A Visit to the Museum” by Vladimir Nabokov. From The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov by Vladimir Nabokov, copyright © 1995 by Dmitri Nabokov. Originally published in Russian as “Poseshchenie muzeva” in 1931. Reprinted by permission of Alfred A. Knopf, an imprint of Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Random House LLC. All rights reserved.

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  Nesbit, E. (Edith): “The Aunt and Amabel” by E. Nesbit. Originally published in Blackie’s Children’s Annual in 1909.

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  Nodier, Charles: “The Luck of the Bean-Rows” by Charles Nodier. Originally published in French as “Trésor des fèves et fleurs des pois” in 1822.

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  O’Brien, Fitz-James: “The Diamond Lens” by Fitz-James O’Brien. Originally published in Atlantic Monthly in 1858.

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  Odoevsky, Vladimir: “The Fairytale About a Dead Body, Belonging to No One Knows Whom” by Vladimir Odoevsky. Translation copyright © 2018 by Ekaterina Sedia. Originally published in Colorful Tales in 1834. This new translation published by permission of the translator.

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  Poe, Edgar Allan: “The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar” by Edgar Allan Poe. Originally published in The Broadway Journal and simultaneously in American Review: A Whig Journal in 1845.

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  Quintasket, Christine (Mourning Dove): “Coyote Stories” by Mourning Dove. Originally published by Caxton Printers in 1933.

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  Quiroga, Horacio: “The Alligator War” by Horacio Quiroga. Originally published as “La Guerra de los vacarés” in Cuentos de la selva in 1918.

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  Ranpo, Edogawa: “The Man Traveling with the Brocade Portrait” by Edogawa Ranpo. Copyright © 2008 by the University of Hawai’i Press. Originally published as Oshie to Tabi-suru Otoko (August 1929). Reprinted by permission of the University of Hawai’i Press.

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  Remizov, Aleksey: “Sacrifice” by Aleksey Remizov. Translation copyright © 2018 by Ekaterina Sedia. Originally published in 1911. This new translation published by permission of the translator.

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  Renard, Maurice: “Sound in the Mountain” by Maurice Renard. Translation copyright © 2018 by Gio Clairval. Originally published in Éditions G. Crès, Paris, in 1921. This new translation published by permission of the translator.

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  Rossetti, Christina: “Goblin Market” by Christina Rossetti. Originally published in Goblin Market and Other Poems in 1862.

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  Sakutarō, Hagiwara: “The Town of Cats” by Hagiwar
a Sakutarō. Copyright © 2008 by the University of Hawai’i Press. Originally published in Japanese as Nekomachi in 1935. Reprinted by permission of the University of Hawai’i Press.

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  Scheerbart, Paul: “Dance of the Comets” by Paul Scheerbart. Translation copyright © 2016 by W. C. Bamberger. Originally published in German as Der Aufgang zur Sonne: Hausmärchen and Kometentanz in 1903. This translation reprinted by permission of Wakefield Press.

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  Schulz, Bruno: “A Night of the High Season” by Bruno Schulz. Translation copyright © 2018 by John Curran Davis. Originally published in Sklepy cynamonowe (A Street of Crocodiles) in 1934. This new translation published by permission of the translator.

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  Schwob, Marcel: “The Death of Odjigh” by Marcel Schwob. Translation copyright © 2017 by Kit Schluter. Originally published in French in Le roi au masque d’or in 1892. This translation reprinted by permission of Wakefield Press.

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  Schwob, Marcel: “The Terrestrial Fire” by Marcel Schwob. Translation copyright © 2017 by Kit Schluter. Originally published in French in Le roi au masque d’or in 1892. This translation reprinted by permission of Wakefield Press.

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  She, Lao: “The Capital of Cat Country” by Lao She. Copyright © 1932 by the Estate of Lao She. Excerpt from Cat Country originally published in 1932. Reprinted by permission of Penguin Random House Australia Pty Ltd.

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  Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft: “Transformation” by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. Originally published in The Keepsake for 1831.

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  Smith, Clark Ashton: “The Coming of the White Worm” by Clark Ashton Smith. Originally published in Stirring Science Stories (April 1941). The text used here © 2010 by Casiana Enterprises (the Literary Estate of Clark Ashton Smith).

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  Stenbock, Count Eric Stanislaus: “The Other Side” by Count Eric Stanislaus Stenbock. Originally published as The Other Side: A Breton Legend in 1893.

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  Stevens, Francis (Gertrude Barrows Bennett): “Friend Island” by Francis Stevens (pseudonym of Gertrude Barrows Bennett). Originally published in All-Story Weekly (September 7, 1918).

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  Stockton, Frank R: “The Bee-Man of Orn” by Frank R. Stockton. Originally published in The Bee-Man of Orn and Other Fanciful Stories in 1887.

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  Tagore, Rabindranath: “The Kingdom of Cards” by Rabindranath Tagore. Originally published in Bengali as “Ekti Ashare Golpo” in 1892.

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  Tolkien, J. R. R.: “Leaf by Niggle” from Tree and Leaf by J. R. R. Tolkien. Copyright © 1964 by George Allen & Unwin Ltd., copyright renewed 1992 by John F. R. Tolkien, Christopher R. Tolkien, and Priscilla M. A. R. Tolkien. Originally published in the Dublin Review in 1945. Reprinted by permission of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

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  Tolstoy, Leo: “The Story of Iván the Fool” by Leo Tolstoy. Originally published in Fables for Children in 1885.

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  Verne, Jules: “Master Zacharius” by Jules Verne. Originally published in French as “Maître Zacharius ou l’horloger qui avait perdu son âme” in Musée des familles in 1854.

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  von Arnim, Bettina: “The Queen’s Son” by Bettina von Arnim. Translation copyright © 2018 by Gio Clairval. Originally published in Fruhlingkranz in 1808. This new translation published by permission of the translator.

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  Wells, H. G.: “The Plattner Story” by H. G. Wells. Originally published in New Review (April 1896).

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  Wharton, Edith: “The Fulness of Life” by Edith Wharton. Originally published in Scribner’s Magazine (December 1893).

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  Wilde, Oscar: “The Remarkable Rocket” by Oscar Wilde. Originally published in The Happy Prince and Other Tales in 1888.

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  Wynne, Madeline Yale: “The Little Room” by Madeline Yale Wynne. Originally published in Harper’s Magazine (August 1895).

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  Zitkala-Ša: (aka Gertrude Simmons Bonnin): “Iktomi Tales” by Zitkala-Ša. Originally published in Old Indian Legends in 1901.

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  Zozulya, Yefim: “Gramophone of the Ages” by Yefim Zozulya. Translation copyright © 2018 by Ekaterina Sedia. Originally published in Russian in Aurora in 1919. This new translation published by permission of the translator.

  About the Translators

  Gio Clairval, after living in Paris for most of her life, moved to Scotland and then to Italy, and now from her windows she can see her pet, a giant pike, frolicking in the waters of Lake Como. Her stories have appeared in magazines such as Weird Tales, Galaxy’s Edge, Lightspeed (Fantasy), and Postscripts and in several anthologies, including The Lambshead Cabinet of Curiosities (HarperCollins), Kisses by Clockwork (Ticonderoga Publications), punkPunk! (DogHorn Publishing), and Caledonia Dreamin’ (Eibonvale Press). She also translates literary classics (Kafka, Blei, Meyrink, Strobl, Flaubert, Jarry, Fréchette, Bernanos, Cortazar, Deledda, and Buzzati, among others) into English.

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  Minsoo Kang is the author of the history books Sublime Dreams of Living Machines: The Automaton in the European Imagination and Invincible and Righteous Outlaw: The Korean Hero Hong Gildong in Literature, History, and Culture and the short story collection Of Tales and Enigmas and is the translator of the Penguin Classics edition of the Korean novel The Story of Hong Gildong. His stories have appeared in Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Fantastic Stories of the Imagination, Azalea, Entropy, Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet, and the anthologies Where the Stars Rise and Shanghai Steam. His story “A Fearful Symmetry” was included in The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror 2007 and “The Sacrifice of the Hanged Monkey” in The Year’s Best Science Fiction and Fantasy 2018. Originally from South Korea, he has also lived in Austria, New Zealand, Iran, Brunei, and Germany. He served in the South Korean army and earned his Ph.D. in European history at UCLA. He is currently an associate professor of history at the University of Missouri–Saint Louis.

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  Ekaterina Sedia resides in the Pinelands of New Jersey. Her critically acclaimed and award-nominated novels, The Secret History of Moscow, The Alchemy of Stone, The House of Discarded Dreams, and Heart of Iron, were published by Prime Books. Her short stories have appeared in Analog, Baen’s Universe, Subterranean, and Clarkesworld, as well as in numerous anthologies, including Haunted Legends and Magic in the Mirrorstone. She is also the editor of the anthologies Paper Cities (World Fantasy Award winner), Running with the Pack, Bewere the Night, and Bloody Fabulous, as well as The Mammoth Book of Gaslit Romance and Wilful Impropriety. Her short story collection, Moscow But Dreaming, was released by Prime Books in December 2012. She also cowrote a script for Yamasong: March of the Hollows, a fantasy feature-length puppet film voiced by Nathan Fillion, George Takei, Abigail Breslin, and Whoopi Goldberg, to be released by Dark Dunes Productions.

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  Joseph Tomaras lives in southern Maine and writes fiction, more or less speculative, some of which has been published. He is currently engaged in translating Der Nister’s full “Gedakht” collection of short stories (1922–1923). He also reads voluminously in Spanish, German, Portuguese, French, Modern Greek, Hebrew, and, of course, Yiddish.


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