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Cindy Violated

Page 5

by Viktor Redreich

  And with that, finally, he gave in.

  When he kissed me, he kissed me hard, his fingers sinking into my thigh roughly to keep me in place as he pushed his tongue deep into my mouth. His other hand was in my hair, tugging, pulling my head to the side so he could run his mouth over my neck. I gasped at the feel of his teeth on my skin. I had no idea he could be this rough. I wondered how long it had been since he’d fucked anyone. For a moment, I was amused by the fact that both of us would be breaking our sex-fasts.

  He pulled me off him and planted me down on the desk, pushing my legs apart and grabbing my face so he could kiss me again. I loved how hard he moved against me, as though he had been waiting for this since I’d walked through the door. Had he lain in bed and imagined me giving myself to him like this? Maybe touched himself the same way I had? The notion sent a jolt of want through me.

  His hands roamed between my legs and pulled off my panties, tossing them aside, as though he had lived out this moment a hundred times before in his head. My blood was pulsing in my system, and I swear I could feel it pooling deep down in my belly, the heat from his touch making my body ache for more. I could see the outline of his erection through his pants, and, though it was a little scary, it aroused me, too. He wanted me the same way I wanted him. That kind of power was enough to make a girl dizzy.

  He wrapped one arm around my waist and kissed me hard, sliding the other between my legs and pressing his fingers against the crook of my thigh.

  "Tell me you want this," he ordered me.

  I took a moment to catch my breath.

  "I want this," I gasped, and I meant it.

  That was all the permission he needed from me. He slid his hand to my pussy and dipped his fingers into my soaking slit.

  It was the first time anyone other than me or my doctor had been down there, and it felt as though every desire I had been doing such a good job keeping under wraps was threatening to rise up and burst free of me all at once. I knew this was wrong, knew I could land the both of us in so much trouble, but the fact that he didn’t care, that he was still willing to do this with me drove me crazy.

  The sensation was a little strange at first, but then he pushed his fingers deeper inside of me and it started to feel good--really good. I groaned and hooked an arm around his neck, pulling him close, inhaling his sweet, intoxicating scent. How had I held out for so long? I had no idea. Finally giving myself over to the pleasure, to the endless, impossible goodness, it felt ridiculous that I had ever been able to hold back.

  "Fuck, you’re so wet," he growled into my ear, and I found myself pushing my hips back down against him. I wanted him inside me, deeper. I wanted to feel something more. I could almost imagine what it would be like to have his cock there, filling me, taking me, making me his. He kissed my neck, his stubble tearing on my skin, and I tipped my head back and reveled in it, took it in, every moment, every inch--

  And then, suddenly, it all stopped.

  He stepped away from me, pulled his fingers out, drew his mouth away from mine. I opened my eyes, wondering what was going on and then I saw the look on his face. I knew whatever he had been about to give me, he had changed his mind.

  "What is it?" I panted.

  He shook his head. "We can’t do this. I’m sorry. We can’t do this, this is wrong ..."

  "No, no," I pleaded with him. "We can. Just come back here--"

  "Cindy, I need to ..." he began, but he trailed off before he came out with anything convincing. Shaking his head, he backed off and walked out of the office.

  I was left sitting there, more frustrated than ever, and wondering what it was going to take to find a man who was willing to give me what I wanted.

  Chapter 6

  Take what you need

  I twisted back and forth in front of the mirror, checking myself out. This was pretty much how I had looked when she’d taken me out on the town, right? I mean, I felt like I had done a pretty good job throwing this look together, given I had no clue what I was doing. As far as I was concerned, as long as I looked sexy, I didn’t care what else anyone thought of my outfit. And, this time, I knew I was going to get what I needed.

  Thom had been avoiding me studiously since our encounter the day before, and Donna had only dropped by for a little while before taking off to hang out with another one of her friends. If I had been the old version of me, I might have been pissed she wasn’t bothering to look out for me, but this new version didn’t care. In fact, this new version was glad she wouldn’t have to be worried about the competition when she went out. Donna knew how to move, how to dance, how to flirt, and I needed the best shot I could get without her by my side.

  I just hoped Jason was still there so I could pick up where I’d left off with him. I had no clue what I was going to do--march up to him and tell him I was ready, and I wanted him to take me right there and then? From everything Donna had told me, there were a few guys out there who would have taken that offer, so I just had to hope Jason was one of them.

  Thom passed me in the corridor as I was heading for the door, and he did a double-take when he saw what I was wearing. I didn’t even glance in his direction. I could see it pissed him off, but I didn’t care. I wanted him pissed, just the same way he had left me feeling so frustrated and rejected the day before. It was what he deserved. Still, it was good to know this outfit was having the effect I wanted it to have. I needed men falling over themselves to get to me, and if one who had outright sworn me off couldn’t resist checking me out, then I would take that as a good sign.

  I caught a cab to the bar and walked in with my head held high, hoping nobody could tell how nervous I was. Not about the thought of what I was going to do, mind you. No, I was excited about that. But nervous that they would take one look at me and laugh in my face for even thinking I had a chance of proving myself in such a place. I was still just twenty, and I was worried that they would ID me or something, or kick me out for even trying ...

  But then I saw a couple of men at the bar checking me out, and I rolled my shoulders back and promised myself I could do this. I could do this. Completely and utterly, I was certain of it. It felt like their gaze on my skin was pouring power into me; with every step I took I stood a little taller and moved with a little more confidence. That’s when I saw Jason sitting at the end of the bar. My heart leaped. Showtime.

  Or, it would have been, if he wasn’t there with another woman.

  My stomach dropped when I saw the girl sitting next to him.

  She had a crop of brown hair, a piercing through her eyebrow, and a slick of bright red lipstick that seemed to make her glow with an almost ethereal beauty. Her skin was icy-pale and she was skinny and slender. When she glanced around at me to see where Jason was looking, an expression passed over her face I couldn’t put my finger on.

  Maybe that was his girlfriend? But no, he was waving me over, and surely, he wouldn’t have dared do that if he was there with someone he was meant to be exclusive with. I took a deep breath, trying to figure out if I was actually going to do this or not. I could just find someone else, pretend not to see him. But then I saw his hand on the other girl’s leg, and I felt that jolt of jealousy that drove me over to join them. I pulled up a stool next to them, tossed my hair over one shoulder, and smiled at him.

  "Hey, Jason," I greeted him sweetly. "Sorry I left in such a hurry last time."

  "Yeah, guess we didn’t get to finish what we started," he remarked, and his eyes trailed down my outfit.

  I crossed my legs, playing demure. I figured that was the best weapon I had in my arsenal, given that it was true. "Guess not," I replied.

  He waved down the bartender and ordered me the same drink I had the first time I was there with him.

  "So, you come to this place often?" the girl asked me.

  I was surprised she was offering me any attention at all. Weren’t the two of us meant to be in competition? I figured the best course of action was just to play nice with her and hope she figured
out soon that I had a history with this man I was certain she couldn’t lay claim to.

  "No," I replied. "I only came for the first time last week. I’m … new in town. Not here for long. Just staying with family."

  "Is your family here with you tonight?" she asked, glancing around.

  I shook my head. "Nope, just me."

  "Been that kind of family gathering, huh?” she remarked sympathetically.

  I smiled at her. "Yeah, I guess it has been," I admitted, and she reached over to squeeze my arm. I was surprised by the gentleness of her touch. She didn’t seem to be doing this to play nice, she actually meant it.

  "Trust me, I get that," she assured me. "I like to come out to these places to blow off some steam."

  "Me too," I agreed.

  "And what does blowing off steam look like for you two?” Jason asked as he handed me my beer.

  I took a sip, and instantly felt that rush of freedom that had come from the very first time I had ever tasted that stuff.

  "Oh, you know," the girl replied, pushing her hand through her hair. "Doing all the stuff that my family would disapprove of."

  I noticed that she had beautiful eyes: bright green, so bright they seemed to reflect the neon strip lights behind the bar. I could see why Jason had centered in on her. She was gorgeous. I found myself wanting to reach out and touch her cheek, but I pushed that quickly to the back of my mind. I was just misplacing all the frustration I had been carrying around with me the last few days, that was all. And I certainly didn’t need to project it all over this random chick who my hook-up was flirting with at the bar.

  "This is Cara, by the way," Jason introduced his companion to me. "We just met here tonight. She’s moved to the area recently."

  "Yeah, I broke up with my girlfriend and I came down here," she replied casually, and my eyes widened. I was getting better at playing worldly, but I hadn’t met a real-life lesbian before.

  "You had a girlfriend?" I asked.

  She nodded. "Or I used to," she replied with a grin on her face. She glanced over at Jason. "It’s amazing the things you miss when you don’t have them, right?”

  "It really is," he agreed.

  The way he was looking at her made my stomach clench up. I wanted to be the only one he looked at like that. I knew I was going to have to put on quite a show if I was going to convince him in any way, shape, or form that I was the one he should have been paying attention to.

  I drank my beer and I laughed at his jokes, and every time Cara would slide in with some sexy comment, I would play off against her. Sure, she had experience on her side, but I had the lack of it. I could sell that to him, right? Convince him that taking me for the first time would be better than having her. But then, every time she would casually drop in mention of the girls she’d dated, I would see his eyes light up, and I knew he liked that idea way more than anything I was offering. What was I meant to do to get my point across?

  "So, Cara, you ever been with a guy before?” I asked her finally, deciding it was the best way to just cut to this chase.

  "Of course I have," she replied, grinning at me. "Why do you ask?"

  "You just talk a lot about the girls you were with, that’s all. I thought that maybe--"

  "You jealous?" There was a playful tinge to her voice.

  I stared at her for a moment, trying to figure out what she was getting at. And then, I felt her knees bumping up against mine, the smile tracing its way over her face sunk in. All at once.

  "About them? Hardly," I replied.

  She cocked an eyebrow at me. "You seem awfully curious for someone who doesn’t care even a little bit," she remarked, and there was a teasing edge to her voice that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

  Jason was glancing between us, and I could tell this was turning him on. Well, if that’s what he wanted, then I might as well lean into it. I would have been lying if I said there wasn’t a part of me that wasn’t a little curious to see how it went.

  "You ever been with a girl before, Cindy?” she asked me.

  I shook my head. I felt like I had lost the power of speech, the words falling away.

  She shifted toward me, lowering her voice, forcing me to come in close to make out what she was saying. "It’s like nothing you've ever known before."

  I knew these words were just for me--not for the benefit of Jason, or anyone else. They sent a shiver down my spine.

  "If you want, I’m sure I could show you a thing or two about it," she continued.

  The offer was tantalizing, but the truth was, I had come here for one thing and one thing only, and that was Jason. I would have been lying if I said I had forgotten about that in the thrill of having that woman get up-close and personal with me.

  I glanced at Jason and found his eyes were glued to us, as though we were the sexiest things he had ever seen in his life. It was getting him off, and just the thought of putting on a show for him was turning me on in a major way. I looked back to Cara, at her full, sweet mouth, and figured, hey, if I was trying the sexuality thing on for size, I might as well see how a girl fit into that, right?

  "Why don’t you show me right here?" I asked, challenging her, daring her to follow through on what she had just suggested.

  "Right here?" she repeated after me, clearly surprised.

  "You not down for that?" I shot back, finally gaining the upper hand in the interaction.

  "I am if you are," she replied. "But it seems mean to leave Jason out of all of this, don’t you think?”

  "What are you saying?” I asked her, narrowing my eyes and trying to figure out what she was getting at with all of this.

  She shot a coy look over at the man who we had been vying for the affections of all night long. "I’m saying there’s more than enough of him to go around, don’t you think?”

  My eyebrows practically shot off my face. All three of us? Together?

  "Meet us in the bathroom in two minutes," Cara murmured to Jason, then she took my hand and led me toward the bathroom.

  As soon as she closed the door behind us, she turned to me with excitement written all over her face.

  "You ever done anything like this before?” she asked.

  I shook my head. Jason wasn’t there, so I didn’t have to play up to him anymore. Cara was even prettier, if that was possible, in the bright lights of the large bathroom stall.

  "You down?” she asked, and I hesitated for a moment before I nodded. She kissed me, softly, sweetly, full on the lips, taking me by surprise. I smiled at her as she pulled back. She smelled good, like vanilla and cinnamon like a pastry. I couldn’t wait to take a bite out of it.

  "I’ll show you what to do," she told me. "Just follow my lead, all right?"

  "All right," I agreed, already a little breathless from the kiss she had given me.

  I couldn’t believe I was about to do this. This was crazy--it had to be the wildest thing I had done so far. Right there, in the bathroom of a bar where anyone could walk in on us. And yet, when Cara placed her hand on the small of my back, all of that fell away. I could do it, I knew I could feel powerful with her next to me, and I was relieved there was someone there who was going to help me along so I didn’t get it wrong. Could you get it wrong? If there was a way I was sure I would be able to find it, given my lack of experience.

  A moment later, the door opened, and Jason slipped inside.

  "I don’t think we have a lot of time," he remarked. "The bartender seemed pretty suspicious about where the three of us were going ..."

  "Then I guess we just have to get right to it," Cara told him, and she dropped to her knees before him and began to unbuckle his pants at once. I did as I was told, following her lead, and got down next to her. Jason was gazing down at the two of us, taking us both in, as though he could hardly believe this was happening. Him and me both--I couldn’t wrap my head around it, either, and yet there I was.

  Cara pulled his dick out from his underwear, and stroked it a couple of time
s, letting out a soft moan as she saw him for the first time. It was the first dick I had ever seen in real life, and it looked different from what I had expected. I thought they would be intimidating, but when I looked at the thing before me, I found it … tempting. Maybe it was the beer running through my system making me feel that way, or maybe it was the way Cara was touching it like it was the prettiest thing she’d ever seen in all her life.

  She leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on the very tip of it. She looked so good with her full lips pressed to his mushroom-tip. I noticed a little bead of liquid at the head of his erection, and she flicked her tongue out to lap it up as if she could hardly resist it.

  "Mmm, you taste so good," she murmured, and she looked up at him with wide eyes.

  He reached down and stroked her hair. "Good girls share," he reminded her, and she glanced over at me.

  Was it my turn already? I slipped my hand around him, brushing hers away, and stroked it the way she had. He groaned, and I felt a surge of power knowing I was the one getting him off.

  I leaned forward, hesitating, and Cara kissed my cheek gently, letting me know I was doing good.

  "You can do this," she murmured into my ear, her breath hot my skin. "Just kiss him a little. Taste him."

  I did as I was told, closing my eyes and planting my lips against his ... cock-head. The taste was … well, it was something I had never experienced before, and I could instantly feel an addiction beginning to form as I began to pleasure him with my mouth. It wasn’t just the action of doing it, it was the way it made me feel--so alive and powerful like I was ready to burst with passion and power.

  I felt Cara’s hand slide up my back, running her fingers over my hair, and I pulled back sharply. I didn’t know if what I was doing was wrong or stupid or making it obvious that I had never done anything like that before.

  "No, you’re doing good," she assured me, and she leaned forward and took him in her hand. "Try it like this.” She leaned forward and slipped her mouth down over his cock, taking a good few inches of his length between her lips. I loved the way she looked with his cock in her mouth, her pretty lips stretched wide to take his impressive girth. She flicked her eyes up to meet his, and he brought a hand to the back of her head, coaxing her a little further down.


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