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The Z Directive (Book 1): Extraction Point

Page 15

by Thompson, Chris

  The parking structure itself was generic and lit from within with white lights; the outside seemed to be some kind of white concrete, with gaps between each floor allowing them to see inside. Looking up to the roof, Jack couldn’t see any indication that anyone from Bolvinox was looking down at them, however, Jack was relatively confident they knew they were there. If not now, then they would be as soon as they made their assault on the parking structure. Jack glanced into the back and looked thoughtfully at Emma for a moment. He wasn’t entirely confident he should be dragging her into this, but it was far too late to back out now and she was safer with them wherever they went than being left back here. There was a third option, one he felt obligated to give her.

  “Emma, if you want to, you can take the van and try to get out of the city. I’ll leave my radio so you can communicate with Hall and she can guide you out. It won’t be easy, but—”

  “No. You might need me up there. I’m going to help you.” She stated determinedly. Jack had seen a flicker of fear in her eyes before her spirited statement, but he simply nodded and returned to looking out through the front windshield.

  “All right, let’s do this.”

  Jack pressed down on the gas and the van began to rumble forwards. The closer it came to the mass of infected, the more the undead were drawn to it by the sound of the engine. Agitated, they turned on their stiff limbs and began to approach it. The van surged forward, the nearest members of the horde were obliterated; their broken bodies knocked out of the way or crushed under the wheels. Jack ground his teeth and pressed harder on the pedal, flooring it as they reached denser numbers. Ploughing into them, Jack could feel the engine straining as the packed bodies slowed the forward momentum of the van. The infected before them were being crunched beneath the hood and front wheels while those at the sides assaulted the side panels, slamming fists and bodies against it. The moaning and roaring surrounded them, the noise so loud it unsettled Jack to his very core. The driver’s side window cracked as an infected holding a brick slammed into it, the first he had seen to use a weapon, but Jack focused on pushing forward, exerting all of his strength and weight on the accelerator. The vehicle continued forward, creating what Jack could only imagine was a terrible, bloody swathe through the infected that was swallowed up by new creatures following the van.

  “Suddenly, I’m not in love with this plan, Jack.” Tyrone said, gripping his weapon tightly as the van slowed down a little. They were still a dozen or more feet from the entrance of the parking lot when the driver’s side window shattered inward, glass fragments landing on Jack’s lap and upper body. Hands clawed through the opening, snatching and attempting to reach for Jack’s arm so they could drag him out. Jack didn’t let it distract him; he continued urging the vehicle forward, gripping the steering wheel tighter and willing it to keep moving - and not to stall.

  As the cacophony of the undead rose higher still, the van burst through the last line of the infected throng and the vehicle powered forward with a sudden burst of speed, propelling them into the parking lot. He wrenched the wheel to the left, and accelerated hard towards the first up ramp, slowing and turning onto it when he reached it. The infected were in hot pursuit, the sound of the horde roaring and growling behind them clearly audible even as they sped up the ramp; Jack floored it again, going as fast as he could before slowing at the top and making a three point turn so that the van was re-aligned with the ramp. Jack opened his door, previously stuck fragments of glass becoming dislodged as he did so, and stepped out. Tyrone went out the passenger door while Cross opened the rear loading doors, allowing him and Emma to bail out. Jack looked down the ramp and saw there were no infected there - even though they could be heard - meaning they had enough time to carry out the next stage of the plan.

  Jack took the keys from the ignition and hurried to the hatch over the gas cap, flicking it open then unlocking the cap, which he opened as Emma approached, a measured strip of rag in hand. Jack took it from her, listening to the sound of the infected getting closer and closer as he fed the rag inside. Once it was in place, he took the lighter from Emma then glanced down the ramp, to see the first group of infected shuffling into view.

  “Let’s go!” Tyrone barked, his voice sounding as though he was now at the rear of the vehicle. Jack flicked the lighter and set the rag on fire before hurrying around to the rear with Emma. Cross had shut the doors and together they heaved the van forwards; the wheels were stiff at first, but with their combined efforts they started it rolling. Once the front wheels were over the lip, it only took one final shove before it began to speed down the slope - just as a large number of infected neared the bottom of the ramp. The van crushed their bodies with its weight as it powered into them, reaching the lower floor just as the flame reached the gas tank, igniting the fuel within and causing the vehicle to explode. Jack took a moment to watch the devastation; the flame licking out from the blast, the shower of fragments and the van lurching onto its side. It hadn’t quite blocked the lower ramp, but Jack hoped it would slow them down.

  “Time to move!” Jack ordered, causing the group to spur into action.

  Though their time was limited, they still needed to slow down the infected to ensure that, if they were successful in their bid to rescue Smith and Bridges, they wouldn’t be on them immediately. So periodically, Jack and Tyrone would peel away from the others as they ran towards the ramp to the third floor so they could break the driver’s side window of a car, disable the parking brake, and push it into the main avenue. It wasn’t an extensive barrier, but it would slow down the larger groups as the infected tended to take the straightest path available to them. When possible, they would put two vehicles into the avenue, forming a stronger barricade... which might be needed earlier than they thought, as they could clearly see infected at the top of the ramp they had originally driven up.

  “Ramsay,” Rodriguez started over the radio, “they’re not on the roof anymore. I’m going to try to get line of sight on the next floor down.”

  “Understood.” Jack responded, leading the way up the ramp to the third floor.

  They hurried, repeating the same actions they had on the lower level, trying to set up some car barricades to slow the pursuing infected while also attempting to continue making decent time.

  “Jack, the Bolvinox chopper is nearly on site; you’ve got maybe ten minutes.” Hall informed him.

  “And ours?”

  “Looks to be twenty.”

  “Great. Drone support?”

  “Not at this time.”

  Jack sighed and continued to hurry. Moving the vehicles was exerting, but as they reached the ramp up to the fourth floor, Jack realized there weren’t any infected behind them at that moment, so it was at least providing them with much needed time.

  “Ramsay. I’ve repositioned. Smith and Bridges are alive, but they’re waiting for you on the next floor.” Rodriguez reported.

  “Do you have a good line of sight?”


  “Wait for my signal. We’re going to try to take Brown alive.”

  “You’ll have to identify him.”

  Jack closed out the line of communication and took a moment to breathe. Looking back, they had managed to make one full width barricade with four vehicles and another with two cars. Hopefully it would be enough as the infected were definitely still in pursuit; not only were there the growls and moans of the regular infected, but there were now the unmistakable howls and screeches of the runners. The explosion, while necessary to stop the initial pursuit and slow the infected down, had had the knock on effect of drawing in more of them. Whether it would turn out to be the wrong choice, Jack could only hope he’d live long enough to find out. Looking to Emma, he had one final instruction for her.

  “Stay behind us; they may try to take a shot at you as soon as they see you. When the fight starts, get to cover immediately. Return fire as necessary, but don’t put yourself in unnecessary danger.”

  “I und

  “Good. It’s time to spring whatever trap they’ve set for us.” Jack announced.

  Chapter Nine

  Jack went up first, Tyrone to his right and Cross on his left. They formed a protective wall in front of Emma as they moved cautiously onto the fourth level. As unsettling as the infected behind them were, the sight of Brown, flanked on either side by a black-clad soldier with the others in strategic positions, was definitely more intimidating. They were obviously professionals, and while the undead were dangerous enmasse, a single operative in a good position could be incredibly lethal - as Jack knew from personal experience. In front of Brown and his guards were Bridges and Smith, down on their knees. At that distance, Jack couldn’t tell the extent of their injuries, but Bridges was clearly bloodied. Cars had been rolled out to form cover for another pair of soldiers, one on the left and one on the right. Partially hidden behind columns on either side was another operative. That made seven targets, meaning there were three unaccounted for. There were also stairwells, one in the corner behind them and one at the opposite end of the lot, so Jack made a gesture for Tyrone to check the one behind them out while he tapped the line open.

  “Rodriguez, can you get eyes on three of them in cover that aren’t in our line of sight?”

  “Negative. They may have doubled back up top, but I can’t confirm.”

  “Keep your eyes peeled.” Jack instructed, holding his position while Tyrone checked the stairwell. He heard the door open as Brown shouted to them.

  “Jack!” He bellowed, his voice echoing in the lot.

  “It’s clear.” Tyrone reported quietly as he moved back towards the group. Once they were together again, Jack started to move forward, but drifted a little to the left, where a concrete pillar and a parked car would afford them some protection when the bullets started to fly; roughly near the halfway point between themselves and Brown.

  “Brown!” Jack responded as they came to a halt near their position of cover. Jack, Tyrone and Cross’ weapons were raised, and Jack had let his finger slip to the trigger. Looking at the adversaries arrayed against them, there were a lot of weapons pointed right back at them.

  “Where’s the good doctor?” Brown wanted to know.

  “She’s here.” Jack responded.

  “And the drive?”

  “With her.”

  Jack, now that he was closer, could see that that Bridges had been beaten badly; a split over his left eye, his lip cut and a severe amount of blood down the left side of his face leading Jack to wonder if they’d taken one of his ears. It wasn’t possible to see, but fortunately, Bridges still seemed fairly alert, though he was obviously in pain. Smith had a swollen cheek and bruising was setting in around her right eye, but it seemed as though Bridges had taken the brunt of it. Both of them had zip ties around their wrists, binding their hands together.

  “My people aren’t exactly unharmed.” Jack told him, leveling his weapon right at Brown. He hadn’t changed much, just a little older with more scarring on his rounded face. Brown’s hair was still shaved to the scalp and the five o’clock shadow dirtying his face made him look older still.

  “To be fair, they weren’t exactly going to be alive much longer. Name, rank and serial number, like good soldiers is all they gave, as well as an unending stream of nonsense from Bridges. They wouldn’t tell me if the data had been uploaded already or not, so I had to get creative.”

  “Brown is the bald one right by Bridges and Smith.” Jack told Rodriguez very softly, barely moving his lips as he reported the priority target to the sniper.

  “Acknowledged.” Rodriguez answered back.

  “Jack, I’ve got a ride to catch, so let’s move this along.” Brown declared. “Let’s see the doctor.”

  Jack glanced behind and saw Emma beginning to move around the group. She’d slipped her firearm back into her jeans and was raising her hands up - holding the axe in them - as she stepped out from behind Cross.

  “I’m here!” She called out.

  “Excellent. You bring me the drive and I’ll let Jack take his two people out of here.”

  “Take the two by Brown, Rodriguez. Ty, Cross the take the two on the left - behind the car and column. I’ll go right.” Jack instructed quietly as Emma began to take a couple of tentative steps forward.

  It had all been discussed and it had all been agreed to; Emma has told Jack that she trusted him to keep her safe, but now was the moment of truth. She had to keep her nerve and advance a little, just to make them lower their guard a fraction - an opening that would allow them to reduce the advantage Brown had to almost nothing. Then it happened; the two front-most Bolvinox soldiers shifted their aim to Emma.

  “Now!” Jack called out as he aimed and fired at the enemy behind the car on the right, his shot slamming right through his forehead; the attack went out in perfect synchronization as Tyrone executed the one behind the car on the left while Cross fired at the soldier behind the column, the sudden violence catching those targets off guard. One of the pair by Brown dropped suddenly, a gory expulsion of blood spurting from the side of his head as he fell. Jack was preparing to take aim at the one behind the column, firing the kill shot just as he observed Smith spurring into action before Rodriguez could fire his next kill shot. She rose up and slammed her bound hands into the soldiers’ face, disorienting him, Rodriguez gunning him down as he staggered backwards. Brown was starting to react, moving into cover as he raised his assault rifle. Jack darted forward, grabbed Emma roughly by the arm and spun her around with him, so that she was in front of him - then he heard gunshots. Sudden pressure on Jack’s back winded him, sending him stumbling forward as he dragged Emma and himself into cover behind a car. Tyrone was already there, firing rapidly at Brown while Cross went to the other side, darting behind a pillar as he also shot at Brown. Jack, breathing heavily slumped behind the car.

  “Oh, my God, are you okay?” Emma questioned, Jack barely feeling her hands on his back.

  “Yeah, the armor caught it, I think. Are you hurt?”

  “No, but you got shot!” She exclaimed.

  “It’s not the first time. Stay down.” Jack told her, his back aching as he took a kneeling position.

  “That was a little easy, don’t you think?” Tyrone asked as he ducked down.

  Jack stood and watched as Smith ran pulling Bridges alongside her, and bringing them towards the car Jack and the others were behind. Brown rose up and fired in their direction, one shot going right through Bridges’ leg, making him gasp loudly and fall to the ground. Jack launched a trio of shots that drove Brown back into cover as Smith dragged Bridges clear.

  “Are you okay?” Jack asked, crouched and turning to check Bridges and Smith. The former had obviously suffered the worst of the interrogation. He had lost his left ear, his nose was clearly broken and now the outside of his right thigh was bleeding. Jack quickly used his knife to cut the ties free, allowing both Bridges and Smith full use of their hands.

  “Yeah. Bridges... He made sure they focused on him for some reason.” Smith said as she ripped off her sleeve and applied pressure to Bridges’ wound.

  “Chicks...” Bridges stated, trailing off a little as a gasp of pain escaped him. “Chicks dig scars.” He declared.

  Smith shook her head. There was a look in her eyes of concern and possibly guilt.

  “I could’ve taken it, you didn’t have to.”

  “I couldn’t let them hurt—” Bridges started, but a salvo of bullets tore into the car they were hiding behind, interrupting him.

  “Incoming! Stairwell, their side.” Rodriguez reported. “Launcher!”

  “Take him down!” Jack roared, peering overhead as the gunfire suddenly ceased. At the far end of the level the final trio of Bolvinox soldiers had appeared; one covering the other two with his automatic. Before Jack could act they fired the rocket launcher, not towards Jack and the others, instead launching their missile out towards the high rise building across the street where Rod
riguez was.

  “Rodriguez!” Jack yelled in warning, but as he did the rocket struck the floor where Rodriguez was set up. Jack didn’t know if it hit the room he was in, but there was now a gaping, smoking hole on that floor, so it seemed likely he was injured - if he was still alive. The trio split up, with one moving into cover on the right - Cross missing with his shots as he disappeared from view - while the other pair sought shelter behind a vehicle.

  “Rodriguez, you there?” Tyrone questioned, but there was no response. In any case, there was nothing they could do for him at that moment.

  Jack and Tyrone came out of cover and fired towards Brown, Cross suppressing the right-side soldier, but then the launcher team popped out of cover. Jack fired at them but they had already taken aim and fired at Cross.

  “Incoming!” Jack called out. Cross darted away from the pillar moments before the weapon struck; chunks of concrete and dust flew into the air as it sent Cross hurtling to the floor. Dazed, but determined, Cross started to crawl forward. Emma darted out, grabbed onto his arm and helped him to his feet, and then she assisted him back to Jack and the others. Now, without the suppressing fire from Cross, the soldier on the right fired at them, a shot hitting Tyrone in his shoulder armor. He grunted and ducked back down.

  “The car.” Bridges said, pointing underneath it.

  “What?” Jack asked, looking at him.

  “It’s wired!” Bridges exclaimed. Jack’s eyes widened in alarm and he swiftly shifted to a near prone position so he could look underneath the vehicle they were hiding behind; sure enough, there was a large brick of explosive.

  “Move!” Jack yelled, standing and firing in a spray from one side to the other to prevent incoming fire. Tyrone moved quickly, sprinting towards a nearby pillar, laying down covering fire as soon as he was in position. Smith had hauled Bridges to his feet, and with his arm over her shoulder, they were hobbling as fast as they could after him, not stopping until they were sheltering behind a nearby car. Cross and Emma left last, leaving Jack in the open, firing his weapon until it clicked empty. He turned and started moving towards Tyrone, discarding the empty clip and reloading automatically, but before he was halfway there the explosive beneath the car detonated. The force knocked Jack off his feet and he lay prone as a wall of heat washed over him. He’d just managed to reach the minimum safe distance to survive, his armor having absorbed the majority of the impact, but he was disoriented from the blast. He heard the sound of clattering metallic fragments all around him, which was immediately replaced by a high pitched ringing. Jack slowly rolled onto his back; looking back, he saw the burning, twisted wreck of the car on the left, having lifted and rolled over onto its roof. At the far end, however, the launcher team was getting back in position to fire. Jack, feeling as though he was moving in slow motion, leveled his weapon; the launcher team aimed and, as they prepared to fire, one of them fell back, his blood spattering over his friend. Jack aimed at the other and squeezed the trigger several times - unable to hear the report of the weapon - and watched his target fall backwards. The one in cover on the right jumped out and was shot through the neck by Tyrone. This left Brown as the only one left alive. He was, however, nowhere to be seen. Jack shook his head, the inbuilt ear protection of the helmet and his natural recovery allowing his hearing to return - although the ringing was still there. He stood, weapon raised and pointed where he’d last seen Brown.


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