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A Young Adult Romance Collection

Page 39

by Victorine E. Lieske

Cole chuckled and puffed out his chest. “Definitely male.” He grinned and pointed. “Type that in.”

  “Will do.” Eli was quite good at typing with one hand while making it look like he was still talking to Cole.

  “Very impressive.”

  “I once texted during an entire biology lecture while sitting in the front row. The teacher never suspected.”

  Cole wasn’t sure that was a brag-worthy feat, but he nodded and chuckled, anyway. Amanda’s gaze still swept the room. Cole leaned back in his chair and wiped his face with his napkin. This was perfect. Amanda would never suspect him now.

  Amanda must have gotten the text because she and Destiny crowded around her phone. They both looked at Cole, and he gave them a little chin motion, acknowledging them. The line moved and they both grabbed trays. He didn’t think he’d get a text back anytime soon. “Okay, they’re getting food. Give me back my phone.”

  Eli slipped it back to him and he stuck it in his back pocket so Amanda could see it when he stood up. This was too easy.

  Chapter 6

  Amanda sat next to Destiny and picked up her milk carton. The secret texter was a guy. Why did that make her even more curious? After careful study, she knew it wasn’t Cole. Her secret texter sent her a message while she was watching him, and he never got his phone out. But who else could it be? Destiny denied giving out her number to anyone, and she looked genuinely shocked, so Amanda believed her. She wouldn’t lie. They’d been friends too long.

  Eli put his arm around Destiny and kissed her temple. It looked like he did it almost thoughtlessly, and it touched Amanda. He really did care about her. It was sweet.

  She opened her milk carton and took a drink while she fiddled with her phone. She had to think of something else to ask him. Something that might give her a clue. She thought of one and sent off a text.

  Are you a junior or a senior?

  She ate her lunch as she waited for the answer to come, but she got no response. Whoever it was must be busy. She looked around the lunchroom, trying to guess who it might be, but no one came to mind. Maybe because she didn’t have a goal to be popular, so she never really got to know many students. That was more Destiny’s thing. Popularity. She was more into social causes.

  Cole pointed to her sub sandwich. “Is your sub as stale as mine?”

  He seemed to be making an effort to make peace. She wasn’t the kind of person who would hate on someone if they were offering an olive branch. She picked hers up and took a bite. It had been sitting in a refrigerator, but it wasn’t gross. “It’s not bad. I mean, they never taste as good as you think they will, but it’s fresh.”

  He made a face. “I think I got a leftover one.”

  “Yuck. That sucks.”

  Eli motioned to Amanda. “What are you doing this weekend?”

  “I have the Feline Fun Run tomorrow, to raise money for the animal shelter.” This would be her third year participating. She loved that it took place in the fall when the weather was getting crisp outside. Running in the summer heat was never fun to her. Plus, the smells of fall always made her think of pumpkin pie-baking with her mother.

  “Cool,” Eli said. “What are you doing tonight? Any plans?” He gave Cole a pointed look, which Cole ignored. What was going on between them?

  “I want to go see The Paper Pirate.”

  Destiny leaned forward. “Me, too! We totally should see it together.”

  Eli pouted. “What?”

  “I mean, you can come, too, if you want,” Destiny backpedaled.

  “Sure. But what kind of movie is it, anyway? Sounds like origami. Boring.”

  Amanda couldn’t believe it. He’d never heard of the book? “Seriously? You haven’t read The Paper Pirate? It’s like the greatest fantasy novel of all time.”

  “She’s not kidding,” Destiny said. “It’s awesome. I can’t believe you’ve never heard of it.”

  “What’s it about?” Eli asked.

  “Teen gets sucked into another world, has to defeat the evil overlord that rules there. Pretty much like most other fantasy novels, only the teen in this book is like the perfect guy,” Destiny said. “And he’s played by Brandon Travers, so…” She fanned herself and Amanda laughed.

  “Hey,” Eli said, giving Destiny a dirty look. “You can’t say that right in front of me.”

  Amanda snorted. “I’m pretty sure even you know that Brandon Travers is hot.”

  “Hotter than Shawn Mendez?”

  Destiny blew out a breath and groaned. “Oh, no. Not this again.”

  “What?” Amanda didn’t know what they were talking about.

  “Eli gets jealous if I talk about famous people.” Destiny rolled her eyes, but there was a hint of a smile on her lips.

  “Talk about?” Eli said, his face incredulous. “You mean drool over, right? Why else would you pick him to spend the day with?”

  Destiny laughed. “Like I’d ever really get to spend the day with Shawn Mendes.”

  Amanda stared at them both. They were arguing, but in one of those cutesy, almost-makes-you-want-to-throw-up kind of ways. “You guys are crazy.”

  “Do you want to come to the movies with us or what?” Destiny asked Eli.

  “Yes. But no ogling Brandon Travers. I can’t stand the guy.” He wrinkled his nose, like he’d stuck his nose in a dumpster and some fresh, disgusting smell was wafting up.

  “There might be some ogling going on. I mean…look at the guy.” Amanda pulled his picture up on her phone and held it up.

  Destiny laughed and Eli just grunted. “Put that picture away. There’s a hundred hormonal girls in this room.”

  “And they’re all probably going to go see The Paper Pirate tonight,” Destiny said with a giggle hidden behind her voice.

  “Why is it called that, anyway?” Eli scowled. “Paper Pirate? What even is that?”

  “It’s because the world isn’t actually real, it’s—”

  “Wait!” Cole shouted, interrupting Destiny and raising his hand. He’d been unusually quiet during their conversation. “Don’t spoil it. What if I go see it? I don’t want to know the ending.”

  “You’re right,” Destiny said. “I won’t give it away. Just know, there’s a good reason it’s called that.”

  Eli nudged Cole. “Come with us. We could all go, you know, as a group.”

  As a group? Like what they were supposed to do for the dance? Amanda couldn’t help herself. She frowned. “Like that worked so well last time,” she said under her breath as she picked up her milk.

  “The guys can sit together,” Destiny said, looping her arm through Amanda’s. “That way we can ogle all we want, and they can eat all the popcorn.”

  How did she get roped into going to the movies with them? She wasn’t sure exactly how that happened, but she nodded. “All right.”

  “Great,” Eli said. “We can meet at the theater at six.”

  Amanda saw a look exchanged between Eli and Destiny, and knew tonight was going to be a setup. She just hoped Cole could handle an evening without being a jerk.

  Chapter 7

  What was Eli trying to do? It was obvious Amanda knew the whole movie thing was a setup. He could see it on her face. She wasn’t fooled. Cole climbed into his car and tossed his backpack in the passenger seat. At least it was Friday, and he had the weekend to try to figure out how to set things right with her.

  He pulled his phone out of his backpack. He hadn’t had a chance to answer her question yet. The rest of his classes had been too involved, and he would have gotten caught. But he sent her a quick text now.

  Junior. But that’s all the questions you get.

  As he drove home, his phone alerted him to two more texts. He was dying to see what they said, but he didn’t check them as he drove. He didn’t want to get into an accident. But as soon as he pulled into his driveway and cut the engine, he grabbed his phone to look.

  What? No fair. How am I supposed to guess? How do I even know you go to my school

  Cole smiled as he replied.

  Knowing I got you into trouble in algebra wasn’t enough?

  Could have been a lucky guess.

  He tried to think of something that would prove he went to Rockford High.

  The mascot is an eagle.

  She sent him a frowny emoji. Anyone could look that up.

  What if I tell you what you were wearing today?

  She didn’t answer for a few seconds, and he panicked. I’m sorry. That came out way creepier than I meant it. Geesh. I really am not a stalker.

  Are you sure? Because my mom owns a gun.

  You are totally bluffing right now, aren’t you? Because from what I’ve seen, you’re a pacifist. You wouldn’t hurt a fly. He stopped there because if he mentioned anything specific, she would begin to suspect him again, and he couldn’t have that.

  She took a minute to reply.

  You must know me better than I know you. I can’t decide if that’s creepy or endearing.

  Please choose endearing. Cole paused, not sure if he should type the next thing he was thinking or not. Finally, after waffling, he did it quickly and sent it off before he could change his mind. I’ve had a crush on you for a while now.

  And you won’t tell me who you are? Another frowny emoji accompanied that question.

  He took in a deep breath. He did want to tell her, but then the whole thing would be ruined. He sighed and answered her. I’m nervous.

  Fair enough. I’d probably be nervous, too.

  Maybe we can just…talk for a little while?

  Cole hoped that didn’t sound too desperate.

  Sure. If we get to know each other better, maybe you’ll feel more comfortable opening up to me.

  That sounded like a good plan to him.

  Okay, he typed as he got out of his car. He walked through the garage and entered the house. He punched in the security code into the system so an alarm wouldn’t go off. They lived in the only gated community in Rockford, but his father was a bit paranoid about security, so they had extra precautions.

  Oh, man. I can’t go into my bedroom. Amanda sent him a crying emoji.

  He jogged up the stairs to his bedroom, tossed his backpack on the floor and sat down at his desk to turn on his computer. Why not?

  My sister is filming her Vlog.

  How did Cole not know Amanda’s sister had a Vlog? He wasn’t even sure he knew she had a sister. Maybe, vaguely he had known at one time, but he’d forgotten. He was instantly curious about it. Your sister has a Vlog? What’s it called?

  Stephanie’s Tirades About the Movie Industry. Oh, you mean the title she calls it? Stephanie’s Corner.

  Cole typed the name into his computer, and quite a few websites came up. He added Vlog to the search and a girl that looked like a blonde Amanda came up on his screen.

  Lol. I take it she reviews movies?

  Yep. If you can call it that. She loves going to the movies, but hates every one of them. It’s a very strange dichotomy. I stopped trying to figure her out long ago.

  I’ll watch a few of her episodes. Are you on any of them?

  Oh, heavens no. A thousand times no. The camera doesn’t love me.

  Cole shifted in his chair and looked at Amanda’s sister on the screen. It totally could be Amanda in a blonde wig. What was she talking about?

  Um, I’m pretty sure your sister is an exact clone of you, with lighter hair.

  Hahahahahahaha. So not right. You must need glasses.

  This was the second time he’d seen Amanda act self-conscious over the last couple of days. It was odd to him. She was always so self-assured. Maybe under all that bravado, she was just as unsure of herself as the rest of the teenage population.

  I see you just fine. He wanted to tell her how much he loved her almond-shaped eyes that hid a smile when she was amused, or the way her auburn hair looked so silky-soft, he wanted to touch it. Or how he loved how fiercely loyal she was to her friends. But he held back. He already sounded super-stalkerish just saying he had a crush on her. He didn’t want to freak her out even more.

  It took Amanda a few seconds to respond.

  But not in a creepy way, right? Like, you’re not looking at me right now, are you?

  No. Geesh. I’m watching your sister’s live Vlog. And by the way, you’re right. She hates the movies. She’s totally trashing Brandon Travers and everything he did in The Paper Pirate right now.

  Don’t tell me what she says!! I’m going to go see that tonight and I don’t want any spoilers!!!

  I wouldn’t dream of spoiling it for you. I probably should shut off her Vlog because I am going to see it, too.

  Amanda sent a wide-eyed emoji. There’s only one theater in Rockford. It will kind of be like we’re watching the movie together.

  Cole let out a laugh. She had no idea how right she was.

  Hey, yeah. You’re right. We should chat afterwards. Tell each other how we liked it.

  Good idea. I’ll text you when I get home.

  He smiled. Maybe real-life Amanda didn’t like him right now, but phone Amanda liked him just fine. And if that’s what it took to get her to see he wasn’t a terrible guy, he was okay with that.


  Chapter 8

  Amanda stood in line with Destiny, the guys behind them. Everyone and their dog was at the theater to see The Paper Pirate. It was a good thing they got there early. They stepped up to the counter and purchased tickets and a large bucket of popcorn. When the guy handed Amanda the bucket, Cole grabbed it before she could reach for it. “I’ll do the butter.”

  “Rude, much?” she called after him.

  He just shrugged at her and gave her a cocky grin. “I like to do the butter.”

  She turned to Destiny. “What was that about?”

  “I don’t know. But just forget it. He’s just eager to get his hands on the popcorn. Guys are always hungry.”

  Yeah. Maybe. Whatever. Cole was your typical type A personality. He liked to be the one in charge. That’s probably what would make him successful one day. He’d be in charge of a multi-billion-dollar company, and she’d be…

  The uneasy feeling came back. She wasn’t sure what she’d end up doing. What if she failed at putting together a successful non-profit organization? What if she got stuck flipping hamburgers the rest of her life?

  They filed into the theater and Destiny grabbed the first seat, making everyone else have to practically climb over her legs. Amanda sat next to her. “What’s up?”


  “Why didn’t you go down the row?”

  “I drank a bottle of water before we left. I’m sure I’m going to have to pee within the first half of the movie.” Destiny pointed to the door. “I didn’t want to have to climb over everyone to get out.”

  “Oh. Okay.”

  Eli sat down on the far end, forcing Cole to sit beside Amanda. Oh, right. Like that wasn’t obvious. Real nice, guys. She rolled her eyes.

  The previews started up. She reached for the popcorn and her fingers touched Cole’s. A zing of electricity shot over her skin and she pulled her hand back. Destiny and Eli thought they were so clever.

  He leaned closer to her and whispered. “Sorry. Here, have some.” He held the popcorn bucket closer to her.

  “Thanks.” She grabbed a handful and popped one in her mouth. The buttery flavor was delicious. And the salt was perfect, too. Not too much, but still enough that it enhanced the flavors. But the last thing she wanted to do was compliment him on it. Not after he’d grabbed it away from her like a Nazi. No matter how good it was, she wasn’t going to admit it to him.

  Cole shifted. “I get kind of OCD when it comes to putting on the butter and salt. I kind of have this system to putting it on. Sorry if I offended you.”

  “No, I like it when guys manhandle my bucket of popcorn away from me. It’s endearing.” She hoped the sarcasm came through her whisper.

  “Yeah, I know I have a problem. I’m sorry. Next time
you can do the popcorn.”

  “What makes you think there’s going to be a next time?”

  “After tasting my popcorn, you’ll be craving to eat it again next week.” He gave her a smug grin.

  He was probably right, but she wasn’t going to tell him that. She huffed. “Don’t talk. We’re watching a movie.”

  “It’s just the previews. Everyone talks during the previews.”

  “So not true,” Amanda hissed at him. “Shh.”

  Cole pointed to the screen. “It’s a movie about a girl and her mop. What can be interesting about that?”

  Amanda held back a giggle. “She’s cleaning the floor and dancing. She wants to be a famous singer someday.”

  “Then why are they showing us twenty minutes of her and her mop?”

  He was right. She was still dancing with the mop. It didn’t look like a very good movie. Or, rather, someone was a little self-absorbed when they put together the trailer. “Hush. I want to listen.”

  Cole was silent for a moment while the girl with the mop got rejected a thousand times. “She’s not even that good. I’d reject her, too.”

  Amanda elbowed him. “I think this is a true story. And you’re totally slinging mud all over it.”

  “I just want the pirates to come on.”

  “The Paper Pirate is not about actual—”

  “Hush,” Cole said, giving her a pointed look. “I’m trying to listen.”

  “Oh, my gosh. You are such a dork.”

  An older lady behind her leaned forward and shushed them really loud.

  Cole slid down in his chair and hid his face. Amanda pinched her lips together and tried not to laugh, but couldn’t help it. Cole’s shoulders shook and she realized he was having a laughing fit as well.

  “What’s so funny?” Destiny asked.

  “Nothing,” Amanda managed to choke out.

  Cole gained his composure and sat up again. As the movie started, he leaned over and whispered, “Shh,” which made her giggle all over again.

  Twice during the movie, she caught Cole stretching and she thought he was going to do that stupid move where the guy subtly puts his arm around the girl. But that was a dumb thought because he didn’t do that, and she didn’t want him to, anyway, right? She totally wasn’t into him in that way. Even though watching the movie with him wasn’t horrible.


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