Book Read Free

A Young Adult Romance Collection

Page 57

by Victorine E. Lieske

  He’d sent that last night, but the answer didn’t come in until this morning.

  Were you drunk last night?

  No. Brandon Travers is here. He told me he’d do it. He should make the drama club quite a bit of money.

  Marissa sent a frowny face emoji. Are you making fun of me?

  No! Why would you say that?

  Because Brandon Travers is a famous actor. There’s no way you know him.

  I do. And he’s here.

  That just shows how much you know. He was in a terrible car accident last weekend. He’s still in the hospital. I don’t know why you’re messing with me. You could have just said you didn’t want to do the booth. I got someone else, anyway.

  Brandon tossed her phone down on the counter. “Well. She sounds like a bucket of fun. Maybe it’s okay that she doesn’t believe you. I’d rather just spend the evening with you, anyway.” He stood and picked up her plate. “I’m sure we can find something fun to do.” He winked at her.

  “Stop being such a flirt.” Stephanie scowled, but he could see a hint of a smile behind her eyes.

  “You like me. Admit it.” He put the plate in the sink and then turned and gave her a sexy grin, but inside he was holding his breath, waiting for her to answer him.

  She shrugged. “You’re all right.”

  He laughed. He’d take it. “What do you want to do now?”

  A look crossed her face and she fiddled with the hem of her blouse. “I have something I need to do. But it might seem boring to you.”

  “What is it?”

  “I have to memorize my lines for the upcoming play I’m in.”

  He grinned. “Let’s do it.”

  Chapter 25

  Stephanie groaned and leaned back against the couch in her living room. “I’m never going to get it.”

  Brandon chuckled beside her and leaned closer, showing her the script. “You can do it. Come on. It’s a piece of cake.”

  “Usually memorizing lines isn’t this hard. Why is it so hard this time?” Stephanie looked into Brandon’s blue eyes and knew immediately. He was distracting her. Big time.

  He not only looked amazing in his button-down shirt, but he smelled like heaven. And his eyes. Don’t even get her started on how stunning they were. It was like looking into another dimension. Looking into his eyes made her feel like the floor had dropped out from under her and she was floating in mid-air.

  “You just have to get used to the script. Here,” he said, rummaging through her backpack. He pulled out a notebook. “Take this.”

  “Why?” she asked, but she took it anyway.

  “Because writing down my lines always helps me.” He held out the script to her so she could read it. “Try it. Write them all down, and see if it doesn’t help.”

  “Okay.” She started transcribing the lines. “This really works for you?”

  “Yes. It helps make the words solid in my mind, if that makes sense. There’s something physical about writing them out that makes it stick then for me.”

  “Huh.” Stephine copied the page, then the next, until she’d copied the entire scene.

  “Okay, now put it away, and we’ll run lines again.”

  “All right.”

  This time, she was able to remember almost all of her lines. She only had trouble in a couple of places. She laughed when they got done and slapped his knee. “You’re right. That totally helped.”

  “See? I’m a genius. You should remember that.”

  She gave him a massive eyeroll. “And famous actors are self-absorbed. You should remember that.”

  His mouth dropped open, and he let out a gasp. “You are insufferable, woman.”

  “And you are incorrigible.”

  Amanda walked into the room and made a gagging noise. “Oh, my gosh, is that how you guys flirt with each other? Because it’s just wrong.”

  Cole followed into the room after her. He swatted her side. “Leave them alone.” He grinned. “I think it’s cute.”

  Brandon slung his arm around Stephanie. “You must be Amanda.”

  Amanda grinned. “And this is Cole, my boyfriend. Don’t worry, we’re not staying or anything. We just came in to get some lunch.” She waved and then tugged Cole into the kitchen.

  “She’s cute,” Brandon said.

  Stephanie gave him a dirty look. “What did you say?”

  Brandon’s eyes widened. “I meant in like a familial way. She’s your cute younger sister. That’s all I meant. I swear.”

  It was kind of adorable how much he was backpedaling at the moment. Stephanie smiled and poked his side. “You’d better have meant that.”

  He made a cross signal over his chest. “I only have eyes for you, babe.”

  She winced. “Don’t ever call me babe.”

  Brandon leaned close to her, his breath tickling her cheek. Her heart jumped at his proximity. “Why must you be so difficult?” he said, his voice low.

  A cheesy grin threatened to appear on her face. “Nothing worth having comes easy.”

  He swallowed, his gaze traveling down her face to her lips, then back up to her eyes. “I don’t even know what to say to that. I think you’re purposefully confusing me.”

  And he was totally muddling her brain. Why did he have to smell so good? She tried to inch back, but he just pressed closer to her. She swallowed. “Why would I do that?”

  Brandon blinked, and she noticed how long his eyelashes were. Why did that look so sexy? “Because you don’t want me to kiss you.”

  That wasn’t true at all. She wanted to kiss him. She just didn’t want him to break her heart. She gently shoved him back. “Let’s go over my lines one more time.”

  Brandon sighed and then nodded. “Sure.”

  Stephanie grinned as she watched Brandon race to get into the car. She slid into the driver’s seat and buckled. “Why are you so excited to go to the Harvest Festival?”

  “I don’t know. It was fun as a kid. Do they still set up those rides?”

  “Yeah, but they’re nothing. Just a few small ones.”

  “And food stands?”

  She chuckled and nodded. “Yes. All the greasy food you could want.”

  He bounced in his seat. “Let’s go. I’m starved.”

  “You’re like a little kid. I’ve never seen you like this.”

  He tugged on his baseball cap. “No one knows who I am here yet. I didn’t realize how fun this would be. I can go out in public and not get mobbed.”

  “How’s your arm?” She motioned to his sling.

  “It’s fine.”

  She raised one eyebrow. “You’re lying again.”

  “Geesh, Vlogger girl. I don’t know how you do that. Yes, it hurts, but I can take more pain meds in thirty minutes, so I’ll be fine. Let’s get to the fun.” He motioned for her to get on the road.

  “All right.” She pulled out of the driveway and onto the street.

  “The first thing I want to do is meet Marissa.”

  Stephanie made a face. “Why?”

  “To see her face when she realizes she turned me down at the kissing booth.” He grinned and raised his eyebrows.

  “You’re so petty.” But she laughed, anyway, at the thought of showing him off.

  “I know. It’s the little things.”

  When they got to the fairgrounds, Stephanie found a place to park, and they got out of the car. “The booths are this way,” she said, motioning. “In the 4H building.”

  Brandon fell into step beside her. “Are you feeling better about your lines for the musical?”

  “Yes. Thank you for helping me with them.”

  “Of course.” He gave her a sly smile. “I could have helped you with the kissing scene, you know.”

  Stephanie stuck out her tongue at him but couldn’t hide the smile that crept onto her face. “You are such a nerd.”

  They entered the 4H building and walked down the row of booths until they got to the one with the Rockford High Drama Club
sign. There were two kissing booths set up. Gabe, the quarterback, stood behind one, and Becky, one of the cheerleaders, stood behind the other. Marissa sat at a table collecting money.

  Brandon walked up to the table and stuck out his good hand. “Hi. You must be Marissa,” he said in his smooth actor voice.

  Marissa shook his hand, then did a double-take. Her gaze bounced from Brandon to Stephanie, then back again. She narrowed her eyes at Stephanie. “Where did you find a Brandon Travers look-alike so fast?”

  Brandon flashed an annoyed look at Stephanie before he turned back to Marissa. “I’m not a look-alike. I am Brandon.”

  “You can’t be. Brandon is still in the hospital. He was in a car…” Her gaze landed on Brandon’s arm in a sling. “Accident,” she said quietly.

  “Yep. I was.”

  Marissa stared at him, then shook her head. “You’re good. I’ll give you that.” She turned to Stephanie. “You did all this to get out of standing at the booth? I wonder why you picked Brandon Travers, of all people. You do know how scummy he is, right? Did you read what Alisha Waterstone posted this morning?” Marissa frowned and crossed her arms. “He’s a complete dirt bag.”

  Stephanie could see Brandon’s neck turning red, and she quickly ushered him away from the booth. “It’s not worth it,” she said, her voice low as they walked past a booth selling caramel popcorn, the smell making her hungry.

  Brandon’s lips turned down in a frown. “How could she not think it’s me?”

  “Why would she? We’re in Podunk town, Wisconsin. Plus, you have your trusty disguise on.” She tapped the brim of his hat.

  Brandon pulled out his phone and swiped his thumb across the screen. “I guess it’s her loss.” He didn’t look up from his phone.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I have to find out what Alisha said about me.”

  Stephanie’s steps slowed as she stayed with Brandon. He stared at his phone, his face draining of color. He swore under his breath and scrubbed a hand over his face. She leaned over to see what he was looking at, but he turned off his phone and put it in his pocket. He looked like he was going to faint or something, his hands shaking.

  “What did she say?”

  Brandon shook his head, his gaze darting around the room. “I can’t believe her. It’s total B.S.”

  “What is?”

  Brandon finally looked at her, his eyes wide, almost wild-looking. “Nothing. Don’t go on the internet today.” He winced. “Please?”

  “Why? Is it that bad?”

  “It’s bad,” he whispered. “And not true.”

  Stephanie waved her hand, dismissing it. “Then it will blow over. I mean, how bad can it be if she’s making it up? Won’t people figure out the truth?”

  Brandon swallowed but looked like he was about to throw up. “Just promise me, you won’t go look at what she posted? I’ll call my people. Try to get her to take it down.” He looked around again. “I have to go make a phone call. Can you wait for me?”

  “All right,” Stephanie said, motioning to a bench. “I’ll be over there.”

  Brandon nodded, and then darted off toward the door. She watched him leave the building. Man, he looked to be in a panic. Whatever Alisha posted really got him upset. And that made her super curious, but she had promised, so she sat down on the bench and tried not to take her phone out of her pocket.

  She watched people walk around the building, stopping at booths and buying snacks. She could smell beef jerky being made somewhere nearby, and it was making her hungry, but she wanted to wait for Brandon before she bought any. The seconds turned into minutes as she sat and waited.

  Her phone vibrated in her pocket and she pulled it out. A text from Jade came through.

  The internet is blowing up with what Alisha posted. Girl, are you with Brandon right now? You might want to re-think your involvement with him. Just saying…

  Her hands grew sweaty as she responded.

  He said it was all lies. He’s calling his people now to get her to retract it.

  Um, did you see her post?


  Stephanie’s foot bounced as she waited for a reply. What had Alisha said, anyway? How could Jade believe it? She’d spent last night with Brandon. How could her opinion of him change so suddenly?

  Jade’s response came back.

  She posted a video. Don’t know how it could be lies. Looks pretty real to me. Is he with you? I’m worried for you.

  A lump formed in Stephanie’s throat, and she swallowed it back.

  Why are you worried?

  Because I don’t want you to get hurt again. Looks like Brandon might be more like Kyle than we thought…

  Kyle’s name jumped off the screen at her, and she sucked in a breath.

  What are you talking about?

  The video…geesh, girl, just watch it okay?

  A link appeared next, and Stephanie glanced around to see if Brandon was coming back yet. When she didn’t see him, she pressed the link.

  It only took a second before Alisha’s post came up. The video was first. She pressed the play button and Brandon’s face appeared on her screen. He looked drunk. He was talking, and with the noise in the center, Stephanie had to put the phone to her ear to hear it. As she listened to his drunken rambling, she realized what she was hearing.

  He was trying to get Alisha to sleep with him.

  Chapter 26

  Stephanie turned off the video, her fingers numb. As she read Alisha’s “confession,” bile rose in her throat. She said she had thought Brandon was her boyfriend, but after they slept together, he started telling people he hated her. Stephanie knew that part was true. She’d heard him talk about Alisha last night. He definitely hated her.

  The thought of Brandon spending the night with someone he hated made her sick to her stomach. Why would he do that? She could only think of one reason, and that meant he was a selfish pig. Her first instinct was right. She should have stayed away from him.

  She texted Jade back.

  Ugh. That was horrible.

  I know, right? I’m so sorry. I kind of liked him, but now… She sent a throwing up emoji.

  That was exactly how Stephanie felt. She suddenly couldn’t stand the smells of food that were coming at her. She glanced once more at the door, but Brandon wasn’t returning.

  What was she doing? Waiting for him to come back? Why would she do that? Brandon was just like Kyle. Willing to do anything for his own selfish pleasure. He told her what Alisha said was all lies, but how could she lie about a video? It was obviously Brandon. And he was after the same thing Kyle was. It made her sick to think about it.

  Was that what she was to him? A challenge? Some sick game to see if he could turn his harshest critic into a fangirl by sleeping with him? She wondered if he even really liked her at all.

  She stood and headed in the opposite direction. She wasn’t going to sit there and wait for him anymore. He could call his aunt for a ride home. She was done being his next target.

  Tears stung her eyes as she walked outside, the cold air blasting her in the face. The sun had already gone down and the temperature had dropped with it. She headed toward her car. When she sat down in the driver’s seat, she texted Jade back.

  I’m leaving the festival. Brandon can find his own way home. I’m done with him.

  Are you okay?

  The words blurred as she tried to respond, her tears filling her eyes and then spilling over down her cheeks.

  I’ll be fine.

  Girl, I know you. You really liked him. You’ve got to be really upset.

  Stephanie took in a shaky breath and let it out slowly.

  Yeah, I am, but I will get through it.

  Call me later, okay?


  Stephanie tossed her phone into her cupholder and pulled out of the gravel parking lot. On her way home, her phone chimed. She glanced at it and saw it was a text from Brandon. She huffed and ignored it. By the time she got home,
he’d texted three more times.

  Hey, just got done. I can’t find you. Where are you?

  Did you leave the 4H building?

  Are you upset? I’m sorry it took so long.

  Did you leave??? I can’t find your car.

  She scowled and stuffed her phone in her pocket. As she walked into the house, her phone rang. It was Brandon. She declined the call and went into her room, slamming the door. No one else was home to hear it, but it felt satisfying, anyway, to make the room shake.

  Another text came.

  You looked up Alisha’s post, didn’t you? I can explain. Please call me.

  Anger swept through her and she pounded out a text back to him as she sat on her bed.

  Jade sent me a link. Said it was important for me to see it. How could you? I can’t even right now.

  I told you, she lied. I didn’t sleep with her.

  Sure looked like you did.

  Can we talk? Please?

  She didn’t want to talk to him right now. She didn’t know what to believe, and talking to him would only confuse her more. She fired back a text.

  Not right now. I need some space. Leave me alone. Don’t call or text me.

  She hit send, and then turned off her phone. Tears filled her eyes again, and she laid down, pressing her face into her pillow. She couldn’t believe how quickly he convinced her that he was a good guy. It was Kyle, all over again.

  Did he make a bet with his superstar friends? Had he been laughing behind her back this whole time?

  She should have known it was going to be like this the second he said he was coming to Rockford. He was a flirt. She knew that even from talking online to him. In person, he was impossible to resist.

  How stupid she’d been.

  She cried for another hour before she fell asleep, not even taking off her shoes.

  Brandon called Stephanie again, only to get the same recorded message that her phone was off. He let out a frustrated grunt and shoved his phone into the pocket of his leather jacket. Why had Alisha posted that stupid video? He was going to kill her the next time he saw her. He no longer cared who her father was. She was dead meat.

  He walked past a food cart selling fried Twinkies. He did a double-take. Was that a thing? He shook his head and kept walking. He didn’t want to call his aunt and let her know what happened. He’d rather walk home than admit Stephanie left him there.


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