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Origins- The Legend of Ava

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by Ivy Logan

  Ava knew Siobhan would never permit it, but she still wanted to save the girl and the Dueijian, Satoshi.

  She was the first of the Elders in the clan of the Heichi, and yet she wasn’t the queen. In humans, the first-born ascends to power, but among the Heichi things worked differently. Although Ava came first, it was only to prepare the way for another- Siobhan. Ava never let this bother her. Her loyalty was unquestionable, and she had never let Siobhan down. The two of them were almost as close as sisters. On most matters they saw eye to eye, but while Siobhan strictly adhered to the rules put in place for the protection of the Heichi, Ava always put the welfare of the needy and troubled first. She was Siobhan’s mentor, but Siobhan was the Queen. It was her judgment that weighed in. She would always take Ava’s opinion into consideration, but ultimately the decision was hers to make.

  “You are wool-gathering again,” Siobhan said. “You are not thinking of saving them, are you?”

  “Of course not,” said Ava, even though, in her heart, she knew it was a lie



  Ava thought a lot about the incident in the forest, and came to the conclusion that the best way to save the lives of Satoshi and the girl was to keep him away from the forest. Siobhan was monitoring Ava and had given her strict orders against intervening, but how was Ava supposed to stand back and let the innocents die as though their lives were of no significance?

  “Ava what is wrong?” a voice asked. Ava looked up to find her friend, Selena, standing over her, concern etched in her eyes. Ava tried to hastily cover up her sadness, but Selena only smiled.

  “I know you too well,” said Selena. “All the times you helped me, no questions asked. Can’t I be there for you this time?”

  Selena’s gift was her extreme sensitivity to the environment around her. While Ava saw events in the future, Selena’s power existed only in the present. Very often, when she had been driven ragged with concern for a fellow sister, Ava would be the only one willing to step in to help. Ava would discretely come to the rescue of the troubled sorceress. Siobhan would be none the wiser, and Selena would find herself relived of the burden of her anxieties.

  As her friend stood looking at her expectantly, Ava had no choice but to open up. After Ava finished her story, Selena was quiet for a long time. Finally, she spoke. “Siobhan has asked you to refrain from meddling with the future. But Ava, we are immortal. Think about it. What if in the future, I find this Satoshi, go to him, and ask him to stay away from the forest?”

  “This could work,” exclaimed Ava, her face lighting up for the first time in a long time. “Why didn’t I think about it?”

  “Quite simply because you are always focused on the future, and I have no choice but to be tuned into the present,” said Selena dryly. “We each have our role to play.”



  The Present, thirty years later

  Ava stared in horror as Satoshi silently bid her farewell. The girl’s brothers were about to take his life again, but he had eyes only for her. How could this be happening? She and Selena had put a plan in place to keep him away from the dark forest. But here he was, like clockwork, and history was repeating itself. Ava returned to the scene of the original crime, hoping that this time she would find the girl alive, well and unharmed. She was wrong. She and Selena hadn’t managed to change a thing.

  Selena had gone looking for Satoshi at least seven years ago. It was enough time to find him, and also for her to create a new identity for herself, and to convince him to stay away from the forest. But Selena never returned. Had guilt about going against Siobhan made her vanish without completing her mission? It was very unlike her. Selena was a sorceress who always kept her word. Some misfortune must have befallen her. Otherwise nothing could have stopped her from keeping her word.

  The girl and Satoshi died once again. Providence had played a cruel trick on Ava. Her plan to save them had backfired so badly. What of his family? He had mentioned a wife and a son. She would have to go to them and make sure that they were okay. She owed them that much. She dreaded the task of notifying them that the one they were impatiently waiting for wouldn’t be showing up.


  Ava knocked on the door of a humble house in a ramshackle part of the inner city of Galati. This was the ghetto community, where supernaturals blended in with the dregs of society, and traded their special powers for work or money.

  The humans controlled the ports, and consequently all the trade. The supernaturals were the outcasts- the more powerful of the two, yet treated as lesser citizens. Over the years, relations between the supernaturals and humans had spiraled out of control. A parallel black market existed underground, driven by humans who wanted to exploit the skills or, rather, the powers of the supernaturals. Regular employment opportunities had gradually evaporated for supernaturals, and they were forced to eke a living through menial jobs in relatively dark circumstances. The ones who couldn’t digest city life choose faraway mountains and forests to survive.

  Ava could sense the resentment festering around her. The news of the death of Satoshi had spread through the quarters like wildfire. Half-goblin, half-reptilian creatures stood around in clusters. Something was afoot. The Dueijians were the most diabolical and dangerous of all supernaturals. A need for anonymity had forced them to keep a low profile, but the death of their brother (even an eccentric one by their standards), might unleash their violent nature, thus far suppressed. Humans had chosen to make a mockery of the death of the Dueijian, and now an uprising seemed to be in the works.

  Just then the door opened. A Dueijian child looked up at Ava.The boy must be Tagasaya, Satoshi’s son. Ava had seen many Dueijians. This one was different. He was tall for his kind, and it looked like there was a further growth spurt waiting to happen. Another thing that drew her attention were his eyes, which shone with an awareness that most Dueijian creatures did not have.

  “Who are you?” he asked. Ava realized with a start that he spoke the Heichi tongue. How was it possible?

  “Is your mother at home?” Ava asked.

  “Yes, I am,” answered a familiar voice, and Ava found herself looking at Selena.

  Selena didn’t seem surprised to see her. She seemed resigned to the likelihood that Ava, the purveyor of bad news, would show up. He eyes had a flat look in them. “So he is dead,” she said in a defeated voice.

  Ava just mutely nodded her head. What was this about? Why was Selena in Satoshi’s house? Why was she calling herself Satoshi’s wife? “Selena!” Ava’s exclamation was more of a petrified whisper.

  Inter-clan marriages between supernaturals were not permitted. A union between a Heichi sorceress and a Dueijian was unheard of. Ava turned to stare at the little boy. She understood why he looked unusual. He was part Heichi. Ava felt ill. If Siobhan and the other sorceresses learned about the boy, he wouldn’t be allowed to live. She tried to maintain an expression of equanimity, but failed. Had Selena been forced to marry Satoshi? Her horrified expression betrayed her for the welcome on the child’s face faded, and he tried to hide behind his mother.

  “Don’t look at my son like that,” cried Selena. “I love him as I loved his father.”

  “How?” was Ava’s only terse question.

  “I ingrained myself into Satoshi’s life, just like we planned. Initially I detested him, but I still wanted to save him, like I promised you.”

  Ava nodded in agreement. The Dueijians were indeed a feared lot among both humans and supernaturals. Violence was an inherent part of their nature, which made them very dangerous. Hate towards them she could understand, but love?

  “Gradually, I realized that he was different from his brothers. Once a group of Dueijians surrounded me. My magic has never been that strong. I knew I wouldn’t be able to defend myself against all of them. But he fought them off and saved me. We became friends, and then…” Selena trailed off.

  “Then?” prompted Ava.

  “We fell in love. We got married six years ago. Yes, we knew our union would be frowned upon. We would be cast out and shunned by our own kind, but we couldn’t help it.”

  “But why did you let Satoshi go to the forest? If you loved him, shouldn’t you have stopped him?” asked an agitated Ava.

  “I tried. I begged, pleaded, cried, and even fought with him. He was adamant, because food has been in short supply, and he didn’t want our son to go hungry,” Selena told her. “And now we have lost him forever.”

  “What are we going to tell Siobhan?” Ava whispered.

  “Nothing about your role in all of this. You only wanted to save his life. I fell in love and had a kid with him. If Siobhan learns that you were involved, she will think that we willfully broke the clan laws. You are her best friend, but also a respected Elder. She might see it as a conspiracy. She might think that the two of us tried to align with the Dueijians and revolt against her. No, it is too dangerous. You need to stay out of it. When I come to her, seeking shelter and protection for Tagasaya and myself from the Dueijians, I need you to remain silent about your involvement, and help me, instead. If she learns about your connection, it will only make things worse for us. My treachery will become more personal, and the punishment more severe. This way you might help me gain forgiveness.”

  “What do I do? Pretend I had no role to play in all this? I can’t do that!” said an astounded and tearful Ava, shocked that Selena was willing to bear the full responsibility for this debacle. “You know I can’t just stand back and watch you get punished.”

  “No! You never would be able to fake indifference. So I would rather you let me clear your mind of this memory. You must not recall that the two of us hatched this plot to save a Dueijian. All you will remember is witnessing the death of the human girl and a Dueijian called Satoshi. You will react to my treachery, as the others will. Your reactions will be genuine. Only then will you be able to help me save Tagasaya.”

  When Ava said nothing, Selene pleaded once again, “We must wipe your memory.”

  “How are you so sure that I will help you if I don’t remember the whole story?” a puzzled Ava asked.

  “I am confident of your assistance, because amongst the sorceresses you are not known as, ‘Ava, The Merciful’ for nothing.”

  The two friends argued for a while. Tagasaya silently watched from the background.

  The usually mild Selena was adamant and persuasive. Finally, Ava gave in, even though her conscience protested at this forced absolution.



  Selena and Tagasaya stood before a gathering of the Heichi sorceresses.The sorceresses gathered together only on two occasions. Firstly, when a newborn sorceress surfaced from the waters of their Holy Well, and when one of their own cast off her immortality and moved on to the ether world. One was an occasion of welcome, and the other, a farewell.

  Within the clan, Selena’s impulsive actions created hysteria. It was common practice for sorceresses to wed humans. However the sons the sorceresses had with humans were mortals. Never before had there been a union between a Heichi sorceress and a Dueijian. An inter-clan union within the supernatural community was forbidden. This gathering was for a judgment. They had all come together to learn the consequences of Selena’s return to her Heichi sisters after the death of her Dueijian husband, Satoshi. The sheer nerve of her, she was seeking Heichi protection for both herself and her child. With Siobhan at the helm, all she would get was a painless death, but death all the same. For Siobhan loathed the Dueija. She would never accept one, even if he were half-Heichi.

  Displeasure against Selena had been mounting as the news spread among the gathered sorceresses like wild fire. Some sorceresses speculated on a doomed end for her, and the less bloodthirsty ones hoped for clemency. Everyone was unanimous in wanting the boy dead.

  Rather than worrying about the impending verdict, Selena was preoccupied with protecting Tagasaya from the insults and the venomous looks cast his way. He was only a child, but in the eyes of the assembled sorceresses, he was a fiend. Everyone wanted to catch a glimpse of him. She and Satoshi had sheltered Tagasaya from the harsh reality of his origins for so long. Now he was exposed. How would he deal with this bitter new reality? What would Siobhan decree? Would Ava help? The spell she cast on Ava had worked. She recalled nothing of the past.


  “What do we do about Selena?” Siobhan asked Ava. “Her actions are a complete violation of everything we ever believed in. Have you seen her son?” she muttered angrily.

  Ava mutely nodded. “The male child born of the union of a Heichi sorceress and a human is mortal and knows no magic. But this Dueijian male has magic flowing in his blood, unlike our human sons,” said Ava.

  “True. In addition to the abilities of his own clan, he also enjoys the power of the Heichi, our power,” Siobhan concluded wisely, for she knew that the Dueijian clan was more violent than magical. “The boy’s supremacy will one day exceed ours. He is a danger to all our people and to humans too. The combination of great cunning, violence and power is a perilous one.”

  “But…” Ava hesitated.

  “Speak freely,” said Siobhan.

  “I met his father when I travelled to this time period from the past. He is the Dueijian I told you about. I recognized his name, Satoshi. He was different from the rest of his kind. He felt sorrow, regret and love. Maybe the boy will be influenced by his father’s nature rather than the rest of the clan?”

  What are you trying to say?” Siobhan asked softly. “Inter-breeding between clans is outlawed. If the punishment is not appropriate… others will follow Selena and abuse the decree. Our world will descend into chaos and darkness from which there will be no return.”

  “But he is a child. His mother is our sister!” said Ava.

  “A sister who chose a monster over her family. Now she has a monster for a son. You can’t predict how he will turn out,” said Siobhan.

  “Neither can you,” added Ava. “So spare his life for now.”

  What will happen in the future when he grows up? What if he wants to be our King?” Siobhan said calmly.

  Ava glanced at the boy, Tagasaya. He was staring at her. At the moment he didn’t look like a king to her, just a very angry supernatural child. But there was a familiarity about him that she couldn’t explain, and something else too. Was it contempt for her that she saw in his eyes? She never ever met Tagasaya before. She couldn’t even remember the last time she met Selena. Ava shrugged away her concerns and tried to focus on saving Selena.

  Siobhan’s concern was justified. Tagasaya could pose a danger in the future. But Selena was one of them. How could they desert her so heartlessly or harm her child? Selena loved Tagasaya, and that should be reason enough for them to spare his life. Generosity and kindness had always been their hallmark, hadn’t it? She finally saw a way out of Siobhan’s quandary. Tagasaya and Selena’s lives could be spared and the clan could be protected too.

  “Banish them,” said Ava to Siobhan. “Cast them out of the clan, send them into the wilderness, but do not punish them with death.” Siobhan saw emotion as a sign of weakness. If she had to convince Siobhan to save Selena and the child, Ava had to make a logical and dispassionate argument.

  “So be it,” said Siobhan, then addressed Selena and the crowd at large. “But one more thing, Selena, you have to give me something in return for your son’s life.”

  Selena bowed her head in gratitude. “Ask and it shall be yours, if it in my power to give it to you.”

  “Give me your magic. Sacrifice your hair, and then take your son and be gone.”

  With Siobhan’s condition, silence fell. Everyone was aghast. For a sorceress, giving up her hair was worse than being put to death. Without it, a sorceress lost all her magic. Selena would become a mortal.

  Ava felt Selena’s pain and fear, but also relief that
her son had been forgiven.

  “Let it be done,” Selena said in acceptance.

  In the boy’s eyes, Ava saw a blaze of intense hatred- for her, Siobhan and everything and everyone linked to the Heichi. Nothing good would come of this. Had she done the right thing in pleading with Siobhan to save the boy? Selena was her friend, and letting Tagasaya die would mean letting her friend down. She didn’t have a choice.



  Tagasaya didn’t care for the mercy that had been shown to him. He was strong enough to look death in the face. He would still emerge on the other side, victorious and laughing.

  However Tagasaya’s life was invaluable to his mother. When her sisters looked at him, they saw a monster. When his mother looked at him, he felt like the luckiest Dueijian in the world. She loved him so much. She was sacrificing her powers for him. Without magic, she would age very quickly, and die a mortal.

  The price the queen demanded was not just his mother’s magic. It was her life.

  Tagasaya could feel the power coursing through him. During the gathering he almost felt sparks at his fingertips. He had wanted to use it to destroy all of them, each and every sorceress, but he couldn’t violate his mother’s trust.

  “Promise me,” Selena had said to her son before the gathering. “Whatever happens, you will not use any magic.” Now Tagasaya understood. She had known that the queen would make her suffer. Yet she returned to these heartless sorceresses so that she could save him from the killer Dueijians.


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