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Ivan 2 (Her Russian Protector Book 10)

Page 5

by Roxie Rivera

  He frowned. “Why? Who cares what these people think?”

  “I care.” I gently adjusted the collar of his shirt. “Our business is growing. The properties you own—"

  “We own,” he corrected, reminding me that he insisted everything he owned before we got married was mine once I shared his last name.

  “The properties we own are going up in value, and a few of them are along the new I-45 expansion. We’re going to want to diversify like we talked about a few weeks ago. We need connections to people outside of our group of friends. If we want to reach all those goals we discussed, this is part of it. We have to schmooze.”

  “You schmooze.” He ran his hand along the curve of my spine and let it rest on my bottom. “That’s not my scene.”

  “I know.” It really wasn’t. He hated social events, but he was going tonight because he loved me and knew how important it was to me. I hadn’t been able to hide my excitement when we had received the invitation to the annual fundraising gala hosted every New Year’s Eve by Holly’s sorority alumnus organization. Although it was shallow as hell, I wanted to be part of the “in” crowd.

  Ivan brushed his knuckles along my cheek, and I turned my head to kiss his scarred, tattooed fingers. His expression darkened, and he asked, “Do you want me to cover these?”

  Hating that he was so self-conscious about the way people judged me for being married to him, I kissed each gnarled finger. “No.”

  “Are you sure?” He stared at the bluish-green and black markings. “I don’t mind.”

  “I mind.” I lifted up on tiptoes and sought his mouth. “I’m not ashamed of you.” He started to protest, and I kissed him again. “I love you. All of you.”

  He cupped my face and nuzzled his nose against mine before capturing my mouth in a slow and easy kiss. “You’re too good for me.”

  “No, we’re just right for each other.” Determined to someday convince him that he was absolutely good enough and worthy of love and a family, I slid my arms around his waist and pressed my cheek to his chest. He hugged me tightly, and I wondered, not for the first time, if we should look into some kind of counseling for his deep-seated feelings of unworthiness. Being abandoned as a baby and left to fend for himself in an orphanage that was poorly run, negligent and abusive had left him broken inside. I wished my love was enough to glue together those pieces of him that his childhood had fractured, but I was realizing that it wasn’t.

  “I have something for you.”

  Glancing up at him, I studied his face for a moment, trying to decide if he was about to make a sex joke. Narrowing my eyes with suspicion, I asked, “Do I have to put my hand in your pocket to find it?”

  He laughed. “You’re welcome to put your hand in my pocket anytime, but no.” He gestured to the spacious closet we shared. “The top drawer where I keep my watches.”

  Loving his little surprises, I hurried back to the closet and opened the drawer. The distinctive box from Zoya’s shop greeted me, and I glanced back at him with a grin on my face. He had followed me into the closet and leaned against the door frame, smiling indulgently as I giddily opened the box and gasped at the sight of the glittering diamonds bezel-set in rose gold. “Ivan!”

  “You were so excited when that invitation came,” he explained, closing the distance between us. “I wanted you to have something pretty and new for tonight.” He grazed his fingertips over my bare shoulder, and I leaned into his touch. “When you showed me the dress you picked, I went straight to Zoya.”

  “That little sneak didn’t say a word!” I was only a tiny bit annoyed she had kept this a secret. I enjoyed surprises so much I couldn’t hold it against her.

  “You can take it up with her when you see her later,” he suggested, taking the necklace from the box. He swept aside the silky hair of my newly installed extensions and draped the necklace around my neck. “Hopefully, her father won’t throw a drink in my face.”

  I looked up at him and frowned. “I hope you’re joking.”

  His focus remained on the clasp of the necklace as he admitted, “Kazimir was still angry when I picked these up this morning.”

  “Angry? At you? Why? What happened outside the barre studio wasn’t your fault!”

  “Zoya’s father knows what I am and what I did. He’ll never believe that what happened to you and Zoya wasn’t my fault.”

  I huffed. “That’s not fair. Maybe I should talk to him.”

  “No.” He managed to get the clasp hooked finally and bent down to kiss the side of my neck. “Let him be angry at me.”

  “That’s not right, Ivan. You didn’t do anything.”

  “Not this time,” he replied and took the earrings from the box. When he placed them in my hand, I caught his gaze. I started to say that he didn’t have to endure Kazimir’s ire as penance for something he had done years ago but decided to let it go—for now.

  When I finished putting on the earrings, I moved to the full-length mirror in the corner of my dressing area. Ivan stood behind me, his big, strong hands on my waist. Our reflection made my heart flutter wildly. His crisp, tailored tuxedo fit him to perfection, highlighting his broad shoulders, and the glimmering rose gold and diamonds popped against the simplicity of my black off-the-shoulder gown. My gaze settled on the gleaming black alligator boots I had picked out for him. He had been wearing them around the house for the last few weeks to break them in, and even though he swore up and down he hated them, I could tell he secretly enjoyed them.

  He tugged me back against his hard body and noisily kissed my cheek. “Ready for the ball, Cinderella?”


  He grabbed the custom black cowboy hat I had insisted he have made and settled it into place. I couldn’t help the grin that tugged at the corners of my mouth. He narrowed his eyes. “What?”

  “You are going to wear that hat again in March,” I decided, stepping closer and sliding my arms around his waist. “You’re going to wear those boots and some jeans and a starched shirt and take me out for steak and whiskey before we head over to the rodeo to watch the bull riding.”

  “And then?” he asked, leaning down to sneak a kiss.

  “And then you’re going to bring me home, bend me over the couch and—"

  He chuckled darkly against my neck and nipped at a sensitive spot that made me shiver. “I think I know what comes next.”

  “Hopefully me,” I said with a giggle at the ticklish kisses he placed along my neck and shoulder. When his hands started to ruck up the sides of my dress, I covered them with my own. “No.”

  “Yes,” he grumbled.

  “Later,” I insisted and caressed his jaw. “When we get home, you can do whatever you want with me.”

  His gaze darkened with lust, but his wolfish smile seemed to be hinting at a secret. “We aren’t coming home tonight.”

  A ripple of surprised excitement coursed through me. “No?”

  “No.” His grin made it clear that he wasn’t going to tell me what his plans were for after the gala. Deciding to revel in the anticipation of what he had arranged, I held tight to his hand as he led us out of the house and out to his SUV. My gaze lingered on the empty spot where my car normally sat. The memory of the fire and the attack in the barre studio parking lot flashed before me, and I batted it away, irritated that those ugly thoughts were trying to ruin my night.

  “I spoke to Alexei this morning,” Ivan said as he helped me into the front seat, holding my skirt to make sure it wasn’t caught in the door. “He invited us to come over to one of his lots whenever you’re ready.”

  I made a face. “His cars are so expensive.”


  Recognizing that tone I knew it was pointless to argue with him. Instead, I buckled my seat belt. “We can figure it out later.”

  He huffed, fully aware I would push back against the idea of dropping an obscene and unnecessary amount of money on a luxury brand, but the gleam in his eyes warned that he had methods—very delicious
and naughty methods—of persuading me to see things his way. As he backed out of our garage, I allowed myself to imagine what it might be like to drive an Audi or Jaguar or Mercedes. It would be a huge step up from my base model but very reliable car. Maybe something with more space in the second row to accommodate a car seat and some extra room in the cargo area for a stroller...

  Ivan’s big, warm hand reached for mine as we idled at a red light. I enjoyed the feel of his fingers and let my thoughts drift the wonderful and exciting future I hoped the next year held for us. I wanted that for my sister, too. I wanted Ruby to leave jail and thrive, to move on from the bad decisions she had made and start a new and better chapter in her life. I wanted to build a family with Ivan that included Ruby as a doting, present aunt.

  But, first, I had to get her out of whatever trouble she had stumbled into this time.

  Chapter Six

  After leaving the SUV with the valet, Ivan took my arm and escorted me into the Post Oak Hotel. I grinned at Ivan as we stepped into reception area outside the grand ballroom and joined the line for our seating assignments. When we entered the ballroom, it was everything I had imagined it would be and giddily grabbed Ivan’s hand, practically dragging him into the party.

  Lena and Yuri found us almost as soon as we entered the room. Vivian and Nikolai wandered over a short time later with Alexei and his new wife, Shay. We had been at their elopement in Vegas a few months earlier and had been at their home for Thanksgiving. Shay was quickly becoming one of my favorite new friends. As we drank champagne and enjoyed the hors d’oeuvres offered by the passing waitstaff, we looked over the tables of silent auction items.

  “No surprise here,” Vivian remarked, tapping the list of bids for one of Zoya’s necklaces.

  “No,” I agreed and sipped my champagne.

  Next to us, Lena slipped her arm under Shay’s and asked, “See anything you want your man to buy you?”

  Shay shyly shook her head. “I’ve got everything I need.”

  “Yes, but what do you want?” Lena insisted as she led Shay to the next table laden with outrageously expensive vacations.

  “Should we intervene or let her corrupt Shay?” Vivian asked with a smile as we remained behind.

  “Let her corrupt,” I laughed softly. “Alexei is like Yuri. He shows his love with gifts. He’ll be over the moon if she asks him for something expensive.” I moved toward a different table where a piece of sports memorabilia had caught my eye. Knowing how much Ivan loved the Rockets, I couldn’t pass up the chance to bid on a few items from players he watched almost religiously. Vivian touched my arm, letting me know she was leaving to rejoin her husband, and I smiled at her before turning my attention back to the items I wanted.

  After jotting down my bids and noting the closing time for each piece, I wandered around the remaining tables looking for anything else interesting. I slowed down and stopped to read the description for a Napa Valley vacation package that included a hot air balloon ride. My thoughts turned away from the ritzy glamour of the gala to my sister sitting in her cold jail cell, counting down the days and hours until her release. Ruby had always wanted to go for a ride in a hot air balloon. She used to ask for a ride in one every year on her birthday, but our parents had never arranged it.

  But I can.

  It would have to wait until after she completed her probation and was allowed to travel outside of the county. We could make it a girls-only trip and reconnect away from our everyday lives. Maybe not Napa Valley. She used to talk about Sedona so maybe Arizona...


  The familiar voice of my ex-boyfriend Teague cut through my thoughts. We had ended things on good terms almost a year before I met Ivan and I still enjoyed his company the few times we had crossed paths. Turning toward him, I smiled up at him. “Hello, Teague.”

  When he moved in for a hug, I allowed it because he had never been anything but respectful of the boundaries of our friendship since the breakdown of our relationship. I was taken aback by the scent of bourbon and cigarettes clinging to him as we hugged. He had never smoked and only rarely had a beer when we dated. As we pulled apart, I noticed the stress lines around his eyes and mouth. Considering the long hours his job required, I wasn’t too surprised. Gently, I asked, “Rough time at work?”

  He looked chagrined and rubbed at his jaw. “The cigarettes, huh?”

  I nodded. “And the bourbon.”

  He made a face. “Sorry. I, uh, got started a little early this year.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “The cigarettes are a bad habit I picked up from some of the guys on my floor at the firm.”

  “Well, I’m not going to nag you about them,” I promised. “Tonight, at least.”

  He laughed. “Thank goodness you’re in a festive mood tonight.”

  “There are other firms you could work at,” I suggested.

  “Not for the kind of money I’m making now.” His answer didn’t surprise me. If anything, it was a clear reminder of why we hadn’t worked. “I like where I’m at, and there are some clear paths to the C-suite at my firm. The bonuses can’t be beat.”

  “As long as you’re happy there,” I replied, choosing not to say what I was really thinking. His issues with his work-life balance weren’t my problem anymore.

  “And you? Are you happy working for your husband?” His tone was yet another reminder of why we hadn’t worked out together. “Seems like a waste of your degree and all those certifications to work as his secretary.”

  “First of all,” I stepped toward him, “I worked with my husband. Secondly, I am using my degree.”

  “And third?” He arched his blond brows.

  “I don’t have to justify my career choices to anyone.” Handing him my empty champagne flute, I turned on my heel and walked away from him. Irritated that I let him get under my skin, I breathed out my frustration. Before I even cast a glance around the room to find Ivan, I felt his comforting hand settle against the small of my back. His familiar warmth radiated through my dress and into my skin. My eyes closed for a brief and perfect moment as he tenderly kissed my cheek and then my neck.

  “Do you want me to kick his ass?” His deep, rumbling voice was barely loud enough for me to hear. He slid his arm around my waist and tugged me in tight to his side. “I know that look on your face. What did he say?”

  “Nothing important,” I assured him. “He just wanted to remind me why I dumped him.”

  He grumbled something under his breath and then clasped my hand. “Let’s go find our seats. The dinner is about to start.”

  We found our table in the middle section of the ballroom. There was already a couple sitting there I didn’t recognize, but the sudden tightening of Ivan’s hand around mine told me that he did. There wasn’t enough time for him to tell me what was wrong because the couple stood and introduced themselves.

  “James,” Ivan said, reaching out to shake the man’s hand. “This is my wife, Erin.”

  “Pleasure to meet you, Erin.” His grip was stiff around mine, and I had the immediate sensation that he was hiding something. He let go of my hand and gestured to the gorgeous blonde next to him. “This is my wife, Missy.”

  “Nice to meet you, Missy.” I clasped her hand and noticed the swell of her midsection under her glitzy red dress, but I didn’t congratulate her for fear of making a terrible faux pas.

  “Oh, you can say it,” Missy said, clearly noticing my gaze. “Five months,” she clarified. “Our sixth.”

  “Another boy,” James said proudly and kissed his wife’s temple.

  “Congratulations,” I said with a genuine smile. “That’s an incredible blessing.”

  “Do you two have children?” Missy asked, and Ivan’s hand moved to my hip, giving me a reassuring squeeze.

  “Not yet.” I smiled up at Ivan. “But we’re working on it.”

  “Practice makes perfect,” James said as he held out his wife’s chair.

  Ivan mirrored his movements and held out mine,
his fingertips grazing my bare shoulders as he took his seat next to me. Other couples started to make their way to the empty seats at our table and the ones surrounding us. I noticed Lena and Yuri walking toward the front where they sat near Vivian and Nikolai. Alexei and Shay were right beside us at a table filled with couples that he clearly knew very well judging by all the smiles and laughs.

  Ivan straightened with obvious interest when the last couple joined our table and sat in the last two seats by him. I recognized the basketball player, Amos, and Karima, his hotshot attorney wife, from TV and social media. James and his wife had a strange reaction to the couple joining our eight-top. Their smiles seemed strained and obviously forced, and their handshakes were quick. Ivan, on the other hand, didn’t even hide his enthusiasm as greeted them, and I wasn’t at all surprised that Amos immediately started asking him about open training slots at the warehouse.

  “So, you work with your husband?” James asked as he shifted to the side to allow a waiter to pour wine in his glass.

  “Yes.” I covered my glass with my hand, indicating I wanted water with my meal. My head already felt a little light after the champagne. “I handle the business side of the gym.”

  “Do you also train with him?” Missy asked. “It’s just that I noticed you have some stitches,” she said and gestured toward her hairline. “I thought it might have been a gym accident.”

  “Oh. No.” I self-consciously adjusted my bangs to cover them again. “Actually, I was mugged outside a barre studio. A random robbery. I fell and hit my head,” I explained, keeping the details to myself and waving off their concern. “I’m totally fine, though.”

  “What is happening to this city?” Missy asked with a huff. “I swear every time I turn on the news it’s a story about a robbery or a murder or some kind of assault.” She shook her head. “We need more police on the streets to handle these gangs and lowlife thugs.”

  Not wanting to debate her on the topics of policing or gang violence or the cycle of poverty, I was relieved when her husband redirected the conversation after a stern look her way. “So, you don’t train at the gym?” he asked, his expression softening when he looked back at me.


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