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Five Alarm Forever: A Reverse Harem Holiday Romance

Page 20

by Dizzy Hooper

I shed my coat and let it fall. I have to go hang it up, to get ready for the next, inevitable call, and I will.

  But for one moment, I gaze at these men. Tension hangs in the air, thick as a blanket but a whole lot less comforting. It makes me shiver, makes my ribs ache and my blood heat.

  It's radiated right back at me, too. Walker shifts his weight, staring at me with all the feeling and longing I've been trying not to read too much into for days.

  I want to sag. I want to fall into him again the way I did right after Street pulled me out of that burning building.

  If only I could cross the dozen feet to stand by his side.

  But I can't. I don't know how. So I cast about in my mind, looking for the right thing to say. I glance from one of the guys to the next to the next.

  All I can come up with is, "What? You guys just been sitting on your asses all this time?"

  The tension shivers and cracks. Corey lets out a nervous huff of laughter.

  Jaquan isn't nearly so restrained. "More like worrying about your dumb ass."

  Whatever was left of the tension crashes down around us, leaving nothing but a warmth. It wraps around me, because it doesn't matter that I'm fucking half of these men, or that I'd kind of like to fuck the other half. It doesn't matter that we all had a moment just now.

  They still treat me like I'm one of the guys, and that means more to me than I can express.

  I waver, the events of the evening catching up at me all at once and leaving me wiped. I stumble forward a single step, and all I want is something, someone to lean on.

  And just like that, Walker's feet seem to come unstuck. He surges forward, reaching out.

  And it's awkward. It's unsure. He puts his hand on my side, and I fall into him. He catches me, pulling me into his arms, and God, that's the best fucking thing I've felt in days.

  So he pulls me closer, and I hate showing weakness, but these men make me feel so safe. I can afford to let down my guard around them.

  So I do.

  Shivering, shaking, I bury my face against Walker's shoulder. An aching sob racks me. He tightens his hold, shoring me up, and I let him, goddam it all.

  Then the other guys are there, too. Sal and Jaquan and Corey come in close. Hot hands touch my back, brush my hair from my face, and I soak up every single touch.

  "We've got you," Walker murmurs. He kisses my temple, fervent.

  Another sob breaks free. "I know."

  And I tilt my head back.

  Our gazes connect. A different kind of shiver travels up my spine as his piercing blue eyes stare into mine. I feel seen, unraveled, held.

  He shifts his hand to cup my face. Stroking my cheek with his thumb, he swallows. I didn't know it was possible, but his gaze softens even further. Something in his posture does, too, like he's melting into me the way I'm melting into him.

  But the softness doesn't make him any less strong. He holds me up and holds me together.

  He darts his gaze from my eyes to my lips.

  Then bless his heart, he looks around. My hearth thunders as I do the same, taking in the way Sal and Jaquan and Corey are watching us. An illicit thrill shoots through me, making my pussy tingle.

  The other guys I'm fucking are just standing there, though, bearing witness to the clutch of Walker's arms around my body. The press of his hard, hot chest to my piqued nipples.

  It's fucking hot, is what it is.

  And yet, somehow, it's also so much more. I want these men, badly. I want all of them in every combination and in every possible way.

  But I don't just want their cocks.

  I want them to hold me. I want Walker's strength and Corey's kindness. I want Jaquan's easy smile and Sal's respect and command.

  I snap my gaze back to Walker to find him studying me intently. The question, the invitation, is clear in his eyes.

  There's no answer in my entire heart except yes.

  Nodding, I rise onto my toes, and he's already there, meeting me halfway.

  His mouth covers mine, and brilliant light pours into my veins.

  Walker kisses with every bit of the intensity I would have expected. He throws himself into it, eyes closed, lips wet and open. Sweeping his tongue past my teeth, he possesses me, and I'm too happy to give him access to anything he wants. He tastes like home and sex and all kinds of things I never imagined I could have, but he offers them so freely—as if it's easy.

  As if I could have had them all an age ago, if only I had had the confidence to ask.

  I groan aloud as he deepens the kiss further, holding my face at an angle that opens me to his onslaught. I curse the heavy, insulated pants I'm still wearing. All of him is pressed to all of me, and I want to feel if he's hard. I want to grind against him.

  God, I want him to strip me down and take me right here.

  I want them all to.


  I realize my enormous fucking error in an instant.

  My eyes fly open, and I search the farthest corner of the room, only to find it empty.


  I pull away from Walker's kiss, and dammit all, he distracts me so thoroughly, gliding his lips to the point of my jaw and then down to the column of my throat.

  But I'm not going to fuck this up.

  I twist around inside Walker's grip, gaze flying past Sal, Jaquan, Corey, until finally—

  "Don't," I manage to choke out.

  Street freezes at the edge of the room, one foot on the threshold, and my chest aches. I was almost too late.

  The asshole was trying to run away. He saw this squad converging as one. He saw me letting them in, and he didn't even stick around long enough to ask for entry.

  Maybe he doesn't want it.

  But fuck me if I'm going to let him think for a second that he isn't wanted.

  "Don't go," I say again.

  Walker finally unlatches his mouth from my pulse point. I mourn the contact, but I appreciate the reprieve, the chance to think. He follows my gaze and straightens up as Street stares with utter desolation at the both of us.

  From the very first moment I set eyes on this man, it hurt me to look at him. He wears his pain so openly, at the same time that he turns it into a wall to keep everyone out.

  But not anymore. Not now.

  "Stay." And then a wild notion enters my thoughts. It's a terrible idea—a risky one in the extreme.

  But I know in a heartbeat that it's right.

  "It's all or nothing," I croak. "Stay, please."

  Walker's grip on my side goes punishing, but in a good way. He's so fucking on board with this. Relief pours off of him.

  This is absolutely what I need. I've already messed around with the dynamics of this unit enough. No way I'm fucking it up any worse, sleeping with all of them except one.

  Maybe this is what Street and Walker need, too. Maybe they needed someone outside their tragic history to bring them together.

  Maybe that person needs to be me.

  "Don't make any sacrifices for me," Street says, gruff and pained.

  "That's not what this is." I hold out my hand, and my fingertips are shaking. "I want you. Everyone here—they all want you to be a part of this."

  Conviction floods me as the rest of the guys fall into step around us.

  Thank God.

  I was sure I had this right, but you can never be sure. Street held himself at a distance, and the guys accepted it, but they never seemed to like it. They wanted him to let them in.

  I want that. Desperately.

  "I know you got hurt," I say, and my throat grates, bringing that up. "I know there's always a risk. But take it. Take it for me."

  "Take it for us," Walker says.

  Street shakes his head, and my heart seizes. "You don't have to—"

  "I do," I insist. "I want to." My voice cracks. "I want you."

  The entire room seems to hold its breath. Time stops, and there's only the sound of my heart in my ears, my breath in my lungs.

  There's on
ly this man, with one foot out the door and the other in.

  Will he take my hand? Or let this whole tentative, tenuous thing between us shatter?


  Time lurches back into motion as Street shifts his weight. For one awful second, my heart falls. He's going to walk away from this. He's going to choose to keep nursing his hurt and his loss forever, and there's not a single thing that any of us can do to draw him into the circle of light we're building between us.

  Only then, instead of turning away, he sucks in a breath that makes his massive chest rise and fall.

  He takes a single step toward us.

  And it's like a dam breaking.

  Three more strides and he's on us. Walker cedes him no ground, keeping his hold tight on my waist, but Street doesn't seem to mind. He grasps my face, tilting it up and to the side.

  He crushes his mouth to mine with a passion that takes my breath away. In his kiss, I taste every bit of the loneliness and hurt and desperation that's always lay just beneath the surface of his black-ringed eyes. His teeth graze my lip, sharp and biting. The coppery tang of blood is another note that somehow fits.

  He pulls away, pressing his brow to mine. "Thought I'd lost you. That fucking wall came down, and I haven't been so scared in years. Heidi, you—"

  And now it's my turn to shore him up. I release Walker to curl my arm around Street's enormous frame, gripping the back of his neck and pulling him in. "I'm fine. You got me, you saved me."

  An ugly, aching sound tears his throat. I just clutch him tighter. Another hand brushes mine, and I dart my gaze up to meet Walker's. He's rubbing Street's back, holding him in this circle with us, and maybe that should bother me, but it doesn't. The connection between these men, flowing between them and through me, it's—it's beautiful. I don't feel distanced by it. I feel like I'm a part of it.

  Like I'm the center of all five of these men. The one who brought them together, to where they were meant to be all along.

  While Street is shattering against my shoulder, Walker leans down to press another claiming kiss to my lips. His gratitude sweeps through me, adding yet another note of sweetness. I feel like I'm giving up and giving in, allowing this inevitable connection to finally take wings.

  And I'm not forgetting about any of the other guys who are a part of it.

  When Walker releases me to let my breathe, I dart my gaze to the rest of the crew.

  Corey stands beside us, softly appreciative. Sal wears a gentle smile, while Jaquan's expression is nothing but hunger. I glance down the length of his body to where his erection bulges against the front of his jeans.

  My pussy throbs at that reminder that this train is now in motion, and no way kissing is our final destination. I tighten my grip on both Walker and Street. My fingernails dig into the nape of Street's neck, and he groans.

  Street lifts his head to look at me again. Loss still hangs around the corners of his eyes, but arousal is a brighter spark, crowding out what's scarred him in the past.

  "Wanted you," he growls. "When I found out about you and the kid…" He flings his hand toward Sal and Jaquan. "When I heard about you and these guys…"

  My cunt pulses, flooding with slickness. "Might have figured that out."

  "What gave him away?" Walker asks. "The part where he yelled at you or the part where he wouldn't look at you for three days?"

  Street shakes his head. "Fuck off."

  "No." I dig my nails in harder. "Fuck me."

  Just like that, their friendly ribbing is done with. Street's eyes gleam. "Was starting to think you'd never ask."

  "Come on." Shoving Street off, Walker picks me up and literally throws me over his shoulder.

  I shriek, laughing and high. The first day I walked in here, the illicit fantasy of getting to fuck all five of these guys drove me to utter desperation. I never dared to dream it could actually happen, though.

  And here I am, being carried up the stairs of the firehouse by my lieutenant, the other four guys in the crew close behind.

  The instant we hit the top of the steps, Walker hauls me down off his shoulder and shoves me into the wall. I have no time to protest before he's covering my mouth with his again. I fall into the kiss, really free to feel it this time.

  As he plunders my mouth, he slips his hands beneath the straps of my suspenders, helping me get the heavy protective pants I'm still wearing down and off my body. I heave a sigh of relief as they fall away.

  It turns into a groan as Walker's body presses fully into mine. His hard cock digs into my hip, making my pussy drip. He grips me by my ass and lifts me higher against the wall. I go to wrap my legs around his waist, but there's a hand on my calf.

  I look down, startled, to find Corey right there, undoing my boots, helping me get my gear the rest of the way off, and Jesus, why is that so hot? Grinding against one guy while another kneels at my side, helping us get to a point where we can really get down to business.

  Reaching down, I thread my fingers through Corey's hair, and he lights up, pushing into the touch like the overeager pup that he is, and I love it. He makes short work of the boots and pants, and yeah, I'm still in my casual clothes underneath, but it hardly matters. I have so much more freedom like this, and I waste no time putting it to good use.

  Letting go of Corey, I wrap my arms around Walker's neck and use my core to swing my legs up, too. I hook my ankles behind his perfect ass and drag him in. He grunts, sealing our mouths together again. He drags that big, thick bulge of his cock against my cunt through our clothes, and pleasure shoots like lightning up my spine.

  For a few minutes, we kiss and grind like that. More and more heat gathers between my legs until I feel like I'm going to go mad with it. Orgasm hovers just beyond my vision, and I clench up, chasing it.

  But before I can catch up with that promise of release, Walker tears his lips away.

  I gasp, pussy spasming. Walker peels me off the wall, and no, God, that's the last thing I want.

  Until he turns me, and I see what everybody else has been up to while we've been dry-humping in the corner.

  The sad fact of the matter is that a crash room really isn't the best place in the world to have an orgy. It's all thin mattresses and bunk beds, and I hadn't really taken the time to consider how we were going to make it all work.

  Fortunately, my partners clearly did.

  "You guys are fucking geniuses," I groan.

  They've taken three of the mattresses off their frames and arranged them into a single, giant pallet on the floor. Walker carries me over to it and drops me in the center. I land on my back, his big body still held tightly between my thighs. His weight bears him down into me, and I arch up, new sparks of need racing through me.

  "We aim to please," Street says from my side.

  Walker pulls away, giving Street room to get at my body. I pull him in, opening for another rough, biting kiss.

  And the I'll say one thing for the guy—he may have stayed at a distance for what felt like forever, but once he commits, he commits.

  Kissing me with teeth and tongue, he puts his hands all over me. I moan as he shoves up my shirt to cup my breasts through my bra. My nipples light up, my pussy drooling. I clench down inside, aching for more.

  Then Walker's hands are at the waistband of my jeans, undoing my fly, and yeah, God, yeah. I lift my hips, helping the best I can as Walker peels the denim from my body. My underwear follow, leaving me bare from the waist down. Cool air on my pussy drives home just how dripping wet I am.

  And it only gets better as Walker spreads me open.

  I cry out into Street's mouth at the first wet stripe Walker licks across my clit. His tongue is soft and wet, but its touch is firm. Two fingers follow, sliding into my open cunt. He crooks them, pressing right on that spot inside that makes me see stars, and I was already hurtling toward orgasm before. I fly higher, my body possessed, held down by Street, Street's hands on my breasts, Street's teeth biting at my lip. Walker's broad shoulders keepin
g my thighs spread wide and his mouth bringing my pussy to new heights.

  Only then he pulls his fingers out. I whine in protest.

  But the sound twists and morphs as he drags his fingers lower.

  And God—Jesus fuck—

  How do these guys know? Do they have an actual camera recording every filthy fantasy I've ever entertained about them?

  Anal's never been my favorite. It can feel amazing, but it takes so much time, so much trust.

  From the very beginning, I've only been able to imagine handing that kind of trust to Walker.

  And here he is, without me having to say so much as a word, circling my asshole with two thick fingers, my pussy's juices easing the way.

  "Yeah," I groan by way of permission. "Yeah, God, please—"

  Lord help me, but I put my faith in the right person, too.

  Walker opens up my ass with exquisite care, working a single finger inside oh so slowly. The entire time, he keeps lapping at my clit, keeping me on a knife's edge of pleasure while pushing my limits.

  As my ass yields to him, the familiar sting is there, but without the burn. Before I know it, I'm taking his finger easily. My empty cunt spasms, until my body is being pushed in one direction and pulled in another; the fullness in my ass is good but not enough. I drive my hips into his touch, wordlessly begging him for more.

  "LT," Sal's voice calls from beside us.

  Walker draws away, and I throb, snapping my eyes open. Street still commands me in a claiming kiss, pinching and squeezing at my tits in a form of devastatingly arousing torture.

  Sal kneels on the mattress to my left. He passes Walker a bottle, and I shudder.

  Right. Of course he keeps lube here at the station.

  I lightly shove Street away and gasp for breath. "You guys do this a lot?"

  And it's a flippant question. But asking it still makes my stomach bottom out.

  Jaquan's laughter from my other side puts me instantly at ease. He reaches out to touch my calf. "No, baby. Believe me. You are one hundred percent unique."

  I choose to take him at his word. Corey's leaning against the wall a few feet away, watching. His gaze is dark, his arms crossed over his chest. If he's covering for the other guys—if they're lying… I think I'd be able to tell.


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