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Intrigued By Love (Written in the Stars Book 5)

Page 7

by Sienna Snow

  He complied, covering my mouth with his as his hands went to my nipples, releasing the clamps.

  I gasped, breaking the kiss, and instead of getting a fuzzy head, an orgasm crashed through me. That was the only cue Jax needed to thrust his hard cock deep into my pussy.

  My core rippled around his length as he rode me hard, keeping the tide of release going.

  My nails dug into his shoulders, urging him to give me more. “Jax. Harder, please. I’m going to come again.”

  He pummeled my pussy, holding me on the cusp of going over, working his cock in and out of me.

  Sweat beaded down the side of his face, and he held my gaze. “This is us, Kai. I’m never letting you forget it again.”

  Instead of responding to him, I clenched my eyes tight and came again—this time bringing him with me.

  Chapter Eleven


  “Come on, Kai. If your mom is out here, you better join us,” Papa’s baby sister, my Aunt Summer, shouted from around the giant bonfire we’d set up on the beach. “It’s not in my genetics to move my hips this way and I’m dancing.”

  Aunt Summer cocked her hips from side to side in an exaggerated fashion that gave me visions of her knocking people down with her voluminous butt. I knew she was doing it on purpose to make a point. From as far as I could remember she would join us whenever we danced the hula, and after all these years, she was ten times better than the average mainlander.

  “It’s your baby sister’s bride night. Don’t disappoint her,” another of my aunts said.

  Bride night was my family’s version of a bridal shower. It was a celebration of the Hawaiian aspect of our culture. The food, the music, and the dancing were rituals for a girl leaving her parents’ home for a new one.

  “Maybe she’s tired of moving her hips, since she’s been shaking them for that Jackson boy again.” Aunt Summer gave me a wicked smile that said she’d want details later. “I heard you’ve been hot and heavy for weeks.”

  I felt the heat rise to my cheeks.

  Jax and I were back where we were when we had first fallen in love. It was easy. We talked as if we’d never been apart and shared so much, even discussing our work. Outside of one brief conversation about his parents where he said they weren’t a factor in our relationship because he had nothing to do with them, we hadn’t touched on the subject.

  It wasn’t as simple as he made it out to be, but I accepted it for now. Besides, now that the evil king and queen were here, I’d see how things would really be between Jax and me with them around.

  My cousins started oohing and then began asking questions about Jax’s virility.

  Nosy-assed women.

  I swore, Papa’s side of the family was utterly nuts and had no filter.

  “Yes, Kailani. Tell us about Jax and his bedroom games, or show us how it’s done. Wasn’t it Shakira who said hips don’t lie?” a cousin from Mama’s side added.

  Strike that, my whole family was nuts.

  That was when my mom’s younger sister, Auntie Kata, pulled out the big guns and said, “You need to make your Tutu Nima proud by showing us that all of the hours she spent teaching you hula weren’t for naught.”

  I glared at her. ”Using Tutu Nima against me is punching below the belt.”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “I use any and all ammunition at my disposal.”

  When I was born, Tutu Nima had still been in relatively good health and as the eldest female on my mother’s side, she’d taken it upon herself to pass on Hawaiian traditions that dated back for generations. This included the hula.

  She’d had me in a pā‘ū, a hula skirt, as soon as I could walk. She wanted me to learn the “real” hula as she called it before I learned the hula ‘auana, the dance most of the world associated with hula.

  “Come on, Kai. You know you’re a kickass dancer. I’m the one who was dubbed hopeless by Tutu Nima.” Kiana dramatically sighed. “Although it never got me out of lessons.”

  Ani nodded her agreement. “Yeah, she really sucks. Come on. Show us novices how it’s done.”

  I narrowed my gaze at her. “I was really happy you finally arrived. Now, I’m having second thoughts. You’re as big of a pain in my ass as Kiana.”

  “Of course, she is. That’s why we’re perfect for each other.” Kiana beamed in my direction. “Are you going to woman up or not?”

  Technically, I wasn’t a guest, and it felt awkward to participate even though this was for my sister.

  I looked around, and it felt like all the women on the beach had grown quiet and watched me. Thank God none of the men were around for fear of death.

  For the women of my family, the bride night was a sacred time to celebrate the passage of a female from girl to woman. It was sexist as hell, but getting married meant a girl was no longer a maiden. The only males allowed were toddlers or babies who needed to be with their mothers.

  According to my aunts, the presence of men took away the intimacy of the evening and added an unnecessary stress, since men required “attention” or they’d pout. Therefore, my aunts had threatened anyone with a penis with severe bodily harm if they dared to trespass.

  “Come on, baby girl. Do it for me.” Mama touched my chin. “Do it for old times’ sake.”

  Damn, this was peer pressure to the max. It wasn’t as if I was embarrassed, but I was in work mode. Then again, this was my family, my friends, my staff.

  “I’m not dressed for it.” I tried one more time to let logic reign. “Linen pants aren’t going to move the way we want. Besides, we have a group of experts waiting over there to perform and teach everyone.”

  I pointed to where the resort dancers stood.

  Instead of helping my cause, they brought forward three pā‘ū skirts.

  One of them went as far as to shout, “Show us those moves your Tutu Nima taught you, boss. I’m sure we can learn something from you.”

  “Well, that settles it,” Lina said as she grabbed our outfits and ran toward me. “No excuses. Let’s go, big sis. It’s my wedding, after all. Besides, it’s been forever since the three of us danced together.”

  She was right. The last time Lina, Kiana, and I danced was three years ago after Tutu Nima’s funeral. It had been her wish for us to dance at the beach fire in her honor. It had been bittersweet. We’d laughed, cried, and remembered the amazing woman who’d been our grandmother.

  “You planned this, didn’t you?” I studied Lina.

  She gave me the innocent face that she’d give me when she was five and taken something she wasn’t supposed to. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “You just happened to have a pā‘ū skirt and top ready for all of us to change into?”

  “Does it matter? Let’s go put them on and have some fun. You’ve become a workaholic. It’s time to cut loose.”

  I glanced at Cora for help, but she just waved me toward the dressing tents. “I’ll join you at the end. This belly isn’t ready for your level of hula unless we want to change this to a birthing party.”

  “I seriously get no respect,” I muttered to myself. “It’s not appropriate for me to wear a bikini top in front of the hotel guests.”

  “Thad rented the whole resort—the only people here are the staff and our friends and family. Stop stalling and get to it.”

  I sighed dramatically. “Fine. But you owe me.”

  “I promise to make it up to you.”

  Fifteen minutes later, Lina, Kiana, and I were in our matching bright-red bikini tops and long skirts.

  “One thing is definitely true about the Alexander sisters. You are hot as fuck!” Ani exclaimed as we came into view. “Wouldn’t you agree, Cora darling?”

  “Absolutely. It makes sense why Kevin hated having his friends come over when they were kids. These women have curves for days.”

  I couldn’t help but smile. Cora couldn’t say a mean thing about anyone.

  “You’re really my favorite person on the isla
nd.” I blew Cora a kiss.

  “Of course, I am. Plus, I threatened Kevin with bodily harm if he brought any of the guys here so you should double love me.”

  “Absolutely.” I took Lina’s and Kiana’s hands in mine and we walked toward the bonfire.

  We were greeted with cheers and shouts from all our female family and friends. Everyone’s enthusiasm had us laughing. These were my people. The ones who knew my roots, who knew all of my crazy and still loved me.

  “Are you ready?” I asked as we got into position near the bonfire.

  The girls nodded, and I gestured to the musicians to start.

  The sound of the pahu, also known as the hula drum, echoed into the night, signaling the beginning of the dance. My mother moved forward and started the oli, a chant to accompany the hula we were about to perform. My sisters and I responded in unison to Mama’s melodic voice. She spoke of a love story from the past, one filled with love, struggle, and triumph.

  We went back and forth for a few minutes, and then when my aunties’ voices joined Mama’s, I knew it was time for the hula to start.

  I closed my eyes as the drums grew louder, letting the rhythm flow into my mind. I lifted my arms and cocked my hip to the side, resulting in a roaring round of claps and continued cheers.

  Yeah, I still had it.

  The beat flowed into me, and as if we’d never been apart and practiced every day, Lina, Kiana, and I lost ourselves in the music of my mother’s people.

  Chapter Twelve


  “If we get caught, I’m totally throwing you to the swarm of angry women who will beat you to death,” I said to Thad as we took the long way toward the beach where the women were having their bride night. “Best friend or not, I am not taking one for the team.”

  “I’m the groom. They wouldn’t touch me.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” Kevin said. “I’m related to them by blood but I know my mother will pop me on the head with a mallet if she catches me crashing Lina’s bride night. Not to mention my pregnant wife.”

  I couldn’t see sweet, even-tempered Cora mad, even with Kevin.

  “Then why are you here with us?” Thad lifted a brow.

  “Because he’s not going to miss the chance to see his woman dancing the hula in a barely-there outfit,” I answered for him.

  “As if you don’t want to see my big sister in the very same outfit? Anyone around the two of you knows things aren’t over. If I didn’t want you two together, I’d punch you in the face for the way you watch her.”

  “I’ve never hidden I wanted her back.”

  “Then I guess you better figure out why she left you in the first place.”

  I had the answer but I wasn’t going to share that information with them. I had to convince Kai she was always a priority, never second to anyone.

  “Believe me. I’m working on it.”

  “I take it she’s giving you a hard time.” Kevin smirked.

  He knew Kai was the most stubborn of all the Alexander women. Once she made a decision, that was it.

  I grunted. “That’s an understatement. She’d rather be my fuck buddy than my wife.”

  Thad ducked under some trees as we made our way closer to the beach. “I assume that means you and Kailani are fucking again.”

  “I really don’t need to hear that shit.” Kevin covered his ears. “She’s my sister, man.”

  “And you knocked up Cora by spontaneous combustion?” Thad countered.

  “I wouldn’t say spontaneous, but there was combustion.”


  “Hey, you started it.”

  Instead of letting them go on with the back-and-forth, I said, “I neither confirmed nor denied Thad’s statement.”

  “You’re both jackasses. Come on.” Kevin pushed past us. “Follow me. I know a shortcut. I discovered it a few months back when Cora and I surprised Kai with a visit.”

  The music grew louder as we neared and then I stopped in my tracks as I saw the women dancing on the beach.

  Fucking hell, Kai was gorgeous. The light of the fire added a bright gold glow to her beautiful skin. And the way she moved her hips had my cock jumping to attention.

  The last time I’d seen her do the hula was when we lived together in Vegas and she’d gone down to oversee one of the shows debuting at the property she managed. There was a Hawaiian theme to one of the numbers, and Kai was not going to let anyone do a half-assed job on anything that represented her culture.

  She’d marched onto the stage and showed the dancers how things were done. I’d been so turned on by the time lessons had finished that we’d fucked like rabbits for nearly the whole night.

  As if sensing me, Kai’s gaze shifted to land on me. She made no outward sign of letting anyone know we were there. Instead, she continued the motion of her hips and arms, dancing, turning, and swaying.

  Then all of a sudden, the tempo changed and the music went from a traditional cadence to something modern. It was a mix of dance, hip-hop, and classical hula beats. The women who were watching rushed toward the girls and they all danced together.

  However, I knew Kai’s attention was on me. She kept the gyration of her hips going throughout the various changes in tempo. Her skill and confidence reminded me of the way she knew just how to drive me nuts as she rode my cock hard and without restraint.

  Kai was a temptress, put on earth to drive me nuts. Without thinking, I walked toward the beach. I had to touch her.

  “Where the fuck are you going?” Kevin called after me.

  “Asshole,” Thad shouted. “They’re going to kick our asses if you get caught. Do not fuck up my wedding.”

  “Come on, Thad. Let his ass get beaten to death. We need to head back to the villa.”

  I ignored the comments from the guys and continued down the path.

  As if sensing me coming toward her, Kai said something to the group and slipped from the middle of the circle of women dancing.

  It took less than a minute for her to meet me at a remote part of the beach close enough to hear the music, but far enough to keep prying eyes from seeing us.

  She stopped a few feet from me. Fucking hell, that body. I’d spent most of the night before balls-deep inside her, but she staggered me every time I saw her.

  “You’re trespassing on bride night. There are severe consequences if you get caught.”

  Instead of responding, I took the two steps to reach her, cupped the back of her head, and pulled her lips to mine.

  “Jax.” She gasped in surprise and then almost immediately slid her fingers into my hair, fisting it and meeting the demands of my mouth with hers.

  “I have to have you.” I glided my hands up her bare back, untying her bikini top. “You have to remember how crazy it makes me to watch you dance like that.”

  “We can’t. Not here.” Her fingers contradicted her words as they worked the buttons of my shirt. “This is insanity.”

  “Insanity is craving you every day for the last two years and only now being able to touch you.”

  I shrugged out of my shirt, letting it fall to the sand. Her nails raked my chest while her teeth nipped my neck. My cock jumped in reaction. She rarely was the actual aggressor when it came to us. Submitting to me was what got her off. She was always so controlled in her work that letting go in bed was a release for her.

  Before I realized what she was doing, she dropped to her knees, gripping the buckle of my belt. She pulled the leather free, popped the button of my shorts, and managed to work the zipper down past my hard-as-fuck cock.

  “Kai,” I groaned as my cock sprang free, bobbing in front of her face.

  She gripped the base and glanced up with a wicked gleam in her dark-brown eyes.

  Her tongue poked out, rimming the straining head and dipping along the slit on the tip.

  She hummed. “I love the way you taste. It’s so earthy and raw. Until you, I never enjoyed giving head.”

  I narrowed
my gaze. “The last thing I want is you thinking of going down on other men when my dick is an inch from your mouth.”

  The smirk on her lips told me she’d said that on purpose to rile me. She knew I hated hearing about her past lovers, few as they were. She always brought out the caveman in me. She was mine.

  “Is this that you want?” She engulfed me in her wet, hot mouth.

  “Fuck.” My fingers fisted her hair, wanting so desperately to make her take me as deep as possible.

  At that moment, she swallowed, contracting the back of her throat. My eyes nearly rolled into the back of my head from the pleasure.

  This was a maddening torture. I couldn’t get enough. Especially, the feel her lips wrapped around me. The heat of her wet mouth. The caress of her fingers pumping me with each movement.

  Spurts of precum oozed from my cock, and I gritted my teeth, trying not to lose it like a teenage boy.

  As if sensing my impending loss of control, she rubbed her tongue along the vein that ran down the underside of my dick and then took me as deep as she could possibly go and hummed, the vibration an evil torture.

  “Kai. Stop or I’m going to come down your throat.”

  There was a war in her gaze. She loved sucking me off but she also knew the orgasm awaiting her.

  Making her decision, she released me with a pop, her lips swollen and wet from her saliva and my precum.

  Damn, this woman was sexier than any other on earth.

  Did she have any idea what I’d do for her if only she’d ask? I was hers.

  “I want to fuck you now. Sit.” She pointed to my shirt.

  I lifted a brow at her order.

  Yeah, my dick was hanging out for anyone to see, but it turned me on to no end to see her eyes full of heat and demanding desire.

  “Please, Jax. I want this memory of you here.” The change of her words from command to plea wasn’t something I expected.

  I rubbed a thumb along her mouth before following her instructions.

  It drove me insane that she still believed this was temporary. God, what would I need to do to prove to her I wanted forever?


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