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Happily Ever Crowned

Page 9

by Lexi C. Foss

  This isn’t me.

  I was brought up to be a subservient wife, but Prince Adrik had awoken something powerful inside me, and now, well, I didn’t know if I wanted to go back. Which meant I needed to control whatever was happening to me, especially around Necros. My heart burned at the thought of my wretched husband, churning my stomach, and when I looked at my hands, I could see where they sparked with red and orange flickering embers.

  No, I couldn’t allow my anger to take over.

  I needed to remain calm.

  Just breathe, I coached myself, stealing a few short breaths. I need a distraction. Picking up an old leather-bound book—one I kept hidden in my quarters—I wandered out to the garden to read, a place I adored, for I could see Graystall, the home I never knew.

  The hazy mist covering the purple sun swirled around the bracken sculptures littering the grounds. Oddly, the strange structures and black-streaked petals provided a comfort few other places did, allowing me to bask in my own contemplative silence.


  Closing my eyes, I soaked in the rays from the strange star above. Rumors claimed Lucifer had created the violet light to shine down upon the realms on this side of the Underworld. Not all the kingdoms were so lucky, and I often wondered if the privilege of illumination was a pact between Lucifer and Necros’s ancestors. They’d always seemed close, and to have such a special gift was a sign of affection from the Devil. I dreaded to think what deeds were performed to obtain it.

  I settled into a granite chair, striving for comfort. A hardship in my current attire. Alas, my husband possessed a penchant for boned corsets and voluminous skirts. He told me they were regal and that I’d look like a peasant if I wore pants. An excuse, really. He just wanted easy access to what lay beneath the dress for him and his friends.

  With a sigh, I opened my book, ready to absorb the knowledge it provided about all the kingdoms and the powers within them. Those loyal to Necros had compiled this listing, capturing millions of years of details. I’d found it when I was younger and had spent days studying the section on Graystall to learn more about my own family. It was the only way I could learn about the kingdom I had traded my life for.

  However, this time I had another kingdom I wanted to investigate.


  As far as I knew, it was a vampire realm, but the way Adrik had vanished from my room last night didn’t strike me as vampiric at all. It was something far more sinister and pricked at my ever-present trepidation about the man already pooling in my head.

  He was dangerous but kind—a lethal combination in the Underworld.

  Trusting him would be a mistake.

  Even if he had helped me. Twice.

  I found the page I searched for and started my perusal of the words about the Kingdom of Noxia.

  Interesting. Queen Lux had ruled for many years on her own since her husband’s death. She seemed to be a formidable figure, and I immediately envied her freedom.

  What would it be like to rule? To not succumb to the commands of a male? Or be forced into unpleasant situations?

  I’d likely never know.

  Her firstborn son, Prince Grigory, would one day take the throne, and when he did, he would be every inch as powerful as his mother. Hmm, while he bore dark features—same as Adrik—they possessed some distinct differences. Most of which surrounded the gleam in their eyes, the structure of their jaws, and their different noses.

  What am I missing?

  The book described Adrik as Lux’s second child, but not much else was said. Of course, the book predated his adult years. If I were to write about him, I’d include his warrior prowess. And maybe his wicked touch.

  Not thinking about that, I chastised myself. Instead, I focused on the description of Noxia, which sounded like a beautiful place. It was full of freedom and choice and ruled under an order that the vampires instilled in themselves rather than by a tyrant-like king.

  Maybe one day Adrik can take me there?

  Stop. I couldn’t entertain thoughts like that. I was Queen of Caluçon and always would be.

  “We kill them all.” His voice sounded so loud I glanced around for his presence but found myself alone.

  Yes, I was definitely going insane with the pressure upon me.

  But what if I indulged his idea? What would happen if we killed—

  “Valora?” My husband’s booming voice resonated around the gardens, and I couldn’t help but shiver, knowing he wanted me. I tucked the book away under my seat and quickly scrambled to the entrance, where he stood with his hands on his hips and a stern expression on his face.

  “I’ve been looking for you, little whore,” he growled, looking me up and down like the piece of meat I was to him.

  “Apologies, My Lord.” I curtsied, hoping to earn some favor and maybe a reprieve from whatever he desired. “I was getting a breath of fresh air.”

  He grunted. “A breath of fresh air. This is what I’ve been given as a wife?” He glanced upward, as if speaking to Lucifer himself, and grunted. “When I call for you, I expect you to fall at my feet and ask how you can service me. Not make me work for it. No more hiding outside.”

  “Of course, My Lord.” I reluctantly lowered myself to my knees and bowed my head, needing this to be done. And there was only one way to ensure that he left me alone. “How may I serve you?” The words were forced from my mouth, leaving a bitter aftertaste.

  “We kill them all.”

  I wish.

  Necros patted my head. “Good girl.” The victory in his voice made me sick to my stomach. “How was your evening yesterday?”

  I froze. Does he know? Adrik promised he’d taken care of Lavios, provided some sort of story about him leaving the palace on urgent business, but what if—

  “I bet Lavios taught you a trick or two,” my husband continued, amusement darkening his tone. “Hmm, I should ask for the sheets. I’d love to know how much you bleed.”

  I shifted uncomfortably on the floor. All you’ll find is a pile of ash, I thought bitterly. But I couldn’t say those words out loud. If Necros discovered the truth… I swallowed. What would he do to me? Kill me? I suspected not, because that would be too easy a punishment. Anything he dreamed up would be designed to degrade me; his intention always leaned toward humiliating those beneath him, and I was little more than dirt on his shoe now.

  But I possess the power to burn others alive.

  Adrik had awoken it.

  And he wanted to help me use it to destroy everyone.

  A sharp strike to the side of my head had me nearly falling to the ground. “I’m speaking to you, wife. What did he teach you?”

  How to kill. “I’m not sure what he taught me will be of much use to me in pleasing you,” I said instead, proud of the steadiness in my tone.

  Necros threaded his fingers through my hair and tugged harshly backward to force me to look at him. His eyes sparkled in delight. “Did you enjoy his brand of punishment, pet? Shall I seek the same adornments for my cock? And fuck you so harshly you can’t walk the next day?”

  My husband was a vile demon with no compassion.

  Cultivate the fury.

  The phrase popped into my head, and I immediately tried to suppress it.

  Not now. I couldn’t let Necros know about the power brewing inside me. Tears welled in my eyes as I fought it, causing his lips to curl even more. He thought his words were what hurt. But no, it was the burning sensation threatening to overwhelm me.

  “Please,” I whimpered, talking more to myself than to Necros.

  I felt the sparks igniting in my body.




  This can’t be happening again.

  Adrik? my instincts whispered. Adrik. Help me suppress it. Please!

  Necros snorted and released me harshly, sending me to the gravel at his feet. “Pathetic. You’ve only done two nights, and you’re already a whimpering mess. I should have had you properly trained befor
e our wedding night. That’s what I did wrong, Valora, and I take responsibility for that. So I’m making it up to you the only way I know how.”

  That was what he felt bad about? That he didn’t have me properly trained before? And he thought this would make up for it?

  What a sick and twisted outlook.

  I wasn’t that unskilled in the bedroom. He only cared about his own pleasure. How the hell was I supposed to enjoy that and wantonly desire to reciprocate?


  He snapped his fingers, calling the guards. Two of them approached, one of whom reached down to pull me up to my feet by my hair.

  “Well, I suppose at least you’ll experience some rest tonight,” Necros muttered. “Garul isn’t exactly known for his stamina in the bedroom—a sad trait of his demon nature. Still, he’s known for his dark preferences, which will no doubt expand your horizons. Even beyond last night.” That last part was said with a wicked twinkle in his eye, one that bespoke of his approval regarding his favorite lieutenant’s treatment.

  I’m glad I killed him, I thought. I only wish I could do it again.

  Necros took his leave without another word, leaving me to be dragged by the guards up to the room of my partner tonight. My skull ached from the treatment of the one to my right while my arm bruised beneath the cement grip of the guard to my left. I was almost thankful when they dumped me unceremoniously into the new quarters.

  The guards bowed at an older demon who sat reading in a comfortable chair in the corner. He finished his page before climbing to his feet, then waved the guards away.

  “Valora. It’s a pleasure. My name is Garul.” He helped me to my feet. A kindness lurked at the forefront of his expression, but behind it lay the lust-filled mask all these men wore when in my presence.

  Why wasn’t I born ugly?

  Garul dropped his trousers and pulled out his cock, not wasting a second.

  I stumbled back on instinct alone, trying to escape. No. Not again. Fuck!

  “Don’t move,” he snapped, the kindness charade disappearing into an expression of stark need.

  My feet wobbled as I forced myself to stand still, my heart beating a chaotic rhythm in my lungs.

  I can’t do this again, I thought, breaking inside. I… I can’t.

  Take control, Valora, a warm voice whispered. Exhaust him before he does the same to you.


  Take control, Valora, he repeated.

  Are you in here somewhere? I wanted to look around, but that would seem suspicious to the man who bore down on me, stroking his cock to full hardness.

  “So pretty,” he mused, his licentious gaze roaming over my dress.

  I gulped.

  “Lower your top. I want to see your breasts.”

  My hands shook as I lifted them to my shoulders where the material of my dress sat. A small tug and I’d expose my breasts to Garul.

  Take control Valora, Adrik growled. You can do this.

  I-I can’t. I don’t know how.

  Garul glared at me. “I’m waiting, and I should warn you, I’m not a patient man.”

  You’re stronger than the Queen of Noxia herself, Adrik said. Just give him what he wants. Exhaust him. Trust me.

  “Valora!” Garul shouted, and I jumped backward with fright. He growled in anger.

  “I’m s-sorry,” I stuttered and lowered myself to my knees before him.

  “I’m very disappointed.” Garul grabbed my hair and pulled my head back. “This is not how I wanted the evening to go. I know whom you were with yesterday and how sore you must be. I wanted to make it easy for you, but I’m afraid you’ve given me no choice.”

  He swiped his palm across my face in a bruising slap, which did the opposite of what he probably intended. It snapped me out of the fear constricting my body. My hand darted out and wrapped around his length. Part of me wanted to rip the offending member from his body, but I knew my strength wouldn’t allow it.

  So I followed the other instinct.

  And stroked him.

  Take control.

  Exhaust him.

  Those were my own words, emboldened by Adrik’s approval. This was what he’d meant.

  My husband’s statement regarding Garul’s stamina returned with a vengeance, urging me onward. If I made this demon come, he wouldn’t be able to perform. Right?

  Yes, Adrik whispered, whether in reply to my question or in encouragement to my actions, I didn’t know.

  “Oh, fuck,” Garul groaned with desire threaded through his moan. He grabbed my other hand and placed it on his ass. “Fuck punishment. I want this.”

  I tried to struggle, but he guided one of my fingers into his anus. It was tight and felt so wrong, but within seconds it had Garul thrusting his hips harder into my hand.

  “So good. I need this. Harder, whore.”

  Not a whore, I fought back, refusing to allow his statements to cloud my mind. Otherwise, he might end up as a pile of dust on the floor. Not that he didn’t deserve it, but I wouldn’t be able to hide two murders. It would be too difficult to explain to my husband if all his men disappeared.

  With a loud bellow, Garul thrust into my grip and came. I avoided the sticky liquid as best I could, and it pooled on the floor.

  “Yes. Yes. Yes.”

  Eventually, Garul stopped his movements and his essence flow ceased. I didn’t move, too afraid of what might happen next. What if Necros lied about his stamina? I hadn’t considered that before, too focused on exhausting the demon.

  My throat dried.


  “What have I done?” Garul’s eyes widened as he looked down at me and the mess on the floor. “No, this wasn’t how the evening was supposed to go.”

  He swayed on the spot, and I desperately pulled my hands away from him, itching to wash them.

  “Damn it.” Garul collapsed to the floor, unmoving.

  “Shit.” I scrambled to my feet, wondering if I’d killed another one of Necros’s men. It would truly be a death sentence if I had. Nobody, not even Adrik, could save me from this.

  I tentatively reached forward and felt for a pulse; it beat fast and furious beneath my hand.

  Thank Lucifer.

  Garul grunted and rolled over onto his side, then started to snore.

  He’s asleep?

  You exhausted him, Adrik said, seemingly amused. Good job.

  Will he wake up again? I asked, running over to the sink to wash my hands as thoroughly as the water and soap allowed.

  Not for another twelve hours. I pictured Adrik leaning against a wall, his hands in his pockets. Honestly, I’m surprised Necros even allowed his kind to compete. Sure, they can be vicious. But they’re so easily subdued.

  Where are you? I demanded.

  Waiting for you behind the painting, he drawled. But don’t worry, little bird. We have time. About twelve hours of it.

  Painting? I found an oversized one near the chair Garul had used for his reading.

  That’s the one.

  I washed my hands one more time for good measure, turning the water to scalding and not caring at all that it turned my skin pink. Then I checked my appearance in the mirror. Not because I cared what I looked like for Adrik, but because I couldn’t stand the idea of carrying any shred of Garul with me anywhere.

  Finding myself satisfactory, I moved toward the painting. Well?

  He pushed it to the side, and sure enough, he stood leaning against a wall with his legs crossed at the ankles. “Valora,” he greeted.


  “Ready to begin?” he asked, gesturing for me to enter.

  “Sure,” I said, following him inside. “You can start by explaining this telepathic link.”

  “No. Scratch that.” Valora whirled around the stone interior. “Explain this to me first. Then the telepathy.”

  I smiled. “The palace is full of ancient passageways. But very few know about them.”

  “And how do you?” she demanded, every bit the q
ueen as she stared me down.

  I closed the doorway in the wall to hide our location and flipped a switch on my transmitter to bring the cameras back online in Garul’s room.

  She frowned at the device in my hand. “What’s that?”

  “You are full of questions tonight, little bird.”

  She scowled. “And you’re not answering any of them.”

  “Not true.” I gestured to the corridor. “I told you the palace is littered with passageways.”

  “And how do you know about them when I don’t? I’ve lived here for almost my entire life, and you’ve been here, what, two or three days?” She folded her arms, unwilling to move, apparently.

  I sighed. “That, little bird, is a very long story.”

  “Well, as you pointed out, we have twelve hours. Please begin.”

  Mmm, I rather liked this new side of her. Feisty with a hint of arrogance. “Power looks good on you, Queen Valora.”

  Her eyes narrowed, a flame dancing in the pale blue depths. “You know what I can do, so I would suggest you stop teasing me.”

  “And you know I can help you, so I suggest you not threaten me,” I returned, backing her up into the wall as I pocketed my device. She gulped as I placed my palms on either side of her head. “I know about these passages because I’ve researched these grounds extensively. I know where all the cameras are, how security moves, which hallways lead where, and most importantly, I know how to move around undetected.”

  The dim lighting did not do justice to her beauty. If anything, it clouded it, creating a murky shadow across her cheek.


  Not a shadow.

  A mark.

  “He hit you,” I realized out loud, running my thumb over the bruise while my other palm remained against the stone beside her head. “I can help you, Valora. But only if you allow me to.”

  “I’m standing here, aren’t I?” she countered, arching a brow.

  “You are,” I agreed, tracing her jaw with my finger before wrapping my hand around the side of her throat. “But you’re afraid of me.”

  “Can you blame me?” she breathed, her eyelashes fluttering.

  “No. You should fear me.” I squeezed just enough to prove dominance without harming. “I came here to kill everyone, Valora. Including you.” I loosened my grip. “But now I see we might be able to form a mutually beneficial arrangement.” At least temporarily, I thought to myself, careful not to convey that message to her through our telepathic link.


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