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Almost Perfect: A Frenemies to Lovers Romance

Page 14

by Claudia Burgoa

  He sighs. “The downstairs apartment had a fire. Our apartments suffered some damage. I fixed it the best I could, but I had to replace most of the living and dining room furniture. Also, the door.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Turning around, he gives me a good look at his abs, and suddenly, my need for sleep is replaced by desire. Lust. Whoa, this is my brain telling me I have to go to bed—and definitely not with him.

  “It happened around the holidays. Since you were out of reach, I called your guys,” he explains. “Not because I needed them to fix the place, just to get approval.”

  “Did they?”

  “Yeah, they told me where you purchased your old furniture. As you can see, the interior decorator matched almost everything. We were at the shop when it happened, so the kids were safe, in case you’re wondering.”

  Alarms sound inside my brain. My memories. I walk to my office and see my pictures are fine. Everything in my office is untouched: same with my bedroom. Except, one side of my bed is unmade.

  “Did you sleep in my bed?”

  “I do. I did,” he answers nonchalantly. “Draco doesn’t like to sleep alone. I try not to move him from this place unless it’s necessary. Like when we need to visit Aunt June.”

  “Please tell me you didn’t put him with the luggage.”

  “They always travel first class,” he informs me. “So, when were you going to tell me that you’re going to be dating other men, dear?”

  “What?” I ask, but I continue walking around my house. It feels like my place but slightly different.

  “Well, you left me with the kids, and now you’re back home telling me—through your magazine—that we’re dating other people.”

  Finding his pants hanging on my reading chair, I grab them and go back to the kitchen. “Here, put these on,” I order.

  “I’m comfortable, but thank you,” he says.

  “Well, then, go back to your place,” I tell him.

  “We’re having breakfast, dear,” he says, ignoring me. “While we talk about this nonsense. I thought we had something special, and now you’re dating other men.”

  His smirk relaxes me. He’s kidding.

  “Good one,” I tell him. “Did you have women in my bed?”

  “It’s just me. It’s been us since France.” He plates poached apples and serves me oatmeal. “Come on, sit with me.”

  This guy cooked too much food for just one—or was he really waiting for me? I don’t think much of it and take a spoonful of oatmeal.

  “Alex, I appreciate everything you have done for me for the past year,” I tell him, making sure I don’t sound ungrateful. But I have to put a stop to his flirting and nonsense that’ll take me nowhere.

  After losing my job at the university, I have to concentrate on my other projects. He’s not part of it. How can I date if he’s around?

  The guy’s going to offer me unlimited nights with him, and I need something solid. It’s time to let myself feel.

  “It’s nothing,” he says humbly. “Actually, it was great. Draco is a fun guy once you get to know him.”

  “Right now, I need my bed before I have to go back to work.”

  “The semester began a few weeks back, is that why you came back?”

  “Nope, I got fired,” I correct him. “They let me go since I wouldn’t come back on time for the spring semester.”

  He doesn’t press for more information, only says, “Are you okay with that?”

  I frown. “Why would you ask?”

  “You love what you do, even when it means having a first day again and again. Like that freaky Groundhog Day movie,” he mentions. “When I stopped competing, I—”

  “It’s not the same. Not because they’re not related, but because I can apply for other jobs when I’m ready.” I reach for his hand and squeeze it. “You had to quit forever.”

  He looks at our hands in a funny way, and I take mine away slowly. Why did I overstep?

  “Why do you want to date?” he suddenly asks. “It’s a good article. Finding your person, or was it, partner? I can’t remember.”

  I smile because the guy seems to be reading everything I write. Even when it’s corny or has too much new-age-hemp-old-eastern wisdom. I think that’s exactly what he said in one of his letters.

  “Well, I’m working on a millennial version of Eat, Pray, Love,” I remind him. “I ate, a lot. There was some praying. Well, I definitely learned how to do it in different places and religions. There’s not one exact way to do it. It’s all about faith, you know. Now, it’s time for love.”

  He glances at me and nods, taking a spoonful of oatmeal.

  “It’s time to fall in love...for real this time,” I repeat, and I’m not sure why I’m nervous. “The whole thing with dates and the works.”

  “The works,” he repeats. “Those two words sound loaded.”

  Alex grins. The cocky smirk reminds me of France and his letters. He’s a good friend. If only I could turn off the switch that makes me turn into goo every time he smiles at me like that.

  “How’s your family?” I ask, tasting the apple.

  Keep it safe, no crazy thoughts.

  He pulls out his phone and swipes it. After a few taps, he says, “Here, I think you’re going to like this.”

  It’s a picture of June’s babies. She and I have been texting and emailing often. I’ve seen pictures of them, but this one is a candid image of them covered in baby food and smiling.

  “Oh my God, these three are growing up so fast,” I say as I stare at them, wanting to hold them. “Vaughn looks a lot like his dad.”

  He nods. “The girls are sweet. Blake, Jason’s kid, is also getting big. He’s a Spearman.”

  “Not sure what that means, but it sounds scary,” I say, swiping the next picture and then the next. There are many pictures of the babies, his parents, his family. “You have a happy family.”

  He shrugs. “We’re okay. There are up and downs. Some days, we hate each other, but at the end of the day, we have each other.”

  I nod, understanding exactly what he means. “Thank you for breakfast, but I need to take a nap.”

  He chuckles. “That’s a subtle way to kick out the catsitter.”

  “That was...thank you for looking after him.”

  When he rises from his seat and starts picking up, Bruno walks over with a leash in his mouth, wagging his tail.

  “Hey,” I greet him, rubbing the top of his head. Draco meows, rubbing his head against my leg.

  “It’s time for their daily walk,” Alex offers. “Go to bed, maybe we can talk about visiting your friend once you’re rested. She misses you.”

  I study him closely. There’s something about Alex I don’t trust. He’s acting differently.

  What am I missing?



  “Where are the kids?” one of my designers asks as I arrive at the office.

  That’s what they call Draco and Bruno in the shop since I started bringing them to work with me. I built a glass room for them where they can play while I’m busy.

  “Did you finally get laid and spend the night at someone else’s home?”

  I laugh and shake my head. There’s no one. There hasn’t been anyone since Hannah. Fuck, she’s back and in bed. The bed I sleep in most nights. Where I wish I was right at this moment. If only…but I can’t think about sex, and yet, when I saw her, all I wanted was to bury myself inside her. Make sure she’s real and truly back.

  “Hannah is back,” I announce. “They stayed with her.”

  “You could’ve called in sick. The boss is cool.”

  We both laugh. I couldn’t skip work. The new line of surfboards is about to go into production. We’re already designing the new winter products.

  “What’s happening with the move?” he asks.

  I shrug. “It’s still up in the air. As you know, we adjusted most of the salaries, but that’s a Band-Aid.” />
  The economy sucks. Most of my people began to complain about the cost of living last fall. Some were searching for new jobs in other states. San Francisco is so fucking expensive. They can’t afford to live in a place like this with just one income.

  Losing them isn’t an option. The problem is bigger than a few employees. If I want to continue growing this company, I have to move and keep the people who started with me.

  “So, Hannah is back, and you’re losing custody of the kids?”

  I laugh because I have no fucking idea what’s going to happen next.

  Are we going our separate ways?

  Can we fix us?

  How can we when she’s planning on dating soon?

  That fucking article is messing with my head. It was the worst thing to wake up to. I’m thankful to Ethan who emailed it to me and the header read FYI. Her guys are cool. They keep me in the loop, since she’s been avoiding me.

  I liked seeing her, and fuck, it was hard to stop myself from taking her into my arms.

  So fucking hard!

  She’s on a journey…one I can’t stop her from fulfilling. Even if it means I lose her to whoever she meets.

  What’s going to happen to our friendship? I worked my ass off to get where we’re at, and I’m hoping it’ll be something we’ll keep forever.

  “Bruno is yours, isn’t he?”

  I nod. “Yeah, but can you imagine him around the shop without his buddy?”

  Draco and Bruno are inseparable. After his litter, the only family Bruno has known is Draco and me. That’s going to be a hell of a conversation with Hannah. According to June, Hannah loves animals. I’m hoping that it translates into getting some together time with Draco.

  Without giving it a second thought, I work for a few hours. Around noon, I head to the house. Draco has his litter box, but Bruno needs to go out for a walk. On my way there, I call June.

  “We were just talking about you,” she says when she picks up the call.

  “What did I do?”

  “I think we found a good place for your shop,” she says. “It’s close to downtown, but far enough that it’s not expensive. Also, there’s a lot of public transportation in case your employees don’t want to use their cars.”

  “Thank you for looking into it,” I say graciously.

  She’s not being nice, more like trying to force me to move closer to the family. June’s trying to manage my life. Even with three babies, she still has the need to look after me. As much as I love her, I’m going to have to fire her—again.

  “You have to lock it down,” she continues. “They might take it. Maybe I’ll buy it.”

  “June, stop,” I say. “This is more than just a purchase. It’s uprooting my people. Their lives are here; it’s not a done deal. As I said, we’re looking into every detail. Colorado is a possibility, but we have to—”

  “Alex, we want you here,” she says, using her little sister voice. “We can invest in your business and make it happen sooner. I’ve been working on—”

  “Sweetheart, I love you and your enthusiasm, but moving isn’t just about money,” I clarify, because knowing my sister, she’s already asking her husband for a loan to become my partner.

  The last thing I need is a partner. I have the money to make this happen, but it has to be done slowly. The lives of too many people are at stake.

  “Some of my employees have children,” I expand, using what I think she’ll understand. “They need time to search for schools, homes, and more importantly, make this change as smooth as possible.”

  “Fine, I’ll be patient,” she finally concedes. “How’s Hannah?”

  “Good, I guess,” I inform her. “She was tired when she arrived.”

  “Did you read her last editorial?”

  “Yeah, she’s ready to date,” I say and laugh. “Instead of sneaking off like you, she’s going public.”

  “Her only boyfriend was an ass,” she continues. “I wish I was there to be her wing-person.”

  “No,” I tell her. “Do not get me involved in your crazy plans. You have three children who should keep you busy.”

  “Oh, come on, I haven’t even asked you anything yet.”

  “No,” I repeat. “Are you listening, Juniper?”

  “Just be her wingman,” she suggests with an angelic voice.

  I grunt. “This is the part of our lives where I have to tell you that I love you with all my heart. You’re my favorite, and I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.”

  “God, it’s a tiny favor. And fuck, you sound like you’re dying.” She changes strategies, using an annoyed voice.

  “No, June. I’m not going to watch over my friend while she finds the perfect guy to fulfill her dreams,” I say somberly.

  “I trust you,” she says, ending the call. I’ve no fucking idea what that even means.

  When I arrive at Hannah’s place, I knock on the door. It feels strange to do so. A year coming and going from this apartment like I owned it is over.

  “Hey,” she greets me, swinging the door open.

  The weird bar she keeps in her office is between the living room and the dining room. I always wondered what she used that for.

  “Are you torturing someone?”

  She laughs. “Maybe you.”

  I look at her closely. She’s wearing just a leotard, and fuck, if she’s not hot, and this is exactly why I’m staying away from her. Our friendship lasted the time she was away. Seeing her makes me want to kiss her. Is it possible to miss someone’s body this much?

  Because I miss it, as much as I missed her.

  “Gymnastics?” I ask, glancing toward her again.

  “Nope, ballet,” she answers. “I stopped at thirteen, but I continue doing warmups because it’s what calms me. For some, it’s yoga, others, it’s running. I do a little of everything, but these are my roots.”

  I look toward the bedroom. The bed is already made. “Did you rest?”

  She nods. I look at my watch and sigh. If I could take the day off and stay with her, I would. It’s been a long time since we last spoke. More like since she sent me a letter. I’ve been reading her articles. It’s the only way I’ve known she’s doing fine and making progress.

  “Your sister woke me up,” she says and chuckles. “Did you seriously fire her?”

  “I think I fire her at least twice a week,” I respond, searching for the double leash. “Do you want to come over for our afternoon walk?”

  “Let me change,” she says, looking at Bruno and Draco who are already sitting in front of me. “How’s this going to work?”

  I frown, sitting on the floor to adjust their harnesses. “What are you talking about?”

  “Well, they seem to be close,” she explains and leaves. “June mentioned you’re moving to Colorado. I don’t want to be the one separating them, but…”

  My sister needs to keep this shit to herself. “The move will happen, but I’m not sure where or when. June’s just being…June.”

  “Okay,” Hannah says, and I feel like she wants me to say more.

  Once I’m done setting up the leashes, my phone buzzes.

  Jason: We’re in town, do you want to do something?

  Alex: We?

  Jason: Jack and me.

  Alex: Sounds like an intervention.

  Jack: I’m closing a contract. Jason tagged along. Are you free at one?

  Alex: Can we meet for dinner?

  I look at Hannah, and as I’m about to change the time, Jackson sends me a message.

  Jack: This isn’t an overnight trip. We have to leave by five, change your schedule and meet us at one.

  Alex: Two is the best I can do, send me the address of where you want to meet.

  Jack: Make sure you’re there. We need to talk.



  “Everything okay?” Hannah asks, marching out of her room, wearing a pair of jeans and one of my sweatshirts.

  “Being the mid
dle child sucks,” I declare, diverting my gaze because she looks adorable and fucking hot wearing my clothes. “My older brothers boss me around, and my younger sisters think they can get away with everything because they’re cute.”

  She laughs. “It’s never easy to be a sibling, but it’s great to be a part of a unit.”

  “Like the guys?”

  “Not many understand us. Some people wonder if I’ve slept with any of them,” she says, putting on her sneakers. “Ready to go.”

  “Did he ever ask?” I dare to question.

  We leave her apartment and start my usual route. It takes a long time for her to answer my question. “He was jealous of them. Davis never understood they’re my brothers. While I was away, I thought about this. In his mind, that gave him license to sleep around.”

  Taking her hand and entwining our fingers, I say, “The past, right?”

  “Yeah, there’s a future waiting for me. I’m turning thirty next month.” A wide smile spreads across her face.

  “My birthday is in a couple of days,” I say, blowing out a long breath. “I think my brothers came to drag me to Colorado.”

  “Your birthday?”

  She frowns and gasps. “Oh my God, it was your birthday the day you came…?”

  “No, my birthday was a couple of days before,” I answer, disregarding her worry. “It’s fine. I’m in my thirties, not turning five.”

  “This year, you should spend it with your family,” she says, taking the leash away from me.

  “What about the kids? Bruno hasn’t been apart from Draco since I brought him home.” I run a hand through my hair.

  They’re going to be devastated once we separate them.

  Why didn’t I think this through?

  Did I seriously believe she’d be gone forever, and we’d just keep sending letters to each other?

  “We can figure things out,” she suggests. “If you want, I can keep them while you go to Colorado. Bruno seems to like me.”

  “Not sure if that’s a good idea,” I respond. “You are going to date, and I really don’t want to mess up their schedule.”


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