For Life

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For Life Page 13

by D Gourlay

  “It’s freezing out there!” Tad stutters as he helps Ami out of her many layers.

  “I was quite warm actually.” Ami smirks and I can’t help but laugh.

  “Have fun?” I call over.

  “It’s quite cloudy out, so we didn’t see too much, but what we did see was just-”

  “Amazing!” Ami shouts over Tad.

  They all come over and settle next to the fire to warm up while telling Mum and I about what they got up to. Ami grabs the remote, and before I can ask what she is doing, she has put Love Actually on and we all settle down for our annual Christmas tradition.

  I feel like a huge weight has been lifted after talking to Mum, and I settle into the sofa to watch the film.

  Ami drifts off to sleep before the film has finished, so Tad carefully lifts her up to bed.

  “We’re heading up to bed. Thanks for a lovely day Tad.” Mum says through a yawn.

  Once we’ve all said goodnight, Mum and Dad head off upstairs, leaving Tad and I alone.

  “My bones still feel like they are cold. I’m going to have a bath. Wanna join?” He winks at me. “Bath is big enough for two.” His lip quirks into a sexy half smile, and how could I ever say no to him.

  “I’ll go and run it, you get some towels.” I say as I head towards the bathroom.

  The bath is huge. It’s longer than a standard bath and so deep it has a built in step to help you get in. I turn the taps and pour in some deep blue bubble bath. The room is quickly filled with steam that smells something between floral and spicy.

  As I am sitting on the side of the bath checking the temperature of the water, I hear the door click closed behind me. Before I turn around I can feel Tad’s arms snaking around my shoulders. He pulls me up gently and turns me to look at him. I’m not sure if it’s the steam, or something else, but I feel my cheeks flush and I feel an intense heat spreading through me.

  We haven’t had sex in months, and we haven’t done anything at all for the last couple of weeks. The realisation that I want him hits me hard and I look into his eyes to try and gauge how he is feeling. Well, I try to, no sooner have I lifted my face to look up, when his lips come crashing into my own. Fierce and desperate, it’s the kind of kiss that utterly takes your breath away. His hands are in my hair, down my back, on my backside, and I get completely lost in the kiss.

  Until he quickly pulls away, leaving me hanging, mouth still open, desperate for more.

  “I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself.” He says breathlessly.

  “It’s okay. Don’t stop.”

  “Are you sure?”

  I answer him by pulling his face back to mine, so roughly our noses clash together almost painfully. But he immediately resumes kissing me and his hands are once more trailing all over my body. I start tugging at the bottom of his shirt and without a word spoken he leans back and pulls it over his head. He turns me around, and his hands stroke down my sides until they reach the bottom of my jumper. He lifts it and pulls it over my head before discarding it on the floor.

  His fingertips softly graze my back as he goes to remove my jeans, and I quickly step out of them and kick them away. I turn to face him as he is taking his own trousers off and the heat radiating from me is so intense, I’m worried I may combust.

  Suddenly remembering the bath, I quickly spin around to turn the taps off before we flood the bathroom. The water is so high that the bubbles are almost spilling over the sides.

  I can feel the heat from Tad’s body behind me and next thing I know, I feel him pressed up against me. The hard bulge pushed just above my backside makes me moan out loud.

  His hands slide, slowly and purposefully down my shoulders, chest, stomach, until they are toying with the top of my knickers. My eyes close and I bite my lip, holding my breath, waiting for his fingers to move further down. His lips connect with the side of my neck and his fingers side down. My legs almost buckle beneath me at the sensation, and I feel his other arm wrap around my middle to keep me upright.

  His finger is gently stroking the exact place I need it, and it feels as though all the blood in me has rushed to the very spot he is caressing so softly.

  I desperately try to quieten the soft mews and whimpers escaping from my mouth, not wanting to be heard, but it becomes increasingly difficult as he works me expertly.

  I twist the top half of my body almost uncomfortably, so I am able to lock his lips on to mine in an attempt to soften the noises coming from me.

  His tongue is flicking at mine and I can hear my moans muffled as they pour into his mouth. One second I’m right on the edge, and the next I am exploding everywhere, my knees buckle and I don’t fight it. I can almost see stars and I’m aware of Tad holding me up while I almost crumble in front of him.

  No sooner have I caught my breath, before he is turning me around, tugging my underwear off in one swift motion, and lifting me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and feel him, hard and hot. I move my hips slightly and he starts to push inside of me. It’s not slow, steady, or teasing. He thrusts straight into me and it is desperate. He needs this as much as I do. As he thrusts deeper, I can hardly control the sounds coming out of my mouth. He kisses me to try to suppress my moans, but if anything it just amplifies them.

  He holds me still for a second, bends down and picks something up, before lifting me and slamming back down on to him. I half scream, and as my mouth is open he thrusts my underwear in between my teeth. I open my eyes are stare at him, half surprised, half amused, and he just winks at me and continues pounding into me.

  I can feel my insides start to tighten around Tad as my orgasm builds. My muffled cries echo around the bathroom as I explode around him, he speeds up and a second later he groans in my ear as he empties himself inside of me.

  He holds me up for a few seconds longer until his arms give out, then gently lowers me to the floor.

  “Fancy actually getting in the bath now?” I tease as I kiss him softly on the lips.

  The bubbles have disappeared, and the water is almost cold by the time we manage to drag ourselves out of the bath. Tad wraps me in a towel and carries me up to bed. It’s been far too long since we have felt this close, and I didn’t realise just how much I missed him. He helps me dry off and get into my pyjamas, and once he is in bed next to me, he pulls me into him and strokes my face softly.

  Something just clicks and I realise that what happened was awful, it was heartbreaking. But I have Tad, I will always have Tad. Life will be awful at times, but I am so lucky to have him, and this is it. He is it. For life. Whatever happens, we will always have each other and maybe that’s all we really need. Just us and Ami, and if we get to have another baby then that would be amazing, but for now, I am blissfully happy with everything I have.

  I drift off to sleep, feeling him close to me, hearing his soft breath, feeling the rhythmic beat of his heart against my back…

  Chapter Thirteen


  Christmas and New Year went by relatively quietly, with no kidnappings or shootings, so I feel that’s a promising start to the year!

  Work is going well, the mess of the data leak seems to be well behind us and we’ve had no major backlash from it. I was able to give all my staff a surprise New Year bonus, thanks to the sale of a company I took over a few years back.

  Rachel and I are back on track, and the heartache of last year seems a lot easier now. Not gone, and not forgotten, but she seems happy again, which of course is all I ever really want.

  I’m back in the office in the week, and Rachel’s little cake making business has picked up considerably. So much so that she has had to employ someone to help her out.

  My phone rings and my face lights up when I see it’s her.

  “Hello beautiful.”

  “Tad!” She half screams, excitedly down the phone.


  “Tad?!” I can hear her grinning.

  “How much longer do we keep doing this until you tell me what’s go
ing on?” I tease.

  “Just once more. Tad!” She laughs.

  “Rachel.” I lower my voice and I swear I can hear her swallow. It really is a fucking incredible feeling to be able to affect her so much, just by changing the tone of my voice.

  “Uh, guess what just came?” She sounds a little flustered.

  “Well, I hope it wasn’t you. I wouldn’t have wanted to miss that.” Fuck, I have extremely inappropriate images running through my mind.

  “No!” She laughs. “That will be for later… But, no, you’ve distracted me. The absolute! It’s here! I’m divorced!”

  “Finally.” I smile. “No changing your mind about marrying me now.”

  “And why would I change my mind?”

  “What about if my company went bust, and I had to go and live in a box?” I say as seriously as I can manage.

  She laughs. “I’m sure Mum and Dad would let us live with them if ever than happened, rather than us all trying to squeeze in a box.”

  “Better keep working hard then, I don’t think our sex life would survive living in the same house as your parents.”

  “We managed okay over Christmas.” Her voice is low and I make the decision then to leave early.

  “Hmm that was good.” My trousers are uncomfortable against the hard bulge growing in them and I rush around trying to close my computer. “I’m on my way home.”

  “It’s not even lunch time.”

  “Yes, but you’ve made me hard. Plus, we have a wedding to plan. I’ll see you soon.”

  As we lay, limbs tangled in the mess of bedsheets, I can’t stop thinking about making this wonderful woman my wife.

  “I don’t want to wait.” I whisper as I cover her neck in soft kisses.

  “For what?” She says, eyes closed, looking like she is ready to sleep.

  “To get married. I want to do it as soon as possible. I don’t care where, or who comes. I just want you and Ami there. You’re my life. You’re all I’ll ever need.”

  Her eyes open and she strokes her hand across my cheek as a smile spreads across her face.

  “I’m glad you said that.” She has a mischievous glint in her eyes. “I called the register office today and made us an appointment to give notice of a marriage.” She looks almost embarrassed. “I just got excited and a bit carried-”

  My lips interrupt her as I pull her close to me and kiss her deeply. “When is the appointment?” I ask when I finally let her go.

  “Thursday.” She smiles. “And then we have to wait at least twenty eight days until we can get married.”

  I start doing sums in my head and smile when I work out a date. “So we could get married on Valentine’s day?”

  Her answering smile warms my heart. “We could. If you wanted.”

  “Oh, Rach.” I take her hand and softly kiss her fingers. “I’d marry you tomorrow if I could.”

  ♦ ♦ ♦

  “So you’re probably all wondering what was so important we needed to see you all.” Seven sets of eyes stare back at me from my front room, all looking equally puzzled. Ami, Mary and Leo are sitting on the main part of the sofa, with Celine and Danny hovering on the corner. Susan is sitting, with an almost knowing smile, in a big armchair, and Scott is standing behind her, looking more confused than usual.

  “Rachel and I have set a date for our wedding.” I hear Ami squeal from the sofa. “Now, we decided that we didn’t want a big, fancy affair. The most important thing is that we get to marry each other, no stress.”

  “You’re not eloping are you?” Mary says, looking concerned.

  “No Mum.” Rachel answers from next to me. She looks at me and I nod. “We’ve booked the wedding for two weeks’ time. Valentine’s Day actually.”

  Everyone stands and starts speaking all at once. They come over to hug Rachel and I, and I can hear snippets of conversations. From “congratulations” to “they haven’t left us much time to get an outfit, have they?!”

  “Tad,” Susan walks over, arms outstretched. “You already know how happy I am for you. But none the less, congratulations.” She kisses me on the cheek. “Two weeks isn’t much notice. Have you invited your mother?”

  “I e-mailed her. I doubt she will come. I don’t need her there though, or even really want her there. Everyone who is important to me is in this room now, and they are the only people I need there on the day.”

  I leave Rachel talking to everyone and head into the kitchen to get a bottle of champagne and some glasses. Scott follows me in.

  “Congrats mate.” He says, slapping me on the back. “Who’s gonna be your best man then?” He asks, smirking.

  “I thought about asking Celine’s husband actually. He’s been there and done the marriage thing, thought he’d have some good advice.” Scott’s face drops and it’s hard not to laugh. “You twat, of course you’re going to be my best man!”

  “Fuck man, I thought I was gonna cry for a minute!” I pour us both a glass of champagne and pass him his drink. “To the end of sex for you.” He toasts and I almost choke on my drink.

  “Yeah, I can’t see that being an issue somehow.” I smirk and then get Scott to help me take the rest of the glasses in.

  “To the future Mr and Mrs Turner!” Scott holds his glass in the air, and everyone follows him. I turn to look at Rachel as I take a sip of my drink and she looks so happy in that moment.

  I catch Rachel, Celine and Ami chatting a few minutes later. “So I thought I’d make you both my maids of honour.” Rachel says before she is almost taken out by Celine who hugs her so hard she almost falls. Ami catches my eye and smiles at me, before turning back to Celine who is now trying to wipe mascara streaked tears from under her eyes.

  ♦ ♦ ♦



  still can’t believe you didn’t let us come with you to choose your dress!” Celine calls from the other side of the curtain.

  “Cel, our friendship would have ended that day. I went in about twenty different shops, and then went back to about five of them. Honestly, even I was getting annoyed with myself.” I laugh as the shop assistant is doing up the buttons at the back of my dress.

  Of course I ended up choosing the very first dress I even tried on, the same one I saw in the window a few months back in London. But I wasn’t about to admit to Celine that the first dress I tried was the dress. And I had to try all those other hundreds on, just to be sure.

  I look at myself in the mirror and I’m speechless. I look like a princess. The dress has been tailored to my measurements and it fits like a glove. The lace fitted bodice is just stunning. Intricate little patterns cover the dress, and the sheer lace sleeves are such an elegant touch.

  I take a deep breath and grab the curtain. “You ready?” I call out.

  “Yes!” Comes a collective call and pull open the curtain and walk out. Ami’s face erupts into the biggest smile I have ever seen, and Mum and Celine’s eyes start to water.

  The shop assistant walks back over to me with a floor length veil that she helps fix in my hair.

  “You look fucking beautiful.” Celine manages through a sob.

  “I agree. Just minus the vulgar language.” Mum splutters.

  Ami runs over and hugs me tight. “Do you want to try your dress on now?” I ask her, trying my best not to cry.

  “Yes please!” She answers excitedly.

  “You too Cel.” I call over. “Clean that mascara off your face first though, and no crying in the dress. I’m not having it stained before the big day!”

  Ami and Celine’s dresses are both floor length and pale yellow. Ami’s has little straps to help it stay up, but Celine’s is strapless. We’ve left extra room to allow for her bump to grow a little, as it seems to be getting bigger by the day. They both look gorgeous. Ami looks so grown up, it’s a bit frightening.

  “Mum, you’re going to dehydrate!” I sit down next to her as she is wiping more tears. I’m back in my normal clothes and Ami and Celine are ge
tting changed.

  “You wait until you’re sitting here and Ami is in a wedding dress, then see how quickly you dehydrate!” She laughs while wiping a stray tear from her cheek. “Rachel, I know we’ve been over this before, but I need to say it again. I need to apologise again.”

  “Mum-” I start but I’m quickly cut off.

  “No, Rachel, let me speak. Seeing you here today, you’re positively beaming. I’ve never seen you happier. You’re relaxed, smiling, and the only tears that have been shed are ones of pure joy. I was so blind, before. When we did this before, you just looked uncomfortable and you didn’t genuinely smile even once. I convinced myself it was nerves, but I should have known. I should have stepped in.” Her bottom lip starts to quiver and I lean in and wrap her in my arms.

  “Mum, stop! This is pointless. You couldn’t have known, and even if you had said anything, it wouldn’t have helped. If anything it would have just made things awkward and Kevin probably would have stopped me seeing you.” She smiles weakly at me. “Besides, if you think about it, if Kevin and I hadn’t married, I never would have met Tad.” Mum’s eyes widen and she laughs.

  “I had never thought of that. Well, I guess that’s one thing to thank the fucker for.” I almost choke.

  “Mum!” I laugh.

  “Come on you two, we’re going to miss our reservations!” Celine wanders back from the changing rooms, back in her normal clothes. Ami walks out looking a little down.

  “What’s up babe?” I reach out to her and she sits on my lap looking fed up.

  “I hate my normal clothes now, I want to wear my nice dress.” We all laugh and I wrap her in my arms tightly.

  “Not long to wait and then you get to wear it all day.” I smile.

  My hen night is consisting of a beautiful meal out with all three of them, and then Mum is taking Ami home, so Celine and I can go out for a few drinks.


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