For Life

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For Life Page 14

by D Gourlay

  Ami is finishing a huge slice of chocolate cake and ice cream and I am watching jealously, remembering that dress I have to fit into.

  “How was everything?” A server comes over to take our empty plates.

  “Everything was fantastic, thank you.” I smile. “Can we get the bill please?”

  “No bill, Mr Turner has already paid, and he said to tell you to enjoy your night.”

  I roll my eyes and hear Celine laugh behind me. “How could you not know he was going to do something like this?” She giggles.

  “Oh come on, one more drink?” Celine begs as we get to the hotel.

  “You’re not even drinking!” I laugh, feeling slightly tipsy. I’ve not drunk half as much as I usually would because it’s not as fun with Cel not drinking.

  “Yeah, but it’s been ages since I got to feel like the old me, rather than just a walking incubator.”

  “I’m sorry it’s been so long since we hung out.” I say guiltily. “Things were just, well, awful before Christmas. And then I’ve just been so busy since then. I’m a rubbish friend.”

  “Don’t be silly! Of course you aren’t rubbish.” She gets the attention of the cute guy behind the bar. “Can I have a soda and lime, and the fanciest cocktail you have for my friend who is getting married.” She winks at him and he starts making drinks. “I’m just happy that you’re so happy now. I mean, I know this year isn’t going quite how you expected, but you’re getting married soon, and then maybe you can think about a baby?” I noticeably cringe a little at her words and she goes to apologise.

  “It’s just, we haven’t spoken about another baby. I don’t know if Tad could bare to go through what we did again. I don’t know if I could go through it again…” I trail off as the barman comes back with our drinks.

  “Just because it happened once doesn’t mean it will happen again.” Celine smiles at me before taking a sip of her drink.

  “I know. But there is no guarantee it won’t happen again.” I smile a little sadly. “We haven’t really discussed it to be honest, I think we are just taking life as it comes for now.”

  I’m distracted by my phone going off in my pocket. It’s a video call from Tad. I answer it and Celine and I immediately laugh at the site of Scott, my dad, Danny and Tad, all looking slightly worse for wear.

  “Hey girls!” Tad slurs. The rest of them all shout their hellos at the phone.

  “Hey, so what happened to you guys having a quiet one?” I tease.

  “Fuck that, had to get him out for one last good night before he gets that ball and chain around his ankle!” Scott shouts, while spilling most of a bottle of beer.

  “I hope you’re all behaving.” Celine says from next to me.

  “Scout’s honour.” Dan replies, while making some strange movement with his fingers that I assume is supposed to be a salute. Celine and I burst into hysteric laughter at the confused look on his face as his hand continues making odd movements.

  “We’ll leave you too it.” I manage to say in between laughs. “Love you Tad.”

  “Love you, and uh-” he leans closer to the screen and whispers “Miss you.” The last thing I hear before the call ends is the guys all taking the piss out of how soft Tad is.

  “Don’t those fine specimens of men just make you feel so glad you chose them for the rest of your life?” She imitates Dan’s odd hand gestures and I almost fall off my stool laughing. “So when do you leave for the honeymoon?”

  “A couple of days after the wedding. Tad has a meeting he can’t miss.”

  “You’re going to love New York! I’m so jealous.” Celine says while absentmindedly reaching out towards my drink, lifting it up, and taking a long sniff of it. I watch her replace the glass, as if nothing at all odd has happened, and try not to laugh.

  “Uh, what was that?!” I giggle.

  “Oh, I just miss it so much!” She sighs. “Honestly, when you come to visit me in hospital once I’ve popped this sprog out, you’re to bring me alcohol. Any alcohol, I won’t care by that point!”

  ♦ ♦ ♦

  “Can you believe that this time tomorrow, I will be Mrs Turner?” I half squeal excitedly as I’m packing my suitcase.

  “I can believe it. I feel like I’ve been waiting my whole life for this.” Tad turns me around and kisses me softly on my forehead. As he turns to go back to packing his case, I grab his arms and pull him back towards me. I wrap my arms around him, and feel as though I’m clinging on for my life. “What’s wrong?” He asks, concerned.

  “Nothing. Nothing at all. I’m just so happy.” My eyes are brimming with tears and I try to swipe them away before he sees. “I’m just being stupid.”

  He pulls my face up to look at him and gently wipes the tears from my cheek.

  “You’re not being stupid at all. I’d cry if I was tying myself down to me for life too.” We both laugh.

  “I mean it Tad. I never, ever thought I’d be this happy. I didn’t even know how miserable I was before you. I mean, I knew my life wasn’t great, but I just got on with it. But now, you just make me feel, well, everything.” He kisses me, and it’s all he needs to do. The doorbell interrupts us.

  “I’ll get it, you finish packing.” He says as he disappears out of the bedroom.

  A few seconds later I hear Celine’s dulcet tones shouting for me to hurry up. Ami skips past the door, pulling a case behind her. A case that looks like it has far too much stuff in for one night! “Come on Mum, I want to go!”

  “I’ll be there in a second!” Honestly, I’m not sure who is more excited, her or me!

  I quickly check around the bedroom one last time to make sure I have everything and then zip up my case. Mum, Ami and Celine are all waiting at the bottom of the stairs for me.

  “You’re getting married in the morning! Ding dong the bells are gonna chime!” They both sing at the top of their lungs and the intense wave of happiness that flows over me is enough to almost make me cry again.

  Mum grabs my suitcase and takes it to the car, while Celine and Ami follow.

  “So, I’ll see you tomorrow then?” Tad grabs hold of my hands.

  “I’ll be the one in white.” I smile.

  “Shit, my dress is white too.” He swoops me up into his arms as we laugh and kisses me softly.

  “I packed you an extra thick pair of socks, you know, in case of cold feet.” I tease as I gently nudge his nose with my own.

  “No need, my feet are toasty warm.” He puts me back down on the floor and I turn to walk out of the door. “I love you, Mrs Turner.”

  “I love you too, Mr Turner.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  There is about an hour to go until the ceremony and I’m remarkably calm. I mean, I didn’t expect to be any different. I have no reason to be nervous. But everyone else seems to expect me to be trying to run away by now.

  “I still don’t get how you are this calm?” Danny says for what feels like the tenth time in the last five minutes. “I was a nervous wreck before my wedding. I think I had half a bottle of whiskey before I even made it in to the room.”

  “I just don’t understand what there is to be nervous about? I love Rachel, we already live together. This just makes it all official.” I say nonchalantly.

  “Yeah, but, what if she doesn’t turn up?” Scott chimes in.

  “And why wouldn’t she turn up?” I roll my eyes.

  “I dunno, maybe she’s come to her senses.” He winks at me and I throw a half-hearted punch at his arm.

  “Tad, could I have a word?” Leo walks in to the room and nods his head in the direction of outside. I catch Scott and Danny exchanging glances, grinning at one another.

  As soon as we have stepped outside the door to my hotel room, Leo puts his hands in his pockets and looks suddenly serious. I wasn’t feeling nervous, not at all, but now I’m definitely a lot closer to panic mode.

  “Now Tad, usually before the wedding, the father of the bride has a chat with th
e groom. It’s supposed to go something along the lines of ‘if you ever hurt my daughter, I will hunt you down and kill you’ that sort of thing. However, you are a wonderful man Thaddeus, and my daughter and granddaughter are extremely lucky to have you. You have proved, time and time again over the last year or so, just how much you love those girls and that you would do anything for them. Hell, you jumped in front of a bullet to save my daughter. So all I am here to say, is welcome to the family son.” He holds his hand out for me. I shake it and then feel him pull me in for an awkward half hug, where he pats me a little too hard on the shoulder.

  “Thank you Leo. It’s important to me that you know just how much I care about those girls.” He smiles and nods at me and we head back into the room.

  After a couple of celebratory shots of whiskey, we head down to the ceremony room. The room is small, but beautiful. The chairs have pastel yellow ribbons around them, and every table is covered in beautiful bouquets of sunflowers.

  After a quick chat with the registrar, I take my place at the front of the room and wait. The door to the room opens and I quickly stand, when I see who walks through the door, my mouth almost hits the floor.

  “Mum?” I half shout in utter disbelief. I just stand there for what feels like minutes, staring at my mother, who I haven’t seen or even really spoke to since Seb’s funeral.

  “Thaddeus. Why do you look so surprised? It’s not like I was going to miss my own son’s wedding?” She is wearing a deep purple dress, looking elegant as ever, with a hat almost twice the size of her head. She looks better than the last time I saw her. I just can’t believe she is here.

  Eventually my feet wake up and I walk over to her. She greets me with a standard one armed hug and an air kiss.

  “I didn’t know you were coming.” I say, the shock evident in my voice.

  “Well, of course I was coming. You invited me didn’t you? I must say, surprised wasn’t quite the word I would have used when I found out that my forever bachelor son was getting married. Especially as I didn’t even know you were seeing anybody.”

  Well you would have known if you bothered to stay in touch at all.

  Nope. Now is not the time.

  “Sorry Mother, it all happened rather quickly. But I’m pleased you are here.”

  The door opens behind us and the registrar walks in. He presses some buttons on a sound system at the side of the room and then takes his place at the front.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, if you would all be standing, the bride is about to make her entrance.”

  Soft classical music fills the room just as Mary enters and walks down towards the front. She is followed by Celine, who already has mascara smeared under her eyes.

  Ami walks in next, and my heart almost bursts with pride. She is smiling from ear to ear and when she reaches me, she gives me a huge hug before walking to the other side.

  The music changes and in walks my beautiful Rachel, arms linked with a very red eyed Leo. I almost forget to breathe as I take her in. Her eyes catch mine and her smile just lights up the room. I can feel my eyes pricking with tears and I quickly rub them away. Rachel’s eyes move to my mother and she looks at me confused.

  “My mother!” I mouth to her as she reaches me.

  “What?!” She mouths back and I have to stifle my laugh.

  Rachel turns to her Dad, who lifts her veil, kisses her and then stands beside her.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, please be seated.” The registrar starts. “We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Thaddeus and Rachel. This day is one of great celebration. It is the day where two separate lives become one. One untied life. As Thaddeus and Rachel discover this journey together, they will nurture a love that makes them better versions of themselves.”

  I can already hear sniffs coming from our group of friends and family, and Rachel’s eyes are glistening.

  “Before we start, I must ask if any person present knows of any legal reason why these two may not marry today?”

  From the corner of my eye, I see Scott shuffle and make to stand up, before he sits and he and Dan laugh quietly.

  “I’ll take that as a no then? Good.” Everyone laughs, even me, even though I might punch Scott later.

  I don’t quite hear the registrar’s next words, as I am too caught up staring at Rachel.

  “You look beautiful.” I mouth at her and she blushes.

  “Before you are joined in matrimony, it is my duty to remind you of the solemn and binding character of the vows you are about to make. Marriage in this country is the union of two people, voluntarily entered into for life, to the exclusion of all others. Thaddeus, would you like to read your vows?”

  “Rach, it’s no great secret that before I met you, I had never imagined myself getting married. I hadn’t even imagined settling down with anyone. I thought my life was too full of work, and I thought I was happy enough. And then I met you, and you flipped my entire world upside down in the blink of an eye. I realised that I had never known happiness like you make me feel.

  “I thought that love and relationships would be hard, and yes, we have had some difficult moments; in fact, probably more than most people go through in their entire lives. But loving you is the easiest thing in the world. You make me a better man and I can’t thank you enough. I also never in my wildest dreams thought I would ever have a child to look out for, or for one to look up to me. But that’s just one more gift you gave me.”

  I turn to look at Ami and can see everyone almost sobbing, except for Mum, who looks rather confused. “Ami, I know that you are not my daughter by blood, but you mean the world to me, and I love you more than I ever thought I could. Thank you for being such a wonderful girl.” I feel a lone tear slip down my cheek and I quickly brush it away as I try to compose myself. Rachel is stuffing a tissue back in her cleavage that she has used to wipe her face and I try to cough to stop my voice breaking. “Rachel, I love you.”

  The registrar nods at Rachel and she takes a deep breath.

  “Tad.” Her voice wobbles and she takes a steadying breath. “Had someone asked me a couple of years ago what I thought about love at first sight and soulmates, I would have laughed in their face and told them they were talking rubbish, that neither thing existed.” I see Celine laugh from the corner of my eye and I remember hearing a similar conversation about her and Dan. “However, the first time I met you, I fell in love with you. I tried to tell myself it was anything other than love, but it got to the point where arguing with myself over it was pointless. Falling in love with you was so easy and I hadn’t even realised, staying in love with you has been just as easy, except now, I know it. Now, every time you go out of your way, just to make me happy, it makes me love you that little bit more. Every time I see the way you are with Ami, I fall a little further.

  “You were the part of me that was missing, my entire life, without me even realising I was missing anything.” Her lip begins to quiver and she closes her eyes to breath. I clasp both of her hands in mine and squeeze tightly, trying to will myself to not to cry in front of my friends and family!

  “Tad, you are my everything, and I will love you for the rest of my life, and probably longer than that.”

  She pulls her tissue back out and dabs her tears away as the registrar begins speaking again.

  Rachel’s eyes are locked on mine, and mine on hers. Neither of us can look away, and it feels as though the guests have melted away, and it’s just us in the room.

  We exchange rings and finally our watery eyes are replaced by broad smiles as the registrar says “I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride.”

  I pull her towards me and dip her in an extremely over the top fashion, but who cares, it’s my wedding day! She laughs as I kiss her, before I lift her back up and she wraps her arms tightly around my shoulders.

  Suddenly we are being patted on the backs and there are shouts of congratulations from all our guests.

  We’ve all gone to the b
ar for drinks while the staff members rearrange the furniture in the ceremony room for the reception. Just one table, big enough for all of us, and some music playing in the background. Mother has reappeared, face set in half a scowl.

  “Rachel, I’d like you to meet my mother, Eleanor.” Rachel holds her hand out to Mum, who offers a weak handshake.

  “It’s lovely to meet you Eleanor.” She says enthusiastically, and I find myself wondering how many glasses of champagne she has had already today.

  “A pleasure to meet you too Rachel. I must say I am a bit shocked by all of this. By you, a wedding, and a step granddaughter added in for good measure. You have been busy Thaddeus.” She smirks and looks at me and I find myself hoping she doesn’t stay too much longer.

  “Ami, come here and meet Tad’s Mum.” Rachel calls and Ami skips over, smile still lighting up her face.

  “Ami, this is my Mum, Eleanor. Mum, this is Amelia.” I introduce them.

  “Hi.” Ami smiles shyly.

  “A pleasure to meet you Amelia, how old are you?”

  “I’m ten, almost eleven.” She says proudly.

  “A lovely age.” An awkward silence follows before Mum gently grabs my arm. “Thaddeus, dear, I wonder if I could have a private word?”

  “No problem, I’ll see you in a little bit.” Rachel says as she turns and takes Ami over to her parents.

  Mum walks out of the room into the hallway and takes a seat, gesturing for me to sit next to her.

  Why do I have a really awful feeling about this?

  “Thaddeus, I was just wondering who went over your paper work?”

  “Paper work?”

  “Yes, pre-nuptial agreement and so on.”

  Oh, here we go.

  “We don’t have a pre-nup Mum.” I sigh. Her eyes widen and she looks horrified.

  “What do you mean you don’t have a pre-nup?”

  “Well, I don’t need one. Rachel and I love each other, very much, there are absolutely no plans for us to ever be divorced, and even if there were, she is not the type of person to go after my money.”


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