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Her Fated King: A SciFi Alien Romance

Page 10

by Roxie Ray

  By the time he’d finished undressing me, my clit had already been swollen and sensitive, just begging for attention. But now that he was finally lapping at it, sucking it into his mouth and settling the throbbing V of his forked tongue firmly against the bud of it…

  It was ecstasy. It was earth-shattering.

  It was the best thing I’d ever felt.

  Heat passed through my body in delicious waves. It gushed through my sex, spread its greedy tendrils deep into my belly, left my every cell expanded and tingling. My head was dizzy with pleasure. My body felt light, flooded with brightness. And between my legs, my muscles were coiled dangerously tight into a spring that could pop any moment, any second—

  When it did, it was like watching a supernova so close the explosion swallowed me whole. I closed my eyes just so I could bear the intensity of it as I gasped for him, purred and whimpered and moaned.

  My breath left my lungs with a shudder. Now, every inch of me felt just as sensitive as my clit had felt just moments ago.

  I whimpered again and clung to Ronan as he finally pulled his lips away from me. Now, they were kissing up my body, first across my hips, then over my belly, then up my ribs to my nipples. He bit gently at each, and I could have easily orgasmed all over again. Just from that small amount of stimulation.

  Just from his kisses, his nips. From his touch alone.

  “Do you still want this, my queen?” Ronan whispered as his lips finally rose high enough to tickle against my own.

  It was then that I felt it. His cock, throbbing in time with the little ripples of pleasure still shooting up through my clit. I stared up at him for a few seconds, my eyes locked on his as I felt exactly how huge it was. His shaft was settled between my pussy lips. Even without looking at it, I wasn’t sure how he was going to fit.

  That should have scared me. Maybe, in some deep part of my mind where rational thought and reason still existed, it did.

  But then I felt his precum drip down onto my clit, hot and slick.

  The rational part of my mind was completely obliterated in that moment. All I could think of was how badly I wanted more of that on me, inside me, covering me completely.

  For the first time since I arrived here on Lunaria, I felt like a queen. Not because of my upbringing, my station, or even because of the terrible man I was destined to marry.

  In his arms, I felt like a queen in mind, body, and soul.

  “Fuck me,” I breathed. “Take me. I want it. Please.”

  Ronan drew his hips back. His hands were all over me again, even more urgently than before. He ran his fingers through my hair, stroked my cheeks, took my shoulders in his hands and smoothed all the way down my arms until our fingers were intertwined. With his other set of hands, he grabbed my hips and shifted them upward.

  We wouldn’t need a pillow, I realized. He could hold me right where he wanted me, and I would take every inch of him—though I still didn’t know how.

  “This might hurt,” he said against my mouth. “But do not be afraid.”

  “I’m not afraid,” I said honestly.

  I’d never been less afraid of anything in all my life.

  Ronan eased the tip of his cock against my entrance. He slipped it inside me slowly. I could practically feel him monitoring me, making sure that nothing he did hurt me badly enough that he needed to stop.

  But as he entered me…I expected the pain. I just didn’t feel it. Even just the flat, flared tip of his cock was thick enough to split me in two…but it didn’t hurt.

  This was something beyond pleasure, beyond pain. The two mixed together with such perfect ecstasy, I couldn’t tell one from the other.

  I only knew I wanted more.

  My cunt ached as he slid more and more of his shaft inside me. I was so sure that any inch now, he would bottom out and I wouldn’t have the pleasure of feeling his balls pressed firmly against my ass…but somehow, he made himself fit.

  “You are all right?” he asked, smoothing his thumbs down my cheekbones and squeezing my ass all at once.

  “I’m fine,” I whimpered breathlessly. My fingers raked through the deep purple of his hair, dark and damp with sweat. “Keep going. Please.”

  Ronan didn’t need to be asked again. His hips pulled back, and I felt such a desperate emptiness that I would have done anything to have him inside me completely again. When he pushed forward once more, his body moved in a way that was practically animalistic. Tribal. Slow and steady, but deliciously firm. It was like we were caught up in a dance only we knew the moves to. If there was music playing, only we knew the beat, the words. All four of his arms wrapped around me, holding me tight as he thrust a little more sharply, a little deeper.

  Then, finally, I felt the pain. It was deep in my belly, right up against the glowing, throbbing place where I knew my womb must have been.

  It wasn’t like any pain I’d ever felt, though. It was a dull, intense burst of heat that I would have done terrible things just to feel again.

  “Precious one,” Ronan intoned against my lips. He kissed me every time he entered me, then kissed me again every time he pulled back. “Holy one. My light. My moons. My stars. My world.”

  It was poetry, and I had no idea how he was coming up with it. There were only two words in my head, words that I used over and over again as he fucked me.

  “Yes,” I gasped as he slammed into me, and when he withdrew, “More. More!”

  “I am going to come,” Ronan panted. When his balls pressed up against my ass, I felt them clench just as hard as my cunt was clenching around Ronan’s shaft. “I must pull out, my queen, but know that I do not want to—”

  “Then don’t.” My voice was frantic, almost panicked as I wrapped my legs around his waist and curled my arms around his neck. I squeezed him just as tight as he was squeezing me. “Please. Come inside me. Don’t pull out. Don’t go.”

  “Moons,” Ronan growled, ferocious and deep. “Alora, I cannot—”

  “Come inside me,” I begged again. “Please, please come. Please—”

  It was hard to say which one of us lost control first. One moment, my body was spasming harder than I’d ever felt it spasm before. I felt muscles awaken inside me that I didn’t even know I had.

  And in the same moment, I could feel Ronan’s balls tighten, then release as they were pressed to the curves of my ass. Hot, thick cum gushed up into me, so hard and so deep that even if Ronan hadn’t been holding my hips up, I had no doubt it would have reached my womb with ease.

  That should have worried me, but it didn’t.

  Nothing worried me when I was with him. Nothing at all.

  We clung to each other for a long while after, trading kisses and nuzzles and breaths. My body was still pulsating with white-hot intensity. Ronan’s was firm and tense. Inside me, he was still hard.

  Finally, he unwound my arms and legs from his body. With a sigh, he rolled back, breathing heavily. His chest was slick with sweat. The orange of his body glistened beneath it, perfectly chiseled, perfectly rugged and rough and hard.

  Ronan stared up at the ceiling like he was watching his entire life flash before his eyes.

  “You should not have let me do that,” he said after several long, quiet moments. “You should not have asked me, and I should not have agreed.”

  “But…I wanted it.” My body felt like it was glowing. Like there was a bright, shining moon in my belly, sending light radiating up through my pores. I rolled over on my side and clenched my thighs together. I knew it was stupid, but in that moment, I didn’t care. “I wanted it, and so did you.”

  “Yes,” Ronan said with a harsh laugh. “Yes, I did.”

  “Thank you,” I told him as he rolled on his side as well so he could face me. His eyes were still that deep blue color. It made the glowing inside me feel even brighter. But now, that blue was mixed with that misty gray color too. Sadness. Regret. “I know this was a big moment for you, too. I’m sorry I asked you for it. I know you were saving y
ourself for—”



  “Stop talking.” Ronan wrapped me up in his arms and pulled me against him. His lips crushed against mine like he was laying claim to me all over again.

  His breath was warm. When I breathed him in, his heat flowed through my lungs. He smelled like me, tasted like me—like my cunt. Salty, sweet, and just the slightest bit tart. My body relaxed as our kiss deepened. His tongue slipped against mine, smoothing and curling in my mouth.

  When Ronan finally broke our kiss, we were both breathing heavy all over again.

  “Never apologize for this. Promise me that.” He kissed me again, a short, firm peck like he was sealing an envelope that held a promise. “Whatever happens…never regret this night, Alora. I certainly will not.”

  “I could never,” I told him. “That was better than I ever could have dreamed it.”

  “Yes. Dreams.” Ronan took one of my hands in his and twined his fingers into the spaces between mine. “Alora…”


  When his gaze met mine again, the gray in his irises was gone.

  “Do not marry Brixta.” It was hard to tell from his tone whether it was an order, or a plea. “You cannot, Alora. He does not deserve you. He certainly does not deserve…this.”

  “I have to, Ronan.” I didn’t want to push him away. If anything, I never wanted to stop being this close to him ever again. It felt like we were caught in our own little bubble of warmth and light. I never wanted to leave it. “You know I do.”

  “You do not,” he said firmly. “The king is not a safe husband for you. Not someone you should be tied to. He is a bad king, a worse male. A poor husband. Not right for you. Not right for anyone.”

  “Ronan…I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but this isn’t my planet. Lunarians aren’t my people. I have no money here, no allies…I have nowhere else to go.”

  “Come away with me, then,” Ronan said. “Trust me. Be mine. We can go to the mountains, join the rebellion. Lord Haelian is trustworthy. There are other humans there who will accept you with open arms.”

  “I can’t join the rebellion, Ronan. I’m not in a position to—”

  “To Moonsong Temple, then. It is the place where I was raised. My mothers will marry us, and then you will be mine. Under my protection. He will not be able to touch you, then. He will never be able to even look upon your beautiful face ever again.”

  “Ronan…” I was touched by this offer. I didn’t have any belief that Ronan loved me, or that he wanted to marry me for any reason other than the protection it would give me…but it was a kind gesture just the same.

  “Say yes, Alora. Say yes, and we will leave tonight.”

  I bit my lip. Of course I wanted to say yes. Everything he offered was something I wanted. Ronan was handsome. He was strong and brave and kind. I knew he’d never hurt me if I married him. After a time, I had no doubt that we could come to love each other, even.

  It wasn’t hard, finding ways to love someone like him.


  “I can’t, Ronan.” I wasn’t expecting the sob to well up in my throat. When it did, it caught me off guard completely. I was crying before I even realized why.

  Ronan was offering me an escape from this place. He was offering me the protection of his body and the safety of marriage to a man who didn’t make my stomach churn.

  He was offering me more of what we’d shared here in this bed tonight.

  That was maybe the hardest thing to turn down.

  But I knew I had to.

  This one night with Ronan was all I would get.

  “Why not? Do I not please you, Alora?” Ronan scoffed. “Brixta will not give you what I have tonight.”

  “I know.” I was trying so hard to hold the tears back, but they fell down my cheeks one after another until it was too difficult to talk. Too difficult to even breathe. “I…I have a duty here, Ronan. I can’t…”

  Ronan signed and pulled me against him again. Not for a kiss, but so I could bury my face in his chest and cry without being watched.

  I was grateful for that. I was grateful for all of this.

  More than anything, I was grateful for him.

  This one night meant more to me than I had the words to express.

  But I couldn’t let my brother down. I couldn’t let my people down.

  This one night was all I got.



  I slipped out the door like a shadow moving through the blackest hours of night. The hall was dark outside. As I moved through it, I did not make a sound.

  But as I sped down the corridor, I quickly realized I was not the only shadow moving through the darkness.

  “Who is there?” I turned and stopped at the end of the hall. What I had just done, and to be caught leaving her room at this hour, had put Alora in danger… It would not only mean danger for her. It could mean death. “Show yourself.”

  “It is late to be coming from the future queen’s chambers, is it not?” A cold male voice called out from one of the alcoves. A moment later, a figure emerged from it. Jaix’s black eyes met mine, glinting with knowing. “Do not fear, Ronan. It is only me.”

  “I fear nothing, specter.” Not true. I feared for Alora. I feared what would happen to her if Jaix decided to tell the king that he had found me here outside her chambers, after all in the palace should have been long asleep. “What is it that you want?”

  “Nothing at all, Moonsong. Only…” Jaix shrugged. “I do wonder what you were doing in there with the queen. You were inside for a very long time.”

  “The queen was merely feeling unwell after her long journey here. You have been to Earth before. You know that our gravity is not quite the same as theirs.”

  “I do,” said Jaix. “What I wonder is how your presence could possibly have helped her.”

  “She was ill,” I said again. “I could hardly leave her alone in that state.”

  “You are no healer, last I checked.” Jaix tucked his hands behind his back and walked a circle around me, like a bird of prey stalking a dying beast. “Why did you not fetch one for her?”

  “She did not need one.” My responses were becoming sharper. “But you will soon, if you do not cease this nonsensical questioning.”

  “I see.” Jaix smirked, then placed his hand on my shoulder. “I merely hope you enjoyed yourself, Ronan. I know how it feels to want a female destined for someone else.”

  “You know nothing of destiny, specter.”

  “Do I not?” Jaix gave a short laugh. “Do not worry, Ronan. I will not speak of this. Consider it a favor—from me to you.”

  “I do not wish for any favors,” I snapped at him. “Especially not from the likes of you.”

  “I do not know that you have a choice in the matter at this point.” Jaix patted my shoulder, then turned to leave. “Besides. I may need a favor from you in return someday.”

  As I watched Jaix stroll down the hall, I gritted my teeth and let out a low growl of frustration.

  That was exactly what I was worried about.

  Over the next week, to my relief, it became apparent that Jaix had every intention of keeping his word. The king made no mention of suspicions towards me. As for Alora, she seemed to delight King Brixta more with every passing day. Despite her doubts that she would not be able to win his favor, I watched him falling for her as I guarded over Alora at each night’s feast. On the first few nights, he merely stared at her for longer and longer each time he glanced her way. But by the end of the week, she had him laughing at her jokes and feeding her bites of fruit from his fork.

  He was becoming taken with her, just as I had. If she was able to keep the act up, he might even come to love her someday—something that, before she had arrived, I had not even believed King Brixta to be capable of.

  Alora smiled and giggled and blushed prettily when she was in the king’s presence. Her facade never faded—at least, not until he looked away. />
  It was in those brief, passing moments when her mask fell that I could tell she was just as unhappy here as she had imagined. The tears she’d cried in my arms on that single night we’d shared may have dissipated, but only the false veneer of joy had taken their place.

  I wished to tell her again that I could take her away from this place if she wanted. That she could become mine with just a word, and we would leave as soon as the opportunity presented itself.

  Unfortunately, after our night of lovemaking, there was not even opportunity for the two of us to speak alone. King Brixta appointed three members of his harem to join Kali in attending to Alora’s needs. To my dismay, none of them struck me as females we could chance trusting. Each was the daughter of one of the few remaining high lords. I was certain that each had, at some point, believed she would become queen before Alora arrived. They flitted around Alora at all times like blood-sucking gnats, all smiles and flattery when Alora was looking, cruel laughter and sneers when they didn’t think Alora could see.

  They never left her side. Even at night, they slept on the couches and floors of Alora’s chambers while she slumbered in her bed.

  She could not get away from them, and I could not get her alone.

  On the sixth morning following our arrival to Lunaria, I awoke with a renewed urgency. Apart from a few kind glances and fond, stolen looks, Alora and I had barely interacted at all since our night together. I did not like this feeling of unspoken connection between us. Such things could quickly breed uncertainties between two individuals, and I desperately wanted to tell her how I felt.

  She needed to know how much I had enjoyed the feeling of her legs wrapped around my waist, how I had relished every kiss we had shared, every gasp and moan and ragged breath.

  More than anything, I wanted to tell her about my dreams, which had changed since we had made love. Now, I did not only dream of being crowned with Alora at my side. In my coronation dreams now, she held a newborn cub in her arms as well.


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