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His Hostile Takeover

Page 10

by Fiona Murphy

  I don’t want you to hold back from me, your true desires. I can’t guarantee I will be able to fulfill them all, but I want the chance at least to try. You give me so much pleasure every single time. I want to give it back just as much. I don’t want to feel like you can’t share with me.” She leaned over into the top drawer beside the bed, and pulled out a small bottle of lubricant and offered it to him. “I didn’t dislike when you put your finger in my ass, it felt really good, but so different than everything had before. It surprised me and that’s why I stiffened up on you. I want to take you up my ass, please.”

  Dmitri could finally understand her need to hold back outside of bed, and her openness in their bedroom. Tension eased out of him and he took the bottle and studied her. Yes, he had held back his passion. Yet, there weren’t all that many things they hadn’t done because he’d felt her stiffen or her body’s reaction to something he wanted. He wasn’t into much considered kinky, there were no handcuffs or restraints in his home, no paddles or things that brought out pain or things he thought she would fear. He knew and manipulated easily a lover to the edge of pleasure pain with their breasts and their pussies but real pain turned him off. He’d had a lover who had begged for it and he’d done his best to please her but eventually he ended the relationship. He found no enjoyment in her pain, and couldn’t even get hard while he did as she begged him, because she found no satisfaction without first being in pain.

  There was, though, a need to be rough at times, to ease his tension or upset over deals that didn’t go his way. He hadn’t ever wanted to treat her that way, still worried that it would scare her away. Most of his previous lovers had enjoyed when he was rough, but a few had asked him not to be. He did enjoy anal sex, and had been disappointed at her tension of his finger sliding into her. But it wasn’t something he had been upset over. Some lovers in the past had refused him there, and he’d understood without a second thought.

  “Okay, whatever you want from me my love, all you have to do is ask. I want you to understand something before we begin. I know you’ve probably been reading those damned stories of yours, but they are usually written with everything perfect and it so rarely is. A finger you may find enjoyable, my cock is much bigger than a finger, so just because you liked my finger doesn’t mean you will find satisfaction with my cock. There are many women who find absolutely no pleasure in anal sex. I need you to know now, that no matter what, I am more than content with all the other pleasure you give me inside and outside of bed. It is by no means a necessity to my pleasure and I refuse to do something you won’t find enjoyment in, no matter that you find satisfaction in my pleasure. Come here.”

  Crawling onto his lap with excitement at this new position and his openness with her, she was pleased to feel him hard beneath her. She pulled off the negligee and moved to kiss him. His kiss was gentle and so full of love she fought back tears. The words almost slipped out, then his hand trailed along the seam of her pussy and words disappeared as she trembled at the thought of what they were going to do.

  His fingers slipped inside her and found her nearly overflowing with juices, and he sighed her name into her mouth. He badly wanted to taste her, but not just yet. Instead, his mouth found a tight and hard nipple, suckled gently, and then began to work the hardened bud almost until the point of pain. Allowing her nipple to fall away from his mouth he kissed and nibbled at her sensitive earlobe. When she was finally breathing less hectically he moved back to the same nipple and started all over again. Once more he worked the same breast before he moved to her other breast and the second time he continued just seconds past the moment he knew she was on the edge of pain and felt her shake and her juices gush from her orgasm.

  Her orgasm relieved him and surprised him, most women needed clitoral stimulation to reach an orgasm, only one of his past lovers had ever come with only breast play. It gave him the knowledge he needed to continue. Now he could taste her. While she was still trembling, he settled her on the bed on her back and moved down to her pussy that taunted him with the scent of her satisfaction. He loved the taste of her, she was more intoxicating and tasted better than the finest liquor he had ever had before. The sight of her juices flowing down to her ass reminded him of that moment weeks ago when he had first been enraptured at the sight and it had felt natural to him to play in her juices and slide a finger inside her. She had tensed though and he’d pulled out quickly, moving his finger back into the tight channel of her pussy as his mouth worked her clitoris and pushed her to her peak.

  This time there was no tension as her juices allowed him to slide inside her easily, the lubricant not yet needed. She sighed and he began to work the finger in and out of her as his mouth roamed her pussy, tasting her, drinking her in.

  “Please, Dmitri, more.” She whimpered and so he added a second finger and he heard her exhale to fight from tensing up. It wasn’t long though before she was begging for his cock and he shuddered at her desire. Her first time would likely be more comfortable if he had her on her knees so she could control movement but the simple fact was he didn’t trust her to be honest with him in this. He needed to see her reaction, unhidden and he wanted to be able to have easy access to her clitoris and g spot in case he needed to bring her to a greater orgasm to compensate for her pain or discomfort. Pulling her legs up his body he smiled as she blushed to have her ankles rest against his shoulders. She was open to him and he loved her trust in him to allow him to control her body so completely.

  Placing a pillow under her lower back, he positioned her and then used the lubricant to coat his cock for easy access into her. Still, hesitant he worked a small amount of lubricant into her tight hole and she was begging again. Slowly, he nudged his way into her tight body and she gasped at the feel of him edging into her. His hands tightened on her hips as he fought the urge to move faster, she was so tight and he was so thick. Her eyes closed and her hands went to her breasts, which, thankfully, were still hard at his entry, indicating she was still highly aroused—not softening at the pain of him inside her. He saw her working to control her breathing and her body loosened for him and he began to move farther into her with ease.

  He was almost all the way inside her when she began to whimper and moan, and damn it, he lost his grip on her hips and she pushed until she was completely impaled on him. She gasped and her body began to tremble, the play of emotions across her face told him the pleasure she was finding and he almost came right then. Watching as she shook her head and she tried to speak but only moans came out of her, Dmitri began to move. Slowly, almost as slowly as he entered her, he moved out of her and Elise’s ass clutched at him to keep him inside and he stopped, it was torture fighting his need to come.

  “My love, please don’t do that.” He gritted out, surprised he could form the words. “Don’t squeeze my cock with your ass, if you keep doing it, I’ll come too quickly.” She released him and moaned his name, the word merely a whisper on her parted lips.

  His mind warred with the needs of his body. Teeth clenched, he began to move within her tight heat. In and out, he began to pick up the pace. He could feel her climax building and he wanted to shout for joy. Her body not only accepted him but found pleasure in him in a way some women found painful. Yet, he could admit it was why he had taken her so close to pain with her breasts. He needed to know if she could still come with pain involved, some women did enjoy small amounts of pain with their pleasure. Yet, he’d never expected her to orgasm from just her breasts being played with. He’d also been relieved to find this meant the rough sex he needed from time to time would likely be well received. The thought caused him to slip from his reins and he moved without caution, control gone, and she started to sob his name. Pounding into her, his cock so hard he didn’t know if he could last another ten seconds, he moved to slip his fingers inside her pussy to bring her to climax, but he was too late. She came in sharp, quaking movements that controlled her entire body. It pushed him over the edge, and he spilled into her. When he di
d, she moaned all over again.

  “I can feel you coming inside me, filling me, and oh, my god, Dmitri. It feels so good.”

  Watching Elise’s beautiful face was so sexy he couldn’t believe his cock began to twitch all over again. She was so damned perfect for him, in every way. Bliss, and a smile so knowing it took his breath away, flashed across her face and her ass clenched around his cock.

  “Dmitri,” She whispered, his name in that note that always told him she wanted him. “I’m not sure I liked it. Can we try it again, just to make sure?”

  He couldn’t help it, he laughed and she pouted and clenched around him again. It wasn’t easy but he pulled out of her and as he saw his come drip from her ass he began to harden all over again.

  “Please, I was just kidding. I loved it. What are you doing?”

  A grin came over him as he watched her fight to sit up but she was too weak. He drew her legs down and off his body. “I know you loved it. I’m moving you to your knees, it will be even better for you. As I wasn’t sure how the first time would be for you, I wanted you on your back so I could have more control and watch your reaction.”

  She pouted again as she moved to her knees in front of him, her hand on his chest. “You didn’t trust me?”

  Without hesitation, he shook his head. “No, my love, I didn’t trust you. Your body and pleasure is too important to me to leave anything to chance. If that means I have to protect you from yourself then I will. Now, do you want my cock in your ass again, or would you like to sleep in my arms?”

  She leaned in and kissed him softly, the lightest of touches to the middle of his chest. Then she turned around and offered him her ass. “Dmitri, when you finish can you not pull out of me for a little while?”

  “Whatever pleases you, my love.” He promised.

  Chapter Eight

  “I’m so relieved you finally found a new roommate, Pam. He sounds great, and am I detecting just the slightest bit of a crush on him?”

  “Don’t get me started, he’s cute but I’m not going there. He just got out of a bad breakup and I’m still working on sorting myself out. I don’t need to confuse it all with adding a guy to the mix. You know how bad I am with men. Speaking of men, how are things with you and Dmitri?”

  “So good it scares me a little. Last weekend, we had a scary but important discussion about us and it’s been even better since.” She went hot all over as she thought of how things had changed since that night he had taken her ass. Before that night, although she had felt him holding back, she had thought the sex was spectacular, in the last week it had catapulted into the realm of mind-blowing. Thankful Pam couldn’t see her blushing through the phone, she continued. “Next weekend we’re going away to a place that has no cell phone, or internet connection. It’s for our three month anniversary, he didn’t say it, but he hinted at it. He’s so romantic and thoughtful, there are times it surprises me. When he talked about going away, he gave me diamond earrings in the shape of a heart, they’re so large it’s almost gaudy, but I don’t care, they’re gorgeous.”

  “Wow! Diamond earrings so soon, hmm, I wonder how far away you are from diamond rings? I’m so happy for you. You really deserve it, don’t get scared. Just enjoy it.”

  “You’re right, you’re right. You know you have to visit us when you get some vacation time. I miss you. Sonia has been much nicer than I expected, especially considering she didn’t get her old job back. She swears she’s happy just answering phones and scheduling. We’ve had lunch a few times, but she’s still pretty busy with the baby. It would be nice to see a friendly face again.”

  “Of course, I would love to. Darn, I have to go—the last skuzzy roommate is here to pick up her stuff. I’ll talk to you soon.”


  The phone rang from the front desk security. “Hello, Ms. Shaw. There’s a gentleman here who would like to see. He says his name is Greg Turner. If you’ll check your security video you should see him now.”

  Elise swore under her breath. It was a Saturday afternoon and Dmitri had promised a short day but he was still at least an hour from being done. That had to be enough time to see what Greg wanted and send him on his way. She checked the security camera and was surprised to see Greg looking so angry.

  “Thank you, Bryce. You can let him up.”

  Opening the door, she was surprised by how thin and pale he looked. She didn’t have a chance to speak before he pushed the door in and started ranting.

  “I can’t believe you, Ellie. I thought you were a better person than this. But I guess all women are the same, always looking out for themselves. I mean look at you now, shacked up with the first man who looked your way. Dressed like the whore you are with your tight clothes, and diamonds flashing. At least you’re now letting people know what you are when they meet you. Jasper had no idea what kind of woman you were really were. You hid that from him with your whispered confidences, and batting of your lashes. If he had seen you for what you really are then he wouldn’t have left you with everything and me with nothing.

  Damn you, Ellie! This is all your fault! You’d better make this right! Sign the papers that give me my home back!” He ended his tirade by flinging papers at her.

  Shock hit her hard. His words were like vicious lashes from a whip. She could barely comprehend his words. The venom in them was all she could hear. Jasper was dead, she understood that and the loss of the sweet man she had seen as a grandfather stung. She turned away, needing to get away from him.

  “Sign them, damn you! I will drag you through court if you don’t! Contesting the will—that will cost me more than you’re worth, but I will if I have to!”

  There was no warning of the horrifying crunch that came from behind her, followed by the cry of pain. She turned to find Dmitri in a rage and Greg clutching his face, blood dripping down his face. Dmitri wasn’t done though, and he swung again, catching Greg low in his back and Greg nearly screamed in agony.

  “You’ll stay the hell away from her, is what you’ll do. Get out of my home while you can still walk. Forget you ever knew her, or I won’t stop next time.”

  Elise was terrified of the violence in Dmitri’s face and a sob escaped her. Dmitri turned to her and Greg took the moment to escape, running for the door. Dmitri caught her to him and whispered words in Russian she couldn’t understand, attempting to soothe her. Elise fought for control but it wasn’t easy, the violence Dmitri had unleashed so quickly and easily made her shiver.

  “Why?” She whispered.

  “What, sweetheart?”

  “Why were you so violent? Why did you have to hurt him?”

  He stiffened against her and pulled away to look down at her, “You’re worried about him? The man you loved for so long, and yet was saying the most vile things to you. You were afraid for him?”

  His thick accent and the softness in his voice was a warning and her eyes sought his. She saw the way his jaw worked and she swallowed her fear. With a hand that trembled she caressed his cheek. “I wasn’t afraid for him, I was afraid for you. I was afraid you would hurt him so badly it would be something you couldn’t take back.”

  His hold on her tightened and he shook his head. “Bryce told me that Greg had just gone up and you let him in. The whole way up in the elevator, knowing he was here, I couldn’t stop thinking, and I thought—” His jaw worked again, “I thought he was coming here to take you from me. To say all the things you always wanted him to say, and you would leave with him. But then I heard the things he was saying to you and to hear him talk to you that way, I knew it would hurt you. I couldn’t stand the idea of him hurting you. When I came through the door, I was already seeing red but to see you shaking as you tried to get away from him. I lost it.”

  He hid his face in her neck, and Elise felt something shift inside her and she knew then that she would love him until the day she died. His fear echoed her own fear and she knew if she thought she was walking in on him with another woman then she would have
lost all her senses as well. The idea of Dmitri walking out of her life, of not waking up beside him the pain of it pierced her until she felt blinded by it. Dmitri hadn’t been boasting, she belonged to him and feeling his heart pounding against her, she knew he belonged to her as well. Their need went both ways.

  “I loved Greg with the love of a girl, but as I grew, that love changed from loving him as a man to loving the idea of love. I knew that several years ago, but it was safer to hide behind that. I wore those words like a shield, I didn’t want Greg. I wanted to be safe from wanting, having and then losing it all.

  When I met you that very first day, that all changed. In the back of the limo in Miami, that shield fell away. You ripped it away from me with just one look, and although it scared me, I never once wanted it back. Not once did I ever think of Greg, until the night he called me, not in the quiet nights in my room or when I woke up each day. It was you. You were the only thing I saw, the only thing that mattered. I told myself I was simply fascinated by you but it wasn’t just that, it was something deeper. I told you once before, and I meant it. I will stay with you until you tell me to go.”

  His mouth was on hers, voracious with need and she answered him. They sank to the thick plush carpet in a tangle of limbs and shifting clothes. He entered her just short of violence and she urged him on, demanding everything he had to give her and giving all she was back. Frantic, they each reached their climax in only minutes, and when at last their breathing evened out, he picked her up and carried her to bed, where he made love to her so beautifully she cried.


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