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Dark Majesty

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by Texe Marrs


  The Secret Brotherhood and the Magic of A Thousand Points of Light


  Texe Marrs

  Dark Majesty: The Secret Brotherhood and the Magic of A Thousand Points of Light

  Revised Edition 2004

  Copyright © by Texe Marrs. Published by RiverCrest Publishers, 1708 Patterson Road, Austin, Texas 78733

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher, except as provided by USA copyright law.

  Scripture quotations are from the King James Version of The Holy Bible.

  Cover design: Texe Marrs, Wanda Marrs and Sandra Myers

  Printed in the United States of America

  Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 91-62296


  1. Current Events and Issues

  2. Politics

  3. Religion

  4. Bible Prophecy

  ISBN 1-930004-16-8

  Don’t believe the human eye

  In sunlight or in shade

  The puppet show of sight and sense

  Is the Devil’s Masquerade.

  Robert Anton Wilson

  Masks of the Illuminati


  Project L.U.C.I.D.: The Beast 666 Universal Human Control System

  Circle of Intrigue: The Hidden Inner Circle of the Global Illuminati Conspiracy

  Big Sister Is Watching You: Hillary Clinton and the White House Feminists Who Now Control America—And Tell the President What To Do

  Millennium: Peace, Promises, and the Day They Take Our Money Away

  America Shattered: Unmasking the Plot to Destroy Our Families and Our Country

  New Age Cults and Religions

  Ravaged by the New Age

  Mystery Mark of the New Age

  Dark Secrets of the New Age

  Mega Forces

  Table of Contents



  Chapter 1: The Illuminati—Secret Brotherhood Of Destiny

  Chapter 2: World Conspiracy: A “Novel” Idea

  Chapter 3: What International Evil Lurks in Vaults of Banks?

  Chapter 4: The Great Work: The Magic of a Thousand Points of Light

  Chapter 5: The Bilderbergers and Other Conspirators

  Chapter 6: International Network of Light

  Chapter 7: The Supermen of the Imperial Brain Trust


  Chapter 8: Strange Glory: What are They Hiding Inside That Tomb?

  Chapter 9: The Pleasant Adventures of a Bonesman...Or How George Bush Made it all the Way to the White House With Just a Little Help From His Friends

  Chapter 10: The Skull & Bones Lineup: A Rogues’ Gallery of Questionable Characters

  Chapter 11: The Skull & Bones “Good Old Boys” Club Not Just A Fraternity


  Chapter 12: They Worship a God Whose Name They Conceal

  Chapter 13: The Science of Mind Control

  Chapter 14: Could This be Magic?—Alchemy, Illusion, and the Processing of Humanity

  Chapter 15: The Hidden Persuaders

  Chapter 16: George W. Bush, John Kerry, and The Hoax of Two Major Political Parties

  Footnotes and References

  About Texe Marrs

  More Resources For You

  For More Information


  Is there behind the scenes an Illuminati, a secret clique of wealthy men masterminding a massive conspiracy to rule the world? Are these powerful and influential men behind the frenzied campaign for World Government and a New International Economic Order? If such a hidden group of elitists and occultists does exist, will their carefully contrived plot succeed?

  As unlikely as it may seem, the astonishing answer is yes, there is a secret organization of illuminized men that exists. It is the Money Power of America, Europe, and Asia. I call the men who lead it the Secret Brotherhood. The members of this clandestine group believe themselves to be men of a superior race and bloodline. They are convinced that their destiny is to be served. We are to become their economic slaves.

  Over the centuries, these diabolical men, agents of a magical underworld known to only a few, have banded together in secret societies, amassing untold wealth and material treasures. But because greed is never satiated, their hungry appetite for more and more money—and for more and more absolute, unchallenged power—grows daily.

  Frankly, during the first 42 years or so of my life, I did not believe that such a group of men existed. I found the conspiracy “theory” of history somewhat amusing, if not absurd. When I encountered otherwise highly intelligent people who seemed to be consumed by notions of a hidden conspiracy of international bankers bent on ruling the world, I typically put them in the category of being either bizarre eccentrics or, quite possibly, nuts and overly bright wackos. “Surely,” I thought, “their research and findings must be marred and their conclusions defective. The world simply can’t be organized that way!”

  A Startling Discovery

  Then, six years ago, I made a startling discovery. While investigating a weird but sometimes fascinating worldwide spiritual and social movement called the “New Age,” I stumbled onto something strange. Something gigantic. Yes, even something scary.

  At first I could not believe it. I did not want to believe it. But there it was: the evidence. An undeniable body of evidence. Eventually, my defense mechanisms collapsed. I knew the truth.

  The day that I discovered the terrible truth about the Secret Brotherhood was a day I shall never forget. It changed me in some kind of unfathomable, mysterious way. And I will never again be the same person, now that I know.

  Winston Churchill once made the keen observation that, “Most people, sometime in their lives, stumble across the truth. Most jump up, brush themselves off, and hurry on about their business as if nothing had happened.”

  That is exactly what happened to me that fateful, unforgettable day when I stumbled onto the truth. At first, I, too, was staggered, almost to the point of being incoherent. But I could not simply get up off the floor, dust myself off, and go about my business, pretending I didn’t know. I did know.

  In the Bible, in Proverbs 25:2, is found this intriguing passage:

  “It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter.”

  A man or woman of honor, the scriptures tell us, is a majestic, kingly person. Such a person searches out a matter to see if it be so. Though it may be elaborately concealed, the honest and dedicated inquirer will eventually be rewarded with the truth. The shackles of deceit will falloff his eyes and the rays of truth will shine through with sparkling clarity.

  Are you a kingly person? Can you endure the Truth? Do you have the courage to tear off the masks of deceit worn by the men of the Secret Brotherhood? Are you prepared to pay the price of being scornfully called a kook, a troublemaker ... or worse?

  If your answer is “yes,” then Dark Majesty will be of benefit to you. It will enable you to discern and discover the truth and to reject the lie. I am, of course, referring to the truth that so many—indeed, the vast majority—find too painful, too horrible, even to contemplate: that there is indeed a World Conspiracy. Moreover, this World Conspiracy is led by men of immense influence who have taken a solemn oath to ever favor their own kind, and to willingly and without hesitation deceive all those outside their fold.

  The calculatingly shrewd men of the Secret Br
otherhood have convinced themselves that they know what is best for mankind. They believe also that their natural superiority over the rest of us gives them the right to conceal and cloak their true intentions.

  The Truth Can be Disturbing ... and Frightening

  Why would so many prefer to listen to men who have repeatedly sworn to deceive them rather than to investigate the facts and discover the truth for themselves? The answer, regrettably, is that the very real idea of a monstrous worldwide conspiracy at work intensely disturbs the average man or woman. It shatters their comfort zone. It’s outside the realm of usual thinking and what’s socially “correct.”

  Their secure feeling about the current system is threatened. Their emotional well-being is left exposed and raw.

  They don’t want to learn the truth because it would be too discomforting—too alarming. If they were to accept the fact that much of what they think they know about their government and its leaders, the economy, and where society is heading are simply elaborate myths, concealing and insulating a hidden elite from opposition and exposure, they would then be faced with a horrible dilemma: What can they do about it?

  Even more scary, it would also become mandatory that they ponder the question of what will happen to them if they try to do something about it.

  Self-deception, the tendency to want to believe in a lie, to want to remain convinced that “all is well” regardless of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, is the greatest weapon in the Secret Brotherhood’s vast armory of weapons. Truth that rattles one’s nerves and unsettles one’s inner security is truth that must be rejected. It simply must, or many believe they might go insane—or suffer an emotional breakdown.

  Once you read this book, you will know for a certainty—if you don’t already know it—that there is a World Conspiracy by a hidden elite. You will just know it. Period. All the evidence is there—mountains of evidence. No other conclusion is possible. A World Conspiracy that deeply and severely affects you and me exists. It is for real.

  And that’s a shattering—and frightening—thought. Moreover, it is a dangerous thought that, at first, we desperately want to suppress, to dismiss. But we can’t. That numbing, unsettling reality sinks in. It’s there, and it won’t go away. It gnaws at our stomach, and gradually assaults our mind. Eventually we must either reject it outright and refuse to listen to the truth, or finally, reluctantly, we are compelled to accept it, along with all the horrible complications and ramifications that come with that acceptance.

  You are Invited

  I invite you, then, to read this book with an open mind and to discover the truth for yourself—the same truth that I eventually discovered after my own struggle to seek out this knowledge. I began my investigations with an objective and discerning spirit, honestly desiring to ferret out the facts, whatever they may be. I trust that you will do the same.

  What I uncovered in my research and my earnest inquiry first startled, then scared, then angered me. I finally realized just what a sucker I had been, how I had been deceived all my life. And that hurt. It hurt deeply. But thankfully, I’m fast getting over my hurt and my frustration. What’s left now is the anger and indignation. Righteous indignation.

  The men of the Secret Brotherhood have no right to do what they are doing. No right. And I’m not going to look the other way, not since I found out the truth. Not since I realized that it is possible to set things right, to fight back, to win.

  I admit, it may be too late for us to stop the men of the Secret Brotherhood. But I’m not yet ready to concede defeat. I know this: It’s not too late to warn as many men and women as we can about the miserable fate that the hidden elite have in store for them. It’s not too late to protect as many innocent people as we can from the savage destiny that otherwise awaits them.

  The ruthless and unfeeling men of the Secret Brotherhood can only get their way if they are allowed, without opposition, to hide, cover up, and elude the light of discovery. Well, let’s not allow them that freedom of maneuver. Dark Majesty is designed to broadcast light deep into dark crevices and concealed cracks. Believe me, having light shined on their repugnant activities causes these otherwise confident, even arrogant and despicable men to desperately scurry about seeking cover. And that is exactly what should happen to them.

  As it now stands, they believe themselves to be invincible, oblivious to detection, and too strong to be successfully confronted. I believe they’re wrong. I believe that the tens of thousands of good, honest people who, by the grace of God, obtain this book and read it, are going to prove them wrong.

  “One Word of Truth Outweighs the World”

  Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the courageous Russian dissident writer exiled by communist tyrants for standing up to their cowardly atrocities, once wrote:

  The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie. One word of truth outweighs the world. 1

  What a thought-provoking declaration for free men to ponder! Yes, it’s okay to be surprised and alarmed when you first discover the terrible truth about the monstrous men who intend to be our masters. It’s okay to have unsettling feelings and experience moments of depression and even chilling fright.

  But then, after the initial shock wears off, we must—we must—take that bold yet simple step. We must decide that, no, we won’t—we will not take part in the lie.

  Having finally made that momentous decision, our lives will never, ever be the same. But always, we can rest calm in this assurance, that just as Solzhenitsyn said, one word of truth does, indeed, outweigh the whole world.

  Texe Marrs

  Austin, Texas

  CHAPTER ONE: The Illuminati—Secret Brotherhood of Destiny

  It was the third Thursday in May, 1947. The crescent quarter moon was all but obscured by the hazy fog and mysterious, drifting clouds that seemed to fill the dark sky. A tall, thin, and gaunt figure moved briskly across the landscape of the old campus of ancient and prestigious Yale University. The lithe young man was accompanied on each side by escorts sent to fetch him.

  As the chapel bell struck eight, the lanky figure and his two “aides” stepped off the curb of High Street. Fast as lightning, they traversed the short distance to the Tomb, their destination.

  Greeted at the front door of the massive and imposing structure and giving the necessary password, the two aides ushered their new initiate down a musty corridor into a darkened side room. Instructed to “strip completely,” the young man obeyed, not uttering a word. A sense of excitement—and dread—filled every atom, sinew, and corpuscle of his being. His heart raced with anxiety and anticipation. Vague, unnamed fears began to infiltrate his mind.

  Silently, in the dark he waited. Minutes passed. A sense of quiet desperation soon enveloped his brain. He felt trapped, yet hopeful and expectant. No way could he back out now, he thought. No way.

  Then suddenly, the room began to bristle with activity. The door flung open and a band of “ruffians” rushed in. Grabbing him roughly but firmly by the shoulders they placed a blindfold over his eyes and led him out—in and out of corridors and up a long series of stairs and landings.

  Along the way, he heard noises—terrible noises—moans, screams and wails, some muffled, some hollered out in total terror. Fear would have overtaken him but for the fact that it was all happening so very, very fast. He had little time to think, let alone evaluate these unexplainable events.

  Then, entering a large, red velvet room, he felt hands and arms shoving, mauling, pressing his body into what seemed to be a box or container. (Later, the initiate was to discover that this container was, in fact, a crude coffin.)

  The new man heard a brusque voice announce his arrival, and the rite of passage commenced. Members in blackhooded robes carrying flickering candles crowded around the candidate, some chanting, others muttering strange and bizarre incantations, and still others—perhaps more inebriated—huskily mouthing epithets and curse words. The smell of liquor combined with a dank, unidentifiable odor
wafted about the room.

  “Tonight,” the leader’s voice intoned, “he will die to the world and be born again into the Order as he will thenceforth refer to it. The Order is a world unto itself in which he will have a new name and fourteen new blood brothers, also with new names.”

  Then, abruptly, on command, all in the room ceased their voices. It was time for the connubial bliss portion of the ritual. The candidate was ordered to begin his confession. As he lay in the coffin and poured out his heart about his sexual experiences and fantasies, as he began to reveal to the utmost depths his hidden desires and passions, a clamor began around him. He was being accused of “covering up,” of lying, of stretching the truth, of omitting pertinent facts. He was warned that unless he truthfully and completely told all, until he shared every bit of intimacy with his future “brothers,” he would be deemed to be unfit for service as an honorable, esteemed Knight of the Order.

  It did no good to protest of his veracity. The howls, threats, and verbal abuse simply escalated. The initiate felt rotten. He was overcome with an overpowering and consuming need to comply, to please, to conform. Pliantly and with intense concentration he searched the deepest recesses of his mind and soon was able to recall additional bits of data.

  His performance obviously pleasing to the assembled members, there was a brief pause. The new man was lifted out of the coffin and his blindfold removed. As he blinked his eyes and gazed about the room, he was shocked at the scene: he saw before him members in skeleton suits, in red suits, in bloody, torn, scroungy garb, and in ghostly costume. Some wore campus attire but their heads were covered with black hoods. And he noticed that some wore sparsely cut, grayish robes with strange symbols inscribed or sewn thereon.


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