Dark Majesty

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by Texe Marrs

  Pictures and paintings of this “Goddess of Reason” proliferated throughout Europe and the United States in the 18th and 19th centuries. During the American Revolutionary War, the Goddess was especially celebrated as a symbol. She became the protectress of the rebellion, Lady Liberty, the One who smashes the tyrants and breaks the chains of bondage. It is she, it was proposed, who gives coequal, enlightened man freedom and liberty.

  Today, statues of this Illuminist Goddess of Reason are found throughout the U.S.A.; one stands astride the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C. Another is atop the dome of the Capitol building in Austin, Texas. Her statue has been erected in town squares and city parks. But the most fantastic idol of the Goddess of Reason, the most majestic statue of the pagan lady who bears the torch of light, who illuminates, uplifts, and frees mankind, is found in New York’s harbor.

  Towering above the shimmering but polluted waters, she holds in her outreached arm and hand a torch of fire and light. A gift of the Masonic Order, the modern inheritors of the Illuminati heritage, the Statue of Liberty was sculptured by Frederic Bartholdi, a member of the Masonic Lodge of Alsace-Lorraine in Paris, France. 3 The statue is an esoteric idol of great significance to the secret societies plotting the New World Order.

  The occultic Statue of Liberty is unquestionably one of the greatest hoaxes ever perpetuated on mankind. Her very existence, especially in light of the adoration and veneration she is accorded by Americans, is remarkable. Indeed, she is worshipped as a symbol everywhere. In China, the student demonstrators in Tiananmen Square in Peking paraded about with a crude replica of the Statue of Liberty. In Paris, art books extolling her are brisk sellers.

  The plan of the Secret Brotherhood has come a long way when men have such graphic evidence of conspiracy as this immense statue in front of their very noses, but have little or no idea of its true purpose and meaning.

  Today’s environmental movement reflects this adoration of the Goddess of Reason. Ecological devotees call her by her pagan name “Gaia,” after the deity of the ancient Greeks. “We must protect and love Gaia, our mother earth,” some preach, “she is alive!” No wonder the masters of the Secret Brotherhood have latched on to the environmental movement as a magical pathway to escalating the emergence of their New Age Kingdom on planet Earth.

  The Five Central Beliefs of the Illuminized Brotherhood

  Remember, then, these five keys to understanding the spiritual teachings and religion of the men of the Secret Brotherhood:

  1) They practice a pagan religion which acknowledges and venerates the ancient sun god; yet they claim that all gods are the same and that their ritualistic worship of ancient deities is only symbolic. They further contend that the deity reflected in the illuminist symbol of the All Seeing Eye (on our U.S. $1 bill) atop the unfinished pyramid represents this universalist view of “God.”

  2) While Lucifer, the “light bearer,” is in reality their ultimate deity, most do not directly profess him as Lord. Indeed, most do not even believe in the existence of Lucifer, or in Satan or a personal devil. Instead, they express belief in an evil “principle,” a dark and shadowy, but impersonal evil “force” which is but the flip side of good, the opposite of the light.

  This is the hidden esoteric (inner) meaning of the double-headed eagle of 33rd degree Masonry and the Illuminati. It represents the doctrine that good and evil coexist as divine principles and are represented by symbols. It is these two forces, the two opposing heads of the eagle, which are both manifestations of the same ultimate reality. Together they shape and mold the individual.

  3) The illumined person is considered one who is able to wield the spiritual energies of both sides of reality—the good and the evil, light and darkness. Such a man becomes superman. He becomes his own deity, a master magician, a prince among princes, and a king over many.

  4) God, being akin to a “force field” or divine principle, is to be worshipped through two means: ritual and service.

  Ritual involves the conjuration of symbolic magic and the accessing of the neutral (two-headed—dark and light) powers of the universe. Thus, the adoration of pagan deities during temple ceremonies and initiation rites should not be taken as literal worship but as allegorical worship of the neutral powers of the universe reposited within illumined man.

  Service is defined as (a) obedience to one’s enlightened Masters; (b) active aid and help to brothers and initiates—fellow illumined ones; and (c) good works and philanthropy to the unenlightened world at large.

  5) Since the Illuminati have no special regard for or devotion to any specific deity, it stands to reason that Christianity—or any other organized religion—holds no special merit either. Therefore, the Secret Brotherhood favors no organized religion, but instead recognizes all as coequal. This is why, on the altars of Freemasonry, either the Bible of Christianity, the Koran of Islam, or the Bhagavad Gita of the Hindus may be displayed in the place of honor.

  This universalist, all-encompassing view of deity means that the initiate of the Secret Brotherhood is welcome to join and participate in any religion he chooses. But what he cannot do is claim exclusivity or uniqueness for that religion. That would be the ultimate heresy for tolerant, universalist illumined man.

  Thus, a brother of the Order can freely profess Christianity and Christ; he can talk a good game of “Christianity” and show all outward respect and fervent adherence to the God of the Bible. But in fact, he is not worshipping the same Christ and God as the true Christian, nor does he hold the Bible in the same high, exalted regard.

  Regardless of the outward show of devotion, the Jesus of the illumined is “another Jesus” (see II Corinthians 11:4), and the gospel of the illuminated man is “another gospel.” The apostle Paul called it an “accursed gospel” (see Galatians 1) and declared that those who believe in it are “bewitched.”

  A Call to Anarchy

  The universalist nature of the Illuminist religion is actually a call to anarchy. Since there are no moral absolutes and no real definition of “spiritual purity,” then, in the illuminist view, man is left to his own devices, to do as he wills. Aleister Crowley, the late, infamous British satanist who pridefully called himself “The Beast, 666,” stated that the true satanist had only one cardinal commandment which he must obey: “Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law!”

  Robert Anton Wilson, an authoritative writer of occultism and student of the occult conspiracy, wrote a fascinating novel some years ago called Masks of the Illuminati. In that book, Wilson weaved a marvelous tale of the origins, history, and current existence of the conspiratorial elite. Though the book purports to be fiction, there is little doubt that it contains much insight and many hard facts about the Secret Brotherhood. 4

  In one key passage, Wilson suggests that all members of a secret occult society known as the Ordo Templi Orientis—the Order of Oriental Templars—must sign three copies of a very peculiar document. The document is supposedly a concise summary of the group’s religious and social creeds. It is handed by a man named “Jones” to “Sir John,” the main character in Wilson’s Masks of the Illuminati, whose mind is sent reeling by what he reads:

  There is no God but Man.

  Man has the right to live by his own law.

  Man has the right to live in the way that he wills to do.

  Man has the right to dress as he wills to do.

  Man has the right to dwell where he wills to dwell.

  Man has the right to move as he will on the face of the earth.

  Man has the right to eat what he will.

  Man has the right to drink what he will.

  Man has the right to think what he will.

  Man has the right to speak as he will.

  Man has the right to write as he will.

  Man has the right to mold as he will.

  Man has the right to carve as he will.

  Man has the right to work as he will.

  Man has the right to rest as he will.

>   Man has the right to love as he will, where, when, and whom he will.

  Man has the right to kill those who would thwart these rights.

  “But this is anarchy!” Sir John exclaimed.

  “Exactly,” Jones said. “It is a declaration of war against everything we know as Christian civilization.” 5

  The characters portrayed in Masks of the Illuminati agreed on the insidious nature of the above declaration. Indeed, this does amount to anarchy, they determined, and it is extremely insidious, although it incorporates a supposed “philosophy of liberty:”

  “Look again at the first line,” Jones said. “That is the kernel of the blasphemy: There is no God but man. Do you see how that could lead weak-minded atheists to a kind of humanistic mysticism, and naive mystics to atheism, while drawing both into a worldwide plot against both civil government and organized religion? And can you see how this ultra-individualism could even attract some really good minds and noble hearts...?” 6

  Tearing 0ff the Masks of the Illuminati

  Whereas Robert Anton Wilson cloaked the real-life existence of the Illuminati within the context of a novel, which no doubt allowed him a certain maneuverability and greatly increased literary license, Lady Queensborough (Edith Starr Miller) in 1933 published a book exposing the masks of the Illuminati which was not a novel. Her book, Occult Theocrasy, is a literal encyclopedia of Illuminati-related organizations and Masonic groups. Lady Queensborough suggested that her book’s value lay in the fact that it unmasks “the means and methods used by a secret world...to penetrate, dominate and destroy modern civilization and especially organized religion.” 7

  The book is a virtual cornucopia of information about occult secret societies. On pages 510-511 we find some especially interesting material. There reprinted are two letters exchanged between two of the most honored members of English Grand Lodge Freemasonry around the turn of this century, a British subject, William Wynn Westcott and a German, Theodore Reuss.

  Apparently, these two esteemed gentlemen were busily laboring at the time to further the Great Work of the Illuminati, which they represented. Their letters contained references to the Illuminati, as well as to Masonry and to the Rosicrucians and “Societas Rosicruciana.’” One can also observe in their letters references to the “High Council.”

  As we moved forward into the 20th century we find that there were only a few great men who were able to discern the outlines of the terrible global conspiracy that has confronted honest peoples everywhere for so long. One such man was Sir Winston Churchill. Before Churchill assumed the herculean task of serving as Prime Minister of Great Britain during the dark days of World War II and leading his people on to victory, he wrote, in the February 8, 1920 London Illustrated Sunday Herald:

  From the days of Spartacus Weishaupt (code name for Illuminati founder Adam Weishaupt) to those of Karl Marx, to those of Trotsky, Bela Kuhn, Rose Luxembourg, and Emma Goldman, this world-wide conspiracy has been steadily growing. This conspiracy has played a definitely recognizable role in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th century; and now at last, this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically undisputed masters of that enormous empire.

  The Hidden Hand of the Brotherhood

  When Churchill wrote these intriguing words, he was well aware that only three years earlier, the Secret Brotherhood, through its network of Masonic societies, had achieved the unthinkable. They had instigated a bloody revolution in Soviet Russia, taken the Czar and the members of the royal family captive, and grabbed hold of that entire vast empire. The Brotherhood had immediately installed Kerensky as their puppet and set up a provisional “democratic” government.

  However, Kerensky was soon ousted by the Bolsheviks (communists) led by Vladimir Lenin, a man who was violently opposed to the leadership of the Secret Brotherhood as it was then constituted. Lenin was in fact sent into Russia from exile by the German general staff, at the urging of secret society factions in Germany. The German secret societies were well aware that they had been upstaged in Russia by a rival Masonic group. Lenin was their revenge, and his plot worked magnificently, Kerensky was overthrown and the communists under Lenin seized power in 1917.

  It is a fascinating fact that beginning in the mid-1970’s and on into the 1980’s and 1990’s, Soviet leaders Andropov (now deceased—Gorbachev’s mentor and predecessor), Gorbachev, and a small group of conspirators were able to undo everything that Lenin and his bloody successor, Josef Stalin, had done and hand over the rambling Soviet empire to the illuminized leadership of the Secret Brotherhood.

  Though the victory of Lenin and his Bolsheviks in Russia caused the Brotherhood to suffer a temporary setback in the 1920’s, the Brotherhood sought to mend bridges and regain a stronghold in Russia by financing Soviet industry and construction. Then in 1932-33 a new effort was launched to further the objectives of the world revolution. Franklin Roosevelt, a 33rd degree Mason, had taken office in Washington, D.C. and was joined there by his vice-president, Henry Wallace, also a high-level Mason. These two “blood brothers” were able to do significant damage to the true cause of democracy and Christianity while implementing a number of objectives on behalf of the Brotherhood.

  One of the more significant achievements of Roosevelt and Wallace was a revolutionary change in design of the U.S. one-dollar bill. The all-seeing eye of Horus, the great Egyptian sun god, and the unfinished pyramid of the Illuminati were printed for the first time on the dollar bill beginning in 1933. The Latin inscription Novus Ordo Seclorum, or New Secular World Order, was inscribed on the one dollar currency note directly under the pyramid. 8

  Wallace, a New Age mystic and a follower of Nicholas Roerich, a major occultist of that era, was ecstatic with this because he realized that, now, millions of Americans and indeed, hundreds of millions of people throughout the world were going to be conditioned day—in and day—out by an occultic symbol that, Wallace believed, had powerful magical powers and properties. 9

  The Supermen go Public

  Encouraged by successes in the United States and elsewhere in the early 1930’s, the Brotherhood for the first time decided to go public in a very limited way. It was determined that the world was ready to be let in on what had up until that time been a very closely guarded secret—that there actually exists a small band of superior, more racially and spiritually developed supermen. It was however, deemed advisable to make the public aware of only the vaguest outlines of the group. The Brotherhood realized that the public was not psychologically prepared and conditioned for the whole sordid truth to come out all at once.

  Thus, in 1957, Lucis Trust and World Goodwill founder Alice Bailey published her book The Externalization of The Hierarchy, in which she revealed that there exists a secretive group of supermen who are known as the “New Group of World Servers.” The year 1934, wrote Bailey, began the monumental task of “the organizing of the men and women” and the “group work of a New Order.” In her book, Bailey also used such coded, illuminist terms as “the work of the Brotherhood” and “the Forces of Light.” She also used that cryptic phrase which would, in the late 1980’s, become a famous cornerstone of President George Bush’s supposedly more kind and gentle policies, “Points of Light.” 10

  Bailey further revealed that civilization was on the threshold of going through a great period of what she called “spoliation,” or ruin and spoil. It is interesting that she would note this because, at that time, Hitler and his Nazi henchmen had not yet kicked-off the first bloody battles of World War II. That was to begin in earnest in 1939 when the Russian storm troopers invaded the territory of Poland. Perhaps Bailey and her brothers in the New Order had some advance information, for she reported that out of “the spoliation of all existing culture and civilization, the New World Order must be built.” 11

p; The Plan of the Illuminati: An Enduring Dream

  To the average Mason, and especially the lower level initiates of the first, second, and third degrees, the evidence that Freemasonry has long been at the forefront in the drive toward world government and that it is ruled by a handful of elitists may be hard to believe. If Masons would, however, read their own literature—most do not—they would be able to discover the amazing plan of the Illuminati right under their noses. This plan, though written in esoteric language, is not extremely well hidden nor is it impossibly disguised. In fact, the design for world revolution has in our lifetime become virtually an “Open Conspiracy.”

  All that the deceived Masons would have to do, for example, is study the writings of the late Manly P. Hall, a 33rd degree Mason who has been long recognized as one of the greatest philosophers of speculative Masonry of all times. Hall wrote:

  There exists in the world today, and has existed for thousands of years, a body of enlightened humans united in what might be termed, an Order of the Quest. It is composed of those whose intellectual and spiritual perceptions have revealed to them that civilization has a secret Destiny—secret, I say, because this high purpose is not realized by the many; the great masses of people still live along without any knowledge whatsoever that they are part of a Universal Motion. 12

  The quest for a World Order overseen by enlightened god-men is not new, reveals Hall, but has been an enduring dream of the secret societies for centuries. This was touched upon by Hall in his book The Secret Destiny of America, in which he discusses the Masonic and Illuminist history of man. This is a history that you will not find described in textbooks, nor is it taught in our public schools and universities. But the men of the secret societies and the Brotherhood are convinced of its authenticity. Hall summarizes this new, mystical history of man when he writes:


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