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by Texe Marrs

  Wise Men, the ancients believe, were a separate race, and to be born into this race it was necessary to develop the mind to a state of enlightened intelligence... It is this larger and coming race that will someday inherit the earth...the Golden Age will come again. 13

  Manly P. Hall goes on to discuss the evolution of the occult plan. He reveals that the goal is the restoration of a New World to be ruled by men of “enlightened intelligence.” He shares with us, for example, concepts of the ideal world-state led by superior men as developed by Englishman Francis Bacon in his novel, The New Atlantis, as well as Plato’s Utopia.

  Hall disclosed that the ultimate objective is not only to establish a system in which the illumined rule over a perfect society, the plan also calls for a King (though today we might call him President or Prime Minister of Earth, or perhaps Secretary-General of the United Nations). Here is how Manly P. Hall describes the coming great statesman and leader who is to someday preside over the affairs of all men on earth:

  This king was descended of a divine race; that is, he belonged to the Order of the Illumined; for those who come to a state of wisdom then belong to a family of heroes—perfected human beings. 14

  Whether it’s Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis, Plato’s Utopia, Marx’s communist society with its “new man,” or George Bush’s New World Order, the threads of the conspiracy remain firm and intact. The world is to edge forward, gradually but surely, toward a Golden Age. When that sun-lit day arrives, the mass of people, dull and unenlightened, will have the satisfaction and benefit of being dictated to and reigned over by an illumined Order of perfected human beings. These are the heroes, the Great Ones, the Illuminati. They are the Secret Brotherhood.

  The Occult Hierarchy

  Foster Bailey, a 33rd degree Mason who authored The Spirit of Masonry, which details the New Age occult foundations of Freemasonry, says that behind the flesh and blood, cosmically advanced human beings who have organized themselves as the New Group of World Servers, there exists an even greater group. It is, he says, made up of those who are members of an occult Hierarchy. 15 In a lecture given in London in 1954 entitled Changing Esoteric Values, Bailey described the way this occult hierarchy functions. From what he tells us, the occult hierarchy oversees an astute force of international financiers, businessmen and educators who are unparalleled in their organizational and management acumen:

  The occult Hierarchy of the planet functions in a way which is a bit analogous to the way any great international, powerful corporation functions in the world today... If an international business concern decides to undertake expansion and investment in a new part of the world, they have to have capital, they have to have the personnel, they have to study the problems involved, they have to lay their plan so that an investment of so many millions will in a certain number of years produce sufficient profits to justify it.

  They (the occult Hierarchy) are under the necessity of adjusting their developments to the existing government whatever it may be, good or bad, and that part of the world in which they’re proposing to operate. They study the people and the language as well as sources of raw material, availability and quality of labor and transport problems. They send out scouts and they test the reactions to their plans. Finally, when they are ready, they move forward. The Hierarchy functions like that. 16

  Foster Bailey is also a high-ranking official with the Lucis Trust and his publications are published by their press. One such publication, Running God’s Plan, gives us an inside look at what will happen to those of us who rebel against the coming New World Order and its society of illumined men in positions of authority. He intimates that those who are unable to accept the inevitable changes occurring in society will become “irreconcilable outcasts.” 17 The Aquarian civilization will come into being, and those who are the doubters, skeptics, and resisters will be dealt with.

  The Lucis Trust book, From Bethlehem to Calvary, also criticizes those who would impede the progress of the New Order. In that book we find that the occult Hierarchy and the Illuminati are divine beings. The illumined one, the book tells us, has experienced “the new birth” and has become “an illumined light bearer and one who can light the way for others.” Such a person is said to have experienced the same initiations as did Jesus Christ. He has been symbolically crucified and has become purified in the fires. The person is thus ready to lead the way toward world renewal and restoration. He has become a full member of the Illuminati:

  The Illuminati have ever led the race forward; the knowers, mystics and saints have ever revealed to us the height of racial and individual possibilities. 18

  CHAPTER THIRTEEN: The Science of Mind Control

  The story of how an international cartel of super-rich conspirators have been able to induce a form of delusion and hallucination into the minds of men on a mass scale is almost too fantastic to believe. Lt. Col. Archibald E. Roberts, U.S. Army (retired), director of the Committee to Restore the Constitution, is one man who is aware of how the seeds of a new way of thinking have already been implanted secretly into the minds of mass men.

  Roberts, whose organization puts out a monthly bulletin exposing the current threat to our freedom posed by the conspiracy, calls the advanced techniques of mind control employed by the Brotherhood, “The Most Secret Science.” Testifying before a special joint committee of the Wisconsin State Legislature, Lt. Col. Roberts stated:

  The most secret knowledge, a science which outdates history, is the science of control over people, governments and civilizations. The foundation of this ultimate discipline is the control of wealth.

  Through the control of wealth comes the control of public information and the necessities of life.

  Through the control of news media comes fault control.

  Through the control of basic necessities comes direct control of people. 1

  “A significant portion of the American public,” Roberts notes, “is yet to become aware of the Invisible Government of Monetary Power.” Sadly, he observes that, “Americans still believe that they are working toward a better way of life.” But, surreptitiously, “social customs and forms of administration in the United States are being carefully and gradually modified. The change from one type of culture to another is thus accomplished without arousing serious public challenge.” 2

  Warning that disaster is on the immediate horizon unless more people are made aware of this time bomb in our midst, Roberts told Wisconsin’s legislature: “The stark truth is that America is now passing from a constitutional republic into a totalitarian, worldwide government.” 3

  Why Do the Masses Not Understand?

  If we are descending into a period of darkness in the world in which totalitarian government controlled by the few elite is a reality, as Lt. Col. Archibald Roberts and the Committee to Restore the Constitution suggest, then why is it that the masses do not understand this? The answer is that it is characteristic of a decaying civilization that those most closely associated with it are unconscious of the tragedy that has befallen them.

  To the vast majority of Americans and other peoples of the world, the ability to discern good from evil and what is right from what is wrong has been carefully blotted out by the new system of mind control developed by the occult conspirators.

  Those at the top of the Secret Brotherhood are not just “on their way” to controlling the masses, they already possess a firm grip on men’s minds. What William Erwin Thompson, the New Age globalist leader, has called “the planetization of the esoteric” has been going on for some time. The New Culture, which is actually a new spirituality and a new planetary religion, now holds an irresistible fascination for most people. And the mind controllers have been able to accomplish this through a system of illusion, pageantry, and brain shock.

  Charles H. Fort once stated that “almost all people are hypnotics.” Their beliefs, he said, are induced beliefs. “The proper authority saw to it that the proper belief should be induced, and people believed properly.” One of
the key beliefs of the Western world today is that acquiring money is the most important thing in a person’s life. Given this warped view injected and built into peoples’ minds by the image makers, the majority are convinced that those who have a great deal of money are somehow more intellectual, more attractive.

  The rich are our idols. Society worships them and adores their eccentricities. As Frenchman Louie Ferdinand Celine once observed, “What does the modern public want? It wants to go down on its knees before money.” Today the money men, from Donald Trump and David Rockefeller to H. Ross Perot, are the heroes of society. The masses willingly allow such men to be the puppet masters of their lives.

  Greater Gods to Rule Lesser Gods

  As it now stands, the Illuminati seek to spread their poisonous doctrines of unity and globalization throughout the body of mankind. Their goal is to develop a World Mind or World Brain. Their occult, psychological conditioning process, they are convinced, will change all of society and result eventually in a new and universal “cosmic consciousness” which will envelop the globe. Men everywhere, they propagandize, will be transformed into supermen. Homo sapiens will become an entirely new species, quite literally a race of divine gods on a divine planet.

  Of course if the entire planet and every man and woman on the face of it are their own gods, there must be a small elite of managerial deities at the top to coordinate all the god-work that’s going on. There must be a way to manage the billions of little gods. There must be a hierarchy of gods at the top to make sure that the great kingdom is built properly and operates according to what the “divine reality” should be. The theory put forward by the superior elitists of the Brotherhood is that man can be illuminized and enlightened, but though he may be a deity, the average common man will nevertheless be a lesser deity. In the great pantheon of gods and goddesses now being set up by the Secret Brotherhood, there are those who are greater gods, whose destiny it is to control, direct, and show the way for the lesser deities.

  Beware the Inferior Subhuman Species

  Therefore, one of the chief ways that the Secret Brotherhood has established a supreme level of control of men’s minds is through the employment of flattery. It is an axiom that men and women love to be flattered. And to be told that they are a god-like species who are evolving toward divinity is the most dynamic form of flattery. But even though men are flattered today into believing that they have control over their own destinies, and that they need only do as they will, they are also being instructed that not all men and women are divine.

  Regrettably, the mind controllers carefully explain, there are some people in this world who are of an inferior species. These subhumans are a cancerous stain on humanity. They are the ones responsible for all of the world’s ills. The subhuman species, the claim goes, is polluting our rivers and oceans, and cutting down millennia old forests with reckless abandon. The unfit ones are teaching the children of earth that they must stay bound to the old traditionalist religions such as Biblical Christianity, and even spouting the horrible philosophy that one’s own nation should come first. Why, the subhuman, inferior species even believes and teaches that world government is evil!

  These subhumans must be stopped, the drumbeaters maintain. They are too competitive, have accumulated negative karma, and are a roadblock to the fulfillment of the dreams of the masses. A system of worldwide control must therefore be established to insure that the inferior species of men does not diminish the Great Work being accomplished by the masses of god-people.

  As Brad and Francie Steiger proclaim in their book The Gods of Aquarius, “Rigid and foolproof control must be established to eliminate destructive competition.” If intelligence is to reign on planet earth, say the Steigers, a system must be devised to eliminate the possibility that those less genetically developed can throw a monkey wrench in the works. The problem, they contend, is to have a system that will transform all of us into “perfect citizens who will behave ideally and love and help everyone else always.”

  “That is the problem that must be solved. The solutions advanced to date, however, have not solved the problem,” complain the Steigers. Therefore, “we must discard them all in search for a new approach.” 4

  Their answer to the problems caused by all those “imperfect humans” now alive who are fouling up the system is the Teilhardian solution. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was a Catholic priest in whose writings are found the seeds for the New Age philosophy being promoted by the Secret Brotherhood. That philosophy holds that man is fast evolving toward collective godhood and that the entire planet is gravitating toward what is called the Omega Point. At this stage of human development, de Chardin writes, man and the planet are becoming perfect and god-like. However, the question is what to do with those few rebels, troublemakers, and other inferior beings who are unable to adapt to the “new way of thinking” required to reach this glorious Omega Point. 5

  Toward A World Brain—“Superbrain”

  The Steigers believe that man must give up some freedom in exchange for achieving self-divinity. We should listen to what they have to say because my investigation reveals that their solution is exactly what has been promoted for many decades now by the czars of the secret societies: the Secret Brotherhood. First, the Steigers write that, while they “hope for the maximum individual freedom” for mankind, unfortunately, to develop perfect man and perfect world—individual freedom must be limited. Freedom for humanity must remain “within the constraints of minimum essential inner-individual control.” 6

  What does this mean? Well, it means that to overcome the roadblocks to world unity posed by the sub-divine, inferior species who refuse or are unable to go along and adapt, a great leveling must occur. All men must be linked together into a great World Brain. Only through a homogenization of men’s minds and an interlinking of human potential everywhere can perfection be achieved:

  The only viable solution is to link the brains of all men into one giant superbrain. It is the entire species which has been developing, and it is the entire species which now must be linked into one superbeing. 7

  The linkage of the brains of all men and women into one giant superbrain will be a wonderful event, the Steiger’s suggest. It will allow each person to function individually but all are to come “under the control of a single linked species nervous system.” A great by-product of this, they maintain, is that the beings, egos, and personalities of the brains that are integrated will dissolve and merge into one single being, ego and personality. This, they say, will be a great advancement for humanity: “Thus, linkage admirably ends the destructive competition between the formerly separated brains and words like ‘we’ and ‘each other’ will no longer exist; there will only be one ‘I’ in the universe.” 8

  It is puzzling to me that such intelligent people as Brad and Francie Steiger cannot see the ominous cloud that hangs over their proposed solution. They are so intent on promoting the globalist unity gospel that they fail to detect the horrors inherent in linking all men’s minds into one great superbrain. They have no concept of the repugnance of erasing the consciousness of the individual person by merging his or her individual identity into one great global all-seeing eye. The gospel of globalism has now progressed so far that a tremendous threat to personal freedom and individual liberty and rights has raised its ugly head. That ugly head reveals the traces of the behind-the-scenes work of the Secret Brotherhood.

  The men of the Secret Brotherhood understand the reality of global linkage. They know that a World Brain and a unified, planetary way of thinking will allow them to establish the most elaborate and minute form of control over the affairs of men. Finally, the “Great Work” can be achieved: Earth and its peoples will be illuminized and perfected.

  Through the science of mind control, the total domination of mankind by a merging of all minds is now made possible. The ability to network and merge people’s thoughts, desires, hungers, longings, and even fears is finally being reached. The Omega Point is here, n
ow. That is why a Lucis Trust publication preaches to us that a synthesis of human minds is a cardinal requirement for mankind today:

  We need...the political synthesis of a World Federation with the...World Brain... We need also a planetary way of life, a planetary ethics and a planetary way of feeling to supply the powerful drive we shall require for the great tasks that lie ahead of us. 9

  The conspirators are therefore plotting to hypnotize the masses and dissolve all differences so that a unity-conscious World Mind or Global Brain can result. The question is, who will program this World Mind? If the World Mind, made up of billions of human beings as its cells, thinks only one way—the new way—who is it that will determine what is politically correct and spiritually correct? The real crux of the problem is this: Who will be at the control center of the Global Brain? Alexander Solzhenitsyn once warned, if the core of a tree is rotten the whole tree must be uprooted and destroyed.

  Mind as Computer, The Brotherhood as Its Operator

  What those who would control men’s minds are most desirous of is a type of computerized universe. Computer scientist David Foster, an authority on cybernetics, has written about this concept. In his book, The Intelligent Universe: A Cybernetic Philosophy, he sets forth a concept that the universe is alive and is intelligent. The universe, Foster writes, is like one, gigantic computer. It is, he adds, a computer that can be controlled by the minds of experts, men of superior minds and intellect. 10 As Foster explains:


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