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Not Destiny

Page 26

by N. J. Lysk

  He looked up until he met Thomas’s eyes, only to find his partner had closed his own. “Look at me,” he said, and it came out too low and powerful.

  Thomas’s eyes snapped open, the body under his shuddered. Did he like orders after all?

  There had definitely been some alpha will there, which betas as well as omegas were susceptible to—not as completely, but then again, they often couldn’t tell it was being used on them.

  “Did you feel that?” Uri checked, not letting go but making sure his voice was normal.

  “Yeah...” Thomas nodded, neck falling loosely to the side as he relaxed into Uri’s grip. “It’s... It’s good,” he said thickly. Uri could barely breathe through the urge to put his teeth to his bobbing throat.

  “Safe word?” he asked tightly.

  Thomas swallowed again, and Uri loosened his grip. It was essential for both their sakes to make it clear he would stop unless they were perfectly clear on what they were doing.

  “Colours okay?” his lover asked after a moment. He was having trouble focusing, Uri thought, seeing his enlarged pupils and parted lips.

  “Purple is too much, white keep going?”

  Thomas gave him a lazy nod.

  “What colour are you?” Uri asked, rubbing his thumb against Thomas’s pulse point.

  “Pearly,” Thomas told him cheekily.

  Uri gave him what he was asking for and gripped harder. Thomas let out a little sigh, relaxing into it. “I thought domination didn’t do it for you.”

  “What?” Thomas frowned. “It does, I told you.”

  “But you don’t...”

  “Oh, subspace. Not really, but hey, feel free to keep trying.” His smile was almost lazy now.

  It seemed so easy for him to say that, Uri thought, both admiring and a little jealous. “Bedroom,” he decided, stepping back and letting go.

  Thomas let out a little sound of complaint but straightened his massive form and followed.

  “ARMS UP,” HE ORDERED. Thomas didn’t hesitate to obey. He stayed still as Uri pulled his shirt over his head, then waited for Uri to lower his arms for him and push him backwards until he was lying flat on the bed, knees a little spread, trousers bulging. His green eyes were dark and heavy-lidded, and when Uri stepped back to admire the beauty that were his core muscles, he shivered.

  “You’re beautiful,” he told him with boldness born from a tenderness he couldn’t suppress. No, that he didn’t want to suppress. “And you know it, don’t you?” Thomas’s eyes were stuck on his face even as his cheeks grew visibly darker. Uri rested his knee between Thomas’s thighs and ran the tips of his fingers down the middle of his abs and down his happy trail.

  Thomas’s throat bobbed as he swallowed, eyes still on Uri’s face. “I want to mark you up,” Uri confessed, digging his nails a little on the way up.

  “Do,” Thomas said, voice trembling a little.

  Uri paused. “Where?”

  Thomas laughed, nervous and shaky. “Everywhere.”

  The image was powerful enough to make him freeze in place and look away, needing to compose himself. He popped open the button of Thomas’s trousers, then unzipped him, brushing the back of his knuckles down the bulge there and drinking in the sharp intake of breath that earned him. Beyond the slight trembling he couldn’t control, Thomas didn’t move, letting him do as he pleased. Uri dipped his thumb into the indentation of his belly button, fingers caressing the expanse of stomach they could reach, then braced his legs and put his other hand on Thomas’s other hip, tightening his grip around his sides and tugging his trousers and underwear sharply down as far as they would go.

  “Up,” he ordered, and Thomas lifted for him, letting him slide everything down, whimpering softly as his dick popped free and bounced a little against his own belly. The sight was so enticing, Uri was leaning closer and inhaling before he’d fully processed it. Thomas exhaled in turn, shifting his hips a little, obviously unable to stop himself.

  In fact, Uri was surprised at how still he was managing to stay—he normally couldn’t keep from fidgeting. He glanced up to check and found Thomas had closed his eyes and tilted his head back, a picture of submission worth carving in gold. “Thomas? You good?”

  Thomas’s response was too low for him to hear past the pounding of his own heart, so he had to insist. “Louder.”

  His lover opened his eyes and shot him an annoyed look. “White.”

  “Good,” Uri told him, grinning. He bent closer and gripped Thomas’s thigh hard enough to feel the muscles tense in reflex. He let himself watch the contrast of his own skin against Thomas’s, then slowly slid his gaze back up. “Still good?”

  Thomas rolled his eyes at him, so Uri let go. “Answer me, or I’m stopping.”

  “Yes, good,” Thomas said, lower this time, less defiant. “I like that it hurts.”

  “And you want to remember that it hurt,” Uri said, the answer coming to him from somewhere deep.

  “Yes.” Thomas groaned, shuddering in his grip as unashamedly as he did everything else.

  Uri let go of his leg and shifted so he was sitting right on top of Thomas’s bare cock. He hesitated, aware the cloth of his trousers had to be too rough on the sensitive skin. He put a hand down next to Thomas’s face and bent low to whisper right into his mouth. “You want to remember you’re mine.”

  Thomas’s hips bucked under him, one hand coming up to grip his side hard enough to leave marks of its own. Uri almost overbalanced before he managed to slam Thomas’s stray wrist back onto the bedding next to his head. “No,” he growled.

  Thomas was panting, eyelashes fluttering like he couldn’t quite control if he opened his eyes or not. But he subsided at once, going pliant under Uri’s own tense body.

  The feeling made Uri’s cock throb with want, as if the relaxation signalled it was time to... His brain stuttered, shying away from the thought. But there was no reason it should, it was true. Thomas had asked for it, and Uri wanted it more than anything, why shouldn’t it be true? Even if it was an alpha fantasy? He was an alpha, and he liked fucking. It was no crime, no moral weakness, no surrender on his own part to the demands of society. It was just what he liked. No, one of the things he liked, and with a partner this willing, no more shameful than anything else.

  “I need to get my clothes off,” he told Thomas, gently rubbing his wrists before letting go. Thomas’s eyes snapped open at once, seeking his own. Uri offered him a smile, as reassuring as he could make it. “Stay.”

  He got to his feet and took the chance to take Thomas’s shoes off before taking care of his own clothes. He made himself fold them over the armchair in the corner like he normally would, aware of the mounting tension filling the room. He was rapidly going from hard to aching, but it was its own kind of pleasure.

  Thomas wasn’t the only one who enjoyed a little pain.

  When he turned back to the bed, he discovered his lover had taken his instructions rather loosely; he was still on the bed, but he’d curled onto his side to watch Uri undress. And he had a hand on his own erection, teasing more than stroking but still absolutely infuriating.

  “Hands off,” Uri snapped. It came out a little harsh, and he’d have apologized if Thomas’s hand hadn’t left his groin as fast as it did. It not only exposed his leaking cock, red and curved against his hip, but his torso, also flushed dark.

  He’d planned to linger, but now he just went for the lube in the bedside drawer, pretending not to hear Thomas’s breathing grow faster as he understood where things were headed.

  He turned back to the bed but didn’t climb back on, instead meeting Thomas’s eyes once more and asking. “Colour?”

  It took Thomas a moment and a couple blinks to respond, “White,” but Uri didn’t doubt his sincerity because of it.

  He nodded, uncapping the bottle without looking away. “Spread your legs for me,” he asked.

  Thomas bent them as well, leaving his balls—heavy and full—unsheltered and vulnerable.
Uri licked his lips. “Very nice,” he praised, and he’d been right, a shiver ran through Thomas like electricity—he loved being told how beautiful he was.

  He knelt between Thomas’s legs, his own skin aching to be closer to the heat of Thomas’s body, into the heat of him. Deep. As deep as he could go. He tensed his muscles and squirted some lube into his left hand instead, then dropped the tube and used his right to cup Thomas’s sack, rubbing slightly at the velvety weight of it. Thomas shuddered violently enough his knee knocked against Uri’s hip.

  “Shhh... Patience,” Uri told him, teasing himself as much as his lover. Then he put his wet fingers where they both wanted them, pressing the tip of his index against Thomas’s hole and letting the rest of the lube smudge between Thomas’s arse cheeks and over his balls.

  Thomas exhaled, body opening up in welcome, and Uri had to bite his own lip to keep from making a noise. It didn’t quite work because Thomas’s gaze snapped to his face, but Uri wasn’t one to give up. He pushed the finger deeper, past the first knuckle, and that was plenty of distraction even before he decided Thomas was loose enough for a second one right away.

  Time still blurred as he worked his fingers inside the silky heat of Thomas’s arse, each jab getting less careful as his lover’s breathing turned ragged, a plea in the form of oxygen.

  “Colour?” he asked again, and Thomas opened his mouth and whimpered, then reached out for Uri’s wrist and tugged, managing to open his eyes long enough to ask that way.

  He could have insisted on words. Any other time.... With anyone else... But he didn’t need to. He could read the answer clear as day on Thomas’s face, and he wasn’t afraid.

  He wasn’t afraid of what he could do, for once, he knew his strength hadn’t changed, but he believed in Thomas’s strength enough to know his own wouldn’t overwhelm him.

  He thrust his fingers in deeper still, a little rougher. “Uri,” Thomas said, more moan than word, but his hand was still clutching too tight around Uri’s wrist. He was so strong that he was holding on too tight, enough to hurt a little. And Uri wanted it there, a last reassurance, a silent promise.

  Thomas’s dick was leaking precome all over his belly, and Uri’s mouth was dry with wanting to lick it up, but... but he couldn’t postpone this any longer. They both needed it, he could tell by the way the body around his fingers was clenching and twisting as he rubbed at the little bump of Thomas’s prostate.

  “I’m going to fuck you now,” he told him. That simple. The truth, unvarnished.

  “F—finally,” Thomas shot back, tensing and releasing in preparation. He knew what he was doing, and Uri had to shove the thought away of someone else touching him like this, of—

  He took hold of his own erection, too tight on purpose to keep from finishing all over the glistening mess of Thomas’s naked body. Thomas frowned up at him but waited, watching Uri watch him, waiting until Uri had had enough.

  Uri suspected he never would.

  But he lifted Thomas’s right leg and bent it backwards, watching Thomas’s eyelashes flutter like hummingbirds against his reddened cheeks as Uri curled his fingers inside him. Thomas’s cock twitched against his thigh and he still didn’t move. For Uri.

  He pulled his fingers out slowly, feeling every ridge and massaging every millimetre, listening for every hitch of Thomas’s breath and every shudder of overstimulation. And then his hand was free, and he could push Thomas’s left leg along with his right and watch his empty hole twitch, shiny with lube. He shifted his knees forward until Thomas’s legs were bracketing his hips, then raised his eyes to his lover’s face again. “Look at me,” he asked, gentler this time.

  It was harder for Thomas to comply, but he pushed his palms against the bedding and lifted his face enough to meet Uri’s eyes. Uri smiled at him in reward. “You are amazing,” he whispered.

  It didn’t feel excessive or overly sentimental, just the truth.

  Thomas’s eyes widened, his body tensing for a moment before his lips curved into a smile. Uri didn’t say anything, just pressed his cock to Thomas’s arse.

  They exhaled together, Thomas’s smile stuttering as Uri thrust just enough to get the head past the ring of muscle. His mouth opened to breathe in, then as he let the air go, Uri felt the gripping heat around him give a little. He instinctively leaned in, and Thomas took him deeper.

  “Fuck, you’re big,” he muttered. It was the first time he’d spoken unprompted and it made Uri freeze.

  Thomas caught it on his face, offering a twisted smile in apology for breaking the unspoken rules of their little game. Uri shook his head at him; he didn’t expect Thomas to pretend to be something he wasn’t. What they did wasn’t who they were, not for Thomas and not for him, even if this seemed to align with what an alpha should want, with what an omega or a beta would give.

  It could look the same, but it didn’t have to mean the same, not for them.

  He sank in a little deeper, sighing into Thomas’s shoulder, lips almost reaching the sweaty skin. And then Thomas’s heels dug into his own arse and pulled him in farther and farther, until he was buried as deep as he could go. He groaned, arms shaking with the effort of keeping himself upright when he hadn’t been ready. “Legs down,” he told Thomas firmly.

  Regretfully, he had to pull out a little to get his knees closer to Thomas’s arse, but it was worth it for the delicious slide back in, Thomas shuddering from head to toes with every inch that went into him. “Like that?”

  Thomas didn’t speak, just dug his nails deeper into Uri’s biceps. They didn’t need words, their bodies knew how to do this. Uri’s hips rolled as if pulled by the tide and he fell into it, breaking himself into Thomas’s body each time, growing stronger each time he was taken into the warmth of his lover’s body. He could have stopped himself from putting his teeth to Thomas’s shoulder, but he didn’t have to.

  Thomas whimpered under him, at the dick shoved against his prostrate, or the teeth bruising his skin—not too much just yet, but enough to see. Uri could taste his sweat and skin in his mouth and never wanted to taste anything else again, but he let go, needing to watch him toss his head to the side and expose the pale line of his throat—vulnerable but wide and strong too, something wild to it that spoke of power leashed.

  An impossibly expanding tension was filling Uri to the brim so fast he thought he’d not be able to bear it, making his skin burn and his balls throb with each smooth penetration, each welcoming squeeze. Thomas made a noise—pleasure, desperation, ecstasy, pain... Good or bad, it was too close to the edge to be borne long.

  Uri put his elbow on the bed and took his mouth, plunging his tongue inside as soon as he had the chance, licking clumsily at whatever he could reach even as their bodies sped up their already frantic rhythm.

  Thomas tugged at him by the hair, kissing back just as fiercely, twisting his hips to thrust onto Uri’s cock in his arse like he wanted him deeper still.

  It was impossible, Uri knew, bottoming out again and again. But he tried anyway, pushing himself to his limit as he increased not just the speed but the force of his thrusts. It was enough to make Thomas let out a series of whimpers only interrupted by desperate gasps, but it wasn’t enough for him to come. And unless Uri wanted to fall onto his face...

  “Touch your cock,” he growled. Thomas let go of his waist like he’d caught fire and shoved his hand between their bodies, arching into his own touch and clenching around Uri’s cock in reflex, eyes closed, muscles shining, utterly silent for once.

  And then Uri felt him come, the impossibly oppressing heat, almost crossing the line into pain. His own orgasm felt ripped from him, a wave he hadn’t seen coming wiping him flat with a force he had no hope of overcoming. He bent forward, following his body through the necessary movements like a man swimming not to drown. He managed to keep one of his elbows under himself even as he rested his chest and forehead against Thomas’s burning skin.

  As their bellies came into contact, he felt Thomas flinch
a little, then relax again. “Shh,” he whispered, then braced himself and pulled out, making even more of a mess of the sheets that Thomas’s own release had already made. Thomas snorted, squirming, and Uri shifted to the side and reached for a corner of the sheet to clean him up. Thomas made no attempt to help, eyes bright and sleepy.

  Uri folded the sheet, then rolled him over to the dry part of the bed, earning himself a genuine giggle for his efforts. He was back on top, halfway to asleep himself, but Thomas’s bitten lips were too close to resist, and his tongue was soft and strong in his mouth as he sucked at it.

  He was too warm, but he didn’t want to move away. Thomas indulged him, rubbing his back with his big, powerful hands until Uri relaxed into the embrace.

  Eventually, breathing became a necessity, and he turned his head and buried his face into Thomas’s neck.

  “Haven’t bitten me there yet,” Thomas told him, panting almost as much as Uri was—stamina didn’t apply to this, apparently.

  Then the words hit, like a sharp burst of pleasure, not completely sexual. Mostly just... He lifted his head enough to look at him. “Thomas,” he said, it was the only word he could find. He didn’t know what he meant but it hurt a little to say, his throat too tight over it.

  Thomas got an elbow under himself, body tilted his way, face open. He reached slowly towards Uri with his free hand.

  They were close, but he still had plenty of time to move away. He didn’t, spellbound, heart racing, adrenaline rushing through his bloodstream like— Thomas’s fingertips ran through his stubble, more a whisper than a caress. “You don’t have to,” he said, green eyes soft. “I know I’m not—”

  “You are,” Uri blurted out.

  The beta frowned, swallowing. “What?”

  “You are,” Uri insisted. It was like he existed in this single instant. He raised his own hand and pressed Thomas’s palm to his cheek, keeping him in place.


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