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Frost Fire

Page 10

by Michelle Howard

  They shuffled toward the front when a loud crack sounded, sending chills down Faris’ spine. Rena stepped to the side, pushing the teens ahead of her. Her courage thrilled and angered him.

  “Keep going, Rena.”

  She rolled her eyes and let the others go. More rumbles, this time the entire ground rocked. Jarel soared past her as he raced ahead with his friends.

  Vibrations shot up Faris’ legs and his inner Dracol screamed in protective fury. “Rena!”

  Chunks of rocks fell from above. Faris shoved her hard and Rena flew the last feet, clearing the entrance along with him. They hit the ground at the same time and Faris rolled to a protective crouch above her. Behind them the interior of the cave shuddered then came crashing down. Powdered snow and frozen turf burst upward in a white cloud, concealing his vision briefly.

  When everything cleared, Faris gazed down at Rena. Worry glinted at him from a face filled with strength, the bold slash of her mouth tight. “Is everyone alright, Faris?”

  Of course she’d be concerned about the others. A quick check reassured him. The fools huddled together further away down the path he’d cleared earlier and were at no risk of danger. “We all made it out.”

  Rena sighed, relaxing under him. “Good.”

  Her smile was shaky. Faris wanted to grab her and shelter her somewhere safe. Too bad she would never have allowed that. He surged to his feet and reached for Rena’s hand. He pulled and she was up on her feet next to him. “I guess that was a bit of an adventure.”

  There was too much adrenaline flowing through his veins for Faris to laugh at her comment. “I could do without adventure.”

  He rubbed at his throbbing chest and the growing hole spreading inside. For one brief minute, Faris had wanted to step away and listen to everyone scream in terror as they died.

  Chapter 14

  After they had the youth settled with their scolding families, Rena stopped Faris from dragging her to his home.

  “I have to go see my parents, Faris. I’m sure they heard about the incident by now and will be frantic.”

  Probably. Rena’s parents put all their love into their only child. They gave her space to be independent, but nothing would stop their need to see her safe and unhurt with their own eyes.

  That didn’t stop his initial reaction. He wanted her with him. Next to him. Drawing a deep breath, he gave the appropriate response, hoping he hid his disappointment. “If you’re certain.”

  Her fingers massaged his wrist, sending his pulse thumping in response. “I’ll come by tonight, or you can come see me at my place.”

  He’d like that. The idea of being surrounded by Rena’s scent and her belongings appealed, except for one thing. His advisor needed to know the truth. The time for secrecy was over. “I need to speak with Simeon first.”

  Easing closer, Rena ran her hands up his bare arms and settled on his shoulders. She licked her lips, her gaze darkening with arousal. “Then later?”

  Faris groaned and fought the urge to thrust and rock against her. Since he wouldn’t be spending the next hours between her thighs, he might as well move forward with the next step he’d spent the trip back thinking on. His actions in the cave, the consequences if he hadn’t been able to pull himself together would have been devastating. “After the meeting. I’m calling the sect together tonight.”

  Stiffening, Rena narrowed her gaze on him. “What is it?”

  There was no reason to hide from her. “It’s...bad.”

  Faris had no other way to describe it. Rena’s presence kept him tethered to doing what was right, yet even now he strained to slash his claws across her inquisitive face.

  Fucking whore.

  Faris flinched and moved away. The directives to kill and maim were starting to feel as if they were his own thoughts. Faris jammed his hands through his hair. It was hard to tell any more. “Be at the meeting, Rena. We’ll talk more then.”

  “Faris!” Rena grabbed his arm above the elbow. Firm and calm, she emphasized one word. “Together.”

  If only that was possible. Faris slid his palm along her face, skin softer than anything he had a right to touch. “I’ll do my best, Rena.”

  Parting was difficult, but Faris made himself turn away. He hadn’t taken two steps before Rena snagged his braid and spun him around. She slid forward, bumping their chests into one another. He caught her at the hips in reflex. Pressing her lips to his, she repeated softly, “Together.”

  Nodding, Faris freed his braid from her light grip and strode away before she could convince him otherwise. Before she demanded to remain at his side as if she alone had the power to keep him stable.

  Faris couldn’t trust love alone. Love had failed him in the past. He had to put the things he and the others had discussed into motion. Whatever it took to save his sect and Rena. There was never another option.

  And with every step and distance he created between him and Rena, Faris’ head filled with the loud buzzing of a thousand bugs battering at him. Slivers of ice crawled over his heart, freezing it one piece at a time.


  Before she could seek them, Rena’s parents found her outside her workshop. The snow had stopped but the ground in front her door was muddy and huge puddles had formed in front of the door. She heaved a sigh and shook her head at the thought of tracking through it until it dried.

  Putting that behind her she answered her mother’s persistent questioning. “I’ve told you, I’m fine. I wasn’t injured. Faris and I were more concerned with making sure those kids were safe.”

  Her parents shared a glance, the secret message of long term liras easy to read. It was her father who spoke first. “Well, we’re glad you weren’t hurt.”

  Her mother made no effort at restraint and went straight to the crux. “What were you doing with the king? I always wondered why things didn’t work out after you spent your First Fire together.”

  Rena wasn’t sure if Faris wanted her talking about the madness which consumed him and was attacking the sects one by one. She stuck to a simple reply. “It wasn’t our time.”

  Her parents had been very aware of her relationship with Faris and had been equally aware when he abruptly ended things. Then he’d used the mantle to blur their history to everyone, including her parents. At the time, it had hurt, but now Rena was grateful she didn’t have to explain the details of the past with them.

  “Hmph. I’m not sure when your time is if you don’t think our king is good enough.”

  Snort laughing, Rena hugged her mother once more then stepped back. “We’re taking things slow. A lot is going on. I’ll let you know if you should be looking for a dress. Promise.”

  Talya sent another glance at her lira before facing Rena. “I’m hoping for a mating ceremony.”

  Not a surprise to Rena. Without waiting for confirmation or denial, her mother tugged on her father’s arm and dragged him away. He managed to twist his head about and wink at Rena who could only smile and finger wave at him.

  She had every intention of having a mating ceremony this time around. Her brow creased as she headed home. She didn’t like to think of the resigned expression Faris had worn when he walked away from her earlier. Going over it more and more, Rena decided to find her friends Mari and Shela to get their insight.

  When they got together at Mari’s place, it was Shela who leaned across the circular table they sat at amid food and drink while glaring at Rena. “Let me get this straight. You and Faris were hot and heated some years ago and he wiped out everyone’s memory of the event.”

  It sounded so much worst aloud. “Yes.”

  Shela smacked her palm on the table. The glower on her face threatened retaliation. “He may be our ruler, but that doesn’t give him the right to use the mantle in such a devious way.”

  “Oh, believe me I know,” Rena agreed. She didn’t bother mentioning how Faris had attempted to steal her memories as well.

  Mari sighed, gold eyes going dreamy. “I don’t know. I
think it’s romantic.”

  Both Rena and Shela turned and gaped.

  “It is,” Mari insisted. “Maybe he didn’t want the memory of you lingering and reminding him of what a fool he was to lose you.”

  The lie around Faris’ actions sat like a stone in Rena’s gut. These were her best friends. They’d been beside her through a lot. “Well, after a lot of talking, Faris and I have decided to move forward with a relationship.”

  Getting anything past Shela was hard and she proved it by straightening in her seat, eyeing Rena carefully. “You’ve already slept with him.”

  It was part accusation, part statement. Rena flushed, avoiding a direct answer. “That’s not what I’m talking about.”

  “You have.” Shela sounded even more certain. Her grin split wide across her face. “You and our king are fucking and you haven’t said a word.”

  Mari studied Rena with the same intense scrutiny. “I’m going to agree with Shela. You’ve hit the furs with King Faris.”

  Heat stinging her cheeks, Rena pushed from the table and stood. “Whether we have or not, isn’t the point.”

  “The question is, how long have you been holding out on us?” Shela probed.

  Mari laughed. “He was staring at her after the festival.”

  Rena remembered the moment very well. Two days after that Faris had showed up while she was working. The kissing and all that came after left her wishing she could return to his bed right now. They had a lot of time to make up for.

  “Are you going to be liras?” Shela’s tone grew serious as she propped her chin on her fist.

  Rena swallowed. “It’s the plan.”

  Mari was on her feet in an instant and wrapped her arms about Rena. “Then we’re happy for the two of you.”

  Shela joined them, forming a group hug and murmured against Rena’s temple. “If he messes it up, I reserve the right to hurt him.”

  She’d have to beat Rena to it.

  Chapter 15

  Rena stretched on her toes, trying to see over the heads around her. She, Mari and Shela had arrived late for the sect meeting and were at the back of the crowd gathered in front of Faris’ home. Simeon had come out first and greeted everyone. They waited for him to say more but he explained more would come from their sire.

  Minutes passed and now those closest to her were getting antsy and mumbling under their breath. Many of the questions pertained to the reason for the late evening meeting. Some thought it had to do with the rescue at the cave earlier. Only Rena knew it was far more serious.

  Someone started a chant. “King Faris! King Faris! Long live the Silver!”

  The cheer increased in volume the longer it took for Faris to arrive. Rena contemplated going inside to find him. What if something had happened? What if the madness finally got a hold in him and wouldn’t let go? He’d said she kept it back. Her presence helped him. Rena shifted to the side, prepared to push through and find Faris when another cheer went up. This one louder than the others.

  And then he was there. Rena’s heart swelled at Faris’ appearance. He stood tall and proud dressed in a high-collared silver tunic which reached his knees. The single strip of white fur running down his left side from shoulder to hem emphasized the breadth of his muscular form. She’d forgotten how tall and imposing he was.

  Matching silver pants were tucked neatly into Faris’ fur lined boots and his hair was loose about his shoulders in a sleek, silver wave.

  Females around Rena sighed and it wasn’t hard to read the lust in their eyes. She wanted to shove her way to the front and warn them off but forced herself to stay in the back.

  The mantle swirled, energy humming through Rena’s veins with a sudden surge of power. It was a dramatic show of strength and control. Elation filled Rena at the surfeit of love cascading along the connection that tied them all together mentally and emotionally to their ruler and the goddess.

  More cheers rang out and through it all, Faris remained stoic. He faced everyone, hands clasped behind his back with his head tipped down as Simeon whispered in his ear. He might appear distracted, but at no point did the blast of power he sent down the mantle waver.

  Faris gave a succinct nod and Simeon moved away. The advisor raised his hand for silence and all chatter and talk stopped instantly.

  “Members of the Silver.” Simeon’s voice resonated with a deep calm Rena could only appreciate. His expression didn’t reveal any concern about what Faris had likely shared with him. “Our King comes to us with grave news. Over the last year a sickness has spread through the sects. A sickness cast down from the Goddess of Fate herself.”

  There were a few gasps. Rena eased her way forward a bit, noticing Mari and Shela keeping pace with her.

  “The Black and Green have suffered great losses because of the sickness,” Simeon continued. “All of the kings have been working together for a resolution, but at this time there is no answer.”

  Rena kept her gaze on Faris. Simeon paused to let the weight of his words sink in. “It saddens me to share that the illness, a madness as it’s being called, has come to the frozen land of the Silver.”

  Faces paled, loved ones huddled together. Through it all, Rena never looked away from Faris. He scanned the crowd and finally his gaze landed on her. She sensed the torment behind his bland expression and took another step forward.

  Shela grasped her elbow and hissed, “Rena, what are you doing?”

  “What do we do? How do we fight this?” Someone called out.

  Another asked the most important. “Who’s affected?”

  Everyone fell quiet, waiting.

  “Our King,” Simeon answered in a solemn tone.

  There was a huge outcry and the entire sect drew back. The growing tension caused Rena’s throat to constrict. Faris chose that moment to speak. He clasped Simeon on the shoulder. “It has been a long and difficult battle, but it is only fair to warn you all of the madness I struggle with daily. I am working with King Rylin, King Varyk and King Konlan to reach an answer.”

  Smaller conversations broke out, speculations and the stench of fear. The fear was strong.

  “Did you know about this?” Shela asked in a low tone.

  Rena pulled her attention away from Faris. He was speaking to another member of the sect who’d yelled out a question. “Yes. Faris and I have been talking about it.”

  “Should we be worried?” Mari asked, nibbling her bottom lip.

  Rena chose to be completely honest with them. “Yes. This is a really big deal. The Black sect was hit hardest and liras died. The Green managed to stop one of their own from destroying the alliance between sects. For now. There’s no telling if there will be more who fall to the madness among the Silver.”

  “What about the Purple? King Faris mentioned King Konlan.”

  Shela was sharp.

  “There’s been no word from them yet or it hasn’t reached us.” The nomadic nature of the Purple sect and their underwater lifestyle made communicating difficult and often there were long time gaps between responses.

  Shela’s lips pressed tight together. She grabbed Rena by the shoulders. “How will this—”


  Faris calling her name broke off the rest of what her friend was about to say. Rena didn’t stop to think of how her actions looked. She turned from Shela and Mari and made her way to the front. Stares followed her and a path opened a direct line for her to the porch.

  Faris reached for her and Rena leaped up the three steps to join him. He clasped her hand and directed her to face the crowd then slid behind her, arms going about her waist. “Twenty years ago, I did a disservice to the female I loved. Unable to handle the responsibilities of the mantle, I cast aside the one I wanted for my lira. Without her consent, I tore the memory of what we were to one another from the entire sect.”

  Rena stiffened, amazed as Faris admitted to what he’d done. He shifted and moved his hands to cup her jaw and tipped her face up. Rena’s stomach muscles co
ntracted. Still speaking to the crowd, he said, “I am lucky Rena forgave me.”

  Ripples rolled through the mantle and Rena shuddered as shock waves of cold flooded her body. Cries rang out and muffled groans rang out through the crowd. Rena blinked at the impact of what he’d done. Shining clear and prominent was the memory of their relationship, all they’d been before, during and after their First Fire.

  Baring his soul for the entire sect to witness, Faris included everything he had felt for Rena and the pain of parting from her. He left nothing to guess. Rena’s gut clenched hard at his actions. His mouth curved up at the corner. “My Rena.”

  Forgetting about decorum, Rena flung herself against him. She buried her face in his neck as she inhaled his scent and thanked the goddess they were together. Love swirled about her, the glide of the mantle a gentle stroke to her senses. Licks against her nipples, a dip between her thighs.

  Rena jerked back on a gasp. “Faris!”

  He grinned unrepentantly at abusing his powers and winked before returning his attention to their people. “Don’t be startled at the arrival of the kings from the other sects. I have invited them because the end will come if this can’t be stopped.”

  Ignoring anymore questions, Faris tugged Rena by the hand and escaped into his home where he closed the door behind him.

  Outside, Simeon was saying something Rena couldn’t make out. Faris led her straight to his bedroom. Once there he tossed Rena to the bed and she bounced on her butt.

  “Faris!” This time her exclamation was mixed with a laugh.

  He tore at his tunic, ripping it over his head and giving Rena an excellent view of the contours of his chest and abs while he bent to remove the straps around his ankles and yanked his boots off.

  “Undress. I need you,” he ordered, glancing up as he undid the flap of his pants.

  Rena considered refusing to tease, but the more of his body he bared, the more her desire awakened and she had no intention of missing out. When they were both nude, Faris joined her on the bed, the weight of his body a delicious pressure on top of her.


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