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Amy's Santa: Satan's Devils MC Second Generation #1

Page 11

by Manda Mellett

I stand, move swiftly to the armchair he’s sitting in and leaning my hands on the arms either side of him rasp, “You saying it’s her fault because of the places she likes to frequent?”

  “Whoa.” Wraith raises his hands in surrender. “Walking down the street can be fuckin’ dangerous. And the only fuckin’ fault lies with that motherfucker, Flint. None with her.”

  Slightly appeased, I straighten.

  Drummer claps his hands to get us to listen to him, well, all he can do without a gavel and table. “So, we’re agreed we take him out, and that we doing it on the QT.”

  “Tomorrow,” Wraith suggests, with a quick grin, “we’re just old-timers wanting to go for a Boxing Day ride while all our brothers are sleeping off today’s overindulgences.”

  His old lady, Sophie, was originally surprised the day after Christmas wasn’t an official holiday in the United States. Must admit those Brits have got it right, after eating too much and heavily drinking, let alone the partying, not many people are up for much after Christmas Day. Over the years her approach has rubbed off on us, and we all put down our tools and don’t pick them back up until we get back to work the day after.

  “I like that plan,” says Drummer, his lips curving up in a grin. The one you don’t want to be on the wrong end of. “Ten a.m.?”

  “Wait, we need to find Flint’s whereabouts…”

  Mouse looks to the ceiling and back down. “Tracking his phone, Brother.”

  Of course he is. But I’ve another concern. “What if he’s with his wife and family?”

  “We draw him out.”

  Easy to suggest, but how would we get to him. “Saying what?”

  “Blade, your knife skills still good getting air out of tyres?”

  Blade snarls, “Of course they fuckin’ are.”

  His knife throwing skills have only been honed over the years. Not the first time he’s slashed tyres at a distance.

  We let Mouse keep the floor, all leaning forward to hear what he’s planning.

  He doesn’t disappoint. “Took a good look at where he lives.” Leaning forward, he repositions some drink mats and glasses. “Here’s where he keeps his car, around the side of the house where there’s a blind spot. High hedges between his and the houses either side, and a privacy fence out front. We slash his tyres, and one of us goes to the house and like any good passerby tells him they saw kids doing it and running off.”

  “He comes out to check the damage and we nab him.” Peg’s looking animated now. He tugs at his beard. “Need the crash truck.” He raises his eyebrows at Drummer.

  “Blade, you okay to drive it?”

  The ex-enforcer closes his eyes briefly, then reopens them. Truth is with his hands the way they are, a two-hour ride there and then the same distance back will be a stretch for him. “I’ll drive,” he confirms, and fuck knows I won’t be the only one feeling for him. Time’s coming up in Blade’s future when he won’t be able to ride. But he’ll keep going as long as possible. If he can’t handle a bike, club regulations say he can’t stay a club member. But he’s got a good woman beside him, like we all have, and Sabrina and Mason, his kids, will be there for him.

  “Mouse,” Drummer steps back into the role of prez and starts issuing instructions, “you look for a suitable location where we can take him locally to have a discussion with him.” He flexes his hands suggesting how that chat will go. “He’s got to know that he messed with the wrong woman. Heart, not a word of this to Amy.”

  “She suspects, Prez,” I interrupt him. “But I promised we’d just have a conversation.”

  “Needs more than that, he needs out of her hair. Only way she’ll feel safe in Phoenix,” Wraith tells me.

  I nod to show that I’m well aware. I just wish she’d come home. Hate having her away from me, albeit only a two-hour ride.

  “Peg,” Drummer glares at us all for interrupting, “make sure everyone’s tooled up, will you? Anything we need isn’t there, take it from the armoury… What the fuck’s that grin for, Heart?”

  “You sound just like the prez,” I explain, unrepentant. It makes everyone laugh and even Drum’s lips quirk. Old habits clearly die hard.

  He waits for the mirth to die down, then continues, “I’ll let Joker know we’re going for a pleasure jaunt, get him to spread the word if Wizard asks questions.”

  “What about the old ladies? They might want to tag along.”

  Wraith’s got a good point, but Blade’s got an answer for him, “Fuck them hard until they can’t walk and won’t want to ride tomorrow.”

  I smirk. Won’t be any hardship fuckin’ Marc. From the leers and comments, everyone’s taken it as a challenge, and the puffed up chests suggest no one feels they’ll have any problems.

  “On the off chance anyone fails,” Drummer grins, “just say boys want to be boys for a while.”

  “When’s Amy going back to Phoenix?”

  “Tomorrow,” I answer Peg, glumly. I’m going to miss her. Especially now when I’ll be doubly scared for her knowing what can happen to a woman alone in a different city.

  “You think she’s tight with this Xander? What’s your read on him, Heart?”

  “He’s a good man, Drum, but he’s not what I’d want for her. Though it’s hard to tell right now, I think she’ll be happy enough. Seems a man like him is just what she wants.”

  Drummer considers for a moment, then nods. “Okay, we all know what we’re doing. Meet ten sharp in the morning. Now, you fuckers, get the hell out of my house.”

  We laugh as we’re meant to, stand, and leave him with waves of our hands and chin lifts. Outside in the weak winter sunlight, I stop Mouse.

  “You okay with this, Mouse?”

  His eyes narrow. “What do you mean?”

  “Us keeping Wiz out of it.” Mouse is tight with his old lady’s younger brother. He’d become his legal guardian back when Mariana had her immigration issues and has treated him more like a son than a brother-in-law, being as proud as punch when he was voted in at the head of the table.

  “Wiz means one fuck of a lot to me, Brother. He might be my brother in the true sense of the word, but so are you all. You, Heart, I’ve known even longer. I don’t know that he would stop us, but he would, at least, try to take over. I know you need this, and so do we all.” He waves to indicate the rest who’ve just left Drummer’s house and are walking back down through the compound. “What Wiz doesn’t know about what the Secret Six are getting up to, can’t hurt him.”

  I bark a laugh at his appropriate reference, and nod at the point he’s made. He means Wiz can rightfully distance himself if we put a step wrong and get ourselves arrested. I slap Mouse’s back, understanding his boy might be the prez, but he’s still the kid Mouse always looked out for.

  Chapter Eleven


  Xander had suggested we live together, that he’d be my Dom, but he mentioned nothing about love. Now, here, where the only sounds are of birdsong and ponies munching, in the place I’d loved as a kid, Drew’s offering it all.

  Bad timing. Only earlier Xander had laid a future before me in terms of something I’d thought was exactly what I wanted. Now it dawns on me, I would be settling for second best. A Dom/sub relationship which would be comfortable, but lacking. Xander would be fair, kind, caring and faithful. We’d communicate with words, there would be no misunderstanding, our expectations agreed and contracted between us.

  Drew’s offering everything, a dream I’ve long thought was out of my reach. A relationship which would probably have flaws in it, where things were spontaneous and doubtless mistakes would be made. It would be exciting, unpredictable, a ride of a lifetime, and a lifetime to kiss and make-up when we got out of step.

  I stare at him wide-eyed as he waits patiently for my answer. It’s hard, but I try to think rationally.

  I might not have been back to Tucson much over the nine years we’ve been apart, but there’s nothing about Drew I don’t know, or not the important stuff. I know
he’s loyal and trustworthy. I know when he gives his word he means it. Even as a kid he’d never stand me up when he’d promised to take me on an outing. I loved him since I was a kid, if I’m truthful, I never stopped, just gave up any hope of ever being able to show him how much.

  He’s tempting me with a vision of a future so perfect, I’m almost scared to reach out and grab it.

  “But I live and work in Phoenix,” are the words which come out of my mouth.

  “You’re a good nurse,” he says fast, dismissing my objection. “Any hospital in Tucson would be grateful to have someone like you.”

  He’s right. It probably wouldn’t be that hard to find a local job.

  “Of course, I’d prefer you barefoot and pregnant.”

  Oh, I’ll be fucked if that didn’t get me right in my lady parts. Even though the feminist side of me tells me, I should feel insulted.

  But then he winks. He. Winks. God, that undoes me, and I have to turn away, not knowing what I want. No, that’s wrong. I know what I want, I’m just not sure if I should take it.

  He turns me back to face him and smirks. “Think we ought to check if we’ve got chemistry? I’m giving you just this one warning. Unless you say no, I’m going to kiss you now.”

  His words, so dominating while not being a Dominant, give me exactly what I need. Not for one second do I think about Flint, or that I should be scared.

  I don’t utter any refusal. I make no objection when he lowers his lips to mine, slowly, but determinedly. Then his mouth is pressing against my mouth, moving gently side to side. My hands move of their own accord, pressing against his chest. My touch excites him, and he increases the pressure, his tongue intruding into my mouth. For the first time ever, I taste him, and it’s pure heaven.

  His arms come around me, holding me to him, crushing my hands between our bodies, giving me no chance to get away. I don’t feel trapped, but cared for. The aroma of leather and oil filling my nostrils is the perfume of home, the scent of him being the cherry on the top.

  He’s held me before. To comfort me when Grunt, the wolfhound cross that seemed to have been in my life forever eventually died when I was thirteen. He’d held my hair back when I was vomiting, having snuck alcohol out of the clubhouse just to try it, making excuses for me so my dad and Marc never found out. He’d stopped holding me, stopped touching me when I began to mature. This is the first time we’ve come together as man and woman.

  I lose myself in his kiss, even trying to follow his mouth when he eventually pulls away, then cradles my head to his chest. “Tell me yes, Amy. For fuck’s sake, say yes. I’ll never knowingly hurt you, never step out on you. Make it my life’s purpose to make you happy, well, after the club of course.” There’s mirth in his voice as he adds the last. “Make me a better person, Amy. Be at my side as my old lady and my wife, and on top of everything, accept my love.”

  So many declarations my head is spinning. “Does Dad know?” Was this something they’ve cooked up? I know Dad wants me home. But Drew wouldn’t make declarations of love if it was that.

  “Know that I’m going to step in and sweep you out from under that… Xander’s feet? No, that’s between us, so you can say no or yes. Won’t be any comeback on you. But do they know what I feel about you? Yeah, doubt there’s anyone in the club who hasn’t got some sort of inkling. You might not have noticed Amy, but whenever you come back, I’ve only got eyes for you.”

  “Why now?”

  “Why now?” he repeats. “Because up to now the time hasn’t been right. I’ve known for years that Drummer was grooming me to eventually take over as the prez, setting me up so a yes vote was on track. Had to keep my eye focused on that. Knew you were doing okay in Phoenix, thought I’d leave you to make your mark. If I was going to be a man worthy of you, worthy of the club, while you were establishing your career, I needed to step up and concentrate. There wasn’t the space in my life to keep a woman happy by my side.”

  “And now you’re the prez?”

  “Now, I’m the prez,” he admits. “And I need a first lady.”

  “Maybe anyone would do.”

  He chuckles, but seriously responds, “Nah. No one could be more perfect than you. You understand the club, know all the men, are loved and respected by everyone. But no one loves you more than me. I couldn’t see myself with anyone else, no one has ever measured up to you, Amy.”

  We need to get back. We’ve been out longer than I expected, and Christmas dinner will be served soon. I’m feeling guilty that I should have been there helping, alongside all the old ladies. Alongside my brother and sisters, and my MC cousins with whom I grew up. But I push my thoughts of attrition away, I wouldn’t, couldn’t have missed this. Now, when our age gap no longer matters between us, there is only one answer I can possibly give, despite all the difficulties which come along with that.


  Drew waits for a moment as though stunned. “Yes?”

  “I’ve loved you forever, Drew. So yes, but,” I add with my sensible head on, “let’s see how this goes. We’re moving from friends to having a relationship, maybe I’ll find out you snore in bed…”

  “I don’t snore if that’s your only objection.” He smirks.

  “Well, you might fart or leave pubes in the basin…”

  “The basin? What the fuck…?”

  “How do I know what bad habits you have?”

  He taps the end of my nose with his finger. “I already know I’ll love your little quirks, Amy. Even if you’re the one who farts in the bed.”

  “I don’t,” I start indignantly, and then see him trying not to laugh. “Seriously, Drew, I’ll have to go back to Phoenix, turn in my resignation, look for a new job in Tucson. I’m not going to be a stay-at-home wife, or not until…” I don’t finish that statement as just the thought of having a baby with Drew fills me with a sense of rightness. “Let’s take it one step at a time for the next month. I’ll come down, or you can come visit. Let’s get to know each other again, as adults, not with one part of this partnership a kid.”

  He’s grinning, an evil look, as though he’s plotting. I narrow my eyes as he leans in.

  “You say you don’t mind casual sex? Well, come to my bed tonight. I’ll make sure you never want to leave it. Might even get you knocked up so you have to come back.”

  I poke my finger into his chest. While the thought of being in his bed is exciting, which is strange as I haven’t wanted even to be touched for three months, I’ve got some conditions. “If you want to fuck me, you’re going to have to glove up.”

  Another of his smirks and then he raises an eyebrow, the bastard. Oh, I’m sure he’ll take precautions while I insist, but I wonder, if I go through with this, how long it will be before I end up pregnant? He knows how much I love children, and how I always said I’d wanted six. I may have revised that down a bit as I’ve grown up, but I’d loved looking after the twins and Alexis.

  Suddenly he grows serious. “I’ll give you a month, Amy. But I’m warning you, when we’re together you’ll be in my bed as of tonight.”

  My face falls, I hadn’t realised he meant what he said, I’d thought it was just a joke. “I’ve not been with anyone since…”

  “Not Xander?”

  “No, though…” I go red, but why I don’t know. I’m not exactly shy talking about sex. I frequent kink clubs after all which are all about communication and being upfront and truthful. “This morning, he pushed me, and gave me an orgasm orally.”

  “Pushed you?” Drew’s face has gone tense.

  “No, not as in forced me. I’ve not been ready for anything, so he started slowly.”

  “Today,” Drew repeats. “On my compound.” It’s not a question but a statement.

  Is he going to take my dreams and smash them? Part of me regrets being honest, but I couldn’t go into anything based on lies or things kept hidden.

  I purse my lips. “And when was the last time you fucked on the compound, Drew?”
  His lips curve. “It was just sex.” Then his mouth turns down. “Have I got this wrong, Amy? Do you love him?” He rakes his hands through his hair. “I thought nothing about swooping in and taking you from him, as I didn’t see any intimacy between the two of you.”

  He was right. The relationship with Xander is nothing like the one Drew is offering.

  “Amy, I’ve got a past, you’ve got one, but it’s here on in that’s important. In fact, I’m delighted to know he hasn’t given you his cock.”

  “I didn’t want it. I’m… scared.”

  Again, he raises an eyebrow.

  Fuck. I just kissed him. Was held tight in his arms. Felt his erection behind me and all it did was turn me on. I stare up at him with wonder in my eyes and place my hands against his cheek.

  “I’m not scared of you, Drew.” I feel I have to admit, unable to believe from the moment I wrapped my hands around him on the bike, what happened with Flint and my reaction hadn’t crossed my mind once. “But I am worried I’ll get flashbacks… Especially if we make love.” I think he’ll be the first man I’ve ever made love to, and I know that’s what he’ll be giving me back. It won’t just be fucking, not with our hearts involved.

  “I can be dominant, I can be gentle. I can be anything you want or need.” He presses his lips together. “I can do slow, and if you want to stop, I’ll stop. No need for,” he puts it in air quotes showing he does indeed know about kink, “safe words.”

  I lean my head against his chest again, realising I’m resting my cheek on his cut, but he’s not protesting. He raises his hand and gently rests it against the back of my head.

  “I have to admit I hate what happened to you, sweetheart. But we’ll work through it together.” He thinks for a moment. “Are you sure you’re okay with going back to Phoenix?”

  I don’t answer immediately, turning to view the vista that stretches up into the Coronado forest. If I allow myself to be honest, Tucson was and always will be my home. But I’ve enjoyed my time in Phoenix, apart from the last couple of months, as the independence helped me grow. The progression in my career, as well as the ability to strike out on my own raising myself in the eyes of my dad, Marc, and most people on the compound was necessary. Perhaps the respect I’d need as the prez’s old lady, is already there.


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