A Deal with a Duke
Page 19
“My sister says Collingwood is low on funds. I thought you should know that before you get too far into this courtship.”
“Then why would he be courting me? I have nothing to bring to a marriage.” Louisa sighed. “When I rejected Emerson’s proposal, he made certain everyone knew my pittance of a dowry.”
“I don’t know why. I only wanted to warn you about his financial position.”
“I heard he has four thousand a year. That should be more than enough.”
Harry shook his head. “I heard he’s in for over ten thousand and growing every month.”
“Ten thousand?” Louisa whispered. That was a considerable sum, indeed. “I must return home now.”
She moved away from him, impatient to gain some much-needed distance from his tantalizing scent.
“I promised Collingwood that I would see you home,” he said as he caught up with her.
“You mustn’t. Think of how it would look.”
“Since when have you cared about what others would think?”
“Since my sister’s happiness was involved.” Louisa wiped a tear away. Angry with herself for even imagining he might have feelings for her, she whispered, “Damn you, Harry.”
“Between you and my sister, I have heard enough of ladies cursing for years.”
“How is Lady Radley?” His sister had never done more than greet her at balls, but Louisa supposed she should be polite. At least this question would get their conversation off marriage to the wrong man.
“She is with child again,” he replied flatly. “She also believes you are chasing me to gain my title and fortune.”
“Oh.” Louisa walked toward the path in silence, hurt by the fact that Lady Radley had such a low opinion of a woman she barely knew but also annoyed by the fact that he told her. “And what do you believe?”
He stopped walking and looked down at her. “Do you really need to ask that question? I defended you to her, in case you needed to know that, too.”
“As well you should,” she added sharply. “I told you from the beginning that I was not trying to trap you into marriage.”
“You were the one who came to my home alone...twice,” he retorted.
“Which a man of honor would not mention,” she snapped before walking down the street again.
He pulled her arm to halt her steps. “Are you questioning my honor now?”
“If I had a desire to trap you, then I would have let Raynerson find us in the compromising position you put me in. Good afternoon, Your Grace.”
“Loui—Miss Drake, please wait.”
“I am a block from my home and have my maid with me,” she cried, before increasing the pace of her stride.
Thankfully, he didn’t follow her as she raced home. Once inside, she ignored her mother’s calls to speak with her. Instead, she sought solace in her lonely bedchamber. She pressed a hand to her stomach as she paced her room. Why did he have to turn her emotions upside down? Why did he have to be a blasted duke? Why did their family names have to be forever linked in scandal?
Why was pursuing him so challenging?
Off all the questions, the last was the one that she could answer. She wasn’t making any progress with him because she felt guilty that Emma could lose Bolton. Because after their passionate encounter, Harry should have paid a call and asked for her hand. But he hadn’t. Not even a word about what happened had passed his lips.
It was time to trust Emma’s intuition about her fiancé. Bolton had surprised everyone by joining them at Christmas and offering for her. Louisa doubted Lady Bolton had had an inkling of her son’s intentions.
She understood that the issues between their families could never be easily resolved. But what happened with his father and her sister shouldn’t matter if they loved each other.
And that was the real issue. Harry had loved his late wife. And while he might desire Louisa, he did not love her.
But that wasn’t about to stop her. It was time to forget her mother’s warnings and listen to her sister. Louisa’s determination upped a notch higher. It was time to focus on his desire for her.
Chapter 16
HARRY ESCORTED HIS sister up the steps to Lady Huntley’s home on Berkeley Square. Once inside the house, he scanned the crowded room for her. Knowing her mother was good friends with Lady Huntley, he was certain Louisa would be here. Not that he should look for her, but he couldn’t seem to stop himself. Would she even speak with him after that episode walking home from the park yesterday?
“Isn’t that Mrs. Gardiner?” Daphne asked, pointing to the young widow standing by the refreshment table speaking with Collingwood.
“Yes, it is.” And what was Collingwood doing with her? They inclined their heads close, as if whispering intimate things to each other. But it was the smile on his face and the slight blush lighting Mary Gardiner’s cheeks that sent a cold chill down Harry’s back.
“We must go speak to her. I haven’t seen her in ages.”
“I had no idea you two were even acquainted, much less such close friends.”
“Well, we are hardly close, Harry, but we must be polite.” Daphne led him over to the couple who both seemed a bit put out by the intrusion.
Harry noticed the way Collingwood took a step away from the widow. As Daphne and Mrs. Gardiner chatted, he glanced over at Collingwood who appeared unable to say more than two words until Louisa came near.
“Ah, Miss Drake, how lovely to see you tonight,” Collingwood said as Louisa approached the group slowly.
“Miss Drake,” Harry said with a quick bow. “You do remember my sister, Lady Radley, do you not?”
“Of course,” Louisa said with a curtsy.
“Yes, Miss Drake,” Daphne said with a stiff nod. “Please excuse me. I see a dear friend of mine.”
Harry clenched his jaw. “Please excuse my sister. She is never quite herself when she is with child.”
“Oh, how lovely, Your Grace,” Mary said in a light tone.
“Yes, lovely,” Louisa muttered.
“Miss Drake, may I have the next dance?” Collingwood asked after a glance at Harry.
“Of course, my lord,” she replied with far too much enthusiasm for Harry.
Watching Mary slide a glance toward Collingwood, Harry wondered why they kept looking at each other. “Mrs. Gardiner, may I have the next dance?”
Her smile drooped before she said, “Yes, you may.” Her gaze eased back to Collingwood.
Collingwood held out his arm to Louisa. “Shall we?”
Louisa smiled at him. “I do hope I did not bore you yesterday with my conversation on steam locomotives. I find the topic fascinating and truly believe that someday we shall be carried by locomotives and not horse and carriage.”
Harry couldn’t help but smile as he and Mary followed them to the dance floor. Louisa’s intelligence intrigued him in so many ways. It went beyond book learning. She seemed to take what she read and examine the ideas.
“Oh, no, Miss Drake, it was quite...well, interesting,” Collingwood babbled. “Although I highly doubt people will ever ride in such dangerous contraptions. Goods perhaps, but not people.”
The man had no idea of her intelligence. Collingwood would never appreciate the fact that she could speak of more than clothing and gossip. Perhaps Collingwood wasn’t the man for her after all.
Harry glanced down at Mrs. Gardiner. His sole purpose in asking for a dance was to stay close to Collingwood and Louisa. They lined up across from each other, and he noticed again how Mary’s eyes sought out Collingwood. What were they about tonight?
As the music started, he watched them both now quite suspicious of their glances. He danced around Louisa, inhaling the light scent of lilacs surrounding her. They separated and were back to their partners. Perhaps dancing in the line so close to her had been a mistake. Every time she came near, desire flooded him, making him think thoughts, he should not be having for her.
Once the set finished, he bowed to Mrs.
Gardiner and excused himself. He needed a moment away from Louisa and this crowd. The night had turned rainy. Instead of retiring outside, he moved through the crush to Lord Huntley’s study. The dark room was just what he needed for a bit of privacy and maybe a glass of brandy. A small fire still burned in the room lending just enough light to find the drink.
He had come in here to think about prospective brides. Closing his eyes, the image of Louisa in that pale green gown invaded his mind. The dress cut across her chest, displaying a hint of her luscious rounded breasts. The same breasts he had lovingly caressed and suckled. God, he was a cad. He could still smell the light lilac perfume she wore.
A feminine gasp forced his eyes open. Louisa stood near his chair, her hand over her mouth. “What are you doing in here?”
“What are you doing here, Louisa?”
“I—I was getting a breath of air. You know how I get at balls. The overwhelming smells and the crowds...”
“I know exactly how you feel.” He should rise since she still stood by his chair. But this blasted erection would not ease. It had only become harder since he opened his eyes and noticed her. “There is brandy on the corner table.”
“Would you pour me a glass?”
Damn. Damn. Damn.
“Of course,” he replied tightly. He rose and turned away from Louisa, hoping by the time he reached the brandy, his shaft would be a little more compliant. Glancing back, he found her standing by the fireplace and with the flames behind her. In an instant, he was rock hard and desperate to have her.
The lilac aroma returned as he stepped closer to her. Her eyes darted around the room as if attempting not to look at him. His heart pounded in his chest as he handed the snifter to her. Finally, she looked up at him with those beautiful sapphire eyes.
“Are you unwell, Harry? You have a different look to your face.”
“No, I am not well.” Did he say that aloud? To her? Good God, now she would question him. “Too much to drink,” he muttered.
“I don’t think that is it. What is wrong?” She sipped her brandy, and then her gaze shifted down, and she noticed precisely what was wrong. “Harry?”
He pulled her into his arms, pressed his hardness against her. “This is what you do to me. Every time you are near, I want you. And I know I can’t have you. It’s driving me mad.”
He brought his lips down on hers, harder than he should as if punishing her for his damned desire. This madness was his fault. He was supposed to push her way, but he could not seem to stay away from her. She was the reason he came to town. It had always been this way for him with her.
Send her away.
But he didn’t want to send her anywhere except to a bedroom where he could slowly make love to her all night.
Hearing her light moans, he pulled away only to drop light kisses on her jaw until he reached her ear. His tongue traced the shell of her ear until she was nearly panting. Her hand slid down his chest, down his belly, reaching his trouser covered cock. She discovered the outline of him as he tried to keep some control.
“Is there anything I can do for you tonight?” she whispered as her palm rounded the top of him.
He nearly came then and there in Huntley’s study with his trousers still on. He felt like an adolescent with his first woman. He wanted desperately to tell her yes. She could strip him naked and put her mouth on him. But he couldn’t. This was Louisa. He had to remember that.
Before he could tell her no, she had reached for the fall of his trousers and found the buttons there.
“No, Louisa. You cannot do that.”
She stared up into his eyes and smiled. “You touched me in a most intimate place. It is only fair that I touch you.”
Damn, she had found him. Her soft hand circled him, stroking him lightly, agonizing him with pent up desire. He kissed her again as her fingers continued to tease him. A part of him wanted this to last. He didn’t want to lose the sensation of her gentle strokes on him. But each caress brought him closer to the edge. He wanted Louisa Drake in his arms, naked.
He clasped his hand on hers, showing her how to rub her thumb around the tip of him, spreading the bead of liquid that had already eased out. Feeling the moisture brought thoughts of being deep inside her, giving her as much pleasure as she was giving him. The edge was there in sight. He couldn’t control it much longer. He pulled his handkerchief out just as he exploded in her hand.
“Louisa,” he moaned as waves of incredible pleasure coursed through him. He pulled her close and rested his forehead on hers as he tried to catch his breath.
He moved her hand away and wiped her clean before kissing the palm of her hand. The hand that had given him such pleasure. He wanted to return the sensation to her. But she pulled away.
“I must return. I fear we may have already been missed.” She moved away from him. “Please don’t come back into the room for a while.”
“Not yet,” he whispered.
“I must. We cannot be seen together.” She glanced away, but he noticed the pain in her eyes. “For Emma.”
“Of course,” he said, watching her leave him once again. The door closed behind him, and he collapsed back into the chair. The fire had all but died out. He buttoned his trousers and wished once more that he’d had the chance to give her as much pleasure as she’d given him.
But that would only cause more issues for them both. Harry would be forced to marry her and subject Louisa to his poor reputation. Her sister might lose her fiancé. The gossip would cause her and her family even more harm. He couldn’t live with himself if he brought pain to her.
They should stay away from each other.
He wasn’t sure how he could do that after what she’d done in this room tonight.
He finished another brandy and then another before being interrupted by an amorous couple. As he rose, he felt a bit off kilter and knew he’d had too much to drink on an empty stomach.
DEAR GOD! WHAT HAD she done? And at a ball! Louisa doubted this was what Emma had meant when she told her to be flirtatious and make Harry jealous. Her sister would be shocked if she discovered what Louisa and Harry had been doing in Lord Huntley’s study. But she had decided to use the one weapon she had against Harry’s defenses. She smiled to herself. It must have worked.
Louisa walked back into the ballroom with unsteady limbs. As she turned a corner, she ran into a hard body.
“Excuse me,” she said, looking up to see the face of Lord Ainsley.
“Well, if it isn’t Miss Drake,” he drawled with a feral smile. “I believe the same Miss Drake, who was supposed to spend a week with me in Scotland. With my mother, if I’m not mistaken. I do wonder what happened to scare you off. A rendezvous with a duke, perhaps?”
Her heart pounded in her chest as she tried to think of something to say to him. How could he know about her being at Northwood Park? “I must apologize, my lord. I fear some gossip has made the rounds. I am not quite certain how it started.”
He tilted his head back and laughed. “I know exactly how it started. Dance with me, Miss Drake.”
“I mustn’t.” The man was a notorious rake with his deep dimples and green eyes. It was rumored that he had even ruined Clarissa Carter and then refused to marry her.
“Oh, but you must. I should hate to spread gossip that you did indeed spend some time in Scotland with me, and me alone.”
“Bastard,” she hissed while he led her to the dance floor as a slow waltz started to play. He pulled her far too close with a smile. She had to admit he was a handsome man, but it was his smile that was truly devastating. “How did you find out? Lady Gringham?”
“That is my secret.”
“What are you about, Ainsley?”
“I get what I want, Miss Drake.”
“No one gets everything they want, my lord. Besides what you want could have nothing to do with me.”
He shrugged nonchalantly. He swept Louisa across the floor in rhythm to the music. “I am not certain you have he
ard, but I have decided it is time to settle down and find a wife.”
“I have heard that bit of news. What has caused the change in attitude? I thought you were a confirmed rake.”
“A rake, yes. Confirmed?” He smiled down at her again. “An earl must marry at some point, as you well know. Carry on the family name and all that.”
“I suppose so.” Why did she suddenly feel nervous around him? It was not as if they had never met. He was a friend of Harry’s.
“And at five and twenty, you must be ready to marry too? I’m sure you have had a bit of fun and now want to find a husband.” His hand on her back attempted to press her even closer. “Perhaps even some fun with a certain duke just out of mourning. But who am I to judge?”
“My lord, I do believe you are mistaken. And I find your insinuations rather insulting.”
“I don’t believe I am mistaken, Miss Drake. But I fear you mistake my intentions.”
“How so?”
“I said I have decided to marry. I never said you were the object of my decision.”
Her mouth gaped slightly.
“Not that you aren’t a beautiful woman,” he continued hurriedly. “But since I am to marry, I think it only right that my dearest friend should also wed.”
Louisa tilted her head in confusion as she stared at the man. “Whatever are you talking about, my lord?”
“Harry. It is far past time you two marry.”
She couldn’t have been more surprised if the devil himself had walked into the room. She almost stumbled, but he caught her close. “I don’t understand, sir.”
“Harry has loved you for years. It’s time you stopped being so blasted picky and accepted him.” Ainsley’s green eyes flashed with humor. “After all, if I am to be chained in marriage, so should he.”
“I do believe you are mistaken, my lord. His Grace loved his late wife. Never me.”
Ainsley pulled her closer and whispered in her ear, “Always you, Miss Drake. I shall call on you tomorrow to discuss our plan.”
Our plan? She had no scheme with him.
As the music ended, he escorted her off the dance floor, but not before she noticed Harry glaring at her as he sipped his drink. Her mother rushed to her side.