Nothing but The Sheets

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Nothing but The Sheets Page 14

by Stacy McWilliams

  “I fucking knew it,” he hissed, before he began to follow the girls up the path and into the school. He didn’t say another word to me as I followed him to class.

  Once inside, I sat alone at Cara’s and my desk and waited impatiently for the day to begin, so it would be over. I hoped that it would end quickly, but the day dragged on and practice sucked. Worse than that, was the fact that I was called into the principal’s office and told that the officers were pursuing me as a suspect in the Cara assault.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Dark Meetings


  My head stung like a bitch and my brain rattled around in my skull every time I tried to move. I tried to get my mom to let me go to school, but she wouldn’t budge. She was working on her case notes from home, having rearranged her days to make sure she could watch me.

  Every two hours during the night, she’d woken me up and checked my pupils with her torch, felt around my lump and made me tell her what my name was and what day it was. By three am, I spat the words at her. By five am, I wanted to murder her and by seven, I was plotting how to do it and get away with it.

  It was mid-afternoon and the cops came by again to quiz me, but I didn’t see my attacker and my memory of the assault was vague at best. They had decided that my mom planted the evidence on Blake and as such were now pursuing him as a suspect. Even though I told them that the hands that assaulted me, were smaller and not as rough as his calloused hands.

  My face flamed as I told the officers that and they then began to quiz me on the nature of my relationship with Blake, which made me so uncomfortable. I didn’t think you could call one kiss and one hugging session, a relationship. Once they left, I went to bed exhausted and didn’t hear Josh come home. He came into my room and woke me up to tell me he knew who’d assaulted me, but he didn’t have the proof he needed yet.

  “What do you mean proof?” I asked him in a groggy voice, and he shrugged at me.

  “I need something that ties them in with the assault, something irrefutable and I don’t know how I’m going to get it yet, but I will. I promise.”

  He gave me a soft kiss on my cheek and left the room, leaving me stewing over his words. I wanted to help, but I wasn’t allowed to leave the house for the next few days, according to Mom, so I stayed inside.

  Days passed and I missed school, I missed Marty, but as my head healed, so did my recollection of events and I was sure I knew who’d assaulted me. I called the officers looking into my case and told them what I’d remembered.

  “Think you can get away with making me look like a weakling, biatch?” Klaire asked, just before she shoved me forwards. I told the officers and they took note of it, but said it wasn’t a line of enquiry they were pursuing.

  Then on the Saturday afternoon, Josh came home with a massive grin on his face. He came into the family room after a party and grinned at me from ear to ear.

  “You look happy. Did you enjoy Harley’s party then?”

  It was customary for Harley to throw the most anticipated party of the year and everyone always went, but I never did. Usually Marty and I stayed home, but he’d been away to visit his grandma and couldn’t get out of it, so I sat home alone on the sofa and pigged out while watching Divergent.

  “Yeah, you could say that. Blake and I worked together and we both caught out Klaire and Harley. I have evidence that it was them who assaulted you. Harley admitted it to me on video and Klaire admitted it to Blake. Their stories add up and we’ve already emailed the videos to the cops, along with photos of Klaire’s new Mini.” Josh smirked wider, came over and kissed my cheek. “No-one hurts my little sister and gets away with it.”

  I laughed because he was always throwing that in my face, but I was only minutes younger than him.

  “Thanks, Joshy. Was Becky there? Did you ask her out?”

  My subject change caused Josh to shrug and sit back on the sofa. Becky was a girl in my Algebra two class, and Josh had been after her for years, but she always gave him the brush off. She didn’t date football players. We weren’t sure if she wasn’t allowed, or if she just didn’t like them, but Josh wasn’t like other quarterbacks.

  He was kind, sweet and got along with everyone. I wanted to thank Blake and find out how they’d caught them out, but then I decided I didn’t want to know. Ignorance was bliss and, in this case, necessary. Josh and I sat and watched my favorite TV show together, until he crashed out on the sofa beside me.

  After ten minutes of his snoring, I turned the TV off and was about to go to bed, when I heard vibrating. My eyes scanned the room and there on the sofa, beside Josh, was his cell. I walked over to silence it, but when I saw it was Blake calling, I hesitated with my finger on the button. My brain fought to get me to turn it off, but I decided to answer it.

  “Hello,” I muttered as I picked up the call.

  “Josh, you sound very feminine.” Blake’s amused voice came down the line.

  “And you sound very drunk, Blake.” I countered and he laughed, hiccupped, and then laughed again.

  “Yep, I am very drunk, but who is this and why are you answering Josh’s cell. This isn’t Harley is it?”

  “Nope, not Harley. I’m much prettier than that skank.” I answered with a snarl and I heard him chuckle down the line.

  “Oooh, I know, this is Klaire.” He continued in an amused voice and then it dropped lower, which caused my insides to quiver.

  “Or is it one of the other cheer girls?”

  “Nope and nope. I’m insulted that you think I’m Klaire.” My face was burning, and my heart raced, as I sat back down on the loveseat across the room and tucked my legs under me.

  “Cara,” he breathed the word out and my heart stuttered. “This is Cara. I’ve missed you, but I shouldn’t be missing you.” His voice grew hoarse when he said my name and my stomach flipped in happiness.

  “Really, why not?” I asked, feeling both confused and slightly elated at how he missed me. For a moment it was quiet and then he exhaled loudly. I heard some things shift around and he swore and then the call dropped.

  For a second, I just sat staring at the cell, but then I decided to go back up to bed. I put it down on the coffee table and stood up, walking towards the door. As I reached the door, it began ringing again and I walked back over to it, scooping it up and answering it.

  “Hey,” Blake muttered in a wary voice and I smiled even though he couldn’t see me.

  “Hey, Blake.” My hand shook as I held the cell to my ear tightly and heard his sharp intake of breath.

  “Cara,” he sighed my name. “I’m sorry, I dropped my cell and accidentally hung up on you, but I didn’t mean it and then I was worried that you wouldn’t want to even talk to me.”

  He was rambling and I sat back down on the loveseat, ready to continue our chat.

  “Okay, where were we?” I asked him and he laughed.

  “I believe I was about to ask you for your number, so your brother doesn’t castrate me when he sees his call log.” His voice was teasing, erotic and exciting and I couldn’t help my wide smile at his words.

  He wanted my number. I couldn’t believe it. Josh would flip if he knew we were talking, that was true, but I didn’t think Blake would want my number.

  “Are you sure you want my number?” I asked in a low voice. He chuckled “Of course, I’m sure. Why would I ask for it if I didn’t want it? I stole Marty’s cell the other night and tried to break into it to get it, so I could text you and ask you how you were, but he caught me before I got a chance to get it open.”

  He broke off, hiccupped again and I leaned back against the chair, enjoying talking to him so much, that I almost forgot I was on Josh’s cell.

  “So, will you give me your number, please?” he asked, and I grinned as I sounded off my cell number.

  “Okay, I got it. I’ll call you back on it. Give me five minutes cause I gotta take a leak.”

  Without waiting for a goodbye, he ended the call and I sat staring
at Josh’s cell for a beat, before I stood and carefully placed his cell beside him on the sofa. I rushed quickly from the room and went to brush my teeth. My cell was charging in my room and when I reached it, I heard a ping of a message alert. My heart was in my throat as I rushed across to my bed and saw two messages. One was from Sarah asking why I hadn’t gone to the party and the other was from an unknown number.

  Unknown number - Hi

  Cara - Hey, who’s this?

  My heart raced in my chest as I waited for a reply.

  Unknown number - Am I that forgettable?

  Cara - I’m not sure. Depends on who you are?

  I giggled as I replied and lay down on my bed, kicking my legs in the air.

  Unknown number - I’m your dream guy.

  Cara - Wow, how did you get my number, Liam?

  Unknown number – Wait, what? Who the fuck is this Liam character?

  His reply made me laugh even more and I wanted to cave, but this was fun, and he was too drunk to see that I was joking with him.

  Cara - My dream guy, so you’re not Liam?

  Unknown number - Nope, guess again, I’m your other dream guy.

  Cara - Theo James

  Unknown number - Nope. Wow, I didn’t know I was so low in your estimations. Maybe I should come over and kiss you senseless again.

  Oh, my days, I thought, as I sat and stared at the screen for a moment.

  Unknown number - Wow, are you speechless, Princess?

  I laughed out loud and then stuffed my pillow into my mouth to keep myself quiet.

  Cara - Nope, but I’ve now narrowed you down to two guys.

  My face heated and I was smiling as I waited on his reply.

  Unknown number - You have huh? Meet me outside.

  Cara - No way. You could be a creepy serial killer

  Unknown number - Yeah, I could be, but what’s life without a little risk. Come on Cara, meet me outside.

  Cara - Fine. I’ll be there in five minutes.

  Unknown number - I’m outside now. Any more than two and I’m ringing the bell.

  Cara - Don’t you dare. I’m on my way down. Meet me at the kitchen door and we can go to the pool house.

  Unknown number - That’s my girl.

  My heart raced as I pulled on my UGG boots. Thankfully, I’d showered earlier and put my hair into two French plaits. I pulled my hoodie from the back of the door and tugged it on, pulling the hood up, as I left my room quietly. My mom didn’t mind me going to the pool house, but going with a boy, especially one who’d been drinking, was against the rules.

  I took the stairs two at a time, careful to avoid the ones that made a noise and snuck out the back in my hoodie, my pink, silk shorts and camisole top. I didn’t have a bra on, nor did I have any panties on, but I trusted Blake. I didn’t know why, but I did. I reached the back door and I couldn’t see him anywhere.

  “Blake,” I called out softly as I crossed the patio, heading towards the path to the pool house.

  I reached the side of the house, where my assault had been and saw him standing, leaning against the wall with his cell in his hand. I was lit up from behind by the soft light of the kitchen, but where he was standing was completely pitch black. I paused for a moment to admire him.

  His black curls rested damply on his forehead, his chiseled jaw and lightly tanned skin was so appealing. He also had a hoodie on, and it was fully open with his sculpted chest showing in the gap. His toned thighs were strained, as he leaned one leg against the wall and the other was straight out. It was him chewing on his lip with his teeth, that told me how nervous he was, and I melted a little.

  “Blake,” I called out softly again and he turned quickly to see me. His pupils widened as he took me in and his eyes roamed all over me, making me feel as though my body was on fire.

  “Hey,” he smiled widely and moved off from the wall, walking towards me.

  “Hey,” I answered with a smile of my own, watching as he moved closer to me.

  “Thanks for coming out.” He breathed, he reached over and tugged me down the few stairs from the patio that separated us. His fingers were warm in mine and he gave my hand a gentle squeeze, as his blue eyes blazed into mine.

  For a beat we stood beside each other, breathing each other in and then he lowered his head until our foreheads touched.

  “I want to kiss you, so damn much,” he muttered against my cheek and I shuddered, stepping closer to him.

  “Then kiss me,” I implored him, as I ran my fingers up his arm, feeling the firmness of his bicep underneath my hands, as I continued over his shoulders and around onto the bare skin of his neck.

  “I can’t. I’m not good enough…” he muttered breathlessly, running his nose along my cheek, and making me almost go weak at the knees.

  “Who says?” I asked, turning my head slightly, so my lips brushed his cheek.

  “Oh, I don’t know. Everyone.” His soft lips pressed against the skin on my neck and he gently kissed along the skin, making me tingle all over.

  “Don’t I get a say?” I asked breathlessly, running my fingers up into his hair and trying to bring his mouth up to mine.

  “No. You always want what’s bad for you, Princess.” He breathed as he tugged me closer to him and nipped my earlobe with his teeth.

  “Blake,” I hissed out as his hands pulled my ass towards him. My body zinged and zapped when I felt his erection through his shorts, but he just held me against him without moving.

  “Cara, I want to kiss you. I want to more than fucking kiss you, but I can’t.” He told me in a serious tone that made my stomach flip.

  His hands traced my ass and his erection pulsed against my stomach, as he pressed another series of soft kisses to my neck.

  “Blake,” I mewled, and he spun us around, so my back was against the brick wall and we were in total darkness. His hands continued to roam my ass, as his lips continued to kiss my neck.

  “Fuck, Cara, I’m scared. If I kiss you, I won’t want to stop, and I have to stop.”

  His breathless words and his struggle to stay away from my lips, were like the best form of foreplay. I wanted to kiss him so badly, my nipples ached, my core was clenching, and my panties were soaked.

  “Please, Blake.” I begged as his teeth nipped gently at my neck. He shook his head against my mine, and I wanted to cry. I wanted a kiss. I wanted his tongue to caress mine.

  “I’m not good enough for you and with what I had to do tonight; I don’t think I’ll ever be good enough for you.” He muttered in a quiet voice that caused ripples of desire to shoot through me.

  My body froze and he tugged me even closer.

  “God Cara, I want to kiss you so fucking badly, but I’m leaving for Georgia on Monday …” he continued in the same quiet voice, but there was an edge to it.

  My heart dropped to my feet and I froze completely in his arms. My brain struggled to get my thoughts in order, but I had one question to ask him. One I had to know the answer to.

  “For good?” I asked him, stunned and he shrugged against me.

  “I wish. I’m going back for my dad’s funeral and I don’t want to go, but I also don’t want to stay. I want to go home, be with my sisters, my grandma and my friends, but fuck, Cara, the thought of never seeing you again…” He groaned as he ran his lips along my collar bone and stopped speaking.

  My heart shattered as I realized he didn’t want to stay. He wanted to go, to leave and never come back. He didn’t speak again for a minute and just ran his nose along my neck, pressing small, gentle kisses to my collarbone and nipping my neck with his teeth. Which was driving my body crazy with the sensation, as my mind struggled to process his words.

  “Blake,” I began in a low voice, he leaned back and looked at me with tears in his eyes.

  “I’m scared, Cara. I’m not ready to say goodbye to my dad forever.”

  His whispered confession undid me and before I thought anymore about it, I lifted my lips and brushed his with mine.
The little composure he had, evaporated the minute our lips met, and he pressed his to mine in a bruising kiss. His teeth nipped mine and I opened my mouth, gasping in air. He plunged his tongue in and his hands held me tightly against him. Our kisses became more frantic and he ran his fingers along the back of my thighs.

  “Wrap your legs around me.” He commanded breathlessly, and I complied.

  He thrust his cock up as I moved against him and his lips continued their assault on mine. It was punishing, hard and erotic and I was more turned on than I’d ever been in my life. His hands pulled me against his crotch and his cock rubbed against my clit. He thrust harder and kissed me forcefully. My body responded to his and I pressed myself harder against him.

  “Blake,” I breathed against his lips, as I felt myself beginning to lose it and too soon, I was writhing against him, orgasming harder than I’d ever managed before. He followed a second later, coming in his shorts and held onto me, as we both panted in each other’s arms.

  “Fuck me,” he breathed as he pressed soft kisses against my lips. “That was the hottest make-out session I’ve ever had.”

  I couldn’t form words as my body still trembled from the force of my orgasm. I couldn’t see his face, but he pressed gentle kisses to my lips, along my cheek and down my neck, making me squirm against him.

  “You want to come to the pool house?” I muttered breathlessly against his forehead, as he continued to kiss my neck.

  “Yes, and no. Fuck.” he moaned as I pressed my body closer to his, feeling his body quiver, before he shuddered. “But we can’t. I’ve got no self-control with you, I want to go with you and lose myself in you, but not while I’m drunk, and you aren’t.”


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