Nothing but The Sheets

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Nothing but The Sheets Page 15

by Stacy McWilliams

  He unwrapped my legs from around his waist and gave me a gentle kiss on the lips, that was nothing like the passion-filled ones we’d already shared. It was soft, tender, sweet, and made my heart hammer loudly as my blood zinged in my veins.

  “I have to go,” he whispered, before he gave me one final kiss and pushed off from the wall.

  I didn’t want him to go, but I didn’t know how to ask him to stay either. I stood for a minute, listening in the darkness to his footsteps retreating.

  My body shivered in the cool air, but it was more from the loss of his body heat, than the actual cold. I waited a moment longer and then climbed back up the stairs to the patio outside the kitchen, still breathing hard. Once I was safely inside, I locked the door and began the slow climb up to bed.

  My core ached and my breasts were heavy, but it was my shaking limbs and swollen lips that had reminded me that we’d really made out and had orgasmed in each other’s arms. I wandered back into my room and kicked off my UGG boots, pulled my hoodie over my head and crawled into bed. My cell was still in the pocket of my hoodie and I heard it ping, but I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, dreaming of Blake and his stolen kisses.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Fuck, Fuckerty, Fuck


  Leaving Cara was hard, because my body wanted her. Every part of me wanted her and seeing her standing there with the slight blush on her cheeks, caused me to lose my damn mind. I’d been drinking. A lot. I’d had to. I had to catch Klaire out and find out if she’d really assaulted Cara, but kissing Klaire made me feel sick, so I’d drank to numb myself and it worked.

  She had been drinking too and it was easy to get her to fess up once she was drunk. She blabbed the whole story and I managed to capture it on camera. Once that was done, I faked a migraine and texted Josh to say I’d got her. He messaged back to say he’d gotten Harley too, but he was pretty wasted too. Ben came up to me with Josh and laughed as he took us both in.

  “You two are a mess. I’ll call ya a cab.”

  His eyes twinkled as he looked between us, but Josh was concentrating on what he was doing. All he had to do was attach the videos. He’d set up the email before we’d even left, because he knew he’d be in too much of a mess to do it when he was drunk.

  “Cheers, mate.” I answered him and he wandered off laughing.

  Josh sent the email with the attachments and we waited on our cab outside. He was hiding from Harley and I was hiding from Klaire. We both breathed a sigh of relief as our cab arrived and he told me how he was going to tell Cara when he got home. As the cab stopped outside our houses, I paid the man because I was beginning to sober up slightly, but I still couldn’t walk in a straight line. Josh went towards his house and I went towards Don’s. It wasn’t my house: it’d never felt like home to me and it never would be, because my home was in Georgia, with my dad. His face came into my head and I stopped walking, doubling over as the pain crippled me again.

  “Fuck,” I hissed as a lump appeared back in my throat. I’d managed to go a few hours without thinking of my dad but thinking of him hurt. Every time I thought of him, it was as though there was a knife twisting in my gut. I walked up to the door and stood for a ridiculously long time, trying to fit my car key from home into the lock and then I dropped my keys. Only when I’d scooped them back up, did I realize what an idiot I was. Finally making it inside, I went straight to the bathroom to take a leak and then climbed the stairs to my room, where I flopped onto the bed, but I needed a shower. The smell of alcohol was turning my stomach, so I stripped off and went for one, where I bounced off the walls a little, but I managed to wash and dry myself without incident.

  I sat on my bed and contemplated calling my friends, but it was Saturday night and I was pretty sure Caisey Ainsworth was having her annual return to school party and they’d all be there. I missed them all so freaking much. I’d formed a bond with Josh and begun hanging with him and his friends at breaks and lunch, but it wasn’t the same, because they all lived and breathed football. I didn’t tell them I wasn’t that interested. I could play, sure, but music was my first love.

  I wondered how it had gone when Josh told Cara, that we’d got them for her. I wanted to call him and ask, but I decided to leave it and sat playing my guitar on my bed. My mom, Don and Marty were out of town for the night and weren’t due back until the next night, so I sat for a bit and played around with a few songs. I pressed record and began to sing softly, as my fingers played a gentle melody.

  Her eyes lit me up.

  Her touch made me feel.

  Her breath on my skin gave me life.

  But it was cold when she was gone.

  My word became dark.

  Empty, without meaning.

  Without her beside me.

  I wasn’t sure what I was.

  Her touch set me free.

  I wanted to, to touch her.

  Craved every taste.

  But her wide eyes, melted me.

  I floated along.

  Singing all different songs.

  And feeling the waste without her.

  My heart and my soul.

  Pleaded with her to come back.

  But she couldn’t get back from the dark.

  Her existence had changed.

  And she’d since moved on.

  To pastures new and exciting.

  How could I hold her back?

  From a future without me.

  When I was nothing, but a waste.

  Oh, just give me a taste.

  Just one tiny taste and I leave with her face.

  Imprinted on my mind.

  Her eyes lit me up.

  Her touch made me feel.

  Her breath on my skin gave me life.

  But it was cold when she was gone.

  My word became dark.

  Empty, without meaning.

  Without her beside me.

  I wasn’t sure what I was.

  Her touch set me free.

  I wanted to, to touch her.

  Craved every taste.

  I need to move on.

  To sing different songs.

  But my world has rocked on its axis.

  To you, I am lost.

  To her I am found.

  But I can’t cope with the loss of her.

  Every day brings new feelings.

  Every moment new dealings.

  And I struggle on.

  With the help of a song.

  Missing her with every heartbeat.

  Oh, just give me a taste.

  Just one tiny taste and

  I leave with her face.

  Imprinted on my mind.

  Her eyes lit me up.

  Her touch made me feel.

  Her breath on my skin gave me life.

  But it was cold when she was gone.

  My word became dark.

  Empty, without meaning.

  Without her beside me.

  I wasn’t sure what I was.

  Her touch set me free.

  I wanted to, to touch her.

  Craved every taste.

  I crave every taste.

  Every taste.

  I clicked the end button and quickly fired it off to Ryder, then sat back on my bed, leaning against the headboard as I thought of Cara. I needed to know how she’d taken the news and I couldn’t wait any longer. I dialed Josh’s cell and waited as it rang and rang.

  Eventually it was answered, and my heart stuttered in my chest when I heard her voice. I knew who it was instantly, but I wanted to play a game with her. I wanted to talk to her all night, so I tried insulting her and then dropped my cell, ending the call. I waited for a beat to see if she would call me back, but then I remembered, I didn’t have her cell number. I needed to rectify that situation, straight away, so I called back and asked her for it. I never would have done it sober, so I used the fact I was drunk to get it out of her.

  My heart hammered in my chest as I sent her a text message and
when she replied, it was cheeky and made me a little hard. Our texting game turned me on and eventually I asked her to meet me, because I needed to see her. It’d been days, the last time I’d seen her, she’d been bleeding from her head and vomited on me.

  When she’d said yes, I rushed over and shoved my feet into my sneakers with no socks on, but when I reached her yard, I wondered if she’d change her mind. I stood hidden, waiting on her to come out. I stared at my cell and waited on her to appear and when she did, I knew I was screwed. She was standing on the porch wearing barely there pink, silk shorts, a gray, fleece hoodie that was zipped up and gray boots on her feet.

  Her gaze burned into me and I needed to get her closer, so I moved towards her and tugged her down the steps, into my arms. Not close enough, my heart yelled, but my head wanted me to be smart about this. I was going back to Georgia and I was planning to speak to my grandma to ask if I could go live there. I wanted to go home, be with my friends and support my sisters, but I could only do it if Grandma would let me stay with her.

  I wasn’t sure she would, but I had to try and if I left, I couldn’t take Cara’s heart with me, so I didn’t want to kiss her, but fuck, I’d wanted to see her, so badly. I ran my nose along her cheek and just breathed her in, but it wasn’t enough.

  When I told her, I wanted to kiss her and she’d told me to do it, I almost came in my pants. Her commanding voice and scent drove me wild. I pressed my lips to her skin, giving her whisper soft kisses, nibbling on her neck and her earlobes, but that wasn’t enough and after I told her how scared I was, I eventually gave in.

  My body thrummed with desire, as all the reasons for not kissing her drifted away and I kissed her harder, pushing my tongue into her mouth and toying with her tongue. Then I made her wrap her legs around me and I held her up with my arms.

  Her body against mine was so right and when she moved against me, I wanted to thrust into her, claim her for my own, but I couldn’t do that to her. I couldn’t ruin her in that way, so I pushed my cock along her slit and rubbed at her nub, while kissing the fuck outta her. When she came apart in my arms, I continued to thrust against her, drawing every last bit of her orgasm from her and came a few seconds after her in my pants. I hadn’t done that in years, but I would happily have done it over and over again, if I could have Cara in the same position all over again. When she asked me to go to the pool house with her, I wanted nothing more than to say yes. I wanted to lick every inch of her, claim her with my cock and make her mine, but I couldn’t do that.

  What if my grandma said yes and I never came back after doing that? I couldn’t leave her after fucking her, so I had to stop myself. I untangled her legs from me and gave her some soft kisses to remember me by, but I had to leave because her scent was driving me wild. A man only had so much self-control before he lost his damn mind, so I turned and jogged away from her. I ran across the lawn and back into the house. Once I was back in my bedroom, I took out my cell and sent her a message.

  Blake - Sleep well, beautiful.

  She didn’t reply and after a few minutes of waiting, I changed my shorts and pulled off my hoodie, before climbing into bed. My erection was rock solid as I remembered how she felt gliding up and down against me, and I quickly orgasmed before falling asleep with my dick still out of my shorts.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Early Morning Surprise


  The next morning, I woke up with sticky hands and a banging headache. It took me a minute to remember the night before and when I did, I couldn’t stop smiling. I checked my cell and saw I had nothing from her, but I was an early riser. My body ached and my arms were sore, but I smirked as I remembered why it was aching. I wanted to text her again, but I refrained and dragged my ass to the gym room, Don had installed for his older kids.

  I did some weights, ran on the treadmill, and did a workout on the rowing machine, before going to the pool and swimming ten lengths. When I came out, it was a little after seven and I wandered through the house, drying my hair on a towel as I moved into the kitchen. A strange girl, I’d never seen before was standing there and she turned on me with a knife in her hand. She was vaguely familiar, and I froze for a beat before speaking to her.

  “Who the fuck are you?” we both asked at the same time. She stepped towards me with the knife held out.

  “I’m Kinsley and this is my dad’s house, so I suggest you leave right now before I call the cops on your ass.”

  Her high-pitched voice and the knife made me wary, but I knew how I’d have reacted if my dad had married someone and I found their kid in my kitchen without warning. I knew Don had two older kids, but I’d never met them. One was a girl and she was at Harvard, Yale, or something, and the other, was a guy, Derek, Declan, or something like that, was a lawyer or a doctor in Chicago.

  “Hey, it’s cool. I’m Blake. Don’s married to my mom.” I answered in a cautious voice, because the chick looked damn crazy.

  Her eyes narrowed and she advanced on me with the knife still pointed at my chest.

  “Don’t you think I’d know if my dad had remarried?” She hissed at me, her ashy, blonde hair flew around her face and I backed up against the wall beside the doorway.

  “Call him,” I implored her, before she impaled me with the sharp knife she was holding.

  “Fine. I will. You stay there,” she told me, moving the knife as she did.

  I stared back at her with no intention of moving, as she picked up her cell and dialed what I assumed was Don’s cell. I could hear it ringing from across the room, but then it went to answerphone and she glared over at me as she tried again. Again, it rang and then went to answerphone.

  “It’s just ringing out.” She told me in a low voice.

  Her words scared me because I didn’t know how to prove to her that I really was her stepbrother.

  “You wanna call Marty and ask him?” I asked her in a low voice, and she glared at me.

  “Are you one of Marty’s little friends, here to play a trick on me?” She asked me in a disgusted voice as my head started to pound again, my hangover returning full force.

  I shook my head, no, and wondered what it would take for her to believe me.

  “What about Cara? Can I call her?” I asked and she stared at me hard.

  “Cara who?” Her tone was brittle as she leaned against the counter and watched me as I stood against the wall without moving.

  “Cara Daniels from across the street. We go to school together now.” My voice shook as I gestured to the street and I wished I had more on than a flimsy towel. My clothes were up in my room and I was desperate to go get dressed.

  “Cara as in Caralynn? Yeah okay. Okay, call Cara then.” Her eyes roamed my body, but I didn’t have my cell on me. It was upstairs in my room.

  “I’ve gotta go get my cell.” I told her and began to move as she huffed and I froze, turning back to her.

  “No. No. That’s not going to work. Then you can steal whatever you like and leave my dad to foot the bill. I’ll just call the cops and have them sort it out.”

  I shrugged, not caring because I knew that what I was saying was true, so I stood leaning back against the wall and waited as she picked up her cell and chewed on her lip. Just as she straightened her shoulders and was about to dial, there was a soft knock on the door behind her. My heart stuttered a beat because there was Cara, in a loose shirt and joggers. Her eyes were down, but Kinsley stared at her hard for a moment, before she opened the door.

  “Kins,” Cara exclaimed as she looked up and Kinsley stared down at her. “What are you doing here? Did you know your dad’s out of town?”

  Kinsley stared at her and Cara’s eyes darted by her to land on me. My body began to warm as her eyes roamed all over my body and I watched as a blush rose in her cheek. Her eyes landed on mine and I was scorched by the heat, lust, and desire in them. Kinsley glanced between Cara and I and stepped aside to let Cara in.

  “You know him?” Kinsley asked Cara and s
he nodded.

  “Yeah, he’s Lucille’s son.” Her voice sent a shiver up my spine, that had nothing to do with her words and everything to do with the memory she invoked in me.

  “I’m sorry, but who is Lucille and why is he in my house?” Kinsley brushed her hands through her hair and scooped all of it from her face, showing a nasty bruise on her neck. My eyes darted between the bruise, her face and Cara’s wide eyes.

  “Lucille married your dad over summer break. This is her son, Blake. He’s your stepbrother.”

  She spoke the words slowly and clearly to Kinsley, who looked as though she was going to be sick. Her hands shook and Cara took her by the elbow, gently leading her to the island, where she pulled out a stool and helped her sit down.

  Kinsley put her head in her hands, and I saw another bruise on her neck. My eyes caught Cara’s and I nodded towards Kinsley’s bruises. She gave me a quizzical look and then glanced down, her eyes widening in horror as tears filled her eyes. She glanced back over at me and I watched as her eyes roamed over my chest and down my ‘V,’ to the towel covering my junk. My body began to heat under her intense stare, and I could feel my cock beginning to stir to life, as Cara licked her lips while staring at me.

  “Blake, why don’t you go get dressed?” Cara muttered breathlessly, shaking her head and I smirked at her, amused to see how my nakedness was affecting her, but at the same time worried about the other girl.

  “Sure, I’ll be right back.”

  My words caused Kinsley to look up and she met Cara’s eyes. She didn’t look at me as I turned and walked out of the kitchen, rushing upstairs and into my room. I grabbed a pair of boxers, tugging them on, then pulling on a pair of dark blue, running shorts and a loose, black tee. I quickly sprayed some deodorant under my shirt and then put the bottle back down on the counter, before scooping up my cell and going back downstairs. I was halfway down the stairs when the doorbell went. My quick glance at my cell told me it was seven forty-five on a Sunday morning. I moved towards the door slowly and Cara came out of the kitchen.


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