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Nothing but The Sheets

Page 18

by Stacy McWilliams

  My hands wandered all over her and I teased her nipples, as we continued to kiss until my alarm clock went off at seven am. I’d set it so I’d be home, but I wanted one more time with her. I was about to ask her if she wanted to go again, but she didn’t wait for me to ask as she climbed on top of me, pulling her camisole over her head and exposing her full breasts.

  I leaned up and sucked one of her nipples into my mouth as she ground on my cock. I thrust upwards and let my teeth graze her nipple, while one hand was on her bare ass, pulling her down hard onto me and the other was toying with the other nipple. She rubbed herself along me and I dragged my lips across her chest to the other nipple, kissing, sucking, and biting gently as her hands roamed my chest and left tiny flames where they touched.

  “Blake,” she muttered panting and flushed as I looked up at her in wonderment. “I want to ride your cock,” she told me and then blushed, lifting her hands to cover her face, and stilling on my crotch.

  “Never, never, be afraid,” I muttered between kisses, “To tell a man what you want.”

  I wanted to give her everything, love, confidence, and all of me. My eyes burned as I watched her nod without moving her hands until I reached up, tugging each of them free. I wanted to see her beautiful face, to see those green eyes as I told her exactly what those words did to me. I’d never been more turned on in my life than I was hearing those dirty words come out of her sweet, little mouth.

  “And Cara,” I muttered when I could see her face again, “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever heard.”

  She gave me a shy smile and I moved her off my body so I could strip my joggers and shorts off. She also stripped and when she was naked and sitting on top of me again, I ran my finger down her folds, feeling how wet she was. She was soaked and ready, I thrust my fingers in and out a few times to check, and she moaned, causing me to lose all thought for a moment. I replaced my fingers with my cock and thrust up, as she moved down on me. She put her hands on my chest and dug her nails in and we both moved in sync with each other.

  “Fuck, yes, babe. That’s amazing,” I told her, and she ran her nails gently across my abs, leaving a little sting in her wake, that made me thrust up to meet her descent.

  “Blake, oh my days. Blake,” she muttered breathlessly, and I thrust up harder into her.

  She began to moved faster and faster and I knew she was going to come before she did, from the flush rising up her neck, to the moans and groans she was making. Seeing and feeling her come as she rode my cock, set me off and I came like a rocket inside her. I didn’t get time to pull out and she collapsed on top of me, breathlessly as my second alarm sounded. It was seven-fifteen and it was time to go. I gave her a gentle kiss and she rolled onto the bed at my side, panting and breathing harshly.

  “Cara, it’s time.” I whispered in a painful whisper, because I didn’t want it to be over.

  Why hadn’t I done this earlier with her?

  Why hadn’t I started this all those months ago, when we first kissed?

  I knew how special she was and now, I had to go and leave her behind, and it was killing me. My eyes watered as she nodded sadly at me.

  “I know. I don’t want it to be time to say goodbye to you, Blake.” Her solemn whisper almost caused the moisture in my eyes to spill over. I pressed my lips to hers, a tear hit my cheek and I rested my head against hers for a moment.

  “I need you to know that you made being here bearable. I’ll drop over the notes for our project and …”

  I broke off, because not seeing this beautiful, giving, gorgeous girl again was my plan, but it wasn’t as easy as I assumed it would be. I thought that I could just tell her goodbye, but the thought of actually saying those words to her, made my heart ache in a way I’d never experienced before. I watched silently as she stood and moved to her clothes. She didn’t look back at me as she was pulling on her sweater and joggers. Once she was dressed and facing away from me, breathing harshly, I tugged my tee and sweatshirt back on and pulled on my boxer shorts and joggers, without speaking to her. I slipped my feet back into my sneakers and walked with her to the door, holding her hand. She turned to face me, and her eyes were full of tears.

  “Don’t cry, Cara.” I begged and she leaned up and pressed a soft kiss to my jaw, breathing me in for a moment and I wrapped my arm around her holding her tightly to my chest.

  “I’m gonna miss you, Blake,” she muttered and her voice broke. I kissed her firmly, giving her a piece of my heart in the kiss.

  “I’ll miss you too, Princess, but we can text. Please text me.”

  My heart was breaking too, and I wanted to keep some of the connection between us, even if it was just over texting. I needed to stay connected to her.

  She nodded against my lips and kissed me firmly once more, before she led me outside by the hand and then took off running across the yard to the house. I watched her go and stood breathing hard, as the only girl I’d ever let get close to me, vanished inside her house.

  Leaving me standing outside cold, alone and with half my heart missing. I went back to Don’s and gathered up all my stuff, before dropping my history notes over to her. I’d copied her plan and had given her my USB stick with all my work on it, to make sure she would pass.

  As I turned and walked back over, I paused for a moment and let the sound that was clawing at my throat out and the tears roll from my eyes, then I stood up and scrubbed at my face before going home. It was time to tell my mom that I wasn’t coming back from Georgia. It was time for me to man up.

  Part Two

  Five Years Later

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Fun At Work


  Six am and my alarm blasted in my ear. My eyes were nipping because I’d been out with Bethany, my friend from school and her cousin Aimee, the night before and we may have slightly over-indulged in cocktails. My head was hurting as I climbed up from my bed and dragged my tired and slightly sluggish ass, in for a shower. I washed the makeup from my face and quickly washed my hair, with my stomach rolling and writhing. I breathed deeply, waiting for the nausea to pass, leaning against the cool tiles of my bathroom. My apartment was a small studio above a record shop, a bakery and a coffee shop in downtown Manhattan, New York. It was all I could afford straight out of Stanford, with my Masters in English. I’d only been in my new job, working in a medium sized, media company as a junior staffer, for a few short months. Beth had moved into her cousins, Aimee’s loft and was working on a magazine that she hated.

  I’d worked all through my summers, taking on extra courses and studying my ass off to make sure I could graduate with my Masters. There were a few rocky moments where I thought I’d fail or pass out, but with Beth and Rachel, Noelle, and Kristen, I made it through unscathed. Although, I hadn’t had a love life at all since my all too brief fling with a freshman at Stanford.

  I began to feel a little better after my shower and brushing my teeth. My hair was up in a towel and I knew I didn’t have time to give it a proper dry, so I left it and went to get ready for my day. I wandered out into my bedroom, which was separated by a wooden partition from my living room. The kitchen was to the side and consisted of an integrated hob, oven, fridge, and freezer. There was a tiny island with a sink and two fold-out chairs, and the décor was all creams and beige colors. I went towards my bed and quickly dried off, scooping up my black, lace bra and pulling it up my arms. My boobs were a little bigger and I knew I needed to invest in some new ones, but I refused to touch my trust fund. I wanted to make it by standing on my own two feet, because Grams had always made me feel like women should know their place, that I should now be trying to find a husband.

  That’d be the day. I hadn’t had sex with anyone other than Vic the vibrator, in almost two years and I had no desire to hook up with some random, just to keep Grams happy. She hadn’t even sent me a graduation card, but Josh had gotten a brand-new car from her and Grandad. It sucked, but mom and dad offered to buy me one and I said no
. There was no way I’d be driving about in New York, when I started my job at the company, I’d interned for over the past three years. My salary was enough to cover rent, food, clothes, and that was it. Thankfully, my mom had taken me out and we’d bought makeup, work clothes, shoes, and a very pretty black work purse, with matching wallet, that was so far out of my budget that my eyes watered.

  God, I missed them all. I needed to call Josh back to arrange my trip to see him at Harvard. He was studying medicine there and was seeing a lovely girl called Mairead. I’d never seen him happier and it was nice after the number that Becky did on him senior year, when she slept with his two best friends behind his back.

  Thinking of her made me furious, so I spun around and clicked the radio on, singing along to Twisted Nails, as their new song blasted out. I pulled on my panties and stockings and tugged up my red work dress. It was cap sleeved and silky, it made me feel awesome because it stuck to my curves and accentuated them without making me look or feel fat. I glanced at the clock and hurried back to the bathroom to quickly do my hair and makeup. I emerged ten minutes later, with loose, still damp, blonde waves down my back, my eyes lined, accentuated and with a little brown on the lid. As I put my make up on, Demented by Black Mercy came on and I turned the radio up, singing along to the words and smiling at my reflection in the mirror. I was still a little shocked and a little in awe that I was working for Mason Michaels company, so hearing his band on the radio gave me a little thrill.

  “She drives me demented.

  Her lips, her hips, and her tits.

  She drives me crazy.

  With her smile, her eyes, and her ass.

  She turns my world.

  From black to white.

  And upside down.

  Her love is the catalyst.

  And sex is the key…”

  I sang loudly and so off key, that I laughed and ended up with a smudge of mascara on my nose, that I had to scrub off. My lips were painted in a light pink color and my cheeks had a hint of blush on them. I quickly squirted my favorite perfume, Daisy by Marc Jacobs, although the bottle was running out quickly and gave myself a once over as a new song came on the radio.

  My eyes darted around the room as I searched for my work purse. I found it hung over the partition with my black, short-sleeved jacket, which I paired with my black Manolos with a crystal embellished buckle. Just as I finished getting ready, a song came on the radio that stopped me moving, as I heard the opening notes to Bring me the Broken, by Angels of Discord. Blake’s soulful voice filled the air, although I was running late, and I needed to get to work, I still paused to listen.

  I’m not broken.

  And I’m not damned.

  Bring me the Broken.

  And I’ll make them whole.

  Because damned if you do.

  And damned if you don’t.

  But baby, we’re not broken anymore…

  His words still sent a shiver down my spine and I wanted to listen to the rest of the song, but I couldn’t, otherwise I’d be really late, and Frankie would eat me alive. She already hated me and gave me the worst assignments. I quickly turned off the radio and rushed out the door, patting my pocket to make sure I’d scooped up my cell and cash for lunch. I made my way down the stairs and came out onto the bustling, Manhattan street, heading towards the Starbucks right beside my office.

  I made it to the office with ten minutes to spare until my workday began and sat at my desk, sipping on an iced vanilla latte, and eating a strawberry Danish. My stomach was still a little tender, but I was beginning to feel better, until Frankie called me into her office.

  “Daniels, in here now.” she barked at me and I jerked on my chair, almost spilling my drink everywhere. I quickly stood and put my coffee down on the desk, careful to put it far enough back, that I wouldn’t knock it over.

  “Daniels, now.” she barked.

  I rushed towards her office, wondering what the hell I’d done wrong now. She hadn’t wanted to hire me, but my dad’s company provided one of the servers that we all used to submit our pieces and I’d come highly recommended by Zara in the Cali office.

  My body froze at the door as I saw someone else sitting at the desk across from her. His face was vaguely familiar, when he turned and smiled at me, my stomach dropped through the floor. I knew exactly who he was and knew who he worked for because Marty had posted enough pictures of the band and Drew, their manager, to keep me in the loop. His dark skin was clear and although he was pushing fifty, he would pass for a man half his age. He had loose, black curls on top of his head and a tight fitted, gray blazer, with black jeans and boots on.

  “Hi, I’m Drew Davis. I work with Angels of Discord.”

  His husky, deep voice made me freeze for a moment as I entered the room. Although he smiled, his hulk-sized, figure dwarfed me as I moved towards him and shook his hand, as my fingers trembled slightly with nerves.

  “Hi, I’m Cara Daniels. It’s nice to meet you.” I told him as Frankie glared at me.

  After a beat where nobody had moved or spoke, Frankie was texting frantically on her cell, then shook her head. Before she glowered over at me and motioned to the opposite chair for me to sit down. I lowered myself to the seat and glanced between her and Drew. He sat back and looked amused as he stared between us, but I had no idea what was going on at all.

  “Okay.” Frankie finally said after she sat typing furiously on her cell for the next few minutes. “It’s all sorted. Cara here will do the initial tour dates, promoting and writing up about the tour. She’ll report back to me and I’ll make sure her work is up to standard and then she’ll come on the tour for the first two months to make sure everything goes okay. Greg, our senior staffer, will take over. He’s recovering from surgery just now and will be out of commission for the next few months or I’d be sending him.”

  “No, I’m sorry. That won’t work. I want consistency and I need to know the person who is doing the publicity isn’t going to sleep with the band, and no offence to you dear,” he intoned, turning to me, “But a girl like her would be eaten alive by the boys in the band and it’s my job to keep that from happening.”

  “I’m sorry, what?” I asked and Frankie glared at me.

  “We need a more experienced, tour publicist to come on the tour and report back to us, if you can’t provide it then we’ll need to look elsewhere.” Drew began to stand, and Frankie stood with him, glaring at me as if it was my fault, but I didn’t know why it was or how I had any blame on it.

  “Hold on,” I told him as I stood and faced him. “You need someone to come on tour with Discord?”

  I watched as he nodded and I stood up taller, facing off with him.

  “Wait and you took one look at me, decided I’m what? Too pretty? Too much temptation? I’m sorry, but that is such bullshit …” I spat out at him furiously as I glared up at him. How dare he judge me on my looks. What did he think I was?

  “Cara.” Frankie spat, but I ignored her.

  I wasn’t a fucking silly little girl, who’d sleep with a guy just because he was famous and gave her some attention. I was spitting mad and the air around me crackled as I glared up at the behemoth before me and I was damn well going to tell him that. My next words were out of my mouth before I could even think about them.

  “I am not some stupid little groupie who will sleep with a member of the band, just because he bats his eyes at me and you implying that is unfair and frankly insulting.”

  I paused with my chest rising and falling, Drew stared at me hard for a moment before throwing his head back and laughing.

  “You’ve got some guts, lady. I’ll give you that.”

  His amused voice and his chuckle made me want to stab him in the eye with a pencil and laugh in his giant face and I knew he could tell from the enraged expression on my face.

  “Okay, you’re hired, but I’m telling you now, you sleep with any member of the band and you’re out. You’ll still be working for Mercy Industries
and Mason doesn’t play around with his employees and Blake Thompson is also a stickler for the rules. Mason runs his label like a tight ship and if you rock the boat, then you’ll be cast aside without a net.”

  Mason Michaels of Mercy Industries was ruthless when it came to his employees. He didn’t take any nonsense or settle for second best. That was why most bands wanted to sign to his label and why Frankie was such a dragon because she was one of the best. It’s why I’d applied to work under her, but she’d taken a dislike to me because of the board overruling her and hiring me, instead of the other girl. I guessed that was why Blake had signed for Mercy Industries too, because he was also a perfectionist according to the reports. I’d read about him. I nodded once at him, trying to ignore the swooping sensation that happened, when Blake’s name was mentioned. I could do it. I could be the tour publicist for them. I could totally do it, but what if I couldn’t. What if Blake took one look at me and said, ‘oh hell no?’ He could do it; it was his band after all.

  “Okay, you’ll need to come with me and sign the contract. Our last tour publicist was fired for sleeping with Ryder, just so you know. I swore that we wouldn’t hire another female in case it happened again.” Drew informed me bluntly, “So you better not mess up and make me regret hiring you.”

  “You won’t.” I told him confidently as I held his gaze steady and he nodded once at me.

  “Fine. I need you to come downtown just now to sign the paperwork, to check your ID and things. Is now a good time?” He asked in his deep baritone and I turned to Frankie, who nodded tightly.

  “Now is good.” I told him and he gave me a tight smile before turning back to Frankie.

  “Do I need anything else from you?” he asked her.

  I took a deep breath and hid my shaking hands by my side. Confrontations always did this to me. I was fine while they were happening, but as soon as they were done and my adrenaline left, I was a shaking mess.


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