Nothing but The Sheets

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Nothing but The Sheets Page 28

by Stacy McWilliams

  “Fuck, how do I fix this?” I muttered as the complexity of healing this break, overwhelmed me. He touched my arm and I glanced over at him from between my fingers.

  “If Cara was here what would you say to her?” he asked, and I stared at him in annoyance.

  “What’s the fucking point of asking that? She’s not here and I’ve royally fucked everything up with her. If she never forgives me, then it’s no more than I deserve.”

  My words came out broken and muffled by my hands and I wanted to scream, yell and fucking destroy everything. Without her, it all meant fuck all. I missed her and I’d been missing her for five weeks, because some stupid, little girl wanted me and couldn’t have me. That was a fucking brutal pill to swallow.

  “If you talk out what you would say with me, then when you see her, you’ll have a better idea of what you want to say and what you need to.”

  I sat upright and glared at him through glassy eyes because I didn’t know if I would ever see her again. If she would ever even want to see me, or if she could ever forgive me for what I’d done to her.

  “What would I say to her?” I asked, he nodded, and I swallowed around the lump in my throat.

  “I’d tell her how fucking truly, incredibly sorry I am for screaming at her, for blaming her. I’d tell her every fucking day I was miserable, because I missed her. I wish that I’d kissed her that night and taken her to my bed every time she was in my room, because it was all I wanted.”

  I took a deep breath and continued…

  “I’d tell her, I fucking love her so much, that even though I tried to hate her, even though I thought she’d betrayed me, I still fucking loved her, so much that it was killing me. I’d tell her that I’d always wanted her. That the only other thing I regretted from my time in Idaho, was not starting things sooner with us. God, I wish I could take back all the horrible things I said to her and how I treated her, but I fucking can’t.”

  I took a breath and turned to Yani with tears in my eyes, before I swallowed and took a breath.

  “I need to go to her. I need to go to Idaho. What if she won’t see me, or doesn’t want to know. Fuck.”

  I broke off when a hand touched my lap and it was from the opposite side to Yani. My eyes lifted and I saw a smile ghost his lips, I turned my head and saw Cara sitting there in a simple, black top, gray cardigan, and gray jeans.

  Her eyes shone with tears and she gave me a wide smile that stole my breath away.

  “Cara, what are you doing here?” I asked and she frowned, staring at me.

  “I came to hear your apology. Yani convinced me that I should be here when you find out.”

  Her words and smile made my heart sing, but I needed to apologize to her. I leaned over and took her hands in mine, holding onto them tightly.

  “Cara,” I muttered, and she leaned closer to me with a smile across her lips. “I am so, so sorry…”

  I began and she lifted her finger to my lips, holding it there and muttering, “Shhh.”

  Her head inched towards mine and she pressed a soft kiss to my cheek, as her fingers slipped into mine.

  “No, Cara, please? I have to apologize. I need to tell you how sorry I am. I was such a shit to you, and I swear I never hated you, but thinking that you did that, gutted me. My whole world crumbled when I saw my words on that paper and I am so, so sorry I blamed you. Please forgive me.”

  I watched her eyes fill with tears as I told her how sorry I was, and my heart raced as she leaned close to me and pressed a soft kiss to my lips.

  “You’re forgiven. I don’t blame you for thinking that it was me. It was the only thing that made sense and while I wish you’d trusted me enough to know I’d never have done it, it’s okay. I forgive you. I’m only sorry you were hurt.”

  I nodded at her and stared at her in awe.

  “Cara, I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I swear I’ll make this up to you.” I breathed against her lips, pressing a soft kiss, feeling like I finally was home. Her tongue darted along my lips and then away.

  “Merry Christmas, Blake,” she muttered as she stood and pulled me into the house.

  I glanced back to thank Yani and he was gone, zooming down the road from my house and leaving dust flying behind. I didn’t look too long though, because the girl I’d always wanted, the girl I’d waited for, was leading me into my house and I’d never been more turned on in my life. I tugged her towards my bedroom and when she didn’t walk quickly enough, I scooped her up and jogged down the hall, placing her onto my bed.

  “Give me two minutes.” I told her as I set her down and she smiled at me. “I’ll be right back,” I muttered, and I heard her answer as I turned the faucet on.

  “Blake, I’m going nowhere.”

  I quickly scrubbed at my teeth and washed my face, before I turned and went back out to find her sitting naked on my bed. I yanked my top off and walked towards her, pulling my buttons open on my jeans. I shoved them down my legs, along with my boxers and kicked them off, thankful I wasn’t wearing any shoes, as I climbed up on the bed and kissed my way up her body. I wanted to taste her and make her come, but I needed to be inside of her desperately. I gave her a few little licks and then when she was wet enough, I crawled up her body and pressed my lips to hers.

  “I’ve missed you,” I breathed against her lips as I ran my cock up and down her wet and willing pussy. “Do you want me?” I asked as I probed at her entrance. Her eyes flamed as she reached up and tangled one hand in my hair, while the other tugged at my ass.

  “Always,” she breathed against me and I pushed into her, feeling my body zing at our connection.

  Five years after the first time I fucked her, I was back inside her and I never wanted to be anywhere else.

  “I’m yours, babe,” she muttered as I ground into her and she made a moaning sound low in her throat.

  “And I’m yours. I want nothing between us ever again. Nothing but the sheets in our bed.” I muttered as I pushed in again, her nails scraped my skin, making me go faster and watching as the color rose in her cheeks.

  “Nothing but the sheets, Blake. Forever.” She breathed and I liked the sound of that.

  There was only one thing left to say as I moved in sync with her. I looked deep into her eyes, as I said to her properly for the first time ever.

  “I love you, Cara.”

  Her answering smile was dazzling and it lit me up from the inside out.

  “I love you too, Blake.”

  I leaned my head down and pressed my lips to hers, as my body found its rhythm with hers. I knew I’d always love this girl. She was my home. My person and I would never let anyone else come between us ever again.

  Never again would she be leaving my side.

  Never again would I let anything come between us.

  Nothing But The Sheets.


  Two Years Later

  Cara was out shopping for baby stuff with Emily and Heather. Emily was Kerr’s new girlfriend and Heather was Ry’s current squeeze. Although he kept on going back to her whenever he was home, I thought there was maybe something a little more serious there. It’d taken a while for things to smooth out with us and Cara was a big part of the reason why. She’d spoken to the boys without me and organized a band meeting during our first Christmas, that helped us to reconnect. Kerr took the longest, but I couldn’t blame him and even now, though things were much better, they were never really the same.

  Crystal was currently in rehab. The fucking bitch denied it all and Mason decided to give her another chance because her single was so popular. I’d told him though, that we’d never, ever be on the same tour and that I’d never forgive her for what she almost cost me. He agreed to keep us separate and was so far, true to his word. He’d also given Cara a job as a tour organizer within Mercy industries and she loved it. She was so good at it and was so excited to have her team expand last year. I was so proud of her, even more so now.

  I glanced around my
yard and saw the streamers, balloons and tables filled with cakes, sandwiches and snacks and I wondered if I could have done more. Emily and Heather were taking Cara to get pampered and had told her that they were coming back here to change, before the movies, but I’d planned a baby shower for her. She was carrying twin babies, one boy and one girl, who we’d decided to name Aurora and Edward. After our miscarriages last year, this was the perfect way to celebrate the two new lives she was bringing into the world, in a few short weeks. Our wedding had been just over a year ago, on a private island in Fiji, with just her and me there. It was perfect for us, and our babies were due two days after our first wedding anniversary. I couldn’t wait for our future to begin with our two little people and our amazing friends and families by our side.

  We had it all now and I had never been happier than I was with Cara. She was my whole world and I never took a moment for granted with her, because I could so easily have lost it all, because of her, who we don’t talk about. I heard the car coming down the driveway and excitement bubbled in my stomach at the thought of seeing her face. Marty was standing by the snacks with her mom and dad. My mom and Don were over on the far side of the lawn, talking with Tristian, Marty’s husband and was bouncing baby Lizzie on their knee.

  Lizzie, Marty, and Tristian’s daughter was seven months old and one of the most adorable little girls I’d ever seen. My heartrate rose as the gate opened and Cara stepped into the yard, looking delicious in a light, green dress that brought out her eye color. Her blonde hair was swept up in an elegant chignon and her smile was dazzling. Her eyes swept around the yard and she began to cry as she walked over to me.

  “Hi, Princess,” I muttered when she was in my arms, “Nice surprise?” I asked and she nodded against my chest.

  “Thank you, Blake. I love you so much.” Her words were muffled, but I leaned down and pressed my lips to the top of her head and muttered, “Love you too,” before she was pulled away to see everyone.

  I’d get her alone later and there’d be nothing, but the sheets between us.

  The End

  Other books by Stacy McWilliams

  Stepbrother: Step Dilemma Series Book 1

  Black Mercy (San Francisco Rock Romance Book 1)

  Destroyed by Deception (Amethyst College Saga Book 1)

  Available for Pre-order

  Stepsister (Step Dilemma Series Book 2)

  Broken Mercy (San Francisco Rock Romance Book 2)

  Sing me Home

  About The Author

  Welcome to the rollercoaster world of Stacy McWilliams.

  Stacy McWilliams is a Scottish Author who loves romance. All of her books have a romantic element and her books will keep you on the edge of your seat, make you want to throw your kindle around and her characters will make you either love them or loathe them.


  "...on the edge reading..." Destroyed by Deception

  "...hold on tight and hang on for the ride." Black Mercy

  "...captivated from the start..." Candlelight

  "...kept me intrigued..." Luminosity

  "brilliant paranormal story that pulls you into her world of demons and teenage romance." Ignition

  “What can I say... I was left wanting more… More Hunter, more Savannah, just more of everything.”-Pride

  Contact her on Facebook or Instagram and she will message back.

  If she’s not writing, looking after her three boys or spending time with her hubs, she’s reading or watching TV shows such as Lucifer, The 100 and Supernatural.

  She’s working on new materials and is hoping to release three-four books in 2020. Also check out her Facebook page for updates on any signings she’s attending.

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