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The Alpha's Virgin Prize

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  After they ate their food, and Caleb did the most work, finishing off her steak, fries, and even the salad, he took her onto the dancefloor.

  This made her even more nervous. One of his hands went to her back, and she rested her head against his shoulder. The music was soft, slow.

  “I knew you’d feel perfect in my arms.”

  She tilted her head back to look at him. “You did?”

  “There’s no way you could have been anything but perfect.”

  “How did you know?” she asked.

  He was so close. His lips just a breath away. Did she want him to kiss her?

  Why was this man confusing her in all the right ways?

  “Because I just knew you’d be the right one for me. You’re what I’ve been looking for all my life. I just had to wait for the right woman.”

  His lips touched hers. It started out slow, calm, beautiful. His hand slid up her back, cupping the back of her neck, and this time, she felt the need rush through her body. With him wrapped around her, the world fell away and all that remained was the two of them.

  She held onto him, the kiss surrounding her, filling every single one of her senses, making it hard for her to think, to do anything but feel.

  She didn’t want it to stop, but he did, he broke the kiss.

  The song had changed. People around them were dancing to a new upbeat tune.

  She didn’t want this to end.

  Chapter Four

  He’d salvaged the night. In the beginning, he swore he’d fucked it up every time he opened his mouth. Then he sensed it … her desire. His wolf howled within as her pheromones perfumed the air. It took every ounce of his self-control to play the part of a human gentleman when her body called out to him.

  Caleb prided himself on his good behavior during the night.

  Overall, the date had gone well after the initial awkwardness had worn off. Now it was time for date number two … or three. She’d agreed to let him show her the sunset and full moon tonight. He just hoped he could keep his wolf in check with the strength of the full moon and the mating call both conspiring against him.

  “No details?” asked Reese.

  He’d barely slept all night after his date. He couldn’t stop thinking about Bethany—her scent, her kiss, the way she felt in his arms. “You’re the one to tell me a gentleman never tells.”

  “We all know you’re no gentleman, Caleb. The date obviously went well if she wants to see you again. How far did things go last night?” asked Reese.

  “Stop fucking nagging,” said Caleb. “You three are driving me nuts.”

  He held up the jewel in his hand to the light in the room. The emerald was natural with a unique shade of green. It was beautiful, a treasure he’d carried around with him for many years. Now it would be Bethany’s.

  “Good choice,” said David.

  He glared at his packmate. Their constant meddling grated on his nerves.

  “I’m heading out for my date. Instead of worrying about my sex life, how about you do what I asked and make extra patrols. When I get back, I’ll catch up. We need to root out these fucking bears.”

  Brian bolted off the couch. “We know where one of them is. We should cull that bear as soon as he leaves the diner tomorrow. Fuck, we could have handled it tonight.”

  He shook his head. “I’m not starting a war, especially when we have no clue what we’re dealing with. We have to use level heads.”

  Tonight was the full moon, so the pack would go feral within a couple of hours. They’d be more wolf than man, and he didn’t want them doing anything stupid. Wolves were extremely territorial.

  “We’ll be in the woods tonight for our date,” he said. “Keep away from us. I don’t want her spooked, and you all need to mind your damn business.”

  Brian shrugged and sat back down on the couch.

  Caleb grabbed his truck keys off the wall hook and set out. The sunset was fast approaching, and he didn’t want Bethany to miss it.

  She’d agreed to let him pick her up at the rooming house which was a step in the right direction. He wanted her to trust him … but he was also keeping major secrets from her. What if she grew to love him but couldn’t accept the fact he was an alpha wolf? He couldn’t just walk away. The mating call happened once. Without Bethany, his entire pack would be doomed. He hoped she would be open-minded when he finally revealed the truth.

  When he pulled up at the rooming house, she was already waiting outside, holding a cardigan tight to her body. He hated her being alone, especially so close to sunset. His need to protect her was off the charts. She’d gone from stranger to his everything in the blink of an eye. The moment he picked up her scent, Caleb knew his search was over.

  He parked the truck and approached her. She was such a beauty. Even her little nose was adorable. There wasn’t a thing he could find wrong with his mate. “Cold?”

  “I’ll be okay. I’m sure it will only get chillier when the sun sets, so I wanted to be prepared.”

  “Smart girl.” Caleb’s body always ran hot, thanks to his shifter DNA. He had to remember Bethany was human and fragile. “Are you ready to go?”

  She nodded.

  Caleb held the passenger door open for her, trying his best to remember all his manners. His pack had drilled the rules into him about a hundred times.

  The drive was silent, save the purr of the old engine. He had to break the hush. It was important for Bethany to feel comfortable around him if they were to have a chance together.

  “I had a good time yesterday,” he finally said.

  She turned her body slightly in his direction. “Me too.”

  “I like the bar, but this will be even better. I’m at home in the forest.”

  “I grew up in the city, so I’m glad you know what you’re doing,” she said. “It’ll be dark soon. Aren’t there dangerous animals in the forest at night?”

  He smirked. “When you’re with me, you have nothing to worry about.”

  She smiled, and his entire body reacted. “I forgot to ask you last night. Do you have any ex-girlfriends in town? It could get awkward with me working in the diner. You know, small town and all.”

  “No ex-girlfriends.”

  He didn’t need to question her about past relationships. The moment he met her, his wolf already scented she was a virgin. The fact cemented his claim and only increased his desire to take her as his own.

  She fiddled with the hem of her sweater, looking out the window and occasionally sneaking peeks in his direction.

  “Are you scared of me, Bethany?” he asked. The trails were getting rugged, the sun low in the sky. The truck jostled over the rocks and roots. Hints of pink were already appearing on the horizon. They were almost at the embankment where they’d have the ultimate view. He wanted everything to be perfect.

  She frowned. “No, why do you ask?”

  “You seem nervous. I don’t want you to be afraid of me.”

  “I’m not used to dating, to be honest. And I’m not very good at trusting people.”

  “I guess I’ll have to prove myself then.” He turned and winked at her. “I’m up for the challenge.”

  Caleb pulled to the side of the dirt road, cut the engine, and walked around to her side of the truck. He held his hand out for her. It was a bit of a jump with his lifted suspension, so she dropped down into his arms.

  They stood still for a few moments. Their proximity was a major distraction. He could hear her heart racing. If only she knew how much she affected him.

  “Come on, we’ll miss it.” He took her hand and started plodding into the underbrush. She had a hard time keeping up, so he reminded himself to slow down.

  “You sure you know where you’re going?”

  “Almost there,” he said.

  When they emerged at the other side, the embankment was clear with only a scattering of wildflowers. The massive expanse of sky seemed to go on forever in every direction. Shades of pink, orange, and red already h
ighlighted the few clouds.

  Bethany let go of his hand and wandered close to the edge, her face in complete awe, her thick lips parted. His pack would say he’d done good because Bethany obviously loved what she saw.

  “So, this is a country sunset,” she whispered.

  He came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. She flinched at first but settled back against him. “I’ve been coming here for many years. When I need to clear my head or remember how small I am in the grand scheme of things, this is where I come.”

  “I love it. It’s perfect. Thank you for bringing me here.”

  They stood like that for the longest time, watching the sky morph and darken, the colors becoming more intense by the minute. She felt soft and delicate in his arms, and he breathed in her scent at her temple.

  “I have something for you.” He wanted to give her his gift before the darkness took control. The power of the full moon already flowed through his veins. He had to force his fangs not to peek through as his wolf clawed to get free. His urge to fuck, to mate, was becoming harder to contain.

  She turned around to face him. He took her hand and placed the emerald in her palm, then closed her fingers.

  “What is it?”

  When he let go, she looked down and held the emerald up to the light in the sky. “Oh my God, Caleb. Is this for real?”

  “Women like jewels, right? This one’s perfect for you.” Then he whispered, “It matches your eyes.”

  The intimacy sparked in the air.

  “It’s an emerald.”

  “Don’t you like it?” It was hard for him to gauge her reactions. Human emotions and customs were still a bit of a mystery at times.

  “I love it. I mean, it’s perfect … but it’s too much.”

  He tilted his head, wondering how he managed to fuck this up. “Too much?”

  “It’s only our second date. Guys don’t usually invest in a woman until much later. This has to cost a lot. I can’t accept it.”

  He cupped her face, forcing her to look up at him. She was so much smaller, a precious little female—his female. “I’d give you the world if I could. I don’t need a timeline to express myself, Bethany. I knew from the moment we met that you were the one for me.”

  She chuckled softly. “You can’t be serious.”

  “I don’t know about men in the city, but when I commit to something, I don’t do it lightly.” He didn’t want to scare her off by going too far. The truth was he already planned forever with her. There was no way he’d turn back now or ever. He was only biding his time until he felt she was ready to mate.

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Say you’ll be my ma—” He caught himself quickly. “My girlfriend.”

  She bit her lip, trying to hide a little smile. “This is happening so fast. I’ve never been someone’s girlfriend before.”

  Caleb leaned down and kissed her. She melted against him, no hesitation. He deepened the kiss, savoring her taste and the feel of her tongue in his mouth.

  Within minutes, the palette of color in the sky faded into darkness. The full moon grew in strength, giving a wash of white light to the valley below. Wolves howled in the distance. Some were his packmates.

  She clutched his shirt, pressing her body closer. “You hear that? Now what?”

  “Shhh, relax, little one. Now we enjoy the full moon.” He pointed at the sky. “Do you know what legends say about the moon?”

  Bethany shook her head.

  “That some men turn into wolves. Do you believe in shapeshifters?”

  “Don’t try to scare me, Caleb.”

  He smirked, tilting her chin up. “That’s the last thing I want to do.” He kissed her lips again, a light caress. “Remember what I told you? I’ll protect you from anything.”


  How could he protect her from those hell hounds? He was only a man, flesh and blood, the same as her. Memories of werewolf movies that had terrified her as a child came rushing back. She didn’t want to end up as human roadkill.

  “You’re shaking,” he said.

  “I’m not used to this. Maybe we should go back.” The thought of traversing the forest again to get to his truck almost put her into a full-blown panic attack. She didn’t want to be rude when they’d just shared the most romantic moment of her life, but now it was dark and eerie out.

  She couldn’t even focus on the fact she had the world’s hottest boyfriend.

  “Nothing will hurt you. Trust me a little,” he said. “Please.”

  Reluctantly, she agreed to follow him. She held his hand again, loving the intimacy of holding his big, warm hand. His skin was slightly rough from manual labor, a real man. They weaved their way down the side of the low cliff until they reached the pebbly edge of a lake.

  “Watch,” he said.

  He squatted down and skipped a stone across the dark surface of the water. When the ripples settled, she noticed the reflection of the moon on the lake. It was a work of art, the mirror image of the sky. If she wasn’t so damn nervous, she’d be able to truly embrace the beauty of what Caleb was showing her. She felt his pride and didn’t want to ruin the night. She had been dreaming of finding a good man all her adult life. Someone who’d love and care for her—like no one ever had.

  “Can you feel it at all?” he asked. He stood and took her hand, pressing it to his heart. “I feel the power of the moon right here. With each breath, it feeds me, strengthens me. I’m never as alive as I am on the full moon.”

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her desire for the man next to her was incomparable. Yes, he was rock solid and tempting, but there was more, a deeper connection. After only two dates she trusted him, felt drawn to him more than any other man. “I do feel something,” she said. Bethany wasn’t about to tell him those feelings were mostly between her legs.

  “Then you understand why I trust my intuition?”

  She palmed the emerald in her hand, still in shock that this man appeared to really want her as much as she wanted him. All her life, she’d craved a man to put her first. It was so hard to believe this was for real.

  “I’m trying…”

  “You’re the only woman for me. I’ll wait as long as you need,” he said.

  That gave her hope. She bunched his shirt in her fists, feeling the heat radiate off him. He was a force, his shadow swallowing her whole. If she knew he was sincere, she’d let him fuck her right here on the rocky beach. But she kept worrying he was a player, trying to get her in his bed before he dumped her and looked for his next victim. “Please don’t play games with me. I’m not the kind of girl that sleeps around.”

  “No games. I know exactly what you are.”

  Bethany tilted her head to the side. “What am I?”

  “Untouched. A virgin.”

  She swallowed hard. How could he know that? Was it an assumption because she was so unattractive? Had she said something last night and forgotten? No, that wasn’t something she would have mentioned. “You don’t know that,” she said.

  “If I’m your first boyfriend…” He leaned down and kissed her temple then trailed kisses along her jaw down to her neck. Her knees began to wobble as she swayed on her feet. He had some kind of power over her, pulling all her desires to the surface. “I can smell your innocence. Taste it on your lips.”

  This guy was something else. Her pussy flooded with warmth, her eyes fluttering closed. He reached around her, his hands moving lower until they cupped her ass. His erection pressed against her stomach. Knowing how hard he was turned her on even more.

  “Is that a problem?”

  “You’re perfect.” He peeled open her cardigan and began to unbutton her blouse. She didn’t stop him. She felt so chilled and exposed once her shirt opened to reveal her lace bra. Her nipples pebbled when he pulled one of the bra cups down, revealing her breast. His mouth was on her so fast, she squealed from the onslaught of electric pleasure racing through her. He sucked on her
areola and nipple, his tongue flicking her in just the right way. “All mine,” he said with a growl.

  The possessive tone in his voice traveled all the way to her clit. She wanted to be his in every way.


  She had no words. Somehow, she’d forgotten her fears, the cold, the darkness, and only focused on the way his lips felt on her skin.

  “The full moon is tempting. I want nothing more than to claim you tonight. Here. Now.” He slid his palm down the front of her pants, cupping her pussy over her panties. She cried out, not realizing how tightly wound she was. The pressure from his hand nearly brought her to orgasm. “But I want you to trust me, so we’ll wait.”

  She almost wanted to scream “no” because she didn’t want this night to end.

  “I trust you,” she said. Bethany reached up on her tippy toes and kissed his jaw, reaching up to pull his neck down. The roughness of his stubble and the rustic scent of his skin were like aphrodisiacs. He slipped his hand out of her pants and shackled her wrists down at her sides. He was so strong. So capable.

  “Stop tempting me, little one. I want to be a gentleman tonight.”

  She nearly stomped her feet like a child. The pulse in her pussy was all-consuming, and she wanted Caleb’s rough hands all over her.

  A wolf howled in the distance, but closer than before. There was rustling in the bushes behind them and a deep growling sound she almost thought was the wind.

  It wasn’t.

  “Caleb,” she whispered.

  He let go of her wrists and turned to face the forest. She’d jump into the lake if she had to, but that was almost equally foreboding in the near pitch black. “It’s okay, Bethany. You’re safe.”

  The growling grew louder. She cupped her hands over her mouth and nose, adrenaline running wild through her veins. Caleb was going to get hurt, but there was nothing she could do to help. She had nothing, not even her purse.

  She’d just gotten the best boyfriend ever, her future looking promising for once, and he was going to get eaten alive.


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