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Dude with a Cool Car (Concrete Angels MC Book 2)

Page 11

by Siobhan Muir

  “I had no-slip bars installed just for this instance.” She grinned up at me as she moved my hips closer to her face and nuzzled my balls. “You hold on tight now, and don’t come until I tap your hip. Of course, you’re welcome to beg, but not until I tap your hip. Ready?”

  The sensation of her nose on my sac had damn near short-circuited my brain, but I managed to nod and grasp the bathroom “oh-shit” bars. And yeah, it’ll be oh-shit if I come before she says I can. Maybe they’d keep me from falling.

  “Now, I’m gonna enjoy this cock. Keep your eyes on me.”

  When her mouth enveloped my dick, I almost closed my eyes, but I groaned and tightened my hands on the bars until my knuckles hurt. Watching my cock disappear into her hot mouth as the water slid down over her naked body was the most erotic thing I’d experienced in a long time. Normally, I’d close my eyes and just feel, but she’d forbidden it. So I watched and it turned me on more than I expected.

  She met my gaze a few times as she swirled her tongue over my shaft and the intimacy of that connection settled deeper and deeper into my soul. I wanted to look away, afraid of what she’d see in my eyes, but her order was stronger than my fear.

  She dragged her tongue down the shaft and back up before engulfing the head and shoving the tip into my slit. At the same time, she massaged my balls, rolling the soft skin between her fingers like the Singing Balls used in Chinese medicine. The combination of touches launched my orgasm before I was ready and I had to bite my lip hard to keep it at bay.

  Oh, please, Goddess, let me hold back. Please.

  But Karma tortured me, building the pleasure up so high I had to try to think of maintaining my focus away from my impending release. I tried to think of changing Rosé’s oil, but Karma’s tongue splintered my thoughts when she held my cock and licked my balls, sucking one into her mouth.

  “Oh, glory, Ma’am, I think I’m gonna come. May I come, please?”


  I moaned as she went back to work on my dick, her hot mouth sliding up and down the sensitive flesh. When I hit the back of her throat, she swallowed and I saw fuckin’ stars. I tightened my hands on the oh-shit bars and held on for dear life.

  Then she tilted her head and took me deep, using the muscles of her throat to tighten and undulate against my shaft. I whimpered as I watched her swallow me down to the root. I wasn’t small. I’d never been small so most women hadn’t been able to do more the get two-thirds of me into their mouths. But Karma took me to the base and the eroticism of that action pushed me over the edge.

  “Oh, fuck, Ma’am. I’m gonna come. I’m sorry. I’m gonna come! Karma!”

  She rolled her eyes up to meet mine as my release boiled through me. I couldn’t hold back and roared out her name, my cum shooting down her throat as she kept my gaze locked on hers. She swallowed and swallowed and I floated in the perfect place where time and the world no longer mattered. My Madam was everything and I’d serve her for as long as she let me.

  I love her.

  Despite the sexy lassitude, the thought shocked me and I stared at her in wonder and not a little panic as she licked my cock to clean it of cum. I kept my gaze on her and what she did to my dick, both enjoying it and whimpering from over-stimulation. She rose, allowing the still warm spray to wash the rest of my body. My breath sawed in my chest as I took in the implications of the emotion flowing through me.

  I love her.

  It was clear I’d lost my mind. Sure, Karma was gorgeous and she brought me more pleasure than I’d ever experienced with another woman. But love? I’d only been here two weeks and I’d only known Karma a handful of days. How could I know it was love? Hell, it had taken me two years to fall for Andrea, and that hadn’t turned out well.

  That’s because Andrea couldn’t give me what I needed.

  Okay, true, but I hadn’t known that until I met Karma. The question was could I trust my instincts on this when I’d failed so spectacularly in the past?

  Is it real love when you haven’t told her why you’re really here?

  There was a question I didn’t want to think about so I shoved it to the back of my mind as Karma turned off the shower and stepped out to grab two big fluffy towels. Each one had a hood, like a kid’s towel, but it was adult sized. She brought one and wrapped it around me, pulling the hood onto my head. Then she ran her hands all over my body, drying the water off every inch, including my deflating cock. I just stood there, breathing and thinking, as she dried my body with loving and careful efforts.

  “There, you should be all dry.”

  She offered her hand to me and I stepped out of the shower, charmed and delighted despite my dark thoughts. She gave me a proud smile as she patted my ass under the towel.

  “Go get dressed and we’ll get started for the day.” She made shooing motions toward the bedroom. “Oh, and Coop?”

  I stopped. “Yes, Ma’am?”

  “There will be consequences for coming without permission.”

  I swallowed hard despite the uptick in my heart rate. “Yes, Ma’am.”

  “Good.” She nodded. “Get dressed now.”

  I wondered what I was in for later. That, and I have to figure out what the fuck I’m really doing here.

  I pulled my clothes on, wondering if I’d FUBAR’d this investigation. Hell, I was sleeping with a member of the organization I was investigating. And I love her. Which was all sorts of wrong. But my gut said the Concrete Angels weren’t directly involved with Backlog and the day’s research would confirm that.

  I shook my head and tried to focus. “Do you think Numbers will be up? I want to get a jump on where she left off. Do you think she’ll be awake after the party last night?”

  “Yeah, probably. She doesn’t go as hard as the others when it comes to partying. It has something to do with her past at the FBI. Not that I blame her.”

  Yeah, I don’t blame her, either.



  “You need to be careful. With Numbers.”

  I looked up and met Karma’s gaze. “Careful with her?”

  “Yeah. She doesn’t trust men in general, and you’re someone new. And Scott doesn’t take kindly to anyone who scares her. He kinda thrashes someone first, asks questions later.”

  Yeah, I’d seen how Scott hovered around Numbers. Out of the way but watchful.

  “I’ll be careful and keep my distance from her. I’m just going to talk to her to find out what she knows so I can continue.” And find out if the Concrete Angels were pawns or conspirators.

  And wouldn’t that just suck if I had to walk way from Karma? It would damn near break my heart and I wasn’t sure I’d recover. It had been hard when Andrea fucked me over, but this would be me fucking me over, and that sucked big-ass donkey balls.

  “Earth to Coop, come in please.”

  I blinked and realized I’d been in my head too long.

  “Uh, yeah, sorry. Did you ask something?”

  “I said, do you wanna meet up for lunch? It might be good to take a break.”

  “Oh.” The idea of having pussy for lunch jerked my mind back to the beautiful woman who’d given me a BJ this morning. “Yeah, that would be great. How ’bout I text you when I’m at a good stopping point?”

  “Sounds good.” She offered me a sultry smile that made my cock rise despite my recent orgasm. “Maybe we could bring lunch back here for a little cookie & nookie.”

  I laughed as my cock saluted the idea. “Yes, Ma’am.”

  “Good. Let’s go get some coffee and breakfast, in that order. I’m starving.”

  I finished dressing and followed her swaying denim ass out into the yard. I automatically checked our surroundings and found the same guy I’d seen the night before leaning against the barn wall, his beefy arms crossed over his chest. So, they don’t completely trust me. I had to admit a combination of hurt and approval. I wasn’t totally trustworthy for them yet, but hopefully I’d get answers that would sati
sfy my gut instincts.

  And just maybe, I’d figure out what I’d do if I got answers I didn’t like.



  Coop remained pretty quiet after our early morning fuck snack and I wondered what had put him in such a pensive mood. I’d seen Flint standing out in the yard and nodded to him. He’d acknowledged with a slow blink which I’d learned meant things were okay. Coop hadn’t tried to slip out while I slept.

  He held the door open for me to enter the clubhouse in front of him and followed behind, but I sensed when he came to an abrupt stop.


  I turned and raised my eyebrows. “What?”

  “It’s not a nasty, SOLO-cup strewn, vomit-streaked mess.”

  I chuckled. “Did you expect it to be?”

  “Well, yeah. After a party like last night, I figured there’d be garbage and bodies all over the place, some of them half dressed.” He narrowed his eyes and pointed at me. “You all are messing with my pre-conceived notions of how a biker club parties.”

  I laughed aloud as I led him over to the counter with the coffee and hot water machines. “Oh, I’m pretty sure we party just as hard as other clubs, we just make an effort to clean up before we crap out.” It also helped that half of our club wasn’t human and could remain upright when the humans had gone tits-up with alcohol. But he didn’t need to know that secret yet.

  Not until I know him better.

  Yeah, the Goddess had asserted he was my true mate, but there was something he was holding back. Something that might make our connection a lot harder to maintain. I wanted to ignore my gut and tell her to fuck off, but I hadn’t lived as long as I had by ignoring it. Coop had secrets—hell we all did—and until I knew most of them, I had to remain careful, true mate or not.

  “I’m impressed. You even have hangover remedies. You come prepared.”

  “Yup. No point in feeling like shit the whole next day.” I poured us both two large mugs of coffee and handed him one. “Go pick a table and I’ll bring you some grub.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “Aren’t I supposed to serve you?”

  I leaned close with a secret smile. “Actually, you got that backwards, sweet stud. The Domme serves the sub in all ways.” His eyes widened as I straightened. “Besides, you had an eventful morning. Go sit down. I got this.”

  I turned back to the food Grub had cooked up this morning and thanked my lucky stars there was plenty. I hadn’t eating anything except snacks the night before and my stomach reminded me the physical body needed fuel. I loaded two plates up with eggs, sausage, European bacon, English muffins, a blueberry and a banana-nut muffin, and a cup of yogurt.

  “Good glory, do you need help with that?” Coop rose to his feet to take a plate, his eyes wide.

  “Thanks. I’m really hungry this morning.”

  “Yeah, I can see that.” He set the plates down and pulled out my chair for me, an action that warmed my heart despite being out of place in a biker club hangout. “Ma’am.”

  Pleasure filled my heart as I sat down and he settled into the chair to my left, his attention briefly swinging around the room, cataloging where people and exits stood. I’d seen him do that before and I wondered where he’d gotten the training. It seemed like a military or law enforcement thing, and reminded me that he had secrets I needed to learn.

  I wanted to know him, but I didn’t want to interrupt the ease of breakfast. We’d had a good evening and a fantastic morning. I wanted to stay in that happy, sexually-satisfied glow for a while longer. So we ate and chatted about little things that didn’t matter until he’d finished his meal and cleared our empty plates.

  “I guess I better get started. Where do you think I’ll find Numbers?”

  Coop brought me another cup of coffee and set it down before grabbing my empty mug.

  “She has an office here in the back.” I pointed to the doors along the back wall. “Hers is labeled with ‘Financial Advisor’ next to the Black Room.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “Black Room?”

  “Yeah. That’s Neo’s realm. It’s completely black inside and no windows. Don’t go in there unless you’re invited.”

  He nodded slowly. “Okay, then. What does Neo do in his Black Room?”

  “He watches everyone else and keeps track of our computer access.” I watched Coop pale and sympathized. I didn’t like Neo watching my every move online either, but it kept the Concrete Angels safe from law enforcement and entrapment issues. “Don’t worry. He’s discreet.”

  Coop grimaced. “Yeah, well, I’m still gonna use my own private access. My contacts wouldn’t like me letting someone else into their networks and correspondence.” He leaned down and kissed my forehead. “I’m gonna get started for the day, Ma’am. I’ll see you for lunch.”

  I watched him saunter away and enjoyed his ass in his jeans, but his reaction to Neo’s job unsettled me. Come on, no one likes Big Brother watching. That must have been it. Coop didn’t know us very well and he wouldn’t like someone watching him all the time. I dismissed my unease and finished the muffins before I rose to clear my plate.

  “Hey, Karma. How are you this morning?”

  Michael stepped up to the buffet and made himself some tea as he gave me a smile. I narrowed my eyes. Michael only smiled when he either wanted something or had something unpleasant to tell people.

  “I’m good. Why?”

  “So suspicious.” He selected two of Grub’s poppyseed muffins and grinned. “That’s a good quality to have. Loki, Luke, and I have something we need to discuss with you if you have a moment.”

  Oh boy. If the Big Three wanted to talk to me, something definitely had come up. And as one of the Enforcers in the club, taking care of something was my job description. Please, Goddess, don’t let it be Coop.

  “Yeah. I got some time.” Not that I’d say no, but there was nothing pressing on my schedule for the day. I poured out the last of my coffee. A waste, really, but I didn’t want to dump it on anything important if someone pissed me off. “Lead the way.”

  I shot a look at Numbers’ office as Michael led me to Loki’s and wondered if I’d find out something I didn’t like about Coop. I knew from the bitter experience of others that the Goddess often made relationships hard, their paths full of pitfalls and obstacles that required the participants to really work for them. My gut sank. It was my turn to endure her machinations in matters of the heart, and I suspected it would be my hardest set of tests ever.

  “How’s it going with your man, there?” Michael nodded toward the Financial Advisor office with a smile. “He treating you well?”

  “Yeah. Why? What have you heard?”

  He wore innocence like a mask. “Nothing. I just wanted to be sure he wasn’t causing you distress.”

  I stopped and grasped his arm. “Michael, don’t dissemble. What is it?”

  His smile dissolved until he became grave. “Come into Loki’s office and we’ll talk about it.”

  My gut sank as I followed him and I’m glad I poured out the coffee. We found Loki seated behind his desk with his feet up and his fingers steepled, his customary smirk in place. That never boded well, for friend or foe. Michael closed the door behind us and I stepped to one side, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “Okay, what’s up, Loki?”

  “What? No pleasantries or morning news, Karma?” That damned smirk never shifted.

  “No. What’s going on?”

  “That is a good question.” He finally dropped his feet to the floor and sat forward, leaning his elbows on the desk. “It seems your man Cooper DeVille really is a private investigator.”

  I shot a look at Michael’s unusually solemn face before I returned to Loki and narrowed my eyes. “Yeah, so? What’s your point?”

  “The point is, before three years ago, Cooper DeVille, P.I. never existed. Anywhere.” Loki tilted his head. “Who do you think this man is, Karma?”

  I raised my eyebrows and spread my
hands. “I dunno. I thought he was a P.I. What am I missing?”

  “The timing doesn’t seem hinky to you?”

  I opened my mouth to respond with the negative when my mind caught up with the implications. “That’s right around the time Roy joined us and our money started to disappear.”

  Loki nodded. “Ja.”

  I frowned. “You don’t think Coop’s FBI, do you? It would make sense that they’d want to get another agent in here.”

  Michael shook his head. “No. We checked the local FBI offices and some of the national, and Neo couldn’t find anything. Numbers didn’t recognize him, either.”

  “He might not be FBI. Maybe he’s working for someone else. Maybe he’s part of whoever’s getting our money.” Loki scowled.

  I frowned, thinking before I spouted off and talked out my ass. “You know I can sense energy. I didn’t get that vibe off him. He’s got honor, Loki.”

  “Even criminals have honor to their crews, Karma.” Michael sighed and shook his head. “He’s hiding something, I just don’t know what it is.”

  I didn’t want to agree with Michael, but I’d felt the same thing. Coop was telling most of the truth, but he’d held back a few things. And as they say, the demons get your soul by telling half-truths. The problem was, I suspected Coop already had my soul, and my heart.

  “Keep an eye on him, ja? Find out what he’s really looking at, and use that famous Karmic Vision™ to make sure he isn’t incurring a debt he’ll need to repay. Know what I mean?”

  My mouth dried out and my gut sank. Yeah, I knew exactly what Loki meant. People who lied, cheated, and snuck around always incurred a fairly obvious karmic debt and it showed up when I took a good Karmic look. And I hadn’t looked at him with my Karmic Vision™ since the time he met me at the Gas ’N Snacks. What would I find when I looked at him with it now?


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