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Lovers of Sophia

Page 50

by Jason Reza Jorjani

  July 8, 1947. Roswel , New Mexico – home to the 509th

  Bombardment Group, at that time, before the Russian acquisition

  of an atomic bomb, the only bomber wing in the world known to

  possess nuclear weapons. Roswell Army Air Field was the point of

  origin for the airstrikes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In other words,

  we are dealing with the most classified military instal ation in the

  entire United States. In the vicinity of this instal ation, during what Roswell residents remember as a terribly stormy night, a disc shaped

  aircraft crashes onto a ranch. In the morning the debris is witnessed

  by the rancher, Mac Brazel, and his son, as well as a few other startled civilians. Then the military swoops in and sweeps up the evidence.

  An initial USAF authorized press release by Major Jesse Marcel

  admits the capture of a flying saucer, but then the official story

  changes – over and over again. At this point, the United States

  government has offered three contradictory accounts of what

  crashed on the Brazel ranch that night. Something is certainly

  being covered up, but not debris from an extraterrestrial craft or

  alien corpses. Something far more terrifying from the standpoint

  218 Ibid., 403.

  219 Joseph P. Farrel , Saucers, Swastikas, and Psyops, 106–107.

  220 Ibid., 107.


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  of the United States government, and worthy of above Top Secret

  classification all the way down to our own time. Something that

  catalyzed a fundamental transformation of the American power

  structure with the National Security Act of 1947. What crashed was

  one of those flying saucers launched from Spain that summer, one

  with the special mission of radicalizing worldview warfare.

  The debris recovered at Roswell was not alien enough to be

  extraterrestrial, but it was exotic enough to fit within the context of the most cutting edge German research and development. There is a

  1940s German technological context for at least seven different types

  of material recovered at Roswel , and mistakenly or misleadingly

  identified as “alien” by the Pentagon’s Foreign Technology division

  head, Colonel Philip J. Corso.

  So-called “memory metal” which restores its original shape after

  being bent or folded is a nickel and titanium chemical compound

  whose properties were discovered as early as 1932 in Sweden, which

  became a part of the Reich in the early 1940s.221 This technology

  was not re-developed within the Allied world until 1962. The super-

  strong metal that could not be dented with a sledgehammer could

  have been a cold-formed and heat-treated stainless steel like alloy of iron, nickel, chromium, manganese and carbon that was developed in

  Bavaria in 1935–36.222 German metal urgists had also developed other

  methods of bonding nitrogen to the surface of steel and aluminum

  in order to harden them so much that the weight of an aircraft could

  be cut in half without compromising its durability.223 Such hardening

  would be necessary if one were going to perforate the metal of the

  airframe in order to minimize drag, an improvement on the suction

  methodology described above in the context of early saucer airframe

  research. Apparently, metal that you can blow air through was

  found in the Roswell wreckage. This porous metal, permeated by

  microscopic holes, was referred to as Luftschwamm or “aerosponge”.224

  221 Joseph P. Farrel , Roswell and the Reich, 458.

  222 Ibid., 466–467.

  223 Ibid., 469–471.

  224 Ibid., 473–475.


  lovers of sophia

  Besides these exotic but solidly German metals, the Roswell

  wreckage included fiber optics, Kevlar, night vision, lasers,

  miniaturized transistors and integrated circuits. For 1947 America

  these were materials from science fiction. In early 1940s German

  military R&D programs they were technological fact. The basic

  concept for fiber optics dates back to the late 19th century, when

  it was conceived of by the inventor of the telephone, Alexander

  Graham Bel , who saw it as the more important of his inventions

  and referred to it as the “photophone.” Among the German military

  technology papers seized by the allies in 1945 are casual references

  to an apparently existing but unexplained technology called “optical

  telephony”.225 The synthetic fabric now known as Kevlar was being

  tested at I.G. Farben, and both Panther tanks and German naval

  vessels employed “night vision” infrared sight equipment.226 In

  Germany, where quantum physics was developed, classified research

  was already being done on lasers in the 1930s, three decades

  before their public invention in 1960, specifical y with a view to

  substituting centrifuge enrichment (which requires large scale

  facilities) with much more efficient and potential y clandestine laser isotope enrichment of uranium.227 The prerequisites for integrated

  circuits also existed insofar as circa 1941, Germans already had

  semi-conductor chips and the firm Telefunken was manufacturing

  a klystron tube that was one-tenth the size of the ones produced in

  Britain and the United States, years later, at the war’s end (probably via an attempt at reverse engineering).228

  As for the allegedly recovered bodies, there is also an all too

  terrestrial explanation for the physiological descriptions of them:

  Fascist human experimentation, both in Germany and Japan.

  The alleged witness accounts of the bodies are consistent with

  the physiological manifestations of Progeria Syndrome: enlarged

  heads, baldness, protruding eyes, a beaklike nose, elongated arms,

  225 Ibid., 478–479.

  226 Ibid., 479–480.

  227 Ibid., 483–484.

  228 Ibid., 484–485.


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  the wrong number of digits on their hands, and a short stature that

  reflects the late childhood maximal life expectancy of Progeria

  victims.229 Some of the witnesses also described the facial features of the corpses as “oriental”, which is interesting in light of the fact that Japan has one of the highest incidences of a rare form of Progeria

  that effects adults. These poor people were experimented on by the

  infamous Japanese Unit 731 as part of its biological weapons research

  and development program.230 In 1945 there was an intensification

  of the already extensive exchange of both intelligence and material

  between Germany and its Axis-al y of Imperial Japan.231 It should

  also be recalled that Dr. Joseph Mengele, the infamous director of

  human experimentation at Auschwitz, was among those Reich’s

  officials who was able to successful y evade Allied prosecution and

  relocate to South America.

  Although it is possible that the flying saucer that crashed

  at Roswell was on a surveil ance mission, offering intelligence

  regarding the most classified USAF base, I think that is doubtful –

  especial y if the deformed bodies were indeed part of the wreckage.

  What is more likely, and consistent with Skorzeny’s vision for the

  ultimate black flag special operation waging worldview warfare

  within Am
erican territory, is that the craft was deliberately crashed

  in order to provoke fear, panic, and wonder. The initial press release was probably quite deliberate in suggesting that an alien craft had

  been captured, so that once this was “covered up” by the weather

  balloon story, and this story was in turn called into question by

  the even later Project Mogul explanation, a significant segment of

  the public would assume that something extraterrestrial was being


  Suggesting that what came down in Roswell could have been

  a scout for an impending alien invasion was better than admitting

  the truth, namely that the United States had not real y won the war

  and that there was a Fourth Reich somewhere with vastly superior

  229 Ibid., 445.

  230 Ibid., 440, 445.

  231 Joseph P. Farrel , Reich of the Black Sun, 119–129.


  lovers of sophia

  science and technology. This is exactly the thought process that

  Skorzeny and his comrades would be counting on. Only those at the

  very highest level would know the truth, but beneath them a vast

  military-intelligence apparatus would be implicated in the “cover-

  up” of what even they had been led to believe was an extraterrestrial

  threat. This would catalyze the creation of a gigantic machinery of

  undemocratic National Security institutions, a military-industrial

  complex with no real oversight that – in light of Operation Paperclip

  and the CIA’s absorption of the Gehlenorg – would actual y allow for a Nazi takeover of this only nominal y ‘American’ deep state from

  its deepest level. This is the true nature of the connection between

  UFOs and the National Security State. The plot was meant to buy

  time for the development of a Fascist breakaway civilization, for a

  destructive departure in worldview warfare made possible by Project



  Although the Roswell incident has been a lightning rod of

  controversy even within the UFO research community, it features

  in one of the most rigorous and reputable scientific studies of the

  phenomenon. After nearly 20 years of official study of UFO cases

  by the government of France, in 1996 officials within the high-

  level French think tank IHDEN or “Institute of Advanced Studies

  for National Defense” decided to found a “Committee for in-depth

  studies”, abbreviated COMETA, in order to come to some conclusion

  on the matter especial y with a view to strategic implications.232

  Comparable to the RAND Corporation in the United States, IHDEN

  consists of officers and officials who have held the most sensitive

  command posts and corporate positions in the armed forces and

  aerospace industry of France.

  232 Leslie Kean, UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go On the Record (Harmony Books, 2010), 126.


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  COMETA at IHDEN completed its report in 1999 and entitled

  it Les OVNI Et La Défense: À quoi doit-on se préparer? [UFOs and Defense: For What Must We Prepare?]. COMETA’s elite twelve-member committee was chaired by Major General Denis Letty, a

  renowned former fighter pilot who headed the southeast zone of

  French Air Defense as well as the French military mission for the

  Allied Air Forces of Central Europe.233 The study begins with a

  preface by General Bernard Norlain, the former director of L’Institut des hautes etudes de défense nationale – a most prestigious military academy that is France’s equivalent of West Point or Annapolis.

  The report’s preamble is written by none other than André Lebeau,

  former President of CNES – Centre National D’études Spatiales, the French NASA. In his conclusion to the COMETA Report, General

  Norlain mentions the Roswell incident and claims that the United

  States government has attempted to carry out foreign technology

  reverse engineering projects on the basis of recovered materials.234

  He seems somewhat miffed that the Americans have not shared

  whatever they have learned with their French allies, although he

  understands the need to maintain public denial because of what he

  takes to be the potential for mass panic attendant to the disclosure of alien contact.

  In fact, Chapter 13 of UFOs and Defense, entitled “Implications politiques et religieuses”, features several subsections evaluating

  the social and political impact of the UFO phenomenon on “pre-

  industrial civilizations of Earth”, where the suggestion is made

  that what have long been taken to be ‘religious manifestations’ of

  past times may have been UFO-contact related events. COMETA

  expresses grave concerns about the social impact of such an

  immanent scientific discovery, considering the real possibility that

  events constitutive of revealed religions were in fact interventions

  by some ‘alien’ intelligence with, at best, dubious intentions among

  the various UFO-related defense considerations for which it advises

  233 Kean,

  UFOs, 122.

  234 COMETA, Les OVNI et La Défense: A quoi doit-on se preparer? (France: Éditions du Rocher, 2003), 194–203.


  lovers of sophia

  the French government to prepare.235 The COMETA Report suggests

  a possible alien influence on “pre-industrial civilizations” of Earth, but just how far back in time might this influence extend? Could it

  account for traces of a lost civilization with otherwise inexplicably

  advanced technology?

  In his writings on Atlantis, the British existentialist and occult

  philosopher Colin Wilson makes much of the Book of Enoch and

  its connection to the passages in Genesis on fallen angels spawning

  giants with their lovers among earthborn women.236 As Wilson

  notes, the Hebrew word elohim is the plural of el and its translation as ‘God’ in the Old Testament is terribly misleading. It means “the

  gods”, so that “the gods made man in their image”, “the gods planted a garden in Eden”, and Enoch “walked with the gods.” The word

  elohim is derived from ellu, which means “the shining.” So the gods of the Old Testament are literal y “The Shining Ones.”237 Jehovah is

  the chief of the Shining gods, and the “Watchers” of Genesis 6 and

  The Book of Enoch are rebel gods – the “fallen angels” of Christianity and Islam – who descended to Earth at Mount Hermon to sire a

  titanic race of hybrids and establish a worldwide civilization, the

  “Atlantis” of Plato, where heavenly knowledge is put to the profane

  use of improving the lot of humans so that they can stop being

  lorded over by the tyrannical Jehovah and his cronies.

  Wilson points out that Mount Hermon, from which the

  rebel Watchers set out on their civilizing mission, is in Lebanon

  where the nearby Bequa’a Valley features Earth’s most enigmatic

  monumental site: the so-called “Temple of Jupiter” at Baalbek.238

  Here the Romans found an incredibly solid platform of unknown

  antiquity and origin, and chose to build the grandest temple in the

  entire empire atop this unshakeable foundation. As it turns out, an

  earthquake in modern times left the Roman temple in ruins but

  235 COMETA,

  Les OVNI et La Défense, 149–163

  236 Colin Wilso
n and Rand Flem-Ath, The Atlantis Blueprint (New York: Random House, 2002), 189–190.

  237 Ibid., 196–197.

  238 Ibid., 211–212.


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  the megalithic foundation remained unscathed. We know that the

  Romans did not build the foundation courses at Baalbek because

  they mention nothing whatsoever about them and any Caesar who

  had been capable of the task would not have neglected to glorify

  himself on that account given that moving Egyptian obelisks

  weighing a small fraction of what the Baalbek stones do, were

  meticulously recorded as great accomplishments.

  The foundation courses at Baalbek consist of a platform of six

  stones 30 feet long, 14 feet high and 10 feet deep, each weighing 450

  tons, surmounted by three larger stones known as “Trilithons” –

  each of which is a staggering 1,000 tons. Engineers using modern

  cranes have great difficulty moving even the 200-ton blocks

  employed at Giza in Egypt, whereas by placing the heavier 1,000 ton

  stones on top of the ‘smaller’ 450 ton ones, it is as if the unknown

  builders at Baalbek were making a point of how easily they could

  accomplish their task and insisting that practicality was of no

  concern to them. These stones are cut and fit together with such

  precision that a razor blade cannot be slipped between their joints.

  The quarry from which they were cut is at a considerable distance;

  it has been clearly identified, since one of the largest stones was left in the ground there – perhaps deliberately. According to the pre-Islamic folklore of the natives of the Bequa’a Valley, the citadel dates from before the great flood and, afterwards, a race of giants restored it.

  Baalbek is not the only mysterious archeological site that Wilson

  suggests is a trace of the transatlantic antediluvian civilization that Plato called “Atlantis.” On a vast plain in the Andes Mountains

  of present day Bolivia lies what may be the oldest city in the

  Americas.239 Archeological excavations at Tiahuanaco (sometimes

  also spelled Tiwanaku) reveal that it was once a port on the nearby

  lake Titicaca; it seems to have been built when the sea level was

  two and a half miles higher than it is today. Metal I-shaped clamps

  were used to fasten the blocks in the city’s structures together and

  microscopic examinations have revealed that the metal was poured

  239 Ibid., 135–139.


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