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General's Bride

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by Amalia Rey

  General’s Bride

  (Men Are From Mars App)

  Alien Matchmaking App Series #3

  Amalia Rey

  Copyright 2020, Amalia Rey.

  The Alien Matchmaking App Series is Copyright by Amalia Rey, 2020.

  All stories are fictional and any similarities to a human or other creature are strictly coincidental. There are no known apps that can currently transport a human female to outer space, but it’s possible that someone out there is currently working on it…

  ISBN E-book: 9781951542726

  ISBN paperback: 9781951542788

  Cover artist: Melinda Burt


  To L.R.,

  Give in to that lover-boy of yours.



  “Get the hell out of my house,” I groan. My ridiculous ex-boyfriend found his way to my front door unannounced, again. As if he had any right to be a part in my life after he’d cheated on me with my ex-best friend. As if he hadn’t already given up any chance to be a part of my past, present, or future.

  ​I have a lot of “ex’s” all of a sudden.

  ​“Naomi, please,” Cameron pleads as I slam the door shut and fasten the lock. I really don’t have time for another one of his escapades.

  ​The last one brought the police, and this is not the kind of neighborhood where you want police showing up at your front door.

  ​I latched all four door locks and the dead bolt. Like I said, not a great neighborhood.

  ​“Someday, Naomi, you’re gonna get out of this place,” I murmur to myself as I walk away from the Fort Knox doorway.

  ​Away from the ex-lover who’s screaming my name from the front porch. Away from a life that used to make sense.

  ​We were Cameron and Naomi. Naomi and Cameron. Best friends since childhood. Girlfriend and boyfriend since high school. On the one-way track to fiancé-dom. Until somebody decided to sleep with Rita, the ex-college roommate, ex-BFF that I would’ve picked as my maid of honor.

  ​There is no honor in a foolish girl like that.


  ​I stroll across the room and pop open the fridge. With Cameron wailing my name, going outside is out of the question. I take inventory of my last four bottles of liquor. One is bright blue, like an abnormal seascape. Another has gold flecks at the bottom. Best when warm, I think with a smile. Another is pink, and the last one is a tall bottle of vodka.

  ​Vodka it is.

  ​I grab the tall bottle and a few lonely limes from the bottom of my nearly empty fridge. I place the limes on my fancy wooden cutting board from that designer chef store at the mall.

  I may have overindulged when I needed some retail therapy. After Cameron and Rita. I sigh as I pull out my sharp steak knife that the cute little salesman said could cut through anything.

  Hmm. That’s a thought, I realize. I could shred up the photos and his remaining shirts in my closet with my handy new steak knife.

  Maybe after I finish bottle number one.

  “Naomi, please!”

  I slice six limes in half and douse them with some of those fancy salt crystals from my new restaurant grade saltshaker. Next, I lick the skin right between my thumb and index finger, then sprinkle more salt into the area. Mmm.

  I might have a problem, because I’m getting quite good at drinking my drama away.

  “Naomi!” Cameron is still calling out. I remind myself that I don’t care about that ugly gross cheater and pour a shot of vodka into each of my six European shot glasses.

  “For London,” I say, one hand holding the lime and the other holding my shot glass. I lick the lime, then toss back my first spicy shot of liquor.

  Oh, the head rush. Cameron’s whiny little voice sounds less annoying.

  Nope, next shot. “For Rome,” I add, downing another shot. I don’t care about that jerk, and his voice is fading away as my vision focuses on the remaining shot glasses.


  Mmm. I lick the lime again, savoring its sour flavor. The salt ran out already, but that’s okay. “For Edinburgh,” I chide, then “For Madrid.”

  My head is already spinning. “For Paris.”

  “Nachami!” I think that awful voice says. Meh. He can’t figure out my name, or maybe I’m a bit tipsy already. I grab the last one. “For Lisbon and all the beautiful sea people,” I laugh, downing the last one.

  Why did I cut so many limes?

  And why am I wasting my time with shot glasses?

  I shrug and toss my lime on the counter. I grab the vodka bottle and head back to the living room.

  I settle into a comfortable spot on the sofa and hug the bottle against my chest. My life is disintegrating, so I might as well drink.

  Who cares if I’m all alone? Who cares if I had never pictured that my life would end up like this?

  “Namamioh!” that groveling disaster calls from somewhere outside. “Fine, you stupid bitch!”

  I shrug. I don’t want anything to do with him, and right now, the only man I’m interested in is Mr. Vodka. My cell phone buzzes in my pocket, so I pick it up and stare at it.

  Weird. There’s an ad in my email for a new dating app.

  Whatever. What’s the worst that could happen?

  I take another long swig of my vodka before I open the app and start setting up my profile.



  “I’ll just go back to my room,” I tell the team after a productive training session. The V’aalarans, Leov and Goran, have just demonstrated their new app, and Goran had a real, live Earthling woman appear in front of him.

  ​Holy motherlode. I practically race down the hallway to my room and finish setting up my profile. Goran had worked us through the steps, and all I had left to do was to finalize the process.

  ​As soon as I’ve sealed the air lock, I sit down on my bed and turn on the tablet. My profile comes into view.

  ​The Earthling-rendition of me looks quite clever. My deep purple-black skin appears brown on the screen, and my eyes shine like charcoal. I like it.

  ​I activate my profile and take a deep breath. This is it. We’ve been without females since I was a child, and until now, we’ve had no way to restart our families.

  Another deep breath. Will I find her? Will she find me?

  ​I literally can’t wait. I press the selection sequence and begin checking out profiles of attractive females. They come in every skin tone, hair color, and eye color. They have cute names that sound like code words.

  ​I pause over a dazzling photo. The female that I’m looking at has curly coal colored hair that reaches her shoulders, bright brown eyes, and her skin is copper colored. “Naomi,” I read her name aloud. It has a nice ring to it.

  ​I select her.

  ​And wait.

  ​I expect to wait a long time, but suddenly there is a brilliant sparkling of lights and celebratory whistling sounds as the woman that I chose appears in front of my eyes.

  ​“Who… are you?” she whispers.

  ​“I’m Marv,” I tell her. She’s standing right in front of me, swaying a little as she eyes me with interest.

  ​“Mmm,” she mumbles. “I’m Naomi. I like this dream.”

  ​I watch as she lifts the top that she is wearing and drops it to the floor. Her perky breasts bounce as she moves. Next, she slips out of her skimpy little shorts.

  ​“Dream?” I ask.

  ​She laughs and leans forward. “Catch me,” she says as she drops into my arms.

  ​When I wrap my arms around her in a protective embrace, her lips find their way to mine. I’ve never kissed a female before, let alone held one in my arms. And this female is already prepared to become mine.

  ​How lucky
can a male be?

  ​Her hands move down my chest and begin working their way through the intricate loops at the top of my belt. When my pants fall to the ground, she is immediately pleased with my erection.

  ​She stops kissing me long enough to gaze down at my well-endowed penis. I am quite proud of the way that she smiles when she sees my enormous offering.

  ​I was made to be a female pleaser. I know this now.

  ​“Very, very big,” she says, her hands working their way from the tip to the base of my cock. “Give it to me.”

  ​“Naomi,” I say softly as my fingers find their way to her soft, warm opening between her legs. “Will you be my mate?”

  ​We are required to ask. Our word means everything, and if she agrees, we’re mated for life. If she’ll have me.

  ​Oh, please have me!

  ​“Absolutely,” Naomi tells me as she thrusts her hips against my exploring fingers. “Take me, Marv. Promise me that it’s just us. Just you and me.”

  ​“I’ll be your one and only mate,” I promise. My heart thuds faster as I take in the beautiful woman that is so pliant in my arms. I’m instantly head over heels for this female.

  “Marvvvv,” she beckons, her hands running up and down the length of my cock with an eagerness that I’ve never known. “Show me what it’s like to be your mate!”

  ​I cup my hands under her butt cheeks and carry her across my room to the awaiting bed. Her excitement is apparent as I lay her underneath me. She opens her legs to reveal the flower between her legs. I slowly push the perfect pink petals away and trace the little bud at the top.

  ​She cries out. “Take me!”

  ​I want to play, to get to know her. To explore every inch of her perfect body, from her perky breasts with taut nipples to her naval to her luxurious pussy. But judging by the look on her face, I need to give her what she wants. Right now.

  ​The tip of my cock moistens with pre-cum. Excitement for what we’re about to do. I reach down and hold my shaft steadily in my hand, then slip the edge inside of her. She bucks her hips against me and takes my entire cock all at once.

  ​She lets out a ferocious moan and then begins to writhe underneath me. I instantly know what she wants, and I give it to her. Her wet walls constrict around me as I thrust myself deep into her recesses, as far as I can reach, and then pull back. She pants underneath me with each pronounced movement.

  ​“Marvvvv,” she moans. I shift my weight just enough that I can pull her legs to the side. She wraps them around my lower back and urges me onward.

  I give her what she’s begging me for, until we’re both a heap of exhausted lovebirds on my mattress.

  She curls up in my arms and giggles. “That was fun,” she tells me.

  Mmm. I agree. I want to do that every night for the rest of my life.




  My head is swimming. I most definitely had too much to drink last night, because I feel like I’m floating. Or moving. Almost like swaying on a boat, but instead, I’m completely still.

  ​How strange.

  ​I roll over in bed, but my hand doesn’t land on my soft sheets or extra pillows. No, it lands right on a man’s bare-naked chest.

  ​Oh, no. What have I done?

  ​Please, no. No. No, no, no. I didn’t take him back. I couldn’t.

  ​I feel so ashamed. I know better than to crawl into bed with a loser.

  ​I peek open one eye, nervous. Is he awake? And more importantly, can I get away?

  ​But it isn’t my ex. I’m not in a familiar bedroom.

  ​And the guy next to me has a purplish skin color. I squint my eyes, trying to figure out where I am and who I just woke up with.

  ​Did I go to a drunken rave and saddle up with the band? And why was my head aching so badly?

  ​“Aw, Naomi,” the purplish man says, his strong hand caressing my hair. I immediately pull back.

  ​That’s way too intimate of a gesture for a one-night stand.

  ​“Mate, what’s wrong?” the man says suddenly. I open my eyes completely, then blink several times. They feel dry and gritty, like I just woke up in a cheap desert motel.

  ​I roll away and hop off the bed, trying to pull the sheet with me. I tug it, but it’s partially tucked underneath this purple, muscular man.

  ​He leans in my direction and smiles seductively. His enormous cock leans toward me, ready for another round.

  ​Oh, man. I had drunk sex with him, and that cock and I can’t remember it? Why can’t I remember a thing about what was probably the best sex of my life?

  ​His grin throws me off guard. Why does he look so overly confident?

  ​“Where am I?” I ask, taking another step back.

  The room is strange. The dimensions are all wrong, and I feel too short and the angles feel too sharp. What is this place?

  ​Am I at his little love cave? Is this man one of those creeps like on those criminal tv series that I like to binge watch?

  ​“Naomi, love,” the man says, his fingers absently stroking his perfect cock. “Is this what you earthlings refer to as foreplay?”

  ​I take another step back, but this time, my naked butt hits against a door. The door automatically opens, and when I turn, I see a living area. There’s an irregularly shaped sofa and panels of electronic gadgets on the walls. There is a strange looking grey plant on a counter, and a bowl of odd-looking fruit.

  ​I turn and rush into the room, even as I hear the man standing and walking towards me.

  ​Oh, man. “Don’t hurt me!” I plead, afraid to meet his eyes. I feel absurd; I’m standing in a room where there’s no sunlight, but everything feels too bright and shiny. My head is swirling out of control. I feel like I’m about to have a massive panic attack.

  ​“Where am I?” I repeat. A tremor rolls through my body.

  ​I feel an impressive set of muscular arms wrap around me from my waist. He clasps his hands over my belly, his body smashed right up behind me. I can feel his erect cock against my back.

  ​“You’re here, with me.”

  ​I push those purple hands apart and step out of his embrace. He wasn’t holding me very tightly; I realize as I swirl around.

  ​“Naomi, love. What happened? You were very happy last night.”

  ​“I don’t know where I am or how I got here. Whatever I did or said or whatever, I was drunk.”

  ​“Drunk? What’s that?”

  ​The purple man who referred to me as an earthling stares at me strangely. At least he is an excellent actor, I’ll give him that.

  ​As if I’ve been abducted by an alien or something. What are the chances?

  ​“Seriously. Where am I?”

  ​“You’re on the Intergalactic Research Station.”

  ​I shake my head, but that causes my eyes to feel like they’re ping-ponging around my head. Ouch. I’ve never had a hangover this bad. Vodka was a mistake.

  ​“Look, it isn’t funny anymore.” I’m standing too close to him, and I feel like I might puke. Or faint. Or both.



  I watch as my beautiful mate transforms in front of my eyes. She genuinely looks like she’s afraid of me.

  ​But that can’t be right.

  ​Naomi is trembling, and she’s looking around the room trying to find an exit. I don’t know what made her so upset. We were having such an enjoyable time together.

  ​“Naomi, mate,” I say, trying to figure out what words she needs to hear. “I am not sure what’s going on. You were more than happy to let me claim you last night.”

  ​“Claim me?” she asks, cowering against the edge of the sofa. Oh, the things we did on that sofa last night. My mind flickers back momentarily to the way she flipped around and let me ram myself into her. She begged me for more.

  ​I want her to look at me the way she was looking at me last night. Not like this, like a terrified female. She’s
got fear in her eyes and it makes me uncomfortable.

  ​“Naomi,” I say again.

  ​She lifts a hand, holding it steadily in the air between us. “Stop.” And in a softer, almost childlike voice she whimpers, “I want to go home.”

  ​Oh. My heart suddenly aches. “Naomi.”

  ​She seems to notice, because she eyes me strangely. “I don’t even know your name.”

  ​“Marv. You arrived last night, through the App.”

  ​I watch as she shakes her head slowly. “No. Last night, I was at home, and my ex was trying to get me to open the door.”

  ​“Your ex? You already have a mate?”

  ​Again, confusion fills her beautiful jade eyes. “Whatever happened between us, I was drunk. Wasted.”

  ​“Nothing about last night was wasted,” I tell her. Her eyes wander down to my cock and I wonder if she remembers. I feel myself hardening at the thought of having her again. I want to hear her moan again.

  ​I like how she looks when she’s distracted. I sway my hips just enough to make my cock dance for her. Her brain might not remember, but I can do enough remembering for the both of us.

  ​“I’m so embarrassed,” she finally says.

  ​I watch as she folds into herself, crossing her arms over her chest. “I need to go home. Now.”

  ​She sits down abruptly on the edge of the sofa, on eye level with my firm length. I doubt her move was intentional, as she looks so forlorn.

  ​“Marv?” Naomi asks. “Where are we? What did you mean when you said the App brought me here?”

  ​I wish those pretty little lips would find their way to my skin. But instead, they’re downturned. I bend down to meet her eyes. “You chose me, on your phone App. It’s a new program that the V’aalarans designed to bring females to this part of the galaxy.”

  ​“V’aalarans? Galaxy?” Her eyes are wide and full of newfound concern. “I don’t understand.” She looks up at me, afraid but desperate for answers.

  ​I wonder what she sees when she looks at me. I know what I see. She sighs.


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