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Smooth Moves

Page 15

by Marie Harte

  “Yeah. So lucky. She could have anyone she wanted.” He squeezed her waist. “And if she ever thinks Hector might be able to satisfy her huge, roaring sex addiction, I’ll bend the guy in half.”

  “Roaring sex addiction?” She wanted to laugh, charmed by his possessive tone, which was so unlike her.

  “She addicted me for sure.” He squeezed her waist again, this time in warning. “But she better not seduce anyone else.”

  “Oh, how scary. I bet she’s too intimidated to say no to you.”

  “Yeah?” He cracked a laugh. “Because I think this chick would kick me in the balls and lay me out flat if I so much as looked at her wrong. She’s kind of obnoxious too. But for some reason, she gets me so hard.”

  “Even now?” With him leaning down, she could thread her fingers through his hair, taking care not to brush against his injury. “I mean, you have a concussion…you sexy idiot.”

  He chuckled. “Well, she’d have to be very gentle with me. But right now, I can’t think too much about anything more than the pounding between my legs. I’m hard as a rock, Jordan. For you.”

  She loved hearing that but tried not to let it mean too much. “It’s just because we’re new.”

  He snorted. “Sugar Soldier, I’ve been hard since you first walked into the office with that smart mouth and those sexy arms.”

  “Sugar Soldier?” She laughed. “That’s awful. But I agree on the sexy arms.” She flexed to intimidate him, light-headed at the thought of how much she was coming to care for the big, gruff troublemaker.

  “It’s just weird that you’re so sexy and toned. And so tiny.” Then he flexed, and all the blood rushed from her brain.

  Arousal took her over completely. “Now you’re gonna get it.” She pulled away from him, grabbed him by the hand, and tugged him with her down the hall. “Which way?”

  He pointed past her to the room on the left and followed with a meekness she didn’t believe for a second.

  She shut the door behind them and locked it then turned to see him slowly easing his shirt off.

  That made her pause, realizing he still hurt. But not so much that his erection faded. Goodness, but his tented pants showed off every aspect of her larger-than-life lover. He continued to take off the rest of his clothes until he stood naked, watching her. So handsome, so damn hung…and so injured.

  “You are not okay to do this, buddy. So I’m going to tuck you in instead.” The room was just like him. Everything put away, out of sight. A lot like Cash and the real emotions he masked with bravado and tough talk.

  His gentleness and buried kindness continued to soften her toward him.

  His eyes narrowed. “I’d have to be dead not to be okay with this.”

  She shook her head. “I know you think you’re okay, but you still have a headache, don’t you? And what do you think an orgasm will do for you? It’ll just make your head pound even harder.”

  He groaned and held himself. “You’d waste this?”

  “In a heartbeat if it meant I’d get to use it later, you know, while you’re still alive.”

  He sighed. “I guess it would be awkward if I burst a blood vessel while fucking the hell out of you. I mean, if I died on top of you, I might crush you.” He sighed again. “But what a way to go.”

  She shook her head. “So not what you should be saying to convince me.”

  Then she shrieked as he yanked her to him and shoved her on the bed. “I’m usually better doing, not talking. But I swear I’ll be good if you’ll just lie with me.”

  “No sex,” she warned, toed off her shoes, then slid under a thin comforter.

  “Not right now, no.” He joined her, moving slowly. “Let’s rest together, okay?” He held her close, and to Jordan, the intimacy was almost better than sex. He muttered something that sounded like her name.


  He fell asleep with a smile on his face.

  Jordan watched him as she drifted into dreams, the scent of Cash giving her peace.

  Chapter 12

  Cash couldn’t differentiate the blood rushing through his body as pain or pleasure. His head still throbbed, but not as much as his cock. And the need for Jordan hurt almost as much as it drugged him with desire.

  She wore too many clothes. She must have been awake and read his mind because she started pulling off her clothes and didn’t protest when he helped her get naked.

  His head hurt, but not so much he couldn’t process his body’s needs. A glance at his phone on the nightstand showed a few hours had passed. Enough of a rest, apparently, because he’d woken with a powerful need.

  “Cash?” she whispered, her voice throaty. “Are you okay?”

  “Time for some lovin’,” he whispered and moved down her body, pushing her thighs wide. He lapped her up, loving her small moans, the way she suddenly clenched at his shoulders yet still took care to stroke around his injury, her small hands so careful as she touched him.

  “Wh-what are you doing? Cash, your head…”

  “Shh. I need this. I need you.”

  “But Cash…” Jordan moaned, something about him hurting himself.

  “I might die from a case of blue balls, but other than that I’m fine,” he growled, his desire out of control. He licked the sweet woman with a need that bordered on desperate. What he felt for Jordan went so far beyond lust. He hadn’t really known her for very long, yet he felt as if he knew her better than anyone he’d ever met.

  “Cash, please,” she begged, turning him on even more. “You have to be…careful.”

  He slid his hands up her slender thighs, taken with the silky smooth muscle, the power in her strength. When he slid a finger inside her, she came, and the heat around him was nothing compared to the heat that burned inside him. Imagining her so hot and wet and tight around his cock was more than he could handle.

  He moved too fast, looming over her, and had to fight through the headache piercing his skull.

  “You moron,” she said through a lot of gratifying panting. “You need to stop. Or at least go slow. Be gentle.”

  “For you?” Had he moved too fast for her?

  She slid out from under him and helped him lie on his back. “No, for you.” Then before he could do anything, she laid on top of him and kissed him. Soft lips, a hungry kiss, and then her tongue slid between his lips and she laid claim to every cell in his body.

  He groaned, needing her so much. Only with Jordan did he feel a part of something more. He’d lost so much, been alone for even longer despite the connection with his brother. But Reid had to love him. Jordan… She might not love him, but she gave more than she took, and Cash latched onto that, greedy for whatever he might get.

  When she moved her kisses down his body and stopped to suck his nipples, he nearly lost his mind. “Fuck. Yeah, baby, suck me. Oh, God.” He kept grinding against her belly, helpless to stop himself. He was primed and feared going off before he could get inside her.

  As if she sensed his frustration, she slowed down even more, licking and nibbling his nipples, running her hot little hands over his chest and abs.

  “You’re so strong,” she whispered then rose over him to whisper in his ear, “so big and hard for me.” She licked the shell of his ear, and he felt himself start to spurt against her, holding himself back on prayer alone.

  “Wait. Hold on. Too close,” he warned, barely able to get it out. She left him then, and he cursed himself for being too honest.

  He glanced over at her, taken with the stiff nipples of her pert breasts. Her toned belly had a gentle curve, her ass firm and rounded, the perfect woman. Not afraid to be strong or feminine.

  He wanted to tell her that. That he saw the power inside her and respected the fuck out of her for it. Instead what came out was “I’m gonna fuck you so hard.”

  She grinned at him. “Pro
mises, promises. Condoms?”

  “Top drawer.” He waved at the nightstand.

  She got one out and rejoined him on the bed. The little witch straddled him, balancing on her knees as she ripped open the condom. She moved back and looked down at his ridiculous erection. The thing looked like a damn flag pole, stiff, straight, and bouncing off his belly.

  “I’m so hungry.” She licked her lips, her hair flowing over her shoulders, her brown eyes dark, wicked.

  “You put your mouth on me, I’ll come. Make it last.”

  “You sure?”

  “Well, you could always eat me up later, that’s if I don’t die of an aneurism.” A dumb thing to say because she looked horrified and tried to get off. “I’m kidding. I feel fine.”

  “You’re delusional. Cash, I’m worried about you.”

  “I’m a big boy. Trust me to know what I can handle.” He wanted to be deep inside her, without a condom, skin to skin. But even he knew that to say something like that out loud would make her think he really had suffered brain damage. He cleared his throat. “Put it on me.”

  “Okay, if you’re sure.”


  Jordan scowled. “Ass.”

  “I’m sorry. You offering something I wasn’t aware of? Because I’m game to fill you up anywhere you want.”

  She blushed. “Such a horn dog.”

  “You mean a horny devil dog.”

  She rolled her eyes but didn’t dawdle, fitting the condom over him in no time.

  Before she could do something else to hurry his orgasm, he gripped her hips and lifted her over him. He grabbed his cock and positioned himself at her entrance. Then she eased down, gloving him in her body.

  He had to close his eyes, awash in sensation. Totally focused on the riot of desire flooding his body for Jordan alone.

  “Oh, you are so sexy.” She leaned down to kiss him, moving him inside her so carefully.

  He moaned and kissed her back, taken with her mouth and that tight pussy hugging him so hard.

  Jordan rose over him, and he opened his eyes, watching the best fantasy he’d ever had come to life. She rode him, her hands planted on his chest while she moved up and down over the pole between his legs with slow deliberation.

  “You feel so good,” she moaned. “So deep in me.”

  “Yes,” he urged, watching her breasts rise and fall, her belly and thighs tighten as she moved. “In you, baby. Fuck, I’m gonna come so hard in you.”

  “Cash,” she groaned and did the next best thing he’d ever seen.

  “Oh my fucking God. Yes. Touch yourself. Come around me.” He couldn’t wait, watching her, feeling her. The smell, the taste, her sounds… He shouted as he jetted inside her, felt her tighten like a vise around him and arched up into her, trying to get even deeper while she slammed down around him.

  Pure ecstasy blotted out everything but Jordan. They remained connected, his body an intimate part of hers while they both came back to earth.

  He stared up at her, dazed and, damn it, beguiled by the beauty smiling down at him. He cupped her breasts, holding her, feeling her heart race and knowing it matched the tempo of his.

  “Best damn lay of my life,” she told him.

  He had to laugh, awash in the endorphins rushing through his system. “Jordan, you are better than any drug. My headache’s gone. I swear, it’s like I’m high on something.”

  “So my pussy is like Vicodin?”

  “Or Percocet. Definitely better than an ibuprofen though.”

  “Good to know.” She tightened around him, and he trembled with the aftershocks of pleasure.

  He tugged her down, and she lay on top of him, still joined together, her head on his chest. He stroked her thick, silky hair. “Hear my heart racing?”

  “Yeah.” She kissed the spot over his heart, and as stupid as he knew it to be, he fell hard. Right then, right there, in love.

  “Jordan…” I love you.

  “I have to go.”

  The bottom dropped out from under him. “Oh, right. Rafi.”

  “But I’m not leaving until I talk to Reid.”


  “You shouldn’t have seduced me out of my little nap.” She propped herself up on her elbows, staring into his eyes. “You’re too sexy for your own good.” She harrumphed, and the compliment she’d grudgingly given warmed him. “Until I say otherwise, you’re mine. No flirting or sexing up other girls.”

  His entire world brightened. Wouldn’t be smart to let her see she’s gotten the upper hand though. He blinked at her, pretending innocence. “I’m sorry. What are you saying? You’re hooked on me already? Man, I knew it would come to this.” He sighed, forcing himself not to laugh when her brows drew together. “Okay. For the sake of your sanity, those mouthwatering breasts, and that tight little ass, sure. I’m okay to be kept.”

  The smile she’d tried to keep hidden appeared. “Mouthwatering, aren’t they?”

  “Yes, they are. I want some.”

  “But I’ll have to get off you if you want some titty.”

  Hearing Jordan say “titty” shocked him.

  She laughed as she slithered off him, but when she would have darted off the bed, he caught her. “Easy, doofus. Your brain’s still rattled.”

  “You’re telling me.” He tugged her under him on the bed and showed her how mouthwatering her “titties” were.

  After some time spent kissing and caressing each other, stirring a peculiar, calming build of arousal, she pulled back. He stared down at her, fascinated by the way she watched him as she smoothed his hair back.

  “I hate it, but I do have to go.”

  “I know.” He wanted her to stay.

  She smirked. “I love how sad you sound saying that.”

  “What can I say? I’m used to the burr under my saddle that is Jordan Fleming.”

  “Oh, whatever. I’m no burr. I’m more like a stick of honey you can’t get enough of.”

  He nodded. “So sweet and sticky. I’ve got some sweet and sticky for you if you want some of mine.” He put her hand around his stiffening cock. “And I love to keep you well fed.”

  She gripped him, making him even harder. But when she loosened her hand, he let her go.

  “I wish I could stay.” He heard the wistful truth in her words.

  And knew he was keeping her.

  Somehow, someway, he had to fool her into thinking he was more than he seemed. Because, selfish as it was, he wanted Jordan in his life. And maybe, just maybe, if he worked hard at it, he could be the guy she needed.

  “I wish you could stay too.” He kissed her and sighed. “But you need to get back. Hold on.”

  He helped her clean up then let her fuss over him but drew the line when she tried to put his shirt on him. “Damn it. I’m not a kid.”

  “That was never in question.” She tucked her hair back, the ragged cut sexy and a little wild. “I was just trying to help.”

  He shrugged into his T-shirt and walked her to the door. “I’m really okay, you know.” He hugged her to him. “I think taking all the blood from the rest of my body and centering it in my dick relieved some cranial pressure.”

  She shook her head. “There you go surprising me again, using big words like ‘cranial.’”

  He laughed. “Such a smartass. Go on. Go home.”

  “Just as soon as you promise to call Reid. Someone should be here to check on you through the night.”

  “I’d rather it was you,” he muttered. He heard Reid’s car pull up outside. “Damn.”

  “So, um, are we ‘out’?”

  “As in letting everyone know how wild you are for me? Sure. To keep you safe from lechers like Hector, Finley, and that asshole Smith, it’s my duty to let them know you’re mine.”

  “Duty, huh

  He tried to joke it off, but the newness and depth of his feelings made it tough. “Want me to tattoo your name to my forehead?”

  “Nah. Enough you know you’re taken.” She just had to tack on, “For now.”

  “Oh, you mean until I get bored of all your clinginess and desperation? I’m a total catch, you know.” Great way to keep her, you idiot! Not by insulting her!

  But Jordan being Jordan laughed. “We’ll see. I’m pretty sure I have you hooked on my stunning wit and amazing body.”

  “Don’t forget that mouth.” He meant that. The woman had skills.

  “Yep. Don’t forget it. Because if you do, I’m sure someone else out there would be happy to—”

  He didn’t like “someone else” at all and staked his claim. He kissed her until neither of them could breathe and only stopped when someone cleared his throat.

  They broke apart and looked to the open doorway to see Reid staring at them in astonishment.

  “Gotta go,” she said in a singsong voice. On her way out the door, she added, “And Reid, your brother has a concussion. So make sure to keep waking him up throughout the night. Bye.”

  * * *

  Reid stared at his thoroughly bemused brother, taking note of the details. Cash wore casual clothing, not for entertaining a woman, for sure. Though Cash didn’t go for more than jeans and a nice T-shirt, Reid didn’t think his brother would try to seduce a woman in lounge pants. Cash also seemed…happy. Something he hadn’t been in a long time.

  “What the hell did I just see? Your tongues down each other’s throats?” Reid wanted to be more annoyed that his brother had disregarded the rules concerning Jordan. No fraternizing and no messing around with their employees.

  But the gang were like family, and Jordan had seemed more than enamored with Cash. “This isn’t just a fuck and run, is it?”

  “Hell, no. Besides, any guy who would try to run from Jordan is not only stupid but suicidal. That woman would string up a user by his balls.” Cash grinned.

  “Ah, okay.” Reid sensed something serious between the two but decided to tread carefully, doing his best to mend fences. “I was with Naomi tonight only because I wanted to give you some space. I mean, I know I’m with her a lot. I would have talked to you except you bailed on me.”


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