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Ladies Who Voyeur (1969)

Page 7

by Michael Reynolds

  Wilma A. appeared for help because she self-recognizes her peeping urge and she fears she may be apprehended and this would lead to conflict. It is this willingness to be treated that offers hope for resolution of her perversion-quest through voyeurism!

  CHAPTER SIX - The Rooming House: Female Peeper's Paradise

  "Why do I always live in rooming houses? Because I can see one orgy after another. I just walk down the corridor at night and make sure my footsteps don't creak. Then I peep through the keyholes. They're as big and old fashioned as the houses. Once, I saw a man taking a woman in the back way while he was sticking his fingers into her front. She didn't like it. But he sure was hot over it. Another time I saw a woman with a little poodle. She was lying sprawled, naked on the bed. She smeared her groin with some dog food, then had the poodle lick it all off. She was so excited she kept jumping up and down as the dog lapped her (vagina) to get the food. Rooming houses are as perverted as whorehouses!"

  -Rosanne, age 34, peeper

  The average rooming house caters to oddballs. The people who live under such sparse and somewhat fetid circumstances are often warped to begin with, else they would serve to better themselves.

  In one reported situation, Rosanne, age 34, was evicted from three different rooming houses because she was caught while peeping in the closed bathrooms while men or women were taking showers; she was also caught while peeping upon a whore who brought a man up to her room. Apparently the rooming house was more concerned with keeping the rent-paying whore than with Rosanne who would "impinge" upon the privacy of the other tenant.

  "I had a lot of different sex jags," says Rosanne, "but I liked the bottle so I could never hold onto a man. Besides, with me, it's just in bed and have fun and that's all. Nothing permanent."

  (DOCTOR'S COMMENT: Peeping or voyeurism apparently offers this impermanent attitude to the warped female. She wants to have sex without any involvements. She can visually satisfy herself by peeping, masturbate or just console herself with "eye lust." When it is finished, she just gets up and walks off.

  Many interviewed female peepers showed an aversion to permanent alliance with a man. Furthermore they have an immature attitude about sex which is too physical-focused. They refuse to give of themselves, creating a twisted sexual dementia.

  Rosanne was a victim of her own pubertal upbringing in which a strict and over-religious mother kept raving and ranting against sin. This made her frigid. When she matured, she was able to break away but now she turned to drinking as a means of asserting her freedom from her mother.

  She also drank to "psychically punish" her mother who had forbade it!

  She has increasing bouts of alcoholism as well as a strong feeling of guilt about sex. This leads to frigidity.

  Her voyeurism is another deliberate disobedience to her mother who always shrieked that sex was the invention of the Devil and that Rosanne was never to have anything to do with it and "never to look at such dirty things."

  The taboo had now become the obsession!) Rosanne continues:

  "I find it hard to hold down a job because as soon as I have enough money, I start getting tanked up. Then I get 'up tight' because no matter what a man does to me, I still feel all wound up.

  "I like living in a rooming house because when I keep losing my job, I can stall off the rent. It's paid by the week, you know.

  "Also, it's a real hot scene to peep through keyholes in rooming houses."

  Rosanne once peeped upon a rather well dressed older woman. She rented the room by the week. That is, she would move in for a week and then move out (just a suitcase) and be out of sight for a month or more. Then she would come back again for another week.

  The room was rather quiet. Peeping through the keyhole, Rosanne saw that the older woman (in her late forties) was cautioning someone to keep quiet as she removed her clothes.

  Rosanne strained to see who the man was.

  Suddenly into view came two adolescent, teenage boys!

  Now the voices could be heard through the cheap and dank smelling rooming house door.

  "Now you boys must be quiet. If you're good and you can both (coarse language for intercourse) then I'll give you a nice little gift."

  When she was naked, she held out her rather pendulous but huge breasts. She waddled, while her .plump stomach looked unsightly.

  "Jimmy, strip down ... and then suck my nipples."

  The boy, Jimmy, had overly long hippie hair, nice features and sensual lips. He was shy, looking at his buddy who was called Robbie. "Want him to watch us?"

  "That's part of the fun, you lovely little boy." She patted his thick swollen member beneath his tight khakis. "Oooo, all hot, aren't you? So am I."

  Robbie was just as embarrassed. Apparently, these two pubertal boys had no previous sexual experiences and to have to be nude before one another would create sexual shyness.

  "I ... I don't know ... " he faltered, swallowing nervously. "I mean it's kinda ... groovy, but ... "

  The older woman approached the trembling Robbie. "It'll make you a man, darling boy," she cooed. She ran her hands up and down the boy's sides. "I'll help you..."

  That was when the three of them moved out of the sight range of peeping Rosanne who was now frustrated as she crouched to the keyhole and craned her head in a desperate effort to be able to see more.

  Her heart pounded with anxiety. "I just gotta see those kids and that old bag," she told herself, while her hand fondled herself. She could feel her blood coursing through her body. At the same time, peeping Rosanne's nipples grew hard and gnarled.

  (PSYCHOSEXUAL COMMENT: Visual stimulation to the perverted voyeur is often as erotic and provocative as tactile friction. While the female is usually stimulated by direct body friction, when she peeps, she envisions herself in the projected image of the other female and this exerts such a severe emotional shock that she can actually have a clitoris erection and breast swelling because of the stimulation. In Rosanne's situation, it was later noted during a gynecologist's examination that she was insensitive to normal stimuli. It is possible that her compulsive voyeurism caused her physical reactions to become regressed and now she is fixated at the peeping stimuli solely.)

  Peeping Rosanne was now rewarded with another good view. The two naked boys and the naked older woman suddenly came into her sight range.

  She almost erupted, so to speak, to see their young, firm buttock cheeks, their smooth bodies, and their poking erections that symbolized raw youth. They laughed with the shyness of youth.

  The older woman fondled each one and then said, "Robbie, just poke your finger in Jimmy's

  --while I--on him!"

  Robbie was hesitant but when the older woman promised to (perform fellatio) on him, that was all the incentive that he needed.

  "Okay, this'll be fun."

  Robbie began to finger penetrate the squirming Jimmy, who yelped, "Hey, don't stick it in..."

  The older woman knelt before the squirming Jimmy who was being anal-sodomized by finger penetration. "Now, I'll let you stick your (erection) in my mouth and I'll give you a (coarse language for fellatio) that'll make you (ejaculate) like a real storm."

  Her mouth imprisoned the boy's rigid member while the older woman stroked and cupped his heavy and firm testicles. The boy moaned and then made yelping whimpers at the response.

  "Ohh, lady, that sure feels ... 30000 ... good ... go on, do it more..."

  The woman now totally absorbed the boy's quivering erection and in the few blurring movements, as her head bobbed up and down, the peeping Rosanne saw how she performed aggressive mouth stimulation.

  When the boy erupted, he yelped, "Oh, I'm gonna ... oooooOOOOO, I can't hold back," he was half-sobbing, half-yelping as he rocked on the balls on his feet while he used the older woman's mouth in a pseudo-erection penetrating vagina. "Oh, oh, oh, oh, ... oooooo..."

  All the while the other boy was finger penetrating him with an indication t
hat he had latent homosexual desires.

  "Me, next, me next!" He pushed Jimmy out of the way and now he poised before the somewhat flustered older woman. "Here, take it in your mouth!"

  Rosanne almost collapsed from the sheer ecstasy of having to see a double-fellatio experience with two naked boys and the older woman.

  "I sure wish it was me," she muttered to herself as her hands began to masturbate. When she felt the dynamic explosion of her clitoris-induced erection, she almost swooned from the emotion of it all. Everything was hazy.

  Later, she told this psychoanalyst:

  "I tried to hold back, to wait until that other kid (ejaculated) so that I could 'go off' at the same time. I always like to time it that way. But this time it made me so hot I just couldn't wait. But it sure was a kick to see those young studs in their bare bottoms and their real big (phallus) poking out. Makes me feel great to know I watched them without their knowing!"

  (COMMENT: Many interviewed twisted female voyeurists also have this phenomenal desire to see sexuality IN SECRET. They said that if the unsuspecting subjects were "putting on a show" or if the subjects would become exhibitionists, then much of the personal thrill would be gone.

  One interviewed female peeper said that she tried to break away from her compulsive urge to look through rooming house keyholes or over transoms of adjoining doors.

  She said that she met several rather sexually promiscuous roomers and suggested that they have sex while she, in pseudo-secret, looked on through the transom or crack in the adjoining door.

  Apparently the others were exhibitionists because they eagerly agreed. They performed sodomy among one another. The female voyeur said that there was a complete absence of personal response because the other roomers knew that she was peeping and were doing it for her thrill.

  "It's lots more exciting if they don't know I'm peeping," she said.

  This apparently, is part of a familiar pattern.)

  In another situation, a rooming house peeper was a lonely, youngish spinster type who had regarded sex as "dirty" and all men as "animals."

  Here is part of her experiences:

  CASE STUDY: Mathilda, age 36, Librarian, plain appearance.

  Mathilda earned a very modest income as a librarian for a small law firm. She was prim, proper and completely lacking in sexual attributes. She never wore makeup. But underneath it all, she had a strange desire for peeping upon others. She says quite openly:

  "My parents brought me up to regard sex as dirty and sinful. My mother always said that being pregnant was a painful punishment for a girl's sinful act. She said that it is best to refrain from the physical and develop the emotional and the spiritual.

  "I suppose it was this curiosity that led me to peeping. I was non-communicative during my schooldays. I think I became an introvert because of my parents' stern attitudes.

  "While I could not participate, I still could look! I could satisfy my eye and no one would ever know."

  (COMMENT: Many voyeurs have fixated their sexual desires upon the visual. This offers them security and safety in that they do not participate and no on can invade the secrecy of their minds and eyes. It is a sort of shield. Behind the shield, they peep and enjoy secret lascivious thoughts ... but no one knows it!)

  She recalls one such episode which led to her eventual compulsive peeping:

  Mathilda had gone to the library storeroom to fetch some reference books and she heard some laughing and giggling from an adjoining room. Curious, she went to the door but she did not open it. Instead, she peeped through the keyhole. She later said:

  "I thought that there was some ruffian inside or some trouble and I did not want to walk inside. I thought I would peep through the keyhole and if there was trouble, I would summon help.

  "Instead, there was this part time shipping boy who always used to look at the girls (never at me, mind you!), and would scratch himself where boys always scratch when they become sexually excited.

  "There he was with his pants open. I saw his erection. It was so ... so powerful ... so rigid ... and he looked so excited.

  "With him was a part time stenographer, sent by one of those temporary office services; she had her skirt hiked up around her hips and the boy was pulling down her panties."

  Mathilda was rooted to the spot.

  This was her very first sexual exposure and while she was not a participant, having the experience of peeping was sufficient to offer a weird form of satisfaction.

  She watched as the boy patted the girl's sensitive raised mound. She heard him say, "You got a nice (vagina). Hey, you shaved it off."

  His head dipped as his mouth feasted at the girl's clean shaven podex. His tongue entered the petal soft vaginal lips. The girl jolted. The boy removed his mouth and laughed. "I bet you like me to do that. I'll do it to get you hot, then I'll

  (perform coitus) and we better do it quick, 'cause if we get caught, they'll cut off my (testicles). " He laughed again.

  Peeping Mathilda felt forbidding sensations as she saw the boy lick and stimulate the girl's smooth shaven genitals.

  "Hurry, hurry," she was moaning. "Put it into me, oh, please..." She was leaning against an upturned crate and had thrust forth her pelvis so that the eager and ramrod stiff boy could further arouse her. "Oh, I want it, do it now," she whined.

  He was perspired and flushed from the anxiety. "Okay, baby ... just hold it ... "

  Mathilda peeped as she saw the way the boy now poised, then thrust his rigid column into the fleshy female orifice.

  Moans and groans could be heard.

  The boy's body was a blur as he pounded. He held onto the girl, kissing her lightly, but his sexual thoughts were self-directed, and he was consumed with the urge of his penis.

  "Okay ... now ... oooo..."

  Peeping Mathilda was almost in a state of sexual nervous collapse as she saw the way the boy reached his climax and apparently thrilled to the physical release. She hardly noted the girl. She was totally absorbed in the boy's actions and had a fleeting vision of being the recipient of this longed for sexual pleasure. When it was over, the two hugged one another briefly, and the boy said, "We better get out of here."

  Mathilda said that she scurried away in time. "But that made me so excited that for the rest of the day, I was on pins and needles. Whenever I saw that disgusting boy or the girl, I kept thinking and seeing their naked privates all over again. I found myself wishing that the boy-disgusting or not-had done it to me!"

  (SEXUAL COMMENT: Mathilda is a spinster by her own rejection of active sex. She prefers to retreat to the safety of her imagination where she can have dream like sex without any responsibilities or guilt. When she awakens, she will be safe and secure in her own little niche of life without sex.)

  Mathilda was thus initiated into peeping by this early experience. Furthermore, living in a rooming house afforded her other opportunities. Had she lived in another type of house without temptations, her voyeurism might have receded into mental oblivion. As it turned out, she found many more chances for perverted peeping.

  "One time, a restaurant worker, a man about 30 or so, went into the hall bathroom. He took a shower. I was about to go down to the other bathroom when his door came open. In these rooming houses, the old wooden doors with those old fashioned handles are always coming loose.

  "There he was, this naked young man, under the shower, and he was soaping his privates. He saw me. Instead of being embarrassed as I was, he laughed, pointed to his organ. It was lying flaccid. He started to soap it up and then he developed an erection.

  "I was almost transfixed to the spot. I saw the way he was masturbating himself and pushing his pelvis back and forth.

  "I suppose I should have been repulsed, but I felt fascinated. I was seeing something intimate. It was embarrassing, but to me, it was exciting!

  "I watched until he stiffened and then he ejaculated. I saw it all! I saw the way (she describes the act of visuali
zing the ejection of the man's seminal fluid from his erection) and I saw how the man looked so ... strange by it all."

  Mathilda says that as soon as the man ejaculated, and this bit of exhibitionism was over, she felt a slackening of desire. Suddenly, her prim and proper attitudes came back and now she felt repulsed. She sneered at the man in an imperious countenance, then stalked away.

  "I was curious about seeing a man ejaculate and that was why I watched his masturbation. But I'll say that I never again wanted to publicly expose myself to an exhibitionist.


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