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Hard Sands: Warlords of Atera

Page 12

by Kyle, Celia

  After they walked in silence for a few moments, Nakan grumbled. “I do not like this.”

  Kalinda hesitated for a moment, not sure what to say to help the situation. She reached up and touched his shoulder, warm dry scales beneath her fingertips, the muscles beneath taut with tension. “Accidents happen, but at least the healer was able to save that male.”

  She didn’t want to think about the other guard—the one who hadn’t been so lucky to survive.

  “I am not sure it was an accident.” His tone was grim, furious and frustrated.

  Kalinda frowned and brought her fingers to her lips. She hadn’t considered the possibility that the cave-in had been deliberate. And yet… Now that she thought about the events, it did seem like too big of a coincidence that the tunnel to the sacred cave would collapse when she and Nakan were inside.

  She thought back to her run-in with Chaze. The way the other male had declared Nakan was unfit for his duties, claiming that Nakan had not been performing inspections of the tunnels like he was supposed to. It made her wonder if Chaze was somehow involved.

  Not that she thought it was a good idea to accuse someone without evidence, but she decided she simply couldn’t stay quiet, not when lives were at stake. Nakan could do what he wished with her thoughts. She told him about what happened in the tunnels above, when Chaze had spoken ill of Nakan’s leadership. As she spoke, Nakan gradually slowed his pace, listening to her words, and his expression darkened as her story went on.

  He finally stopped and crossed his arms, one fingertip tapping against the scales on his chin. “Chaze has been growing bolder, ever since your vessel arrived from beyond the stars. Perhaps he thinks he is the one blessed by Eana.”

  “You think he’s trying to replace you? I thought he was just…” she swallowed hard. “After me.”

  Nakan’s expression remained serious as he stared at her. “My kode, you are lovely and gifted, but to someone like Chaze, there is more to a female than biological desire. You are a gift from Eana. Do you not understand what that means?”

  Kalinda shifted uncomfortably on her feet, squirming beneath his intent gaze. This wasn’t the first time Nakan had spoken of the Ateran goddess and the theory that the human women were somehow “gifts” sent from the heavens. She’d dismissed it all as superstitious nonsense. “What are you talking about?”

  Nakan raised his chin. “From the moment word of your arrival spread through the Hard Sands, the people have been excited yet fearful. We stand at the dawn of a new age that will see Aterans go beyond our world and venture into the stars where we might finally meet Eana. She has sent you and your companions here to help usher in these changes.”

  Kalinda avoided Nakan’s gaze. She didn’t believe in gods and goddesses, let alone the Aterans’ Eana. While she could see that meeting people from another world could change the course of a planet’s future, she couldn’t imagine it as some kind of omen from a divine being. It was just a bunch of bad luck that led the ship to crash on Atera. As far as she was concerned, the aliens were superstitious if they believed their goddess had a hand in the events.

  But she knew Nakan and his people believed it all. And she couldn’t bring herself to attack his beliefs, even if she didn’t agree with them.

  “What does this have to do with Chaze?”

  “Because you are my kode,” he explained, “the people will see that Eana has chosen me to be the one to lead the Hard Sands into the new age. Out of all those on Atera, only a handful bonded to a human female, and I was one of them.” He straightened, a smile of pride etched on his reptilian face. “Before your arrival, I was merely the warlord of the Hard Sands. Now, I am Nakan, Chosen of Eana.”

  Kalinda followed his path to its logical conclusion. “So Chaze thinks that if he claimed me, he would be the ‘chosen one.’”

  Nakan nodded. “He attempted to stake his claim when you arrived, perhaps hoping one of the human females would be his kode. When none stirred his blood, he must have devised a different plan.”

  “Which is why he went after me in the tunnels. To do that Right of Whatever thing.”

  “The Right of Ka’Kode. He wished to claim you so that he could rally the people to his side. He did not anticipate you would be bound to another.”

  Kalinda still didn’t want to agree that she was “bonded” to anyone, but she let it slide for now. “Since he couldn’t claim me, you think he’s trying a new angle. Don’t you?”

  Nakan nodded. “Perhaps he wished to see us both dead. Or he merely wishes to discredit me. To take my place as warlord of the Hard Sands, he would need the support of the people. To gain such support, he would need to convince all that I do not have the goddess’ blessing.”

  “Hmmm…” She brushed a hand through her hair. All the Ateran politics were a bit over her head. Even on Earth she had never understood politics, manipulation or the plots and schemes some would get up to in order to get what they wanted. She was a simple engineer. She discovered a problem, analyzed and then fixed it. With engineering, there was a definitive problem with a direct solution. Sometimes it required a bit of creativity to solve the issue, but everything was still straightforward. There were no lies involved in fixing a starship or communications array. Just good old hard work and elbow grease.

  Now that she’d been swept up into the strange game of alien politics, she didn’t know what to do, how to behave. There seemed to be more levels of intrigue than she had yet to understand, and she had no idea where to begin.

  “So, now what?”

  Nakan led her back through the tunnels. “Do not worry. I will deal with Chaze. For now, you should rest and eat. Tomorrow we shall venture outside the city to complete the next step in the rituals of bonding.”

  Kalinda wondered what the “next step” involved. She was pretty sure he wasn’t talking about sex since they wouldn’t need to leave the city to find a bed. But she was too plagued by exhaustion and confused about everything that she didn’t have the energy to ask more questions.

  She followed Nakan to his quarters to rest while the morning meal was delivered. She spent the rest of the day in quiet solitude, attempting to wrap her head around everything she’d learned. Despite Nakan’s promises that he had everything under control, she couldn’t help but worry about Chaze—worry and wonder if she could do anything should Nakan fail to stop the other Ateran’s schemes.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Kalinda traipsed along the mountain path, only pausing at the top of a steep slope to look out over the horizon. With the early morning came one of the world’s suns high in the sky while the other barely peeked over the tallest mountain peaks. She paused and simply enjoyed the sight of the suns continuing their journey past the rocky walls around her. It was beautiful—breathtaking—and she’d never imagined she would visit a place where she could watch not just one sunrise, but two.

  Nakan waited further down the well-trodden mountain path, gesturing for her to follow in his wake. She hesitated a moment, still taking in the gorgeous scenery around her. Being outside, the cool mountain breeze tickling her skin, was the most relaxed she’d been since crashing on the strange, alien world. It was almost enough to help her forget the drama and danger of the cave-in.

  She refocused on her path, flashing a smile at Nakan as she drew nearer to the male. It was strange, how simple and relaxing it was to be at his side. He took her hand in his and she found herself savoring the chaste touch. The more time she spent with him, the less she found herself plotting escape. All morning she hadn’t given a single thought to fleeing or finding a way to reach one of the other territories. She simply enjoyed the time she spent alone with Nakan. When she’d realized how much she looked forward to spending the day with him, it’d shocked her. Was it some sort of Stockholm Syndrome? For now, she wouldn’t overanalyze things. She didn’t want to ruin the day.

  “Are you well?” Nakan tipped his head to the side in question.

  A small smile touched Kalinda’s lip
s. “I’m fine. It’s just so nice out here.”

  “These paths were once part of a long-standing trade route.” He led her along the winding mountain trail. “Before we developed the hovertrain network. Not many follow these paths any longer.”

  “So why are we here?” She quirked a brow and he smirked in response.

  “In time, my kode.”

  They continued for some time, the suns rising higher and higher into the sky, until they reached a curve in the path that allowed them to look out over a sandy valley below. When the second sun finished its crawl above the mountain peaks, the twin suns shined down on the expanse of sand and made it glitter like an endless blanket of diamonds. It was one of the most breathtaking things she had ever witnessed.

  “It’s beautiful,” she whispered, awed by the sight.

  Nakan smiled and caressed her soft, amber hair. “I know it is not your familiar world, but it is my hope that you can grow used to seeing such beauty every day. The Hard Sands can be a home for you, my kode. For you and your companions.”

  Kalinda stared out over the sparkling sand. Part of her missed the lush green of her own world, but she had to admit there was beauty here as well, even among the endless rock and sand. But she wasn’t ready to admit her feelings aloud. She might be getting used to her new situation—even enjoying parts—but that didn’t mean she was ready to call the Hard Sands home.

  “It’s… different.”

  Nakan looked out over the sands, silent for a time before he spoke again. “What is your world like? I know nothing of it.”

  “Well,” Kalinda huffed out a breath while she tried to find the words to explain her home. “It’s not as hot and we have only one sun. There are some deserts but only in some areas of the world. A lot of places are green with lots of plants. And the oceans… huge bodies of water. I used to love going to the ocean.”

  “There is more green in the Living Sands to the south,” Nakan murmured. “Though I find it hard to imagine a place with no sand at all.”

  “Does it snow here?” She shook her head at herself. “Probably a dumb question. I can’t imagine it snowing in the desert.”

  “Far, far to the south.” He pointed into the distance. “Past even the Living Sands on the far side of Atera. It is said that the lands there are covered in ice and snow for all time—a frozen wasteland that supports no life. At least, none that we from the sands have witnessed. There are always rumors.” He shrugged. “But none have ventured into the frozen lands and returned. Perhaps, one day, when we have vessels that can fly above the stars, we will be able to explore the frozen lands in truth.”

  “Sounds strange. After seeing what it’s like up here, I can’t imagine a frozen wasteland in the distance.”

  They continued moving along the path, their conversation meandering for a time. Eventually Nakan asked her about her life on Earth.

  “Well, I was an engineer. I spent time developing communications arrays for starships, but it’s a competitive field. It’s really hard for women to succeed.”

  “Why is that?” She heard rather than saw his frown.

  “Men on my world don’t like competition from women.” Kalinda shrugged. “Male colleagues treated me like something to ogle rather than like a coworker. They never took my ideas seriously. It was frustrating.”

  “I find the males of your world strange.” Nakan grunted. “Females are revered and may pursue any career they wish. It is the duty of males to care for females and provide for them so they may follow careers in the arts, sciences, or any other area they wish.”

  Kalinda rolled his words around in her head. “What if a female wanted to be a warrior? Her man could stay home with the kids and be taken care of instead of the woman?”

  Nakan threw his head back and released a deep belly laugh. “I could not imagine such a thing! It is a male’s place to fight so females may live safely and pursue whatever interests they wish.”

  “What if their interests include becoming a warrior?” She pursed her lips, enjoying being able to tease the alien male.

  Nakan paused and turned back, studying her expression before letting out a soft chuckle. “Perhaps males of my world are not much different from yours. I suppose since we are entering a new age, it may be time for change. Perhaps soon there will be female Ateran warriors who fight alongside the males. Though I would prefer to see an end to all conflict.” He sighed and shook his head. “Peace has been difficult to maintain. Resources are scarce and there is much tension between the sand territories. I can only hope the warlords of the Red Sands and Living Sands see that we must unite to move into the future as a unified people. I have no doubt that Eana wishes for this. How can we join civilizations beyond the stars, if we cannot find peace and unity on our own world?”

  “I don’t really know what to say.” She knew Earth achieved relative peace before joining the galactic community though that didn’t mean they still didn’t have conflicts. But, she was an engineer, not a historian. She certainly wasn’t a diplomat or politician. Bringing peace to Atera wasn’t something she could even begin to consider.

  They remained silent for a time, continuing their traipse along the path. She remained curious about their destination, but for the moment, she was content to enjoy their time together.

  “Why did you leave your world?” Nakan glanced at her over his shoulder.

  “To get married, actually.” Kalinda’s cheeks heated and her lips curled in an embarrassed smirk.

  “Married… that is your word for mated, yes?”


  Nakan looked away, his mouth curved into a frown.

  Kalinda touched his hand, drawing his attention so she could give him a reassuring smile. “You don’t need to be jealous. I wasn’t emotionally involved with anyone. It was an interplanetary matching service.” He remained quiet and she struggled to find the words to better explain herself. “It’s a service that helps people find mates.”

  “Ahhh,” he nodded. “Like Ulmur. Where warriors meet to find their kode.”

  She tipped her head to the side and thought it over. “I guess so? Except we don’t meet in the middle of the desert. It’s done with computers that take in your information and find someone compatible.”

  “Computers…” He chuckled and shook his head. “Your people have odd ways. Among the Ateran people, it is now as it has always been. We must meet our mates face to face. How else are we to know if they stir our blood?”

  She shrugged. “That’s not how it works with humans. Or with me, really. I wasn’t looking for someone to ‘stir’ anything. I wanted someone who would treat me with respect and a place to have a career that wasn’t tainted by sexism and misogyny.”

  Nakan paused, facing off with her. He gently touched her cheek. “Those are noble goals, but they are not enough. Not without love, without passion.”

  Kalinda let his thoughts mingle and dance with her own. In truth, she admitted that Nakan was putting voice to ideas she’d already had. When she’d first registered with the Intergalactic Mating Agency, she had been desperate for change—stuck in a stagnant career with no romantic prospects. She’d had a few failed relationships, but nothing that had been particularly serious.

  She’d never known true love or passion and had managed to convince herself she wouldn’t be missing much in a simple yet loveless marriage. She’d spoken with a kind, yet bland, male from an alien world named Trapuq. After a few short exchanges, she’d agreed to pack everything and travel to his world so they could be married. They’d never had a face-to-face meeting and she hadn’t learned a whole lot about him. But she’d told herself everything would be fine as long as she was treated with respect and was left alone to pursue her career.

  Now she was sure she’d never reach Trapuq. She wondered what her fiancé, or ex-fiancé, would think when he learned her ship had crashed. Would he look for her? Somehow, she doubted he’d put in much effort. She hoped he cared enough that he would at least be saddened
by the loss, but he would probably move on with his life. It wasn’t as if she had meant anything to him. It wasn’t as if they’d been in love.

  “I have upset you.” He studied the sad expression on her face. “I apologize.” He pressed a hand to his chest and gave her a short bow. “Forgive me.”

  “No, it’s fine.” She touched his shoulder. “I’m just thinking about home. About how different everything is on Ateran.”

  “I understand. This must be a difficult time for you. I cannot imagine your thoughts as you are exposed to a new world. Believe me when I say I will do whatever is needed to make the Hard Sands a wonderful home for you. Whatever you desire, you need only ask.”

  She already had a number of things on her list and near the top was a chance to look at the Ateran communication tech with the hope she could modify it for interstellar transmission. Even if she couldn’t make the modifications right away—even if it took months or years to develop something to suit her needs—it would give her a chance to get back into her career. If she was going to be on this world for a long time, she wanted to contribute to the engineering field. She could teach the Aterans about technology and make a name for herself as an innovator in her field.

  It was also the best chance she had to make contact with Earth again.

  But today on this mountain path with the twin suns shining overhead was not the time to make her request. She enjoyed her time with Nakan, and she wanted to embrace the moment while it lasted. Later, when they returned for the evening, she could talk to him about her ideas. For now, she decided it was best to enjoy herself and take pleasure in the company of the strange alien creature, the one she found herself falling for more and more the longer they were together.

  She took his hand and gave him a warm smile. “Wasn’t there something out here you wanted to show me?”

  He nodded. “It is not much further. Come.”

  He continued to lead her, moving at a casual pace with all the time in the world. Yes, there was danger and drama in the mountain city with the Ateran political problems and Chaze’s schemes. But that all felt so very far away. For now.


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