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The Assassin and The SEAL: A Short Story (The Irish Don’s Black Beauty)

Page 2

by Rose Marie

  I close the door behind me walking over tu the sofa, where I sit and watch her. I take a seat keeping an eye out fer her, thinkin’ she’d make the same mistake most women do when they come over. They get undressed, then walk over tu me and try tu suck me cock. But like the good little one she is, she goes over tu the bed, lays down on her stomach, lifts her arse in the air and spreads her pussy lips. I sit there rubbin’ me beard impressed not only with her ability tu listen but at how soppin’ wet her arsehole and pussy are.

  “Just from lookin’ at it I can tell yu’ve been fucked in the arse befer. When was the last time?”

  “A couple of days ago, Commander.” Hmm… standin’ I walk over tu her, touchin’ her arse hole that is red, looking as if it just healed, swirling her pussy juices all over, then sticking me index finger inside up tu me knuckle. “Ughn!”

  “Yer sensitive in the arse? That’s unexpected and desirable. It’s soft and tight but doesna need preparation tu take me, that’s good, but wat about this?” I ask movin’ down stuffin’ me middle and ring finger inside of her arse, groanin’ at its tight wetness. “Aye, exactly as I like, and it’s quite pretty tu, but did yu cum while yu were sucking me cock?”

  “Y-yes Commander!” She breathes out, shakin’ her hips in an attempt tu get more of me finger inside of her. Noddin’ I pull out from her and head over tu the kitchen where I wash me hands and pull out something tu eat. Heatin’ it up, I go back over tu the couch and turn on the telly to catch up on some news. After thirty minutes, I look over tu the bed smirkin’, assumin’ she must be tired of waitin’ and has laid down by now… but tu me surprise she’s still exactly how I left her. This girl is unreal. Tu think I ignored her fer that long and not once did utter, mutter, stutter, or move.

  Getting’ up, I walk back over tu her, all games and tests aside. I caress her ass pleased at the loud moan that escapes her. Shite I love it when they crave the smallest touch from me. Smackin’ her ass, I kneel behind her, taking a scoop of ice cream turned cold soup, and drizzle it on her arse and pussy.

  “Uhgn! I- ugn p-p-perm-m-mission t-to s-s-speak C-Command-d-der?”

  “Someone's a good little bitch askin’ fer permission, but no, just shut up and let me hear yu.” I tell her as I lean in and lick from her pussy tu her arse, where I slurp the ice cream's stickiness into me mouth. At the feel of me tongue swirling around her arse hole, she gasps, shakin’ and pokin’ out her arse while rollin’ her hips. Aye! This is how I like me women tu act when I tell them it’s time tu take me cock. When she starts pantin’, I take two fingers, shove them into her pussy and begin finger feckin’ her. Her screams, beggin’ and moanin’ fer me tu stop did nothin’ but make me want tu hear her cry out more.

  “C-Commander! Please!”

  “Please, wat?”

  “P-pl-please, let me cum! Please give me your cock!”


  “Oh, my God! Ughnnnn, I can’t! I want to cum!”

  “Wait like a good girl, and I’ll give yu all the cock yu want.” Tu me astonishment she exceeds me expectations. As I eat her arse and pussy fer over an hour, I grow more aroused watchin’ her force herself not tu cum. The discipline this girl has is unreal. I look down at her face, happy when I see she seems intoxicated and ready fer just about anythin’. I lay her down gently on her back, spread her legs and start pumpin’ me leakin’ cock, coatin’ it wit’ me pre-cum, getting’ it nice and slick so I can just slide right into her wit’ no sense of friction. “Are yu takin’ any kinds of contraceptives fer birth control?” I watch her shake her head and grab her legs, holdin’ them open, bearin’ her juicy pink pussy.

  “Please, Commander, give it to me.”

  “Answer me first.”

  “I can't have children, so please just fuck me already, Commander; I just want you.” Her eyes held no shame or sense of sadness at her confession, and if I were a better man, I’d have stopped to analyze wat that meant. But I’m a selfish bastard who only gives a feck about himself. I shrug, feelin’ her answer was good enough fer me, and thrust into her as hard as I could. When I feel her insides start quakin’ around me cock, her back arch tu the point of breakin’ and her mouth pop open in a silent scream, I grunt loudly, grab her hips and start pumpin’ her on and off me cock like the rag doll she agreed tu be.

  “Shite yu cum hard,” I grunt, poundin’ into her hard, usin’ her as a cock sleeve, absolutely lovin’ the way she is beggin’ fer more instead of cryin’ fer me tu stop.

  “It feels so damn good, Commander. Please, please don’t stop,” She whimpered makin’ me feel that familiar pinch in me gut. Feck she’s got some excellent pussy… and her beggin’ is doin’ it fer me. I pull her up tu me, kiss me way down her neck tu her breast, sucking her right nipple into me mouth, and I look up into the woman’s eyes and say somethin’ I’ve never said.

  “Talk tu me Short Stuff. Let me hear how good yu feel.” I tell her, bitin’ her nipple and smackin’ her arse hard.

  “Commander, you’re going to make me cum again! I can’t take it! Please give me more, Commander!”

  “Feck, I’m goin’ tu cum!” How the feck can she turn me on like this? “Bring that pussy down on me harder, Short Stuff.” I hum, still bittin’ down on her nipple.

  “Yes, sir, Commander.” She starts smashin’ down on me, knockin’ me back on tu the bed but I was feelin’ it so feckin’ much I dinna even fight it. I put me hands behind my head and go with it. She pulled her legs up crouched down puttin’ her hands on me stomach and started poundin’ her arse up and down on clappin’ that juicy pussy on me cock sendin’ her juices splatterin’ all over the bed and drippin’ down me balls. Feck this is good!

  “COME ON SHORT STUFF!” I smack her arse hard leavin’ a red handprint on her tan skin. “WORK THAT COCK!” I slap her arse again bitin’ me lip hard enough tu draw blood.

  “I-I’m tryin’ Commander!”

  “Feck that shite ride this cock harder!” I grab her hips, smashin’ her down repeatedly, squeezin’ me eyes tight, tryin’ me best tu push me nut back, but it was’na happenin’. It was right at the tip.

  “Commander, does it feel good? Am I keeping my end of the bargain?” She asked groanin’, floppin’ up and down, her voice breakin’.

  “Feckin’ righ’!”

  “Can I cum now, please! Please, I want to cum Commander. Will you permit me?” Shite! I’m not ready tu cum yet. I impaled her all the way on me cock, strainin’ tryin’ tu hold back, but her pussy gripped me tightly as feck as she came shakin’, and I was unable tu keep from holding back my nut any longer as she gives me the release I’ve craved for the third time today. Feck that was the best feck I’ve ever had in me life.

  “How the feck are yu so damn perfect.” I heave out; tryin’ tu catch me breath. She doesna answer; only her wraps her arms around me neck and looks into me eyes, letting out little whimpers that had me wanting tu devour her lips. Wat the feck is this girl doin’ tu me?

  I pull out about tu change positions so I can get some of her arse, but I see her lookin’ down and I hear snifflin’. Quickly, I lift her head tu see her cryin’ and me heart drops. Shocked, I raised my hands off her, scared she was about tu do some weird shite like say I raped her or somethin’.

  “Wat the feck wrong wit’ yu?”

  “I-'m… I’m so sorry, Commander.” Wat the hell is wrong wit’ her? She needs tu go.

  “Wat’s wrong? Do yu wan-”

  “It's just…. God, the dick is just so good.” When she starts all-out wailing, I scramble around, unsure if I wanted tu laugh out loud or comfort her. Oh, she’s that type of crazy.

  “So tu be clear… yer cryin’ because yu like the way I feck yu?” When she nodded and wiped her eyes lookin’ up, me stupid heart skips a beat. Who lied and said the way tu a man's heart is through his stomach?

  “Hell yeah! You have the fattest and best dick I’ve had in so fucking long… and it feels good when you touch and take me. I know you said not to ask for more
, but… I don’t want to lose your dick. It feels too good.” She sniffed. I could only shake me head and laugh out loud feelin’ I’d met me match.

  “Yu know Short Stuff, yer not so bad. How about we go a couple more hours and a few more rounds, then we can see. Maybe if yer still as good after a couple more hours of this, I'll think about it.”

  “You promise?”

  “I promise now shut up, stop cryin’ and get on all fours fer me, I want tu feck yer arse.” I tell her flippin’ her over shovin’ me cock into her arse. I have tu say she kept her word, we went at it fer six hours after that, and she was still willing tu go fer some more befer she left me house. Oh yeah, I’m definitely seein’ her again.

  Chapter Three



  Where am I? I lay there as still as possible listening to unfamiliar sounds, scared to open my eyes, racked with a type of fear that damn near leaves me paralyzed… Did I get in trouble with Ojisan (uncle) again? Sweating, I feel my heart rate increase wondering what I did to be punished, when I hear the calming sound of a beating heart near my ear, and feel a massive yet gentle pair of arms pull me into a body I’ve grown to know all too well. Commander! No longer scared, I open my eyes and smile with relief when I’m greeted with his thick red and brown beard on my face. When was the last time I felt this SAFE? Never!

  I snuggle into my Commander’s arms, not wanting to move. Better get as much snuggle time while I can. Lord knows when he wakes up, I’ll have to move. My eyes travel to the clock on the wall to check the time. I can’t help the giddy feeling in my heart when I think about how he fucked me within an inch of my life then, instead of kicking me out like he usually does, he pulled me into his arms and held me until I felt him fall asleep. I feel so special… it’s the first time since we’ve started seeing each other a couple of weeks ago that he’s allowed me to stay over.

  I was content with lying in bed with him up until he woke up, but the need to pee had me slipping from the sheets. After tiptoeing to the bathroom to pee, I flush, wash my hands, and rinse my mouth out until I can get home to brush my teeth and eat. As much as I want to crawl back into the comfort of his arms, I should probably leave before Ojisan goes looking for me, and I get in trouble.

  When I walk back into his tiny room, I see him laid out on his back so defenseless, and oddly cute, despite his hefty build. I debate whether it’s worth it to get in trouble. No! Rules, I must follow the Commander’s rules. Just because he allowed me to stay doesn’t mean he likes me… he might be just like them and want me to warm his bed.

  I don’t know why I want him to be different so badly. I’ve been fucking with shitty men since I was thirteen when Ojisan put me to work. Besides that, I’ve been slitting throats from a young age, when I’d feign innocence to lure perverted men and women to their untimely end. Stealthily putting on my clothes scattered around the apartment, I tiptoe over to the door, ready to leave, but something in my heart won’t let me walk out the door.

  I don’t want to walk out of this door after having such an amazing time last night. I’d never cum without forcing myself or faking it until I met him, and last night he took me to all new heights. The Commander gave me a whole new outlook on life and pleasure. As much as my growing attachment to him scares me, it makes me feel something I’ve never felt before. I loved how he handled my body and took what he wanted but still, in the same breath, gave more than he got. He was forceful, dominant, and didn't give a damn… my type of guy. Surprisingly, I liked everything about him, considering I’m more partial to women, but something about him feels right. I usually hate being with older men considering my history, but that doesn’t bother me with him.

  Even though he’s a bit rough around the edges, the fact that he cares about my consent and pleasure means a lot to me. Especially considering I’ve slept with many older men and women who didn’t give a damn if I consented or not; nothing mattered as long as they got off. So, this whole deal where I get to cum every single time, we fucked wasn’t so bad. It is a welcome change in my life. But who am I kidding? There is no way a man who is a ranking officer in the US military would want more from a girl who’s an assassin and a prostitute. Especially considering my life belongs to Ojisan.

  If Ojisan, who is the Oyabun (boss) of our Yakuza branch, saw the need for me to prostitute myself to other groups or slit a throat, I’d have no choice but to comply. That is my life, so why bother getting my hopes up expecting anything with the Commander? I know my role in life, and I know stepping out of line will get me nowhere, so why am I still standing at the Commander's door? Why haven’t I left?

  When I hear footsteps behind me, I black out, and the assassin in me panics, causing me to unconsciously grab the shoulder while sweeping the legs from under them. Once I have them on the ground, I do a backflip into the corner and crouch down, holding the blade I had hidden in my boot. When I come to, I see the Commander groaning, rubbing his head, causing my face to drop in embarrassment.

  “Damn, good mornin’ tu yu tu, I only wanted tu see wat yu were standin’ at the door lookin’ so lost fer. I was’na tryin’ tu sneak behind yu tu slit yer throat or anythin’, so put the knife away, Short Stuff.” Standing red-faced, I slide the blade back into my boot and go to help him up.

  “Shazai shimasu. (I apologize) Oh, I forgot he doesn’t speak Japanese. “I apologize. I’ve had bad experiences with people trying to attack me from behind.” We stand there, eyeing each other, but neither of us says a word. I expect him to question what I’d just said, knowing that my answer was no ordinary one, but to my surprise, he only raises a brow, scratches his head, and steps past me, walking over to the kitchen area.

  “Whateva, are yu stayin’ or not?” The fluttering of my heart makes me want to sit back down, but the warning bells that go off in my head tell me to leave. Unconsciously, I walk over to the couch and take a seat, feeling awkward. I can’t believe he asked me to stay. As I sit there, I realize I don’t know what to do because of the rules that are in effect. What do I do? Can I speak freely? Do I suck his dick, do I fuck him like…I’m good with either of those options, but I’m happier that he extended the invitation. “I’m goin’ tu take a piss, then I’ll fix us something tu eat. Yu stay seated.”

  “Yes, sir, Commander.” As he walks away, all I could do is appreciate the beautiful build of his naked body from behind while doing my best not to get overheated and jump him. I sit there feeling antsy as I listen to him pee and flush. I wonder what he’s going to make us? Maybe something simple like omurice, something traditional like Teishoku, or American style? His accent is definitely Irish, so perhaps an Irish breakfast. I honestly don’t care, as long as I can taste his food. When I hear the sink turn off, he walks back in, drying his hands on a napkin. He goes straight to the kitchen, opens the cupboard, and then turns around, holding up two cereal boxes.

  “Which do yu prefer? Sugar and more sugar with marshmallows or sugar and chocolate with marshmallows?” Baffled, I stare at him as if he’d lost his mind, then burst out laughing.

  “So, this is your definition of fixing breakfast?” He shrugged, nodding.

  “Yup, so wat do yu want? Yer a good lay and yer a guest, so I think it's only fair that I let yu choose.” Laughing, I stand up, breaking the rules and walking over to him. I grab the sugar and chocolate with marshmallows.

  “This looks surprisingly good, but my question to you is where did you get American cereal in Japan? I mean… I know it’s not that you can’t find it but it’s tough to get.” He shrugged, pulling out two bowls and spoons.

  “We get care packages from the states.”

  “Ah, I see. This should be a pretty interesting experience. I’ve never had cereal before.” He stops moving around and looks at me as if he hadn’t heard correctly.

  “Who the feck has never had cereal befer?”

  “Me, I might not look it, but my family is wealthy, and my Ojisan prides himself in making sure his family eats nothing but
the best and-”

  “Yeah, yeah yeah, who gives a shite, I dinna ask yu yer life story. Anyway, here open yer mouth and let me blow yer mind.” I turn tu him with a raised brow, seeing him holding up a spoon full of cereal and then looking down at his cock.

  “I’d rather you blow my mind a different way.” I lean in taking a bite, instantly shivering due to the sweet taste. “Ugh, how can you eat that diabetes in a box? Ugh.” I gag, going to the sink to rinse my mouth out while he laughs at me.

  “Yu know I’ve noticed from the first time meetin’ yu yer nothin’ like the overly polite Japanese women that yu typically come across. Yer not modest or shy, yu have a fat arse, and yer tits are small. Not only that but yer tan and obviously got somethin’ else mixed up in there. Not that I care, but wat’s up wit’ that? Dinna yu just say yer wealthy? Where are those manners the Japanese pride themselves in havin’? And is there a reason you act older than yer age?” I sit back at the table with a glass of water content since I’m used to not eating for long periods, and smirk at him.

  “Ah, so now you’re asking for my life's story?”

  “Eh, mindless dribble while I eat me diabetes and obesity in a bowl.” Shaking my head, I glare at him jokingly and open my mouth to speak but stop when I hear a beeping sound from my cellphone.

  “Well, too bad, you’ll have to find another way to entertain yourself, Commander.” I pull out my phone, seeing my Ojisan sent me a message. When I look up, I see him glaring at my phone as if it offended him.


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