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Love's Truth

Page 17

by C. A. Popovich

  Ruth surprised her by pulling off the road and turning to face her. “I could have more babies?”

  “Yes, Ruth. You have to follow a special diet, but you might be able to get pregnant.” Lynette figured any time Ruth wasn’t driving gave the police time to catch up. If, that is, anyone was coming to help.

  “Where is this doctor?” Ruth looked intense.

  “I can show you, but you have to take me home.”

  Her faced twisted and hardened. “He told me you’d try to trick me with your lies. I’ve seen you messing around with that woman, defying God’s laws. I could have pushed her in the river that day she ran past, but I didn’t want you to run off again. Just shut up, or I’ll drug you again.”

  She turned back to face front and spun the van’s tires as she pulled back onto the road. Lynette figured she was done talking, and she scrambled to think of another way to reach her. She was about to try again when Ruth swerved off the road and into a rest area.

  “Come on. And no dawdling.” She unhooked the rope from the van floor and dragged her out the side door.

  Lynette heard her shirt tear and felt the scrape of the metal floor on her back. She took shallow breaths as Ruth pushed her to the ground and released the ties on her ankles, then yanked her to her feet but didn’t untie her wrists.

  “I need my hands.” Lynette tried to keep her voice calm while anger raged through her. How dare these people try to ruin her life again?

  “Come on.” Ruth grabbed her by her hair and pulled her like a sack of potatoes to the bathrooms. She untied her wrists and pushed her into a stall while she waited at the door.

  Lynette quickly took care of business and checked the battery level on her phone. It was still ninety percent charged. In any other situation, she’d grin at the irony of the fact that she’d gotten a new phone to avoid the very condition she was in. She double-checked that the ring volume was off. She’d really be in trouble if Ruth took her phone away.

  She quickly typed a short text to Barb and copied it to Claudia and Jen.

  I’m at a rest stop but I’m not sure where or how long we’ve been on the road. I saw an I-90 sign on the highway.

  She stuffed her phone back as far into her pocket as she could before rejoining Ruth. “Thank you.”

  “Shut up. We’ll be home soon. You’ll be back where you belong.” Ruth tied her wrists and ankles tightly with zip ties this time, but didn’t tie her down to the floor.

  Lynette leaned against the side of the van opposite the door and bent her knees. The position was more comfortable, but her back burned from the scraping and her shirt stuck to the bloody abrasion. The vantage point gave her a better view out the passenger side window, and she watched the sunshine grow brighter.

  It had to be at least twelve hours since she’d been abducted. Where were the police? Hadn’t Barb called them? Was she already home? Claudia should be up by now and heading to work. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes.

  The van stopped moving and Lynette blinked to clear her vision. The throbbing in her head had eased and been replaced by soreness throughout her body. Her stomach growled and Ruth was gone. She leaned forward as best as she could to see out the windshield. They were at another gas station, and her stomach lurched at the sign on the building. They were in Wyoming. This was the end, she was sure. Another few hundred miles and she’d be trapped again in the clutches of Brother Matthew. She had to get away.

  Chapter 37

  “I got another text,” Barb told Jen who’d been dozing on the couch. “She sent it from a rest stop somewhere off I-90.”

  “That’s all she said?” Jen asked.

  “Yes. I’ve already sent it on to the police.” Barb set her phone on the end table. “At least we know she’s alive and not to the cult yet. Maybe that’s all she had time for if Ruth’s watching her.”

  “Why haven’t the police found her yet?” Jen stood and began to pace.

  “I don’t know. Ruth did get a head start on them.” Barb joined in the pacing. “Ruth has committed a federal offense by kidnapping Lyn and taking her across state lines. She’ll be going to prison for a very long time.” Barb wanted to ease Jen’s anxiety as much as her own. They had to catch her first. “Why don’t you go lie down in the bedroom? I’ll come get you as soon as I hear anything.”

  “I doubt I’d be able to sleep. I’m fine here.”

  Barb grabbed her phone when it rang, hoping for word about Lyn. “Hi, Claudia.”

  “Hi, Barb. I just wanted to let you know I got a text from Lynette from a rest stop.”

  “Yeah, I got one, too. We know she’s alive.”

  “So, you haven’t heard anything from the police yet, huh?”

  “No, but Ruth had quite a head start. It’s been over twelve hours, so I’m hoping we’ll hear from them soon.” Barb sat on the couch to keep from more pacing.

  “Well, let me know, and I’ll let you know if I hear from her again. Oh, and Barb?”


  “Thank you for being there for her. She’s a good friend and a good person who doesn’t deserve the kind of life she’s had.”

  “No, she doesn’t.” Barb disconnected the call and leaned back on the couch. She glanced at Jen, who’d dozed off again. She never would have considered not helping Lyn even though she’d sent her away. What if I’d left last night? She knew she’d have turned around and come right back, but was that what Lyn wanted? Lyn was scared of exactly what was happening now. It was her fear that had pushed her away, and Barb planned to do whatever necessary to bring her home safely. If she still wanted her to leave after that, she would.

  ✥ ✥ ✥

  Ruth slid back onto the driver’s seat and turned toward her, and Lynette stared into her sad eyes. “What now, Ruth? Are you sure you don’t want to come back with me and see that doctor? Nobody would stop you if you wanted to go back to Brother Matthew afterward.” Lynette hoped to reach Ruth before it was too late. It would only be a few hours before they reached the compound.

  “I don’t want your fucking doctor. You’re a traitor. A deceiver. An apostate.”

  “Then why, Ruth? Why does Brother Matthew want me back?”

  “He needs babies to follow his teachings. His legacy. I don’t know why he’d choose a non-believer like you, but I think he’ll be pleased that you’re back in the fold, and getting children from you would make your redemption complete. I could give him more children, I know I could, but he rejected me because I didn’t give him a son. I tried again but he told me my womb was dry.”

  “The doctor might help you. Won’t you try?”

  “You are a liar! Now shut up. We’re almost there. I suggest you start remembering your teachings so you please him when we arrive.”

  Lynette remained quiet and formulated her plan. She’d escaped once as a weak, immature, sickly young woman. She’d had a taste of freedom and love, and she’d never give that up. Thoughts of Barb and her gentle touch and warm kisses kept major panic at bay. She would return to her and honestly let her know how she felt about her. Somehow she’d find a way out of that cult or die trying. She closed her eyes and meditated while waiting for the inevitable.

  The rocking of the van threw Lynette to the opposite side of the van. Her shoulder hit the door handle and she cried out in pain. She braced herself as best she could but her vision blurred and went black from the force that rolled her back, and she hit the other side of the van.

  Yelling and crying filtered into Lynette’s consciousness before awareness of the pain throughout her body. Ruth seemed to be in some sort of distress, and the van definitely wasn’t moving. She tried to sit up but a sharp pain in her shoulder sapped her strength. She turned carefully until she could see out the passenger window. Blue and red flashing lights blinded her for a moment, and she realized the yelling was mixed with sirens. A sliver of hope gave her strength to call out, and the van’s side door was torn open. The daylight streaming freedom into the van was the last th
ing she remembered before darkness took over again.

  ✥ ✥ ✥

  Barb’s ringing phone startled her awake. She rubbed her eyes, frustrated that she’d fallen asleep, and snatched her phone. “Hello, this is Barb.”

  “Is this Barb Donnelly?” a male voice asked.

  “Yes.” Barb had no patience for this. “Is this about Lyn? Have you found her?”

  “This is Sergeant Williams from the Wisconsin police department. We have Lynette McCarthy. She’s safe but pretty banged up. She’s agreed to medical treatment but only if we bring her to the hospital near her home. We have a medical transport on the way.”

  “Thank you, Sergeant.”

  “It’ll be at least ten hours until we get back.”

  “Couldn’t you use your lights and sirens?” Barb paced as she spoke.

  Sergeant Williams chuckled. “That’s the plan, but Wyoming is pretty far away. We’ll make sure she’s secure before we call you for a time to debrief. One more thing. The driver of the van was a member of that cult, and the feds are making her take them to the compound. They’ll take over the case from here.”

  “Thank you. We’ll be here.” Barb settled on the couch and disconnected the call. She gently squeezed Jen’s calf to wake her. “They have her, Jen. Lyn is safe and the FBI is making Ruth take them to the cult compound. I think Lyn is free.”

  “Thank God.” Jen stood and stretched. “Coffee or tea?”

  “Coffee, please, but I can make it.” Barb smiled at Jen’s solution to any situation. She stood and Starr jumped off the couch to stand next to her.

  “I need to move a little. My neck is stiff from lying on the couch.”

  “Okay.” Barb texted Claudia to let her know what happened.

  “Come on, Starr.” Barb hooked on her leash and took her outside. She sat on the outside chair and tried to unwind after the tense hours. Starr finished and sat by her side. “Your mama’s on her way home. When she gets here, I’ll take you to see her. She’ll like that.”

  How would Lyn feel about seeing her? She’d told her to go home. She was willing to let her walk out of her life forever. What about now that the cult threat was over? If the FBI descended on the cult, would they shut it down because of the kidnapping? Did that mean Lyn would be truly free?

  “I don’t know what to think, Starr, but I know I’m going to be here when she gets home.”

  ✥ ✥ ✥

  Lynette awoke with a tube attached to a needle in her arm and a bag of fluid hanging next to the bed. She listened to the quiet hum from a machine with lights and numbers flashing. She knew she was in a hospital, and she hoped it was the one she’d asked the officer to take her to. Her aunt had brought her here for what she called routine tests when she’d escaped from the cult. This discomfort was minimal compared to the fear and torment she’d just endured from Ruth, and she wished Starr was with her. Grogginess took over and she dozed until hushed voices woke her.

  “You can see her, but don’t be too long. She’s extremely dehydrated and needs to rest,” the nurse on duty said softly.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’d think I was half dead the way people tiptoe around here.” Lynette didn’t try to hide her delight at seeing Starr. The fact that Barb was with her gave her goose bumps.

  “Well, I see you’re feeling well enough to joke.” Barb smiled.

  Starr rested her head on her arm, and a huge piece of the angst she’d been carrying since she’d been abducted fell away. Barb looked amazing except for the uncertainty in her eyes. Lynette knew she was responsible for that but was in no shape to change it. “I’m probably in shock.”

  “I don’t think the doctor mentioned shock. Dehydration and some other injuries, but no shock.” She grinned and Lynette reached for her hand with her free one.

  “I need to thank you for saving me.”

  “I wasn’t the only one involved. Your aunt Jen would have found a way to get you, and Claudia got your text, too. You were well covered. Did anyone tell you the good news about Ruth?”

  “I hope it’s that she’s in prison for the rest of her life.”

  Barb grinned. “I’m not sure what sentence she’ll get, but she led the FBI to the cult compound. They raided it, Lyn. I don’t know all the details about it, but you’re free. Whatever happened out there, it’s over. And I promise that if I hear anything else, I’ll tell you right away.”

  Lynette didn’t even try to stop the tears. Finally, tears of joy. It would take time for everything to sink in, but the news was salve to her wounds. She reached for Starr and rested her hand on her back. “Thanks for bringing Starr. Has she been okay without me?”

  “She was frantic when I arrived at your place, but she settled down when Jen got there.” Barb took her other hand and kissed it.

  “Hey, am I too late for the party?” Jen asked as she entered the room with a huge bouquet of flowers. She kissed Lynette on the cheek and set the flowers on the window sill.

  “Thanks. The flowers are lovely. I don’t think I’m up for partying just yet, though.”

  “Did the doctor say how long you’ll be here?” Jen asked.

  “Not to me.” She looked at Barb.

  “They wouldn’t tell me much. Not related. Jen can find out what’s what.”

  “I shall return with information.” Jen left and turned toward the nurse’s station.

  “Were you with Aunt Jen the whole time I was gone?”

  “Yes. I went to your place as soon as I got your text and she arrived shortly after.”

  “She looks tired. Did she get any sleep?”

  “She dozed on the couch, but I couldn’t get her to go to bed.” Barb shrugged.

  Lynette decided to just ask the question on her mind. “Are you going back to the hotel now that I’m back?”

  “Is that what you want?”

  Lynette’s answer was interrupted by the return of her aunt. “I have news.” She looked happy. “You have a mild concussion and a fracture of the something something bone in your shoulder. You’re dehydrated, and your back is all scraped up.” She grinned.

  “Well, that doesn’t sound too bad. Can I go home now?” Lynette wasn’t sure she could stand, let alone get dressed and go home.

  “No. But maybe tomorrow, if you’re not there alone, and if you do nothing but rest and heal. They have to change the dressing on your back now, so we should probably leave.” She looked at Barb. “Did you tell her the good news?”

  “I did. She’s free,” Barb said.

  Lynette gave Starr one last big hug and kissed her aunt goodbye. She really wanted a kiss from Barb, who’d smiled and squeezed her hand, and maybe, now that things had changed, she had some choices to make.

  Chapter 38

  Barb filled her suitcase with her remaining clothes and double-checked the closet and bathroom. She went to the balcony for one last look at the river below. She’d enjoyed every minute of her stay here, and the fact she’d shared it with Lynette made it even more special.

  She checked the time. She’d offered to stay with Lyn until she was healed enough to be on her own, and Barb hoped it wouldn’t be uncomfortable for them. She took one last look at the view before heading out the door.

  “Hey, Claudia.” Barb leaned her suitcase against the wall by the door.

  “Hi there. I’m sure glad everything turned out all right with Lynette. It must have been so terrifying.”

  “Yeah. She’s pretty banged up, but she’ll be out of the hospital this afternoon.”

  “Do you think she’d be up for a visit tonight? I’d like to stop by after work.”

  “She’d love to see you. Jen is picking her up from the hospital, and I’m heading to her place now. I’ll text you if Lyn isn’t up for visitors.”

  Claudia held up a finger and went to the kitchen. She returned carrying a paper bag. “Here are a few of my special muffins for you guys.”

  “Thank you.” Barb wrapped her in a hug. “I’m glad Lyn has you
for a friend.” She grabbed her suitcase and rolled it out to her car. Pondering her future was never anything Barb spent much time on. She loved the profession she’d chosen and had convinced herself she wasn’t lonely. Since meeting Lyn, she’d become aware of a hollow place that she craved to fill. She didn’t know how this vacation would end, but she knew it would. She’d either be going home to continue her life alone, or Lyn might decide she was worth trying for more than friendship with. Either way, she’d need to call her chief soon. Jen’s car was in the parking lot when she arrived at Lyn’s.

  “Hello,” she called from the doorway. “I come bearing gifts.” She set the bag of muffins on the counter and went to look for Jen and Lyn.

  Jen looked up from the side of the bed. It was obvious she was trying to tuck the covers in around Lyn, who was pulling them out from the end of the bed.

  “Need help with an unruly patient?” she asked and grinned.

  “My toes are sore, Aunt Jen. The covers are too tight. And I hate sleeping on my stomach.”

  “I see you must be feeling better, grouchy one.” Barb helped Jen tuck the side covers in and pulled out the bottom so they were loose for her feet. “Better?”

  “Thank you.” Lyn looked contrite. “I’m sorry. You guys saved my life, and here I am bitching at you about bed sheets.”

  Jen chuckled and gave Lyn a kiss on her cheek before waving Barb to follow her out of the bedroom. “These are the instructions the hospital sent Lynette home with. I made this chart,” she held up a piece of paper as she spoke, “for all her medications and treatments.”

  Barb looked at the list and nodded. Jen had used her artistic skills to map out a daily schedule with a spot for checkmarks as they were done. “Thanks. This makes things easy. So, how is she, really?”

  Jen sighed. “She’ll heal physically, but her PTSD was severely triggered and may take time to let up. The doctor prescribed something to help her sleep, and Starr hasn’t left her side. I know my niece is a very strong young woman. She’ll get through this.”


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