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Urban Bigfoot

Page 11

by Deb Stratton


  He pulls me into the water and turns me to face the stone slab. I knew what was coming. I felt my clothing pulled off. He lays me down on my stomach will my legs dangling off into the water and my body heats up. I feel myself enjoying this part of his courting.

  This is not something I would have ever expected and I certainly never had this reaction for a very long time with Dave.

  I waited and grabbed the stone anticipating the gentle force for the first moment. His hands grabbed my hips and pulled me back. My arm hair now standing on end and my breathing is now heavy. I waited for the moment he would finish. It was always to the point. He had a clear mission and Barka was right there was no real romance as breeding is what breeding is meant to be.

  His howl echoed the room and I turned over to look at him.

  I grabbed a towel and went over by my seat to hang up my clothes. The blanket was still hanging and was dry. I decided to grab it and head back to my room to get some dry clothes. My nice warm clothes for the day were now wet and I would have to wait until bedtime to wear them again.

  As Stem entered fluffing his head with his towel I finished dressing and lacing up my shoes. I stopped by

  the crate on the way to the doorway and used the baby wipes I had found in my bag. The feeling was nice and soothing.

  I followed his lead and walked with his large hand in mine. We went past the guards and he asked me to sit down. He left.

  He went around the corner and came back with three more bags! There was a backpack and 2 more duffels. I was so happy. He left again and I sat with the bags in front of me. I pulled the green backpack closer and unzipped the front pocket. I almost cried. I was looking at a cell phone and headphones. This bag was packed and I found a phone. I could use this to make a call. I could get away. If I was to make that choice.

  About ten minutes later as I was digging through the bag looking at the new socks and snacks I heard something unusual. It was whining. It was loud whining. And I looked up to see my dog run around the corner with his tie out chain still attached. Stem walked proudly behind and I was knocked over by my sweet girls love. She was so happy to see me. I was so emotional that I just about broke down.

  I was happy. I also realized immediately that this meant that Stem was able to get to my home in the


  fourteen hours he was gone. He knew where I lived. He found his way and found my dog.

  Those bags were suddenly unimportant. I had my special surprise and was very happy to hug her again and love her. I went through the doorway past the guards and let her run through the large area. Stem follows behind with my bags. I had to thank him. I turned to him and gave him a large hug and thank you. I took his necklace into my hand and looked at it for a moment. He felt satisfied and content.

  As he was before, exhausted. He had to go and rest after his long trip. I felt those old questions coming back. I wanted to ask him about my home and my dog. I decided to leave it alone for now and just enjoy what I could. I took the big floor blanket out and brought it to the big area and as my dog laid down to snuggle I started to make a big plan to go through these bags.

  I take out the cellphone and power it on. I wrapped my sweatshirt around it to try to keep the noise down. It was a nice phone and whoever owned it must be missing it by now. The background photo is of a bearded man standing on a mountain. I turned the sound off and muted the settings so I could click on the photos. I could see that there was no service and was not sure if I could dial out or not.

  Before clicking on the photos I pressed the phone icon and pressed emergency for 911. It rang one time and then went to a busy signal. The battery was full so I decided to try again. Once again it rang and went to the busy signal.

  I clicked on the photo icon and there were thousands. Many photos of fishing trips and hunting. Children and Woods.

  It was nice to look at. I opened the camera and was able to see myself. I was not prepared to see that. I looked worn out and dirty. I took a photo of myself.

  I tried to open other apps with no success. The phone said no internet connection. I tried the settings. I checked for data. I had no service. I tried 911 once again. Maybe they would get an idea of the location of the phone and come looking for it.

  I was not looking forward to the day that someone may come. If they were looking for me and it involved Stem getting hurt that would upset me very much. I wanted to leave and at the same time I felt that my presence here was needed. I know that sounds crazy and I may be mentally unstable and not thinking clearly. In fact I am sure of it. I am unsure and concerned about


  my entire life.

  I spent hours looking through the phone and the bag contents. In just the backpack I had discovered so many useful items that I wanted to keep them all to myself. I put the headphones on and played the music playlist. It was wonderful to hear. There was a little bit of everything and I just let it play on shuffle.

  In the backpack I found more snacks, a journal, condoms, keys and a pocket knife. There were also extra headphones, batteries, and a metal coffee cup with lid, umbrella, pens, and plastic shopping bags.

  I felt like I was working in a lost and found department. I studied every item. In the bottom was a baggie of chewing gum, tissues, whistle, silverware and eye drops. I also found more toothpaste and toothbrushes. It seems that my dentist will be happy about that someday if I ever see him again.

  I placed the most important items back in the bottom to hide and turned the phone off. I sat there thinking about opening the other bags but decided against it for a few minutes and chewed a piece of gum instead. I sure wished I would stumble across some dog food.

  I have an abundance of meat so that is not a problem. Where would I walk her to use the bathroom?

  I could easily pick it up but that is going to be a big odor problem. The crates do not flush. They are just set above deeply dug holes. I almost wish he would have not found her. She was better off safe at home. Maybe home is not safe. Where were my children or Dave when he went there? Did they leave her tied out when they went to bed?

  I do not understand. I feel sick again. I run to the crate with dog underfoot and vomit again. I just do not feel well. I think that I may need to rest and if it continues hopefully we are not too far from Barka or another medical room.

  I climb onto my cot and pat my leg to let my sweet girl know it is ok to lay with me. I will just lay my head down for a few minutes and then I will try to find her a water bowl of some sort.

  This day was just too much excitement. I have too much nervousness and anxiety. I hid the phone in my pocket to try the call again later. I decided to keep trying.

  There may be a way to leave safely without hurting Stem or disclosing their way of living. I will just rest. For a moment. Or two.


  Chapter Fourteen

  The days went by with no new events. I continued to hoard the items from my new bags that Stem had brought to me. My dog slowly adjusted to the surroundings and I spent a lot of time with her while alone during more of Stems hunting trips. The bulk of the items in the bags were the same items I had already seen from the first surprises he had found for me.

  Apart from trying the phone. I spent hours trying to walk around to discrete areas looking for a bar to appear at the top revealing that there was enough service to make a call. I had not considered that the owner may have reported it lost and that it had no service. I kept trying anyway thinking it would someday save me.

  The guards were always in place. They never spoke unless spoken to first. I longed for a friend or someone to talk to about my feelings. I was skirted by silence and it was not good for my mental health.

  Above ground the authorities were still raking the area for any signs of me. My family had found a way to function with my absence. I was missed but no longer to the point where they could not live their daily lives. As the weeks passed by I was yearning for the searchers

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  to locate me. I am sure that there was dysphoria the day that my dog was missing. They knew she was my great love and it must have made them feel sad and guilty for leaving her unattended long enough to be taken.

  Stem returned with new pillages of meat and I suggested that I make a trip to see Barka. I had not been feeling well and had a deep suspicion that my fears have come true. I had witnessed other human women here and also identify that many of the Bigfoot’s that I had met in passing may be half breeds as well. It was apparent to me that the families here were all private and yet somehow intertwined in their ideas about evolving.

  There were many generations and areas filled with happy families. I did not agree with the process they used to complete their families. Making human work slaves and breeders was a very bold move on their part and also very dominant.

  I wondered what happened to those that did not comply with them. Surely they would never be released. Perhaps due to the opportunity they would have to alert those above that they exist. I had never in my years got wind of a captive Bigfoot. I had always believed they were animal in nature. I am sure now that they are not. They have more human traits including intelligence than I could have ever imagined.

  Stem said, “I will take you.”

  I was happy about that offer. I was very worried about seeing the bad ones that had taken me before. I thought about Broken and Hairy Mary. They must be wanderers that live in the common areas. I was not sure how we would leave this area to find our way to Barka.

  “Today? You will take me now?” I said.

  He took my hand and led me past the guards. I was calm and excited at the same time. I was nervous and anxious. Scared. I calmed myself down to enjoy the walk. Swinging my arm to let him know that I was happy he made the decision to take me. We walked back through the maze of pathways until we reached the original area his family had stayed in. It was filled with new Bigfoot members I had never seen. They must be transitioning also. Just like Stem when he was searching for a mate.

  We walked down the pathway past our old room. I could not help but glance in for a moment. There was a young woman lying on the cot. The fire was burning and she was alone. She must be new. She was starting her new life here also. She did not speak as we passed by she only looked with the tears in her eyes that I knew so well.


  I wanted to tell her what I knew. I wanted to help her or ask where she was from. I wondered how many others there were being brought in every day. I know there must be hundreds of Bigfoot here. I am disappointed in myself for not knowing more.

  As we came to Barkas office Stem helped me to the doorway and then said to her that he would stay close.

  I sat on the cot and was relieved after such a long walk to just rest. It took us more than an hour to travel this far.

  “I expected to see you soon.” she said.

  I was so happy to see her. Even though my questions are never answered as quickly as I would like she is always honest with me. She always stays kind and focused on what she does every day here for everyone. I told her that I had not felt well. I told her about my new living quarters and that I was safe. I wanted her to know that I had adjusted well.

  “You must know by now that your Breeding with Stem has been a success.” she smiled.

  I understood what she was saying. I had on several occasions now been the partner in crime for the quick acts of ledge breeding. I was thankful for the short amount of time involved for the act itself. I did not

  want to go into any details with her but at times it was uncomfortable. It was also exciting. I was torn in between the two on and off.

  “I would say that as the cold weather moves in, you can expect to carry your child until the warm weather returns.” she continued, “I am sure Stem will be proud and he will see that you are taken care of very well.”

  I did not doubt that. I knew Stem would be happy and feel proud of his new child when it arrives. I on the other hand was not so sure I was happy to give birth in the conditions here. There would be no lab tests or ultrasounds. There would be no pain medications. I would progress and bear this child on my own with only nature around me.

  She was careful to check my skin and my abdomen. She looked at my breasts and my legs. I was not sure what she was looking for but I passed and she gave me another moss tablet to eat. I would not mind more of those as long as there were no wild mushrooms involved.

  “Stem you may come in. Em will bear your child when the cold weather ends. Please bring her to me if there are any concerns and I will come to visit when it is time for her to deliver.” she said.


  He grinned, picked me up and carried me away. He was beaming. We went down the pathway this way and I was hoping that he would set me down at some point to work out my legs a bit more, that were not as muscular as they were when I had arrived.

  I have really let myself go. And with that being said, I realize I am nothing more than a frumpy Bigfoot Breeder that lives in a rock and dirt cave. Yes that is my reality.

  When I first met him he was kind and timid. He has never strayed from this. He has remained kind and now comfortable with me. He will no longer have the need to breed with me and that will be unusual as I had grown to expect it at the most random times.

  I was now one of them. I had fulfilled his goal of becoming the man he was intended to be. As we got closer to our area he set me down. I squinted as he stepped on my toe and laughed at his immediate concern. The weight of his feet felt like a bowling ball and I had become immune to the pain of the unintentional strength he gave out.

  Moving along quickly I was happy to see the guards and my dog inside the doorway. He led me in and then stepped back out to speak with them. Bragging rights for future fatherhood was surely something he waited

  for. He was happy and it made me happy to know that I was the reason for it.

  I immediately started planning and thinking about raising our baby. Where would he or she sleep? I am sure that I would have to breastfeed and that worried me due to the fact that I had not had good luck with that in the past. What else could a baby eat to grow besides my milk? I could make some smaller blankets for the baby with the unused men’s clothing I had found in my lost and found bags. I do believe there was even an emergency sewing kit in one of them. I may use that to make a small blanket with some squares. I have tiny scissors and thread. A few needles and a dream.

  I wondered what would become of me if I was to escape in the condition that I was in. Would my baby be taken away in the name of science? Would I become an outcast or a celebrity? I could just imagine the news stories and invites to talk shows. Life would certainly be different for me up above again. It was like I was torn between two lives. I was not sure I would ever be able to go back again after this. Maybe I was better off here.

  I went to my organized stack of bags and found the journal and pens that I had tucked away. I decided to draw some square calendars in the book and to estimate my time spent here and how long it would be before


  my baby arrived. I had not been told how they calculate days. I had asked and had never received a direct answer.

  I know that I spent all of September here. I am sure of that. I tried to count back the days by the activities that I could remember. If I had to guess I would say it could be late October. I decided to start the calendar with November. That would put me at approximately May for delivery. I was not in my right mind with this at all. I felt my heartbeat faster and stopped to breathe for a moment. That would be 7 months for me until I was able to get to this part of my stay here past me.

  I did not feel at all like most mothers do. I touched my belly. I felt the size and how it had not really increased at all. I did feel bloated. That is typical I guess. It had been many years since I had a newborn. It was hard to remember all of the signs and the progress made in weeks. I created enough pages of months to go through July and stopped. I was not sure why I would even go that fa
r. I could be free by then.

  Stem entered the room and sat down to get the fire started. We had been so busy that it had gone out. I kept busy with my pen and drew some flowers and hearts on my page. He coughed a little and asked if I would like to eat.

  I said, “I would like that, yes. I would also like to rest for a while afterwards.”

  With that sideways grin he grabbed a sack and some warming sticks and asked me to come sit with him and eat. He was very nervous.


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