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Spirits, Spells, and Wedding Bells

Page 14

by Deanna Chase

  “It looks like we’re about to find out.”

  The two guards who had gone after Candy were now marching Pamela back toward the restaurant. Bea was right behind them, no doubt keeping some sort of magical hold on the blond witch, making sure she didn’t hurt anyone. Charlie and Candy were right behind them with Jade and Kane following to keep the fans at bay.

  NOPD cars arrived and started clearing the crowd out just as our party got back to the restaurant. Once back in our private room, Bea pointed to an empty chair and ordered Pamela to sit.

  The younger witch did what she was told without complaint.

  “Now, why do you need the pentagram so badly?” Bea asked.

  Pamela seemed unable to focus her gaze on anyone and instead stared blankly ahead as she answered. It was then I realized that Bea had cast some sort of truth spell over the woman, and she seemed unable to defy Bea’s orders. “It’s my aunt’s, and she’s going to kill me if I don’t get it back to her.”

  “Why will she kill you?”

  “It’s filled with black magic. She doesn’t want it in the wrong hands,” Pamela said, her voice hitching on the word hands.

  “Why does she think it was at Sam’s house?” Bea asked.

  “Because I left it there by accident.” Her gaze turned frantic as she met Bea’s. “All I wanted to do was make a potion to get her to love me again. Instead, she poured it down the drain and drank Kai’s instead. And now she’s gone.”

  My heart squeezed for the woman, who was obviously suffering. But then Bea spoke, and all my sympathy fled.

  “That’s a lie. Tell me the truth or I’ll hand you over to the NOPD and tell them you assaulted me.” She held up an already bruising wrist. Bruises that were shaped like fingers.

  “Oh, all right!” Pamela glared at the floor. “I was mad at her for dumping me, so I mentioned to Kai that he should make his special potion, the one that makes people so sick to their stomach that they lose five pounds in one day. But he…” She shook her head. “He made it too strong, and now she’s… gone.”

  Bea rolled her eyes and started moving toward the door, cradling her arm for effect. Just before she opened it, she turned back to Pamela. “Last chance to tell us what really happened.”

  She slumped back into her chair. “Fine. I gave the pentagram to Kai to make that potion. I didn’t know it would kill her. I just wanted her to feel as badly as I did after she dumped me. I told him he could have it as long as he took me to Vegas with him to be in his show.”

  “Okay, now we’re getting somewhere,” Bea said. “If you gave it to Kai, then why do you think it was at Sam’s?”

  “Because he said he left it there.” She pressed a hand to her heart and sucked in a deep breath. “Now my aunt is really pissed. She won’t actually kill me, but she’ll make my life a living hell if I don’t find it and bring it back to her. She says it’s dangerous and causes accidents.”

  “Accidents like what happened to Sam,” I blurted.

  I meant to shame her, but she just nodded her agreement.

  “Was it you who altered the digital security?” Candy asked. “Was it your idea to frame Charlie?” Candy snarled at the girl, and I thought I’d never seen anyone look so fierce.

  “That was Kai. He had the pentagram. It’s what let him alter the camera, make the potion, and spell Charlie into thinking Sam was asleep. It was all him. I only wanted to punish her a little. Not kill her.” Pamela raised her gaze to me and Julius. “I didn’t mean to cause you any trouble either. I just… I heard that you could talk to ghosts and figured that your resident one would be able to find out what happened, so I tried to get rid of her. Your… um, fiancé getting caught in that spell was an accident.”

  I’d been curious to find out how Pamela was connected to all this, but now I was just furious. “You did all this because you were upset that Sam broke up with you? You caused her death and pain to me and Julius, and yet all you care about is that damned pentagram. Well, I have news for you, sweetie, it’s at the Witches’ Council. They confiscated it from Kai’s house. He didn’t leave it at Sam’s. He kept it for himself. Didn’t that ever occur to you?”

  A light bulb seemed to go off over her head. “Oh my gods,” she whispered. “That’s how he ended up with his Vegas contract so soon and why he suddenly had all those magically charged items. He used the pentagram to get what he wanted.” A shudder ran through her. “Son of a… All this time I thought I was the one she was going to punish. But it’s her nephew who’s in for it. Not me.”

  “Kai is your cousin?” I gasped out.

  “Yeah. It explains the evil streak, doesn’t it?” She closed her eyes and sighed. “I should get out of your hair.”

  “Yes. You should,” a familiar voice said from behind me. “But it won’t be by going home. You’re needed at the council.”

  I turned and stared at Madam Tempest. She’d come alone this time. Either that or her minions were in the shadows.

  “I can’t—” Pamela started.

  Madam Tempest held up a hand, silencing her with a jolt of magic. She turned her attention to me. “I’m sorry your celebration was interrupted. My niece will be going now.”

  “Pamela is your—” I didn’t get anything else out before she snapped her fingers and disappeared with Pamela into the thin air. Holy cow. No wonder Pamela needed that pentagram. Madam Tempest was going to roast her. I shuddered just thinking about it.

  “I guess that answers most of our questions,” I said, glancing around at my guests.

  “It sure does. Selfish, immature witch uses auntie’s illegal magical artifact and ends up wreaking havoc on a bunch of people’s lives. Story at eleven,” Candy said, leaning in closer to Charlie. “Good riddance. At least we know it’s over.”

  “Hopefully,” half the room said at the same time.

  Laughter filled the restaurant, and just like that the party was back in full swing.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “Are you ready for this?” Jade asked, zipping me into my vintage wedding dress.

  “More ready than any bride in the history of brides,” I said, staring at myself in the full-length mirror. The wedding dress was as perfect as it was the day I tried it on. The intricately beaded bodice was stunning, as was the high-waisted tulle skirt that had delicate pearls sewn into the fabric. The look was so incredibly romantic that, just like that day in the bridal shop, I couldn’t tear my eyes away from my reflection.

  “I’ll be right back,” Jade said. “I need to grab a cookie before I pass out.”

  I just nodded, content to gaze in the mirror until it was time to walk down the aisle.

  “Oh Pyper. Look at ya, doll,” a voice I’d been waiting all morning to hear called from the doorway.

  I turned and spotted Miss Maybelle, the owner of my favorite floral shop, the Bloomin’ Idiot.

  She was holding a gorgeous bouquet of deep purple roses, and when she noticed me eyeing them, she put them in my hands. “The most gorgeous roses for the most gorgeous bride I’ve ever seen.”

  “Thank you, Miss Maybelle.” I pulled her in for a one-armed hug.

  “Oh, the wedding is just in time I see,” she said, laughing as she pulled away and glanced down at my bouquet.

  “Huh?” I asked, confused.

  She gave me a patient smile. “That little one inside you will want both a mother and father, yeah?”

  I blinked at her. “What?”

  She grinned. “Six weeks. You might want to only have a sip of champagne during the toasts.”

  My mouth hung open, shock competing with pure joy at the implications of her words. She hadn’t been looking at my bouquet; she’d been eyeing my abdomen.

  “See you out there.” She winked and then disappeared out of the makeshift changing area.

  “Oh, look at those,” Jade gushed as she wandered back into the room. She had a stack of cookies in one hand and a napkin in the other. “I’ve never seen a bouquet of flowers more perfec
t for anyone. They even match that dyed stripe of hair you changed to deep purple last week.”

  I was staring at Jade but hadn’t really processed what she’d said. Miss Maybelle hadn’t been kidding around. The woman had a gift when it came to pregnancies. If I went to her in a few months, she could probably even tell me what the sex would be just by looking at me. She said I was six weeks… Six weeks pregnant. I beamed. No wonder I’d been so weepy during Julius’s ordeal as a partial ghost. Pregnancy hormones will do that to a girl when she’s stressed.

  “You’re glowing,” Jade said. “And gorgeous.”

  “Thank you,” I said, my voice thick.

  “Pyper, are you ready?” Kat asked.

  She stood next to Jade, each of them all dolled up in two different vintage bridesmaid dresses. Kat’s resembled a flapper ensemble while Jade’s was more elegant with vintage lace and classic lines.

  “You two are stunning,” I said. “Thank you for being here, for being my friends, for everything.”

  They each took one of my hands and the three of us stood there, our eyes tearing up as joy in its purest form washed over me.

  “Love you,” Jade said.

  “Me too,” Kat added, dabbing at her eyes with a handkerchief.

  “Me three.” I grinned at them, blinking back my own tears. “I don’t know what I’d do without you guys.”

  Kat squeezed my hand. “Well, lucky for you, you never need to find out. Now let’s go get you married.”

  She didn’t have to ask me twice. I followed them out to the French doors that led to Baraquin’s beautiful outdoor courtyard. The restaurant had been transformed into a twinkle-light fairyland with an abundance of flowers everywhere. It was magnificent, but I only had eyes for one thing… one person really.


  He was standing on a makeshift altar, next to Kane, who’d gotten his internet certification to marry us. Bo stood on his other side, serving as best man. My three favorite men were so handsome, the sight of them in their vintage tuxedos made my heart swell with pride.

  I waited impatiently for what seemed like days as Kat and Jade walked down the aisle.

  Then, finally, the wedding march started to play, and I made my way down to the only man I’d ever loved.

  He reached out and took both my hands in his, his eyes already shining with tears.

  “Don’t do that,” I whispered. “I’ll never make it through this.”

  Julius chuckled and did his best to blink them back. But it was no use. By the time Kane started the ceremony, both of us had wet, red-rimmed eyes. Emotion had overwhelmed us both and there was no turning back.

  I barely heard what Kane had to say. He made a speech about his joy at seeing his best friend finally fall completely head over heels in love and another one about Julius and his pure heart. I’d heard versions of the speeches before and knew they were touching, but in that moment, I was so lost in Julius and our future that Kane could’ve talked for hours or seconds and I wouldn’t have noticed.

  “Pyper?” Kane said.


  All the guests laughed.

  “It’s time for the vows,” he said, smiling gently at me.

  “Oh right.” I grinned at our guests and then back at Julius. “I still remember that first day I saw you in my art studio. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on you.”

  More laughter rose from our guests.

  My grin widened. “Or rather my paint. You have the kind of body that is the perfect canvas. Imagine my surprise when I realized you weren’t fully here, or available to be mine for the taking. But then somehow, together, we found a way and you were here, solid flesh and bone, and ever since that day, you’ve been mine. And today, I am honored, overwhelmed, and truly floored that I get to make it official. I love you, Julius Jackson. I promise to love you with all my heart for all the days to come. In sickness and in health and even after death, because with us, darling, there will be no parting.”

  One single tear rolled down Julius’s cheek as he drew in a shaky breath. “Pyper, my love. I knew you were the one the first time I saw you. It didn’t matter that I wasn’t fully flesh and bone. I just knew. I never dreamed I’d find myself standing here, vowing to give my entire heart to you for the rest of eternity, but somehow, together, we managed to get here. And believe me when I say I’ll never stop loving you. Fighting for you. Coming home to you. No matter what happens, I will love, honor, and cherish you until the end of time.”

  Oh, that was it. The waterworks started, and it was my turn for the tearstained cheeks. But I didn’t bother to wipe the tears away. They were tears of pure joy and happiness. The first of many I hoped.

  Before I knew it, Julius was slipping a ring on my finger and I pushed one onto his. Then Kane pronounced us husband and wife and said something about laying a good one on me.

  More laughter rose around us, and I was so far gone on my happy cloud that I didn’t even care that my bestie had gone off-script.

  Julius moved in, wrapping his arms around my waist. Our eyes were locked, and I gave him a coy little smile, one that instantly told him I had a secret.

  “What is it, love,” he murmured, gently brushing his lips over mine.

  “I’m just happy.” I slipped my hands around his waist and knew my eyes were dancing as I glanced up at him.

  “Nope. You’ve got a secret. I can tell. Are you going to share it with me? Or do I need to tease it out of you?” He kissed the corner of my mouth as he ran one finger down my exposed neck.

  A shiver ran through me, and I knew he’d keep it up until I came clean.

  But still I said, “Kiss your bride first.”

  “If you insist,” he said on a growl. Then he bent me backward and laid a kiss on me that was so thorough I was gasping when he finally let me up for air.

  Our guests were going wild with approval when I smiled up into his eyes and said, “Congratulations, love. We’re pregnant.”

  Love, not shock, swam in those gorgeous green eyes of his as he pulled me in close and whispered, “I know.”

  “You do?” I asked, shocked. “How? Did Miss Maybelle tell you?”

  He chuckled. “No. I knew the night it happened. Or rather guessed.”

  My eyebrows rose. “And you didn’t tell me?”

  “I wanted to be sure.” He winked at me. And then as the music started, he spun me around into our first dance right there on the makeshift altar. “It’s the first night of the rest of our lives, Pyper Rayne. And I can’t wait to share it all with you.”


  Get the first Witches of Keating Hollow book: Soul of the Witch (Witches of Keating Hollow Series, Book 1).

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  Dear Reader, Reviews are always appreciated. Did you love this book? Please take a moment to let others know in the form of a review on your favorite vendor. XOXO, Deanna

  Deanna’s Book List

  Witches of Keating Hollow:

  Soul of the Witch

  Heart of the Witch

  Spirit of the Witch

  Dreams of the Witch

  Courage of the Witch

  Love of the Witch

  Power of the Witch

  Essence of the Witch

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  Witches of Christmas Grove:

  A Witch For Mr. Holiday

  * * *

  Jade Calhoun Novels:

  Haunted on Bourbon Street

  Witches of Bourbon Street

  Demons of Bourbon Street

  Angels of Bourbon Street

  Shadows of Bourbon Street

  Incubus of Bourbon Street

  Bewitched on Bourbon Street

  Hexed on Bourbon Street

  Dragons of Bourbon Street

  * * *

  Pyper Rayne Novels:

  Spirits, Stilettos, and a Silver Bustier

  Spirits, Rock Stars, and a Midnight Chocolate Bar

  Spirits, Beignets, and a Bayou Biker Gang

  Spirits, Diamonds, and a Drive-thru Daiquiri Stand

  Spirits, Spells, and Wedding Bells

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  Ida May Chronicles:

  Witched To Death

  Witch, Please

  Stop Your Witchin’

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  Crescent City Fae Novels:

  Influential Magic

  Irresistible Magic

  Intoxicating Magic

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  Last Witch Standing:

  Bewitched by Moonlight

  Soulless at Sunset

  Bloodlust By Midnight

  Bitten At Daybreak

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  Witch Island Brides:

  The Wolf’s New Year Bride

  The Vampire’s Last Dance

  The Warlock’s Enchanted Kiss

  The Shifter’s First Bite

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  Destiny Novels:

  Defining Destiny

  Accepting Fate

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  Wolves of the Rising Sun:








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  Black Bear Outlaws:




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  Bayou Springs Alien Mail Order Brides:


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